Don't both of the Blade Runner films have cars in them? The one in the sequel uses its car in a big special effects action scene? I don't remember what the films' cars look like, but also I don't seek to imitate an imagined bleak future dystopia.
You'd be surprised! When I lived in a small town out in the country, someone went on a shooting-cars-with-arrows spree for a few months. Whole place was up in a tizzy bout it.
Modern cars use pretty thin sheet metal, so compound bows absolutely can punch through non-structural areas
Yeah, well, we didn't think up a metal vehicle inspired by the polygons of something straight out of 1992, so I guess we have to call the guy Bladerunner now.
I guess Musk means the character Rick Deckard (played by Harrisson Ford), he is a Blade Runner or do I miss your point? My confusion is different, why would Deckard need bulky Tesla when he has a "spinner" (flying car)?
Nah it’s like when Harryson Ford was driving around all badass, just Blading all those Runners. And then Schwarzenegger takes his hand and is all “If you want to live you should come with me” great flick
So hung up on whimsical ship names he completely missed the whole expectation of gender fluidity and all the fully automated luxury gay space communism.
Apparently the side panels are resistant to projectiles.
It isn't clear why you'd want that, and the windows and tires aren't similarly resistant, and there are concerns about what would happen to the truck and its occupants in a collision (rather likelier than an archery attack?) but *shrug*.
To the best of my knowledge, the highway shootings that happen around me involve handguns. I don't think AR15s are the easiest thing to fire one handed while driving 70mph.
Well if you parked that monstrosity anywhere in public in the UK I can guarantee it’s going to be a key magnet, so it’d better at least be scratch-resistant unless you want a collection of go-faster stripes down the sides of it.
He is less human in the movie than the book where at least he has a disastrously bad marriage and some small hopes and dreams.
In the movie he is just a hunter.
And who's either a robot with a conflict of interest or a human who's really bad at his job. But if Musk has ever actually read or watched anything he references, it's always something he was too high to understand or remember.
Reading Musk’s garbage literally makes me dumber:
1) Deckard *was* a “blade runner”. That was his job.
2) He didn’t drive some origami cheesegrater: it was a “spinner”, a flying car.
3) Deckard is existentially adrift in a Potemkin life, but unlike Musk’s customers he seeks authenticity.
My first instinct is this is where someone deliberately gets something wrong to make it more viral, but Musk doesn't need to do that. Yet I still can't shake the sense that this is what this is.
you’ve seen what this 50-something south african white dude posts on main on twitter and there is no way “vaporwave slavecatcher” is not one of elon’s frequent masturbatory fantasies.
I like that he’s combined it into a single word like it’s his surname.
“Who do you want to assign to this case chief?”
“This is definitely a job for… Derek Bladerunner”
After the arrow was shot, I wanted to reach through the screen and throttle the ASSHOLE recording it, because they IMMEDIATELY STARTED CHEWING THEIR GUM!
Elon finally figured out that when the middle-class has an average of 1 child, that the economy is a major part of the problem. It took him forever to realize that since he is very slow. In the past he was arguing against that. Give him another 5 years and he will know the guys actual name.
Right? Like the movie features specifically a car that the main character uses and seems, well, suited that what he needed it for. He would not have driven this instead lol
is it then good or bad that he missed that DMC went belly up 3 years before due various reasons with car and managment?
*Note: Bad in the sense that we don't need a BTTF remake
Love that the guy building spaceships and electric cars who has enthusiastically marketed himself as a hero to nerds everywhere has never seen a single science fiction movie
1) This truck is badass.
2) I own this truck.
3) Therefore I am badass.
4) Suck it up, losers!
A philosophy for life.
They attempted to turn the IMAX lobby into the bar but it was much more like the Total Recall bar.
LOTS more.
"Ah I love that movie. The way he just [clenches fist] runs all those frickin blades."
Modern cars use pretty thin sheet metal, so compound bows absolutely can punch through non-structural areas
Mounted archers are important to Rohirrim riders, which is why Elbow got King Joe Rohan to try out his archery skills.
But they sure as shit didn’t drive a 7000 pound POS like that “cyber truck.”
That truck is going to going to be fun to watch how it F’s $TSLA
Him say you blade runner
eh kills replicants and doesnt afraid of anything
For him and what army??!!
But some people still think he's human.
Oh my gosh what an organizing principle.
It isn't clear why you'd want that, and the windows and tires aren't similarly resistant, and there are concerns about what would happen to the truck and its occupants in a collision (rather likelier than an archery attack?) but *shrug*.
Also, the windows are right there.
In the movie he is just a hunter.
1) Deckard *was* a “blade runner”. That was his job.
2) He didn’t drive some origami cheesegrater: it was a “spinner”, a flying car.
3) Deckard is existentially adrift in a Potemkin life, but unlike Musk’s customers he seeks authenticity.
That dude is not flipping any turtles
Musk badly wants to be billionaire genius Tyrell. At best he is sleazy strip club owner Taffy.
♫ I have hairplugs and viagra for my ever-flaccid pen-i-us ♫
“Who do you want to assign to this case chief?”
“This is definitely a job for… Derek Bladerunner”
After the arrow was shot, I wanted to reach through the screen and throttle the ASSHOLE recording it, because they IMMEDIATELY STARTED CHEWING THEIR GUM!
Too bad he hates the site (and is an idiot)
Further proof that Elon is a fake gamer- he doesn’t remember how OP Halfling Slingers were in Master of Magic.
There are many valid ways to play a game, but that wasn’t one.
But it's funnier if he knows the movie
Nicolas Cage is OFF
*Note: Bad in the sense that we don't need a BTTF remake
Im convinced Elon isn't even a real person at this point
Just one of those fully articulated robots they were making a few years back
He probably doesn't get the joke in the name 'Hiro Protagonist' in Snow Crash
He probably was the one who posted 'y cant metroid crawl?' on Miiverse
-Linda Y
Elon is a full-on moron.
And now, also Elon Musk, lol.