He lost his TV slot and now needs to make money. He's identified his target audience, and it's people who believe in demons interfering in public life.
He’s not hearing this in church — he’s Episcopalian! He doesn’t believe this shit. He’s a shill who will stay *anything* if it translates to having an audience (even an infowars type audience).
Look, I say this as a confirmed communicant: when the demons and werewolves and vampires show up, nobody is calling the Episcopalians. You want the parish down the street.
He's the effing Swanson's heir. And he's been a massive FoxNews pundit/personality for years. Unless he's got some ridiculously expensive habits. . . .?
Since when has a rich person ever been satisfied with having more than they need to live extravagantly their entire life? They want more. More money, and more power.
Waste of money for him. He is already his own brand. What does he gain by buying Infowars? If he wants Alex Jones on his show he can get that for free anytime he wants.
Oh no no. This guy works for Russia harder than Tim Pool or Dave Rubin: have you seen him on their supermarkets? He doesn't believe a word of this, it's because he wants people to BE that untethered from reality, for obvious reasons. His job is to make his armed audience mad at demons. 'demons'.
“I have never met a person who can isolate the moment when demons became known to man. So where did they come from exactly?… it is very clear to me that this is nuclear technology.” - makes as much sense as what he said 🙄
I can help him. The first controlled nuclear reaction was December 2, 1942, by a team led by Enrico Fermi, under the stands of the University of Chicago football stadium.
The origins of nuclear technology are pretty well known and documented in a variety of sources. The history of scientific knowledge is extremely well known and many books are available on the subject. He’s amazingly ignorant for a supposedly educated person.
mentally ill & terribly ignorant. i read all about the history of nuclear physics when i was like 7 or 8 years old. it's hardly obscure. does he think Beelzebub was Marie Curie's lab assistant, does he pop up later on? say with Enrico Fermi?
My guess is that he, and many others, have taken a simple, cynical, choice about where the easy money is. Trying to be right or clever requires much more effort than saying some weird junk that you don’t have really meaningfully justify.
Nah, this is another cynical rebranding. First he was Intellectual Guy. Then MAGA Guy. Now he's prepping a turn to becoming the next Ralph Reed, looking to suck as much money out of conservative evangelicals as he can.
He doesn't believe anything, it's all a game to him.
There was actually a major blockbuster film last year that outlined pretty clearly the series of scientific advancements that led to the a-bomb but oh well
Looks like Tucker's GRU case officers have ordered him to help start up a campaign for unilateral nuclear disarmament. This has been done before but it's something new among right wing bigots and simpletons.
And well before Oppenheimer, the theory was well developed, the Manhattan project mostly solved the engineering problems of building a bomb, since the theory was already established before then. Not to say they weren’t brilliant, but the physics was mostly worked out decades earlier.
Never thought he’d go full lunatic but I guess he suntanned his balls one too many times and now he’s talking about being possessed by demons and aliens and crap.
Thinking, for no particular reason, about that Christian movie with a possessed death row inmate that ends with a cameo from born-again medicine-man Glenn Beck
between this and the "well I was in bed with my wife and dogs and what do you know I woke up with scratches, must have been demons" thing that came out last week ... yeah who knows.
Here's a brief timeline:
Discovery of radioactivity: 1896 (Curie, Becquerel)
Discovery of the nucleus: 1906 (Rutherford)
Discovery of the neutron: 1932 (Chadwick)
First theory of nuclear force: 1935 (Yukawa)
Discovery of nuclear fission: 1938 (Hahn, Meitner)
Trinity: 1945
I wouldn’t jump to blaming mental illness. It seems clear to me that he knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s spent his entire career thus far gradually losing his place within credible journalism, so he’s just diving headfirst into the one arena left that will accept him.
Einstein wrote a letter to Roosevelt in 1939, explaining that a destructive fission bomb was possible, even likely to be created. Tucker is engaging in a form of propaganda where conclusions are based on a false premise. In this case it's that no one knows when it started, when a lot of people know.
Worse. He's a manipulative cynic who's feeding red meat to the basest of the base. May he rot in Hell.
May there be a Hell ... (I don't generally believe in it, but I have a list, just in case...)
He’s too old to start showing symptoms of most things that would detach him from reality. This is an entirely cynical effort to pander to people he sees as easy marks, because that’s the career opportunity open to him at this point. This is performative stupidity.
Rickover was something like a demon, though I don’t think that’s what Tucker had in mind. (Yes, I know the Admiral didn’t invent it, just became known as the father of our nuclear Navy). He’s spinning in his grave if he heard this).
Since he steadfastly believes science does not exist, he must, therefore, also believe scientists do not exist. Ergo, he refused to read any avenue of research that mentioned science or scientists, with the understanding that they must be fiction.
Surely that's just the description of religious belief? Why is believing demons revealed the secrets of the atomic bomb any more insane than believing in talking snakes and donkeys or prophets riding winged horses to paradise Or the million and one ridiculous things religions would have you believe?
What's the Vonnegut line, "We are what we pretend to be so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." Go down the counter-enlightenment hole deep enough and before long you are ranting about demon attacks.
And he just said hurricanes aren't from climate change, but because of abortion. I'd say he's fucking weird, but the real weirdos are the religious freaks who eat this up with a spoon. Suckers and marks.
By demons, he means liberals. Nuclear weapons were invented by Berkeley liberals the last time Nazis got them mad, as @theophite.bsky.social says, and MAGA should consider whether to do that again.
Isn’t this just flat out anti-semitism? He’s essentially saying the same intellectual forces (code for Jewish intellectuals) that gave us Communism also gave us subatomic breakthroughs? The Demonic part fits too I think.
I hate it when these idiots claim that something is mysterious and unknowable when you can literally google it, there are books written about the history of it, etc.
He would be closer if he had said daemonic, in the sense that the scientific method has historically had difficulty explaining the source of inspiration. Something (a hypothesis) comes into being where before there was nothing, which is both ontologically and epistemologically miraculous.
Imagine being so starved for validation that a man who’s texts have literally been outed to show how two-face he is doesn’t even register because his words make you feel comfy.
What does it say about a large number of people (and of course it is not limited to America), that a grifter can come up with evermore bizarre ideas to scam people AND IT WORKS?
When I heard a friend say "I'm not having the Covid booster, I've read about it" I realised it is not an IQ thing.
It’s hard to tell if he believes the bullshit he pushes — & is actually mentally ill — or if he’s just working a new angle of grifting & chaos/confusion/disinfo/distrust pedaling. He sees what Alex Jones has made money & fame from. (And also seems to be in Orban’s pocket to some degree.)
I have never met a person who can isolate the moment when wheel technology became known to man. So where did it come from exactly? It's very clear to me these are demonic.
Almost 25 yrs ago, when he was just bowtie dork “asking questions” on cnn, I talked socially (more than once) to a friend of his from Trinity. He (Tucker) was pretty open (in private) about it all being a grift. This is just the next iteration
I'm not proud of this, but my grandfather worked on the Manhattan project as a chemist. According to him (he is no longer with us), all of his colleagues were human.
He lost his TV slot and now needs to make money. He's identified his target audience, and it's people who believe in demons interfering in public life.
He's the effing Swanson's heir. And he's been a massive FoxNews pundit/personality for years. Unless he's got some ridiculously expensive habits. . . .?
Alex Jones is going to be a nightmare to manage. Why do that when you can have him on your show literally any time you want?
It was kind of a big deal.
Alex Jones’ audience is out there and this is the cynical play for them- he might even be working with Jones
He doesn't believe anything, it's all a game to him.
Because that shit is *profitable*.
reluctantly though, I do have to give him tentative credit for apparently not being a nuclear hawk? Worst person you know made a great point etcetera.
Proximity to Trump has a destabilising effect?
A big piss take on MAGA numpties?
Tucker is not a bright man.
Gob on a stick.
The bowtie. When they tell you who they are, believe them.
I do think that Tucker is mentally ill. It's not just a grift. The two aren't mutually exclusive, eg Akex Jones
Who knows precisely at what moment Tucker Carlson came into existence?
It's a mystery...
Here's a brief timeline:
Discovery of radioactivity: 1896 (Curie, Becquerel)
Discovery of the nucleus: 1906 (Rutherford)
Discovery of the neutron: 1932 (Chadwick)
First theory of nuclear force: 1935 (Yukawa)
Discovery of nuclear fission: 1938 (Hahn, Meitner)
Trinity: 1945
May there be a Hell ... (I don't generally believe in it, but I have a list, just in case...)
I like watching magnetic monopoles, though.
Never ascribe mental deficiency to Carlson who is one of the cleverest, most insincere, narcissists in the media. He calculates everything.
And, he's absolutely insane.
It's a shame, but entirely medically predictable.
Everything is a conspiracy
Tucker is just so proud of ignorance.
Nuclear fusion was discovered in 1938. It kicked off the race in the west to develop the tech. For goodness sakes, Einstein wrote to FDR about it.
I'm almost certain this is that too. So still mentally ill.
The answer I’d give is: December 2, 1942 at 3:53 pm CST at the University of Chicago. https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/chicago-during-the-manhattan-project.htm
Or maybe
Yeah, go ahead.
#RussianASSet #PutinsPuppet #IDIOT #MAGA
When I heard a friend say "I'm not having the Covid booster, I've read about it" I realised it is not an IQ thing.
Ah well so what’s everyone having for dinner?
Fox threw him under the bus. Elon adherent didn't work out. I think his hope for a role in a trump admin is fading.
What happens when a grifter has run out of grift? There's always religion.