So disgusting. Easily my pick for the worst of all the absolute swine that Fox has on the payroll. Waters a distant second probably, and it's not terribly easy to out-swine that guy!
Wait, I thought she got to be an LGB judge now, under Trump? That's what Martina Navratilova and JK Rowling promised all women and lesbians. But now she is LGBTQ+ when Trump says she has misbehaved? Seems odd.
Gee, LAURA: should lgbtq people be permitted to demand the recusal of hetero- cis judges because THEY can't be expected to reasonably argue this type of case objectivly?
please, do fucking tell us why it wouldn't be OK in that case but it should be okay in THIS case, bigot?
When the time comes, let's do a 'Go Fund Me' for a memorial to Murdoch, with an inscription that reads something like this:
"Rupert Murdoch, born 1931, departed this Earth none too soon. Murdoch's Fox News was one of the principal elements that promoted the Nazi cancer which destroyed America."
The subheading on that video: "Trans anger is real" and "the resistance never stops" – that's right! We are angered by all the hatred and ignorance coming out of these conservatives, and we will never stop resisting their attempts at stripping away our rights.
Just love the inherent entitlement in the idea that the resistance would stop, like it's an inconvenience to find out it isn't that easy. We're up against the softest fuckin babies, I swear.
That actually seems really cool. Is someone inside Fox subliminally resetting the dialog? Doesn't seem far off saying Trans people are real. Resistance (to this concept) is futile.
Same old story. "People from are incapable of being impartial, unlike me, a racist, misogynist white person."
I wonder if Laura knows that her days are numbered if this regime has its way. She'd have to be Phyllis-Schlafly-level stupid not to realize she's on the chopping block, too.
imagine demanding someone whos
a. smarter then you
b. has more years of education and experience.
c. is correct..
be disqualified.... because you dont like reality or the truth.
Aside from the awfulness, It's quite the ignorant statement/performative rhetorical trick to call an individual "openly LGBTQ." Like pick 1-2 letters here. Maybe 3...
Yeah, funny how trump's lawyer don't even know what an intersex person is without knowing the science behind biological sexes and then cannot defend their boss executive orders when they actually learn about the science behind it
I hadn't realized this until I took a trans ally course about 15 years ago. I vaguely knew about intersex people, but didn't realize that people have been born with different chromosomes for thousands of years. This reality got covered up by doctors and "society".
Considering several og his most recent executive orders are just blatant attacks on the disabled and the HHS cuts are butchering disability services he might as well have
I mean technically there really are people who have half a brain and are fully functional. (really that surgery treatment is pretty wild how well it works when done in kids)
I saw a transphobe make this argument, in that "counting intersex people would be like counting people missing an arm, making the average person have 1.999 arms!", and I'm like... yes?
Must have fallen asleep in first grade when we covered average, median, and mode
A lack of critical introspection is a serious issue. The only thing more important than considering the ways you may be right is considering the ways you may be wrong
Ben Shapiro did the same thing to NDT about how many fingers a human has. Like, yeah. Some people are born with more or fewer than 10 fingers. Like, Major League pitcher Jim Abbott was famously born without a right hand. And Major League pitcher Antonio Alfonseca has 6 fingers on each hand.
[autistic former maths teacher] Technically it depends which kind of average. The median and modal number of arms is two; the arithmetic mean is less than two. [/autistic former maths teacher]
In general, people say “average” to signify the mean. But for many “averages,” especially those with extreme outliers (ahem, like wealth, “average” salary), median is much more reliable.
At school I was taught that if you inherit two recessive genes you get blue eyes and if you inherit at least one dominant gene you get brown eyes. Therefore there are only two eye colours, everyone must be blue or brown
They struggle with the idea that the examples used to teach the concept of genetics were just simplified for high school kids. When we asked the teacher about green eyes or any other colour combo, she was just like "there's mutations, but that's not on the exam you don't need to know"
Exactly. And nobody was trying to change their chromosonal SEX, because you can't do that. They want to change their GENDER, which is fake rules we made up about clothes.
What sex is someone is whose chromosomes are 45,X or 47,XXY? Also, the judge cites examples where the normal sex chromosomes carry a mutation that interrupts hormone function and, thus, organ development. Most importantly, the exec order defines sex by gametes, and plenty of people make no gametes.
yes, prior to the 20th century, sex and gender were used interchangeably, but since the 20th century, gender has seen the rise of the following definition: the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex
now it would be very easy to claim that since this isn't the original definition of gender, it's invalid. Firstly, that logic also invalidates the use of sex to refer to intercourse, so if you still use the expression "to have sex", that makes you a hypocrite
but secondly: gender as a synonym of sex is not the original definition either! The original definition of gender is as the grammatical concept of gender, aka pronouns.
So the only way you can argue that gender isn't a social/linguistic construct is if you cherrypick the middle definition of gender
Actually, a lot of people do change sex. Chromosomes are only one sexually differentiated property and never used to categorise people in practice. Many other sex properties, such as biochemistry, body shape, genitalia etc, can be changed, and this often brings far more relief than changing clothes.
hormonal gender transition literally physically causes changes in sexual characteristics; people who did it were historically called "transsexual" for a reason, and "transgender" as the more modern term is more of a blanket term
"Transsexual" was (still is in some places) actually a psychiatric diagnosis forthosedeemed worthy of transition, and the term has a lot of negative connotations due to the guy who came up with it (Ray Blanchard) being an outspoken transphobe, and the term being associated with medicalisation.
blanchard did not coin the term. the term is associated with medicalization but that's the distinction i'm making: that hormone therapy physically alters a person's sexual characteristics.
It's associated with medicalising trans identities. F64.0 in the ICM 10 lists 'transsexualism' as a psychiatric condition, implying the issue is the mind. ICM 11 doesn't, and treats trans people with bodily dysphoria as sexological patients, implying the issue is the physical body.
So much this. Once you start really examining biology, "sex" is such a nuanced and ill-defined concept. It's a soup of hormones, physiological features, reproductive systems, and neurological structures that trend towards but are not exclusive to what we consider the two "basic sexes."
How on Earth can their lawyers be so unprepared for this case?
I mean, I get it, the people passing these executive orders are ignorant bigoted morons. But I expect legal teams to actually research the case before they appear before a judge.
English Common Law has recognized the existence of more than two sexes since the 1600s, including in writings by Antonin Scalia's favorite Common Law writer, Sir Edmund Coke. So you could argue, as Common Law is the co-basis of US law, that this is in its bedrock.
I mean, the judge is right, but it doesn't matter because they don't care about scientific accuracy, consistency, legality, hypocrisy, morality...The EO wasn't made in good faith, so pointing out that the science is wrong is a waste of time. They just say whatever to justify their oppression.
But the courage of DoJ lawyers resigning rather than follow illegal orders gives me hope. Maybe some US Marshals will step up with the same kind of courage and arrest these people after a judge finds them in contempt.
Trump's lawyers... meaning the DOJ? And also, what really stinks for the civil servants in the DOJ is that they HAVE to defend these positions that they almost certainly know are losers.
I'm wondering what legal defense there would be for being intentionally shitty at your job for as long as possible to gum up the works before they fire you...
This isn't defeatism. You're counting on institutions to save us when they've already fallen. I am begging you to open your eyes and actually do something.
Saying that the courts that the current admin is ignoring and continuing to do whatever the fuck they want won't save us is defeatism in the same way that saying Ivermectin won't treat your COVID infection is defeatism.
I'd argue that pointing out the courts won't save us is more motivating than hoping that they will and therefore abdicating ourselves from the responsibility to act about it
IMO nobody is expecting courts to save us. Clearly our goal is to claw back toward a political moment in which the rule of law is again (+more equally/truthfully) in effect in the US.
We don't know how long that will take.
But saying "it's all BS" & ceding it willingly doesn't advance our goal.
Alana, I want to tell you how it’s been a very positive influence on me to see someone like you who is not afraid to advocate and push for yourself and the community. Your strength gives me strength
You're intentionally misreading me. I'm saying the courts will not save us and we need to be prepared for that. "You're going to have to actually do something" is not "give up". It's not my fault that you refuse to consider solutions beyond praying for salvation.
Actually, what she said was “it won’t matter.” And it won’t, unfortunately. I put that on my doc in constitutional law and courts. said it up above and said it best. It’s dangerous to rely on failing institutions to protect us in this moment.
Currently, while this is a win, it’s a win in the district of dc, which means that the notoriously conservative, predominantly republican appointed DC appeals circuit. If it makes certiorari, which it won’t because the Court will have ruled on Skrmetti by the , so these issues will be mute.
🙄 literally saying “this doesn’t matter” and then calling everyone else a do-nothing is hypocrisy of the highest order.
Go beat people up if it’s the only thing you care about doing. Some of us actually care about the few legal guardrails we might have left. More than one thing can be true.
This exchange is incredibly telling. At its core is a denial of reality. The desire to have the world as they wish it to be, not as it is. This is the same as the science denial that rejected heliocentrism, evolution and now climate change. No good comes from this.
“CONGRATULATIONS FOR BEING HUMILIATED IN PUBLIC! You don’t know hecc about the LGBT and NOT everyone identifies as their assigned gender. It’s ok for people to be LGBT and it’s ok to be unique.
Cry about it”
Which is so crazy! Because half the men barking about gender being a rigid rule are stressed TF out trying to measure up to what old timey society expects from a "man"
Like, my dude, imagine just easing up and joining in the fluidity of an outdated idea we're not actually bound by forever...
It's the reason your gramoa and grammar have eye glasses, and some of you have teeth. And didn't die from polio.
Their anatomy is still organised around the production of those gametes. Their development disorders impact their gonads, genitalia, or hormone production or reception. They are not "neither sex." Understanding their sex is essential for treating their condition.
Patients with Ovotesticular structures can have ovarian and testicular tissue, and can present with vulva, penis, external testicle or a mix. So if a kid has a penis and ovaries, what sex are they?
I know the answer, because I worked as an FNP in a hormone clinic. You're out of your depth.
It’s obviously *not* easy. Sex cannot be defined by gametes; many people don’t make gametes. And no one does “at conception,” which is what the EO says.
As someone with a bachelor's degree in biology, this transcript healed a piece of my soul today.
So refreshing to see someone drag these morons for trying to use "science" for their idiotic bullshit.
Gotta be careful, though: there have been studies on the topic of whether a person’s confidence about a memory correlates to the accuracy of that memory, and such like
What on earth does that have to do with this case? Everything she said can be easily confirmed. She was just explaining very basic biological facts, how confident she did or didn't seem doesn't actually change those facts.
You knowing that interesting piece of cogsci would create a paradox since your memory, but your own admission, is suspect. Your logic is bad and you should feel bad.
What are you on about? This isn’t true at all, and wouldn’t even make sense as some hypothetical bullshit. Have you checked the CO detectors in your house recently?
Juries aren’t told that, and knowing things about a subject doesn’t make you more likely to be wrong about it. But good job playing the “I’m just saying” idiot in this scenario.
The fact that they’re still even listening to this or covering this, shows that they know they’re wrong and we can still stop or slow so many instances of the damage they’re doing, if we care enough.
Judges, even those appointed by Trump, don’t wish to be delegitimized. So we’ll keep seeing this.
None of this is going to matter. The courts are only as powerful as enforcement and no one is going to enforce their rulings. I don't know why we're all bothering to pretend differently here. It's just wasting time.
Considering how Trump's tactics have been in past cases against him. It's 100% about delay, delay, delay. Delay as much as they can, to get away with as much as possible.
I'm sure they are but the intention and goal is to flood our judicial system with these law suits . Trump knows the routine . Takes years to litigate most of these crimes .
This is the one good thing about Trump. You can guarantee that he will find the most incompetent people, with little intelligence to support his positions in court.
That’s what happens when the messages you are trying to push and the policy you are trying to pass is not based on logic, science, or math. You have to hire people that are willfully ignorant and refuse to accept those to be your council.
Or, ones that at the least know those things are in fact true, but are willing to lie and say they don’t. Then they have to try to give a convincing performance that they aren’t lying. Just like when Honorable Judge Reyes called out Lynch for his answer.
What i always find interesting, in any subject, really, is how people will learn it to a low level high school level and then never accept that it's more complicated than that.
Remembering the time I dog walked a TERF into this exact point and revealed that I have an intersex condition, and it resulted in them panic back peddling until they came to the conclusion that I was just "A femboy with a genetic disorder"
Which like, yeah, but I wasn't gonna give that to them.
The "You are born a boy or a girl, that is biology" people have no idea! 2% of people are born intersex with infinite varieties. Through all this Trump BS I've been feeling sorry for everyone & particularly for those born intersex.
Yeah, they just treat it the same way they treat disabilities in general which is "fix it or die".
It's the same way Nazi Germany did it unless you could be useful, hence the coining of term Asburgers, which basically meant "disabled person we can exploit" and why I hate people calling me that.
Great comparison. I worked as an RN and met my share. Women who identify as women all their lives then find they can't conceive as they are technically men.
technically nonbinary actually since at the very very start of conception, no sex has yet manifested (and then the female sex manifests AND THEN if the male sex manifests it will later)
It's just pretty common to be some sort of intersex. It's at least like 1% of the population (think 3 million people in the US!) but it's likely more since most people don't undergo chromosome testing.
Anyway statistically some super transphobic man is walking around with ovaries unawares.
Reminds me of when some talk show presented DNA testing of virulently racist white bigots. 😂 Maybe not fitting into a binary model is what they’re so afraid of.
that’s really nice they will just steamroll him like they will do everything else. so when do y’all want to take to the streets? do we need to clear our calendars to do this? i think it is in our best interest to solve this problem before Q3
I have an intersex friend who has always taken testosterone and presented as a man, and a MAGA. Since he transitioned (back?) to a woman, had gonads removed and went off the hormones, not a word about this Pres. I really want to ask, but her situation is already so difficult.
It's bad enough all of the trans people who are roped into culture-war nonsense that they didn't ask for, but I feel doubly bad for intersex people in all this. Many of whom have to deal with various medical issues and this is just another layer of PITA thrown on top of it all.
We are close enough that I was one of the first she told. Probably because she knows how liberal I am. As a man, he played in a heavy metal rock band and a lot of friends have turned their backs. She also works for the National Archives so dual hit.
It's a crazy story for sure. She was raised as a girl but at puberty, Dad decided she should be a he and started hormone therapy. First transition at age 12. In his 50s got testicular cancer so had to have male parts removed and go off hormones. Dad disowned his new daughter.
I have trouble understanding of how these people can be so ignorant as to not know that deviation from the norm exists. Phenotypic ambiguity is 1 in 2-5k live births. Genotypic deviation is just under 2%. As common as red hair. This is not some weird "it happened one time in a far-away land" thing.
These eugenicists would likely want all intersex people sterilized. I am sure, if chromosome testing existed in the 40s, they’d have been sent to the camps too.
As an intersex individual (born externally ambiguous, altered and assigned "female", later to have undetected testes lasered out, in my 20s, after years of "mysterious" sexual suffering), it is huge to me to have a justice call out those circumstances and make us real.
I know intersex people, as a class, didn’t volunteer to illustrate biological science as the fulcrum on which to eviscerate maga ignorance, but I find your bravery nonetheless inspiring.
What are the implications of an executive order being based on incorrect assumptions or incoherent arguments? Supposing an EO says "2 + 2 = 5, so I order (some unrelated, but otherwise unobjectionable thing)". Does it matter that the chain of reasoning is wrong? (genuine question).
I guess Chevron was designed to weaken those arguments, if the court is MAGA inclined. (We don’t need no stinking expertise from geneticists — or mathematicians — to decide this).
Until a judge successfully orders Marshals to arrest non-compliant officials for contempt, and/or until those officials return to full pre-election standards of compliance with judicial orders, it's the US courts who are flailing, no matter how sharp or eloquent or pointed their commentary might be.
How the fuck does anyone make it out of tenth grade without knowing what a chromosome is?
I mean, unfortunately the reality is that many high school “graduates” can’t read, which cheapens the value of the diploma. But every time I see Important People being this ignorant my brain says COME ONNN!
Sigh... my dyslexic son graduated. His reading is not great, and yet his diploma was important to him... he could still learn. but bigotry is not dyslexic, as shown by the lawyer.
He's going to start firing all the smart judges and replacing them with syncophants ... Or he'll just ignore them. Today he said that only he and the AG decide what the law is.
That was about independent agencies no longer having their own interpretations of the law; doubling down on the "unitary executive" theory, or as the Nazis called it, Gleichschaltung. It's not the challenge to the courts that we know is coming
Not to dull her shine at all but this is exactly what anyone who actually knows what they're talking about has been saying the whole time, it's not that difficult to understand (if you want to)
Yeah, she just did her research and was prepared for the topic as is her job. You would think that this is the baseline for everyone, and yet here we are.
I don't know that it's been said in court, though, has it? The EO being so on-the-nose sort of blows a hole into the same sort of I'm-not-touching-you bullshit that we're dealing with in Skrmetti.
💯%. I like trying to give people the benefit of the doubt in general but the longer this circus goes on, the harder it is to believe that this kind of igorance is anything but willful, intentional, and malicious. Indeed, it’s not that difficult to understand (IFF you want to).
12-31-24 John Roberts said : “elected officials from across the political spectrum have raised the specter of open disregard for federal court rulings…These dangerous suggestions, however sporadic, must be soundly rejected.”...let the SJC decide the cases he's complaining about.
Thanks for sharing this news and information. Glad the judge has spelled out these facts. If it’s ok, would you be able to share the source for this transcript?
as someone who is currently trying to get an evaluation, in some way, for classic cah with an unusual presentation, thank you. it took one nurse practitioner who LISTENED and one HAIRDRESSER who said i have symptoms of high dht, and i'm finally finding out why my body doesn't look "normal"
Hairdressers can be surprisingly attuned to their clients’ conditions, whether spotting symptoms of high DHT or CAH, or more prosaic things like noticing a mole has changed shape.
Hopefully you’re able to get the evaluation and care you need.
thank you 🥹my testosterone levels are normal but apparently (according to a LOT of empirical evidence from reddit threads AND that hairdresser) high DHT can happen with normal/mid range testosterone (which is what my testosterone level is)
because of the books i read barely teaching me about intersex variations aside from obvious examples, i thought my body shape, which was a more androgynous-leaning-masculine build, my muscle mass, and my many hormonal problems starting since 10 1/2 was just because i was a freak. thank you 🥹
Remember the MAGA government official who got removed and said "The purge was supposed to be on race, not gender".
*shocked face not found*
They always resort to Ad Hominem attacks when they are shown for the buffoons they are.
Far far too kind. She battens on bigotry, on hatred and loathing, peddles them in the avenues every night.
I don't believe in demons, but if I were to conjure one in female form, it would have Laura Ingraham's form and countenance.
But she has neither the warmth or the depth.
please, do fucking tell us why it wouldn't be OK in that case but it should be okay in THIS case, bigot?
"Rupert Murdoch, born 1931, departed this Earth none too soon. Murdoch's Fox News was one of the principal elements that promoted the Nazi cancer which destroyed America."
I wonder if Laura knows that her days are numbered if this regime has its way. She'd have to be Phyllis-Schlafly-level stupid not to realize she's on the chopping block, too.
a. smarter then you
b. has more years of education and experience.
c. is correct..
be disqualified.... because you dont like reality or the truth.
Just a suggestion here, by the way, but please consider adding alt text to images. It helps people who use screen readers. Thanks!
This was amazing.
Think you'll like this, :)
Thanks, judge, for recognizing the intersex!
People are born without some of these, or an extra one…
Must have fallen asleep in first grade when we covered average, median, and mode
The median is where you cut the graph in half to make both halves weigh the same.
The mean is where the graph balances on your finger.
He probably won't try it though for at least a week.
Humilliate everyone associated with it. Publicly.
Since they all love the spotlight so much.....
yes, prior to the 20th century, sex and gender were used interchangeably, but since the 20th century, gender has seen the rise of the following definition: the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex
So the only way you can argue that gender isn't a social/linguistic construct is if you cherrypick the middle definition of gender
it's crazy the stuff you can learn when you actually look up the definition of the words and concepts you try to argue over
I mean, I get it, the people passing these executive orders are ignorant bigoted morons. But I expect legal teams to actually research the case before they appear before a judge.
US law is no longer constrained by reality.
We don't know how long that will take.
But saying "it's all BS" & ceding it willingly doesn't advance our goal.
Go beat people up if that’s what you’re good at. We need people with your talents and I’m certainly not going to stop you.
We all have a different role to play.
Go do the “something” that you think counts instead of bitching at me, then, if words really don’t matter. Why even be on this platform?
Go beat people up if it’s the only thing you care about doing. Some of us actually care about the few legal guardrails we might have left. More than one thing can be true.
Y'all need more like her!
Cry about it”
Their reaction:
Way to go, Judge- and what a primer!!!!
Frankly, it's embarrassing that they don't get it.
Like, my dude, imagine just easing up and joining in the fluidity of an outdated idea we're not actually bound by forever...
It's the reason your gramoa and grammar have eye glasses, and some of you have teeth. And didn't die from polio.
I know the answer, because I worked as an FNP in a hormone clinic. You're out of your depth.
All chromosomal variations still fall under male and female based on which gametes (egg or sperm) they can produce.
This is simple biology + easy to understand.
Swyer syndrome
de la Chapelle
Trisomy X
Androgen insensitivity
... over 30 different intersex variations
I went to milady village and nobody knew you
Cope and seethe
Gametes are “egg” and “sperm”, but they’re not the same as sex, and that’s the whole point.
Flood the zone with shit.
All the time, non-stop.
So refreshing to see someone drag these morons for trying to use "science" for their idiotic bullshit.
Yay, Science!! Defeating Bible-bashers for over 500 years!
So knowing this particular cogsci finding could interfere with the job of being a judge, is all I’m saying.
But there are others also.
But Trump seems to have tapped a limitless supply of incompetent lawyers.
People with DSDs are either male or female even as they aren't (for the most part) XX or XY but one of the other variations.
Judges, even those appointed by Trump, don’t wish to be delegitimized. So we’ll keep seeing this.
You: Wow so we should just give up????
Please, I'm begging you, be fucking serious.
Also there’s a ton of ‘resistbots’ on here saying shit just like that and it’s making me think it’s a campaign
Which like, yeah, but I wasn't gonna give that to them.
Imagine passing legislation based on the premise that red hair simply does not exist.
It's the same way Nazi Germany did it unless you could be useful, hence the coining of term Asburgers, which basically meant "disabled person we can exploit" and why I hate people calling me that.
So, for those struggling to imagine the prevalence of intersex folks, it's probably about the same number of redheads you know.
I didn’t think there was a gay agenda, then Trump made everyone lesbians, and all marriages gay marriages. Never saw it coming.
sidenote this song is perfection
Then, denies their motions & writes scathing orders calling them out on every single lie.
Anyway statistically some super transphobic man is walking around with ovaries unawares.
Working out just great, you stupid assholes.
Or maybe judge Reyes could provide the names of these other sexes?
Just let people be.
Reyes is a legit queen for cooking these morons.
Every thorn has its rose.
Trump's lackey absolutely getting schooled, here.
I mean, unfortunately the reality is that many high school “graduates” can’t read, which cheapens the value of the diploma. But every time I see Important People being this ignorant my brain says COME ONNN!
The ENTIRE government knows Jesus & Elijah returned as women & marry each other soon.
Jesus is female in gender.
Elijah is male in gender.
World peace is coming after the government officials all go with the false prophets - their choice - they are all liars.
I mean, admitting that the EO is fundamentally nonsense would be conceding the case.
Hopefully you’re able to get the evaluation and care you need.