Yeah I can't find a simple download of the model + weights. I did with Lama pretty easily, but this one still has some extra dependencies it seems. Maybe it'll change. Not that I think it matters much. Using LLM's locally is, at best, fighting fire with fire.
To me it’s becoming obvious those magat scum elected Tangerine Thanos . Many will perish . Millions will suffer . Judas Jabba the cuck is proceeding to make the federal govt a terrorist organization
It's even scarier knowing these grown men with too much wealth are bat shit crazy and believe in conspiracy theories like simulation theory as indicated by his serious use of "NPC" which means non-player character, meaning a video game reference indicating a character part of the video game.
"I definitely fell into the NPC trap" (5 seconds later) "I think many good things will happen! And maybe some bad ones, too! I like popular things, and cash!"
Interesting. The evil POTUS hates immigrants, hates blacks, hates people in the LGTBQ community. Now you see him as he truly is a Nazi.
Just come out and say you are a Nazi. But, no worry actions speak louder than words. You are a Nazi.
If not prove me wrong. Denounce evil POTUS and evil Musk.
It’s a far-right chan meme that people who agree with liberal views have literally no agency. it emerged in response to BLM. you’ll never guess who the “manipulators” are strongly implied to be!
If you’re the CEO of a publicly traded company, I can imagine you might think it irresponsible *not* to pathetically pretend you think Trump is a really smart guy. Like you kinda have a fiduciary duty to look like a dumbass in this situation.
hey look, it's another independent freethinker who is just coincidentally aping the same political posture as all of his rivals. Such courage, such skeptical contrarianism.
It’s a real screamer that nobody in a position to ask questions, like, journalists, really seems to nail these guys down on what Trump will do that is so “incredible.” I’m just laughing over here imagining a Jonathan Swan or a Maggie Haberman getting an interview with Sam to flesh that out
The desperate sycophancy is palpable! Felon, denier of elections, sexual predator, anti-China except when it involves him importing, 180 degreee reversal on TikTok bc it helped him get elected, memecoin scams, pardoning rioters. None of that counts to wealthy techs who only see $$$$.
if you watched him more carefully lately it would only be more obvious than ever he's a deranged grifter who wants to get a lot of innocent ppl hurt or dead
"Incredible" is the word, all right - or would be, if we hadn't SEEN Felon45's 1st infestation, and HEARD all the garbage Felon45 has spewed since then. It's all too believable, horrifying and disastrous.
So he saw the destruction of democracy, the rule of law, science, the environment, etc., and said, "damn, I gotta get off the sidelines and participate in this awesomeness".
Spare us these insufferable tools and their cover-stories for straight-up greed.
Really puts lie to all of the talk in the early 00s about multinational corporations taking over the world and the death of the state. The wealthiest people in human history are terrified (and want contracts/tax breaks from) a 78-yo head of government who works 3 hours a day
You should probably put on your thinking cap for two seconds and realize that Trump is the puppet here and always has been. They've bought him, not the other way around
They aren't doing anything they haven't wanted to do since long before Trump ever ran for office the first time. Do you get what I'm saying? Appeasing his childish ego is just a free payment to their mind. The "bend the knee" framing is absolving them of malice that they definitely do have
They aren't doing what he wants. He's doing what they want. Those tariffs aren't gonna happen in significant percentages except to companies that his inner circle specifically compete with
His threat letter from Trump must have gotten lost in the mail. Either that or Trump was making his threatening phone calls in reverse alphabetical order.
Once again proves that all the money and power in the world can’t buy an ounce of integrity. I’ve met more folks living paycheck to paycheck that have more integrity than these tech bros
Are we absolutely sure this "Altman" guy really is a human? I've never seen him in real life. He has all the enthusiasm of Egon from Ghostbusters without any of the personality. I think he is, himself, a construct. A malfunctioning chatbot masquerading as interactive software with no practical value
Billionaires like Sam Altman don't even think the Democrats have a remote chance of winning the white house in 2028. What the hell is going on?? Do they know something we don't?
Altman was seated in the overflow room so the personal donation to the inauguration fund was indeed too little and too late. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving guy 😆
Same way it was with Putins oligarchs. He just had to convince them even more with the case Chodorkovski. Trumps oligarchs just follow without pressure....
Who knew the obscenely wealthy would be such obvious cowards.
They have everything - literally and figuratively - and somehow their calculus ends up with them giving everything that actually matters away to the worst people on the planet.
Meanwhile, people with nothing will have to save everyone.
You could interpret it as cowardly, or you could interpret it as bravely standing up for their values: making themselves and their friends obscenely wealthy (at the world's expense). Since they're already obscenely wealthy, it seems likely to me that must've been their actual priority all along.
It's honestly kind of funny watching these guys decide to pile on to the bandwagon now, when Trump has a pretty good chance of just doing absolutely insane stuff and completely dynamiting his reputation with the average voter
I'm not so sure...we are currently in the honeymoon period, but maybe this is just a permanent realignment and people just like fascism now (manufactured consent)
Sure, but it just seems different this time given how horrible this is. How can there be redemption, given that enough Americans chose THIS knowing full well what to expect. Other countries have permanent majorities and who's to say we haven't backslid like Hungary.
Yeah, this is mostly fear and/or greed manifesting as bandwagoning, and like NFTs and Google glasses and pet rocks, the trend will die down and people like Altman will either pretend they were never part of it, or they'll cough up some excuse like "I was just being open-minded"
on this video
It's the only position available for these Broligarchs.
But he's still a bad man, thief, con, liar, SA'er, and I'd never ally with him. He torched that bridge years ago, for any decent, thinking, person.
so yeah!!!
Just come out and say you are a Nazi. But, no worry actions speak louder than words. You are a Nazi.
If not prove me wrong. Denounce evil POTUS and evil Musk.
Are the billionaires the playable characters and the rest of us part of the landscape?
All of them
Sam actually is smarter than this, which makes it all the more depressing.
Spare us these insufferable tools and their cover-stories for straight-up greed.
Hoping to be meant when Trump will say "some of my best friends are gay".
They're afraid to fight him, so they're sucking off his teet.
The most common response of humans to a violent bully is to cower and placate him.
"Research" (discovery)
“We wouldn’t be able to do this without you, Mr. President.”
~ Sam Altman
from Fortune Mag
Elon Musk fumes as Trump’s Stargate AI announcement elevates arch-rival Sam Altman
They have everything - literally and figuratively - and somehow their calculus ends up with them giving everything that actually matters away to the worst people on the planet.
Meanwhile, people with nothing will have to save everyone.
I didn’t know Altman was 15 years old.
What’s worse, an insane, unlikeable incompetent Nazi that wants to be god, or an insane schmoozer that wants to be god? I guess I’ll go with “both”
You're the one Trump will have in mind if one day he says
"I don't mind gay people, some of my best friends are gay"
(while persecuting all the others).
Now relax again Sam and go back to making billions by generating images of happy white cishet families.
"wow he really showed me he was serious and intelligent lately!" yeah man totally. i liked when he made all those loaves and fishes appear
Brian Cohen: “You are all individuals”
Techbros (in unison): We are all individuals!”