Comrade is Christ has a pink cock near his mouth
Must have happened somewhere between metal and plastic fabricating
Must have happened somewhere between metal and plastic fabricating
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you really thought you were cooking with this one huh?
lol get rekt shithead
Half of the political cartoons made by liberal boomers are calling Trump and Putin gay as if gay is an insult lol
And yes, I voted for Kamala. She would have been leaps and bounds better than what we have now.
As heated as I get in a political discussion, I’ve never insulted a political rivals sexual orientation, right or left.
Colorful nazi grifters are a thing, here's proof.
No need for you to Lash Out:
Your Abusive Behavior reflects:
👉 Your lack of self respect.
👉 Your deep self-loathing.
👉 Your bigotry and racism.
👉 Your deep insecurities.
👉 Your lack of empathy.
👉 Seek counseling, seriously.
#GoodFaithDebate #HonestDebate
#MatureDebate #SincereDebate
Use my homie's code "Tre" for 50% off and free shipping at Adam and eve, because you clearly need it.
Hope they visit you soon 🙏
Btw what are you even mad about? You seem to agree with Trump on more than you disagree with him on.
Hopefully your master will give you a bone for your efforts
Also you seem terrified of drawing a cock properly which is an interesting thing for your therapist to help you unpack.
Only sharing the wealth
Glad you like it 🙏
Still trying to figure what y’all are breathing besides bullywarky’s malarkey
There’s a spray for that
I can make a more believable cock in plain text
like oh here check out this can of rip it
i know it doesn't relate, but why not
I'm still not sure why drawing an oval in the sky is a gotcha either
Let's petition for no 2028 Democratic Primary and the direct selection of Kamala Harris as our next Democratic Presidential Nominee!
Harris 2028: We're Not Going Back to When We Said Back When That We Were Not Going to Be Going Back To!
not "for"
... REALLY wish we could get a minute window to edit.
Snort laugh
Ooohhhh ok suuure
If shitposting equaled voting we wouldn’t be in this mess
The stragglers keep coming
Return to your regularly scheduled programming of shitposting on behalf of others … it’s what you do best besides not voting and shitting on democracy.
see, this shit is why we think you’re all liars
That's it. That's the punchline.
Majority of people shitposting on behalf of bullywarky couldn’t even be bothered to vote let alone KNOW who their senators are
Kudos to you
B.) protested after he was elected first time
C.) protested before he was elected second time
D.) protested after he was elected second time
E.) engaged in voter registration, felon re-enfranchisement, and community education and outreach since 1996
But I know the playbook of you shitlibs by now, and what you'll do is just say you don't believe it or call me a liar.
Tell it to her 🙏
* Dems absolutely would be failing us now. We're here because they bring a rule-book to knife fight.
Chuck Schumer brought a knife sharpener too.
I protested genocide with my vote.
Hope that helps 👍
You think gop djt gonna do better than Harris?
You honestly believed the propaganda and now can’t stop harping on it?
Bullywarky for you!
Go tell it on trumpgaza
Bracketing the odd turnip lunacy
Simple as.
You can talk to em too
Just like you
Have you seen his pink cock?
If you think this is homophobic wait till you find out I’m part of the LGBTQ+
Now what sister?
You gonna keep calling me phobes?
turns out being part of the LGBTQ+ does not absolve you of bigotry or prejudice
Bullywarky breathed that into existence on his own
Simply sharing wealth
Plus I think it’s cute it matches his hair 💗
second rate coward shit right there
the people demand the courage to post real dicks
do you need medication?
do you need emergency medical services?
Hard pass
this is not how most people behave most of the time and I figured you might be having some sort of breakdown or episode.
That's why I asked you though, you seem to believe that what you've done is somehow amusing and/or offensive.
Why are you so weird?
Step back. Look at yourself. Who are you helping with this behavior?
This is why we cannot wait until your generation dies off.
You’re just a sick old boomer.
Get help, get off the internet.
If only you and the rest could’ve voted smfh
Hundreds more from overnight
And yet I’m the insane one?
Oh ok
When’s the last time any of y’all saw a therapist let alone a psychiatrist?
Is that better for you?
Want a cookie and a juice box?
most don't read as giving up on trying to work out a laundry list of nuanced labels that don't fully capture the situation, you know
Every minority group has traitors.
Surprised y’all so big mad over his pink cock, it matches his hair
Home boy could literally be deep throating a giant pink veiny dick and nobody would care because at least he isn't a cunt like you.
I'm gonna go follow pink cock guy now, due to your glowing endorsement.
Wouldn't you?
Except rape
You’re doxxing a rape survivor
Detective Rebecca Parlmer is SVU detective w NLVPD
Would you like her number?
Because you're disproving your own point with every post.
That these fucking liberals now just spew nazi shit just like the republicans that they constantly cry about...
Shit's unhinged, but it was always there just less. Mob mentality can be fuckin gross so often.
As long as you know I’m not one of those red hat kinda weirdos
Please go vote in the next election.. protest 3rd party voting gets us gop
It’s the assholes they’re attached to that give mass grief
you're one of those
checks out now
And many very quick to say “that’s homophobic”
Idc what anyone thinks, it’s what they know that counts
He’s an ass
I know it and so does most everybody else
He’s got one hell of a trans army and he’s leading em where exactly?
Socialism? Marxism? Everywhere but democracy
I’m gay you fool! 😂
Bullywarky is full of it and so are his followers
Take care of yourself and go outside and touch grass
It’s not that complex, KKKaren.
Thank you 🙏
From homophobe to paint eater to boomer
Y’all are why we can’t have nice things
Come correct
It's great to instruct new voters who liberals are and why they should never be trusted.
Most def unhinged