Lots of new people joining Bluesky in the clean energy and climate worlds over the last few days. I know there are starter packs, but also why don't people introduce themselves? Reply here to say hi!
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Hello! I have been an environmental advocate for decades, and have a few minor climate science qualifications.
I’m currently a sustainability executive for a financial institution, working on the company’s net zero transition plan and ESG ratings, plus climate science comms for our employees.
This is the guy I had on notifications over on Twitter. Fantastic insights on building grassroots political power, organizing, and winning campaigns. Thanks Pete!
Hi! Was once an NGO leader focused on biodiversity conservation, then I had the climate wakeup & made the big shift to being all about accelerating the energy transition. Now consulting for NGOs and foundations on climate & energy policy.
I'm am in Maine and work as a sustainability coordinator in the non-profit world. I'm also delving in to the field of climate communication and community building around climate issues. Happy to find everyone here on bluesky!
Hi Leah and everyone! I’m the managing attorney of the California Regional Office of Earthjustice. I spent 20 years as a faculty member at UCLA School of Law co-directing the environment/climate institute there, and have worked as an attorney in the public and private sectors too.
Hi, I’m Steve. I’ve worked on energy efficiency, energy services & distributed energy for 40 years. Nowadays mainly around catalyzing capital into projects & companies, writing & speaking - blog https://www.onlyelevenpercent.com/
Hi there! I am a science and environment journalist and photographer. I document scientists in the field, working on environmental topics. I am back from a 3 months in Norway learning more on carbon cycle (and emissions) in polar regions at the Arctic University of Norway.
Hi Leah, trying to find my way at BS. Working on climate/energy justice since decades, now with Friends of the Earth Netherlands, on court-cases against big polluters. Currently in Baku. Trying to keep hopeful.
Hey all, I am a postdoc working on carbon dioxide removal & enhanced rock weathering in particular.
I’m investigating ways how we can quantify how well that actually works, and how ERW may scale outside of the voluntary carbon market. Would be super happy to connect to anyone working on CDR/ERW!
Hi, I’m Michael Schmeltz, currently a RWJF Health Policy Fellow. I work at the intersection of climate, energy, and health. Will be on the Hill this upcoming year but am a faculty and researcher in this area normally. Always looking to connect 😁
Hi Leah! 👋🏽 Kamal here, a founder at https://Terra.do. Focused on educating and moving people into climate jobs. Slowly expanding out of working with professionals and focusing on the skilled trades. PhD in Energy and Resources.
Hi Kamal, I’m interested in working in a climate role. Do you recommend any resources that could help me find a good lane or just more information in general? Thanks for your time, I greatly appreciate it.
Research analyst working on EU energy and and climate here! Special focus on electricity and policy. Hoping to find online engagement here with real people for the first time in months...
Hi #EnergySky 🔌💡. I work on energy regulatory law and policy. I’m based in Brooklyn but look at issues across many PUCs, energy offices, RTOs, and at FERC (where until this summer I was an advisor to Commissioner Allison Clements).
I’m a political science prof at UCSB working on phasing out oil and gas through climate policy, climate litigation, and global financial levers. Excited to see all the new climate/energy folks here 🦋
(and thx @leahstokes.bsky.social for this massive public good!)
What's going on! 👋 I cover climate and environment issues for CPR News in beautiful CO, the only state to shift slightly toward Dems in the last election cycle. We'll report on how the state's climate policies fare in the next Trump Administration.
Epic!! Long time fan, Leah! I’m Anna. Work mostly on affordable cities as climate solutions nowadays @sightline.bsky.social & have been talking about HOW to talk about climate way too long! https://bsky.app/profile/trufahey.bsky.social
Great suggestion, Leah! I work on climate, environment remote sensing, energy and sustainability. Follow my posts to learn how a reduced my home emissions by 85%. 🧪 🔌💡 And I throw in cat posts too!
Hi! Excited to see this community here and I hope it thrives. I'm a geologist and science journalist for NASA and Yale Climate Connections. Live in a red state, do lots of political volunteer work, enjoy finding ways to connect with people who have different views than mine. Also, infographics. ⤵️
Hi, I'm Angela. I found my way to climate + nature NGOs after years in finance and economics in energy and regional econ development. Has turned out to be useful background for current job of designing policy to bring human systems - economic, trade, food and farming - within planetary boundaries.
Hi! Doing more here, doing climate stuff for ages, on boards of @thirdactorg.bsky.social and @oilchange.bsky.social and will get back to posting more climate stuff when I recover from the election. Big Leah Stokes fan.
Hi everyone! I work at Global Energy Monitor where we track energy assets, ownership/funding, and their impacts. Also wrote a children's book on the carbon cycle and climate change. Looking forward to connecting! https://www.haymarketbooks.org/books/2100-the-everywhere-atom
Hi! 👋🏻
I am a paleoclimate scientist at @climatecerege.bsky.social who uses molecular fossils as paleo-reconstruction tools and was recently recruited as a CNRS researcher.
Here is my extended introduction: https://bsky.app/profile/ninadavtian.bsky.social/post/3la2tesfs3p2k
Hi! I’m Mike Dettinger, climate & water science. Observing, modeling & communicating hydroclimate var & change sci for 40+ yrs, with focuses on western N America, snowmelt loss, atmos rivers, droughts, water-system adaptations & such. Most active in California where we’re not going down wo a fight!
I"m an emergency doctor who cares deeply about science-based climate and covid policy. Past-president of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, board member of the Global Climate and Health Alliance, and co-founder of the Calgary Climate Hub and Canadian Covid Society.
Off the beaten track, but the "A Neolithic Universe" project started out as research into a very obscure form of renewable energy (solar) and ended up with a viable explanation for Stonehenge.
The only claim is that it is the most parsimonious of explanations offered to date https://bsky.app/profile/aneolithicuniverse.bsky.social/post/3kaz2nhkb7m2v
Hi Leah, thanks for all your excellent work! I'm head of External Affairs for a large U.S. renewable energy IPP. I've been working in clean energy for 15 years.
hi! former alt-weekly editor/science writer turned local news entrepreneur. did a bunch of local climate reporting and it broke me, ha
now I do local community work in the rural Catskills town where my family has been for generations. looking for ways to bake climate/energy/justice into that work
Hi. Not really new here, but saw your post and got excited. I’m a Humanities Prof, but our university has a new “Climate Literacy” GenEd category and some of us in the Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Dept are trying to develop courses for it to help our students. Anyway, cheers!
Hi, glad to find you after leaving exTwitter. I was friendly with Lynn Margulis, Jim Lovelock, and met Stephen Jay Gould among others in Boston. Not a scientist myself, but they explained global warming to me with great alarm.
Hello Bluesky! I work on decarbonization policy & climate resilience. I wanted an IRA2 and a veggie McRib. But for now, we will lift up each other. Here’s a starter pack I made of some climate poasters. https://go.bsky.app/Aa1sErQ
I am Topher Belknap, I work at Green Fret Consulting. We do Energy audits, and building consulting in midcoast Maine, and make interior storm window kits that can be shipped. I love answering questions about Passivhaus, Permaculture, and general energy issues.
Hello BlueSky! I am a climate activist, an expert in climate communication and disinformation, the founding director of End Climate Silence, and the author of The Language of Climate Politics: Fossil-Fuel Propaganda and How to Fight It. Love to see you all here!
Thanks for the mention—yup, that’s me and my work. For an overview, see Saving Ourselves (but we’ve got lots in progress, plus my TEDTalk should be out soon)! https://www.danarfisher.com/pre-order-book
Thanks! You should also follow @berglundoscar.bsky.social and Colin Davis when he arrives. Together we published this piece for Nature exactly one year ago (on the eve of COP28): https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-03721-z
Hi all, I'm the cofounder of @crowdfoods.bsky.social - an NGO/NPO Association of innovators & startups in agriculture food gastronomy & retail in DE, AT, CH. We foster innovation & transition from farm2fork through best practice & connecting of startups, scientists, investors with the agrifood chain
Hey Everybody! Just got set up. It’s me, Peter. I work on establishing policy and market approaches for decarbonizing the buildings sector with a focus on Massachusetts. Trying to reconnect with #energytwitter people! #thanksLeah!
Great idea Leah! I'm Stephen - I've been focused on the clean energy transition since I was 18. I'm a CELI fellow and I currently scout for Climatetech startups and make investments and innovation connections to our utility at Edison International!
Hi, I am a modeler of ship emissions to air, discharges to the sea and underwater noise. These are usually required whenever environmental impacts of shipping are evaluated 🧪 #shipemissions
Hi, I'm Sean Dague. I've been a volunteer for Citizens Climate Lobby for the past 7 years, and working to organize volunteers in NY to pass meaningful climate legislation at the federal and state level.
I've developed a patented method for EV smart charging. Basically optimize charging for the best day to charge instead of just the best hour. Some days are sunnier than others! (But the main benefit is flexibility and grace for demand forecasts. Super sexy, IK)
Hey y’all. I’m a state regulator in Indiana, focusing on RTO issues (especially stakeholder engagement), large load additions (aren’t we all), affordability for all seasons, and education (@marcregulatory.bsky.social).
Hello! I'm iain, and I'm a societies scientist working on public and community engagement in energy system change and wider issues of low carbon innovation governance.
At the moment, I'm leading the societal engagement work package in this EU project, which is exploring the feasibility of underground seasonal heat storage...
I've been on projects with community energy groups in the past, and I'm always keen to do more, so please do get in touch if you want to arrange a chat.
Hi there. My recent and current projects have been about understanding how and why industry engages householders and communities in energy system change, and from the other direction, how and why the public participates in transitions.
Hi folks, I'm a researcher at the Eindhoven University of Technology where I lead a research program accelerating the energy transition called https://NEONresearch.nl. My specialty is ABM but I'm known on twitter as 'debunker in chief' of FUD against EVs, solar and wind. Nice to see you here!
Hi. I'm Nick. I'm a nuclear engineer with expertise in reactor design. I post about how nuclear can help solve climate issues. I'm also an amateur nuclear technology historian and work to get old films and pamphlets scanned and online. I run a public-education website: https://whatisnuclear.com
Hi! I'm a geographer examining climate + carbon governance.
My work asks how and by whom carbon is quantified, standardized + commodified. I post about carbon markets, offsets, climate finance, tech, and the UNFCCC
Hello, I am Veronica.
I own a ranch where I generate more electricity than I use from entirely renewable sources (wind and solar).
I am a Green Party Eco-Socialist from the USA & follow other Greens & Socialists from the USA.
G'day, Jim Moffitt here. I started my career developing flood-warning software and later joined the Twitter developer relations team. At Twitter for 10 yrs where I was able to advocate for the use of Twitter as a natural comms channel for climate warning systems.
Hi! I’m Courtney, currently working on Solar for All for an agency with the Commonwealth of MA. Recently graduated from the Fletcher School having focused on global governance and international environmental policy. Follow me for political commentary, pop culture hot takes, cute animals ☀️
Allo Allo. Working in climate the last 4 years and deeply concerned about how we are going to make the climate transition for all sorts of folks. Doing the good fight with https://Terra.do
I run the Sustainable Workforce Coalition for ZEIC, part of Low Carbon Cities Canada. I'm a Climate Really Leader and have produced a few climate change films, including The Magnitude of All Things, directed by Jennifer Abbott (The Corporation): https://www.nfb.ca/film/magnitude-of-all-things/.
Awesome thread 🙏
Same. We are pivoting all programming back to congregational resources next year. There are Interfaith Power & Lights in majority of the states, you should see if yours has one to plug into. And if it’s Iowa, that’s me!
Hi! I'm a Bills fan and Caps fan (weird mix lol). Needed a breather from that other site. I've blocked enough of MAGA but the doom and gloom from my fellow dems also led me here. I'm still learning the platform but so far I like it.
Hi! I work how #climatechange & other human-caused dynamics are reshaping the #biosphere & how to best work towards a liveable future for people & #biodiversity @econovoau.bsky.social 🌐♨️🌿🔥👣, eg the positive potential in trophic #rewilding https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0960982224002197 🌐🐎💡🌱
I still have my halloween face on, but...
I used the same name at the old place.
Currently on sick leave b/c climate change has ruined my brain (no really, my migraines are weather influenced) but if/when I get back to it, I'll be working in the climate/emissions/reclamation policy space again.
Hello cool people! I just started my career NREL where I work on projects related to capacity building in rural communities, rural co-ops and DERs, and energy justice topics in the Southeast!
Also, this is so surreal bc I just graduated grad school and read a lot of y’alls works for my classes 🥹
This is fascinating, @daphnew.bsky.social . I work on the development of a real economy-facing bond index but have been interested in bonds as a tool for managed decline / decommissioning for a long time.How far are you into development of these FFRBs? Is this pinned somehow into US regulation? Thx!
We are people of the parent & grandparent generation. We invite all adults to participate in the protests of the climate justice movement according to their possibilities.
We are united by our concern for our future, our children's future, the future of the world's children and future generations.
Hey Leah & #Energysky! I’ve spent most of my 20+ year career in the distributed clean energy space working at the nexus of business, technology, customer needs, innovation & sometimes policy. Currently at Sunrun! Jumped ship from X for good today 🙌
Thanks for starting this thread Leah! It’s super helpful in building a new list. I’m a chemical engineer and comparative political scientist at the University of British Columbia studying climate policy. Fan of e-bikes, heat pumps, and supply-side climate policies.
Hi! I'm AnnaLinden, I work on clean energy policy in New Mexico. My current gig is half utility regulatory intervention at our public regulation commission and half state legislative work. I care about transmission lines! and energy justice!
(I'm also Arkady Martine, who writes science fiction.)
Hello!! Making far-reaching content over on Meta for a few years, maybe you've seen it, maybe you haven't, but it seems like this is where all the smart people went after they left Meta, so I'm just here mostly to collect your publications and amplify them on our near 1m audience!
Old climate guy. Been working with corporate clients and consultants since 1995. Trying to see if there's any way I can help practitioners, especially next-generation leaders trying to sort out the mess my generation left you.
Hello hello! Working for multi-species justice. Probably doesn’t sound like the most vital thing at the moment but I swear to you, it is! Stay strong, everyone.
I am in the seriously clean energy business. This is Obama taking a guy in his wheelchair up a soft sand dune on St Cyrus beach.
Technically a 250 watt power source.
Try any other 250 watt power source to achieve the same. And if you want to see how green, check the exhaust.
Been here a minute, but I'm a member of @catalyst.coop and we help get analysis-ready open data to people working on the energy transition -- in research, policymaking, advocacy, etc. We also help climate & energy NGOs build and manage their own internal data pipelines.
I've been a climate and food activist for a long time, and am now really keen to connect with folks working on climate adaptation and social resilience!
In Toronto and around the world.
Now working with Lisa Kates to support people creative community climate projects: https://www.lift360.ca
Hi I'm a musician and climate activist in the UK creating a nature reserve to boost biodiversity,involved in river water pollution monitoring, part of a farm cluster group focussed on nature recovery, flood mitigation etc.
Hi, currently I work in energy efficiency policy. In the past I researched flood and water disasters. I enjoy being in a position to let diverse voices be heard. I’m interested in using my background in cinema to tell stories that inspire sustainability. Looking for collaborations.
I'm a physicist who teaches a general education energy course at an open-enrollment regional university in Utah. Grateful to the many folks here and on the old site who've taught me so much about energy. Here to learn and to seek tiny ways to contribute as an educator and communicator.
I work at a developer/owner/operator of grid-scale battery storage systems, where I support development by identifying good places to connect to the grid and support operations with price forecasts and congestion analysis.
Hi everyone: I primarily study the politics of state-level climate and energy policy, though I’m increasingly interested in RTOs/ISOs, too. I focus on the policy preferences, as well as the political influence, of monopoly investor-owned utilities.
Hi Leah. I work for a Middle Eastern project developer so I'm interested in renewables in the Global South, climate finance and general energy transition.
Hi Energy Friends - I work on clean energy legal issues as SVP-Legal at Sunrun, and I also teach clean energy law course at U of Missouri. My side quest/deep dive is AI and particularly how energy laws can be used to speed up or slow down the development of AI. Also love me some movies & pinball…
I’m an energy engineer working in decarbonisation projects in Southern England. Currently working on decarbonising high temp heat.
I’m also Chair of Hydrogen Sussex, and spend A LOT of time explaining why hydrogen is a poor choice for most use cases!
Hi! I'm Jake and I conduct research and evaluation for energy efficiency and demand management programs. I write a monthly(ish) blog about some of the neat ideas I've run across here: https://info.michaelsenergy.com/the-big-why
Hi, I'm Jameson. I spend most of my hours working to electrify a corporate vehicle fleet and raising two wonderful daughters that will inherit our mess someday. Trying to make their jobs easier.
Just volunteered to be on our village sustainability committee and want to learn all I can about changes we can make. Local communities evacuated bc of wildfires this summer. I also rarely get in a plane and would like more to get on (or off) board.
Hi, I work in distributed generation and virtual power plant policy in California, and I do climate advocacy including reach codes and building decarb. I've been on mastodon for a while, taking a peek here and happy to see people I've followed in the past!
We developed a game about how to decarbonize NYC, which was spun into the stratosphere by @jessejenkins.bsky.social
on that other site back in 2018, and will be shown at #AGU2024 by @jgilligan.org. Also used in class by
@jeffsseidman.bsky.social and others:
Can confirm that Energetic is great for teaching. It's one thing to read about the dif. roles of variable renewables, storage & firm resources on the grid, or about the political consequences of prices and reliability. The game makes these relationships & feedbacks INTUITIVE for students.
I have written a dry, academic, engineering-y book on Renewable Gas, you know, Renewable Methane, Renewable Hydrogen... and I am still trying to write a second book on the same topic, but broadening it a bit to all synthetically-produced, sustainable molecules.
Hi! I’m Nazish and besides being a clean tech angel investor, I work at https://Matteroftrust.org ! It’s a SFO-based non-profit that aims to match surplus with demand through innovative and sustainable eco-initiatives.
Hi Leah and all. Very happy to be here. Policy nerd. All things climate, energy and tech. Most recently I led incubation services for a cleantech incubator. Happy to connect!
Hi! I’m UK-based and work on transport & climate policy at a progressive think tank. Most of my research focuses on just transition policies and public attitudes & involvement in decision making
Hello! engineer turned lawyer doing climate litigation in SK Canada to accelerate decarbonization. Also grain farmer experimenting w/ low emissions food production and electrification of everything. 1. Reduce human impacts 2. Replace fossil energy 3. Reconcile relationships w/ each other & nature ❤️
Hi. Musician and teacher here who is working hard to be carbon neutral. I decided to stop flying 5 years ago and have slipped once for my wife's 60th birthday. We went to Rome. I vowed I would start flying when the world turned a corner. I guess I'm staying grounded for now.
Hey all, I’m Rick. My education was in Environmental Policy with a focus on human behavior. Always looking for new insights and ideas to get people to put environmental concepts into action. Creating win-win situations is always the goal.
Hi! 👋 Climate and environment journalist here w/ bylines in the NYT, WaPo, Financial Times, Bloomberg, Grist, and more. These days I do a lot of reporting on food + ag for the Guardian, and I’m the print editor at Atmos. Also very interest in waste, transit and fungi.
Hi: I’m a climate/clean energy journalist working on my first novel that is based in the near future as we try to build back better. I have a background in solar and energy storage and worked at a number of startups, and am a LEED-AP fascinated by green building. Australian born. Antarctic obsessed.
Hi, I’m not strictly clean energy or climate but I’m the community development director for Marin County, CA so not too far off. Climate and other stuff.
Ahhh… Leah. I think you went to Tanamakoon?! I recognize the name 😊. (I think) I worked there 1995-1997. I’m also a geography teacher, so I talk about clean energy and climate often!
Hello! I post a lot about US Politics and Climate (and webcomics). I have worked in sustainability and grassroots organizing, and I love how friendly this place is!
Hi, Leah!
I have no specialist knowledge about the environment.
However, I've got the message about the #ClimateCrisis.
To promote contact between specialists and the general public I am about to launch https://greeneralia.net
👋 Hey Bluesky 👋 I’m here for the energy and climate chat. Uk engineer & data addict - formerly energy efficiency and building decarbonisation now e-mobility developing an EV charging network at Believ⚡️
Done my eXit. Bring me wonder in tech, policy and transformation of energy systems.
Thanks Leah. David here. Recently laid off from an exciting climate tech start up that makes heat pumps smart (hope they succeed). Long-time climate activist. Glad this community is growing.
👋 Hi from Munich! We're a bunch of geographers at #LMU who research the water-food-energy-nature nexus with our main focus on issues of sustainability and climate change 🌱 It's great to see the BlueSky community thriving!
Hi! I’m Isak and I write about clean energy and climate policy in Minnesota. Recently I’ve been studying states’ clean heat policies and how it compares with MN NGIA plans. Also write about clean electricity and on-the-ground energy transition stories in rural MN.
Colorado’s clean heat standard has been most interesting, since they recently approved Xcel’s plan with a LOT of electrification and little alternative fuels (article coming soon!), which is interesting to compare to Xcel’s very different plan in MN.
Also, a future daughter in law is getting her PhD at Columbia (Biologist studying effects of climate change on coastal ecosystems). So, we are a very nerdy green family. LOL
Hi Leah. Pastor Kevin in Kentucky. Trying to be as green as possible in this land of coal. BTW, I have a son who graduated from Columbia in 2017. (Chemical Engineer - EV battery researcher).
Hello, my name is Maureen. I live in a remote part of Australia. I am deeply concerned about our planet and the future for our children and grandchildren.
Please present your work on #climate, #ocean, #water, #biodiversity, #overshoot, #collapse, #communication, #education: Upload your abstract for the session at the next EGU, Apr 2025, Vienna: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU25/session/52049
Online or in person. Please share widely. Thank you.
Hi everyone 👋 I’m Morgan, I’m in the Bay Area and I’ll be studying Biology and GIS starting next fall. I’m passionate about ecology and conservation in general, and obviously clean energy and climate concerns are a huge part of that. 🌍✨
Hi all, UK based working on making insulation more effective in the real world. That means quality of install linked to measured thermal performance in domestic properties. It's real world outcomes we need not inputs, proxy data and theoretical modelling ...then the magic can happen!
This may not be a Q for you but my mum lives in a grade 2 listed timber frame house with no insulation. It still has lime/horse hair plaster. Every time I discuss insulation and double glazing she tells me the grade 2 listing won't allow it. I wonder if there's any way to square that circle?
who have provided high performance glazing in listed buildings.
It would need someone more specialist than me to advise on wall insulation; it should be possible even with the listing. Try the advice note at Historic England as a starting point.
Love this invitation, @leahstokes.bsky.social ! I do v practical research around the climate and energy transition (mostly focused on fossil fuel / infrastructure expansion), focused on how it's being financed through corporate bond markets and investors might change that.
Hi! Nyc based solar policy guy, done some writing and consulting, worked for a renewables+ev charging developer, now work for a renewable asset owner. Currently fixated on exploding load forecasts coming out of the nyiso (and others) and the uneven downstream impacts of capacity market volatility
Hi Leah and everyone! Transitioned to climate work in 2021 after long career in software. Now interested in advising companies that are driven to scale climate solutions. Video games too. Also helping https://www.sunrisemovement.org given the election. Orgs: https://Terra.do, https://ClimateChangemakers.org, ClimateVoice.
hi! just a politics/ir undergrad here, not focusing my account on climate things as of right now, just looking for people to follow to broaden what i see on the subject!
Hi everyone! I’ve worked on climate and clean energy policy in MN for 30+ years, from a variety of perspectives — for the most conservative Governor in recent MN history, for climate/clean energy NGOs, for multiple MN utilities and now help lead the staff at the MN Public Utilities Commission.
I’m an architect and co-founder of LAGI, a nonprofit engaging the public in the co-design of our clean energy future. Through design competitions and community energy projects we offer antidotes to climate despair by showing renewable energy can be beautiful. Our latest opportunity launches soon!
Great idea.
Welcome new Skeeters!
I’m a climate scientist-turned-policy generalist who has been leading the transportation — electrification and multimodal — work at Georgetown Climate Center for 7+ years.
I love bikes and nature. Also, I’m a wee bit obsessed with media and democracy.
I’m currently a sustainability executive for a financial institution, working on the company’s net zero transition plan and ESG ratings, plus climate science comms for our employees.
low/low middle income communities.
I direct our climate campaigns. State & local, and corporate campaigns. Some federal.
We get results the right way: people power, relentless pressure & multiracial coalitions.
I’m investigating ways how we can quantify how well that actually works, and how ERW may scale outside of the voluntary carbon market. Would be super happy to connect to anyone working on CDR/ERW!
I’m a political science prof at UCSB working on phasing out oil and gas through climate policy, climate litigation, and global financial levers. Excited to see all the new climate/energy folks here 🦋
(and thx @leahstokes.bsky.social for this massive public good!)
I help run the Green Web Foundation, a Berlin based NGO working for a fossil free Internet by 2030.
We do standards work, advocacy on AI and energy transition and climate justice in the tech sector.
We work with gov, private sector and civil society.
Big #degreespod fan.
I work on AI policy and supply chains/critical minerals at the department of energy
But also helped start a YIMBY chapter and e-bike library in my hometown (Richmond VA)!
I am a paleoclimate scientist at @climatecerege.bsky.social who uses molecular fossils as paleo-reconstruction tools and was recently recruited as a CNRS researcher.
Here is my extended introduction:
Oh, BTW... Hi. 👋😃
The only claim is that it is the most parsimonious of explanations offered to date
now I do local community work in the rural Catskills town where my family has been for generations. looking for ways to bake climate/energy/justice into that work
I am Topher Belknap, I work at Green Fret Consulting. We do Energy audits, and building consulting in midcoast Maine, and make interior storm window kits that can be shipped. I love answering questions about Passivhaus, Permaculture, and general energy issues.
I'm assuming youre trying to find out what works, doesnt work and why when it comes to climate protests from sit-ins to soups?
*smashes the follow button an unevenen amount of times*
I've mainly focused on bioenergy & big agriculture in 2024, but cover all sorts! My DMs are always open to pitches for opinion writing.
I also have a music blog at https://bangnzdrum.blogspot.com
Also, have almost fully electrified our home.
Also community solar.
My work asks how and by whom carbon is quantified, standardized + commodified. I post about carbon markets, offsets, climate finance, tech, and the UNFCCC
And I love climate social media 🌎👋
I own a ranch where I generate more electricity than I use from entirely renewable sources (wind and solar).
I am a Green Party Eco-Socialist from the USA & follow other Greens & Socialists from the USA.
Finding a new home here now.
Awesome thread 🙏
I used the same name at the old place.
Currently on sick leave b/c climate change has ruined my brain (no really, my migraines are weather influenced) but if/when I get back to it, I'll be working in the climate/emissions/reclamation policy space again.
Also, this is so surreal bc I just graduated grad school and read a lot of y’alls works for my classes 🥹
We are united by our concern for our future, our children's future, the future of the world's children and future generations.
(I'm also Arkady Martine, who writes science fiction.)
Some days in Texas, 70-80% of our energy is coming from clean energy. And it freaks out the powers that be in Texas.
Currently EU lead for a large Datacenter owner in the weeds of decarbonising. Nerd on all things sustainability accounting.
Joy of seeing a troll free thread😍
Technically a 250 watt power source.
Try any other 250 watt power source to achieve the same. And if you want to see how green, check the exhaust.
I've been a climate and food activist for a long time, and am now really keen to connect with folks working on climate adaptation and social resilience!
In Toronto and around the world.
Now working with Lisa Kates to support people creative community climate projects:
I’m also really happy to share/receive any tree facts!
I work at a developer/owner/operator of grid-scale battery storage systems, where I support development by identifying good places to connect to the grid and support operations with price forecasts and congestion analysis.
Glad to see EnergySky growing!
I have mostly studied how elemental cycles are affected by phytoplankton and the things what eats ‘em. Although I often get sidetracked!
Recently my lab has moved inland to work on nitrogen transformations and organic matter decomposition in wetlands.
I’m also Chair of Hydrogen Sussex, and spend A LOT of time explaining why hydrogen is a poor choice for most use cases!
My team and I develop open-source database infrastructure and packages for scenario analysis & data visualization.
I was also chapter scientist of the IPCC SR15 (2018)...
I post mostly about emissions (and other) data and tools and websites I build around that ...
on that other site back in 2018, and will be shown at #AGU2024 by @jgilligan.org. Also used in class by
@jeffsseidman.bsky.social and others:
More about the game, and us, here:
I have written a dry, academic, engineering-y book on Renewable Gas, you know, Renewable Methane, Renewable Hydrogen... and I am still trying to write a second book on the same topic, but broadening it a bit to all synthetically-produced, sustainable molecules.
Examples of my work in this thread👇
I help companies plan for - and Deliver - Net Zero
I also volunteer for the Carbon Accounting Alliance
I have no specialist knowledge about the environment.
However, I've got the message about the #ClimateCrisis.
To promote contact between specialists and the general public I am about to launch https://greeneralia.net
Done my eXit. Bring me wonder in tech, policy and transformation of energy systems.
Online or in person. Please share widely. Thank you.
Built our own house. Installed our own UFH. ASHP came next, then an EV and now frantically saving to pay for solar and batteries!
Love helping others understand energy usage and options to save money/planet
who have provided high performance glazing in listed buildings.
It would need someone more specialist than me to advise on wall insulation; it should be possible even with the listing. Try the advice note at Historic England as a starting point.
Was formerly on the Tech-to-Market team at ARPA-E and have worked in areas ranging from LDES, to CDR, to biofuels over the past 15 years
Welcome new Skeeters!
I’m a climate scientist-turned-policy generalist who has been leading the transportation — electrification and multimodal — work at Georgetown Climate Center for 7+ years.
I love bikes and nature. Also, I’m a wee bit obsessed with media and democracy.