For those that disagree with me on AI, this article does a good job explaining your position and why he thinks you are right
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My vote is no...let AI advance and pick a better spot to say 'okay, that's far enough' and shut it down
The gulf is on orders of magnitude
They are showy, but ultimately incredibly vapid.
I still find errors, although I believe the final results need to be put through another fact checking run in small chunks.
I don't expect anything better than a giant pile of shit coming from that man.
Fuck those, we gonna give you 100 or you give it to next fuckers. That’s a game, most people buy it. Do you!!!!
Social media 99 retards. Wake up!!!! Or copy them fucks!!!!
Garbage in, Garbage out
Thank you for explaining
But I do not understand
For me the challenge is figuring out how its superhuman abilities can amplify my own, and fill in the areas where I'm lacking
Synthesis, creating new information from disparate data, is still exclusive purview of humans & other intelligent animals.
90% of jobs in my field (writing) will be replaced by AI, or that's what someone's AI predicts. Say that happens to most of us in the creative, communication, & intellectual fields.
So, what is the end game? Do we live like trust funders or slaves?
Seems to me the human brain would deteriorate (atrophy) for lack of use when AI is doing all the work.
In such a Utopia we would all then be free to chase our passions and interests.
We all know how that idea turned out. I like your ideas, but it's more likely to be that we become work slaves to AI.
AI should have automated boring jobs (cooking etc) and left creative jobs to humans but 90% of Silicon Valley start ups are trying to automate human creativity
When chopping wood, chop wood.
When carrying water, carry water.
Creativity often comes when your body is occupied with something else and your mind can wander.
Lots of things could be done with $200b, some good for humanity, some profitable. LLM is neither
We haven't been complaining about that, it makes it rather absurd to suddenly care about this one tiny bit of rich people stealing from you.
Once you get above $10mil, however, theft becomes mandatory.
I asked Qen2.5-Max for all the consonants in Chattanooga. It had no problem. But why would I use an AI for that?
Go deep....
An analogy to your president….
Try to spend more time ousting the so called president you have. He and his cronies are more concern than AI in this present moment!
Cannot be trusted.
That's why we need to run our own AI.
Q: How long does it take for a baseball moving 104 mph to reach the pitcher's mound on a line drive?
AI sez:
The US becoming a dictatorship in part, BECAUSE of AI
He has shown through action and words that he is pretty open minded.
Again, he may be a rich dick, but I don't feel like he is a dick just because he is rich
Ultimately it will be about creating “efficiency” within a given business to optimize profitability.
They’ll find soft euphemisms to talk about it in the media - but what we’re really talking about are massive layoffs impacting skilled workers.
What happens to the people who are replaced?
We currently, as a society, assign value to a person based on their economic output.
Until that changes, job replacement via AI is a net detriment to society.
Better yet, a universal basic income so people don't need to have jobs.
The resources to collectively meet those basic needs clearly exist.
They’re simply concentrated to an extremely small subset of the population who are by-in-large unwilling to share so that everyone’s basic needs can be met.
It is human greed that holds us back.
Profitability rules.
The AI will continue to improve.
The instant it can replace humans, it will. That means obtaining a similar work product for the same or less money.
Or...AI might remind the capitalists they need to redistribute the wealth in a new way to maintain demand.
The more likely scenario will be a massive reduction in population affecting those whom AI can easily replace, leaving those wealthy enough to sustain themselves or still useful enough to demand compensation.
It will only improve, never require food or medicine, and only become less resource intensive as time passes.
Let’s say it doubles in capability and efficiency every 12-18 months - or even every 5 years…
How long before it’s putting frontline call center staff out of work completely?
Automated voice systems are already putting humans out of work.
Have you tried the GPT voice chat? It’s better than any call center automation I’ve ever had the misfortune to confront.
And it’s getting better.
We’re cooked.
You can give it assignments, but you always have to check its work carefully.
If you don't, it isn't AI responsible for the inevitable mistakes. It's you.
This entire administration could learn from you, ... but they won't they're too busy bowing down to one ignorant fool instead of being a real leader like yourself!
You realize, you're not contributing anything to this talk right?
Are grabbing cash fast.
Why do they have underground bunkers and are trying to overthrow the government?
I think we can do both — ise nuclear to advance humans to the next phase of prosperity and rebel against the billionaires. still, i totally understand why you think that.
They are nothing at all like ELIZA. Not even in the same country as the ballpark.
The basis for your argument is fundamentally flawed.
Isn’t it already too easy to manipulate the sheeple? Do we *really* need more ways to destroy ourselves?
I use it for hours every day.
And it leverages my time and effort in ways I never thought possible.
The billions thrown at this will likely bankrupt some very wealthy people if AI can't step up and replace engineers.
The current approach is heavy handed and wasteful for the returns gained.
That's exactly what I would expect something from musk to say.
(1) An AI may not injure Elon or allow Elon to come to harm.
Good joke there, taking it seriously!
A broligarch admit an error? That’d be hilarious!
Driving cars is a hard thing to do, the fact that humans aren't necessarily very good at it, is a good indication. AI isn't there yet, but that doesn't mean that AI isn't good enough for other things.
It also doesn't mean it will never get there.
Only quantitative
Even when using language based prompts
Like a kid with no critical thinking skills executing a thousand search engine queries at once
Going nowhere conclusive at lightning speed
Hard pass
I will concede we have had advances in science and engineering due to computing power. Information availability, debatable.
Computers used to need an entire room full of racks at first as well.
Right now AI requires far more processing power than anything else we have.
Cost of hosting/computing + monopoly of AI supply does not equal feasible reduction in cost
Cost will go down because of basic economics, that's how capitalism operates. (yay one decent thing) currently there is no monopoly, there are many different players.
There's no 'scam' in it. It's as much a scam as bringing out Windows was lol
If you get scammed into cryptobro stuff that's not the fault of the technology.
However, I use AI, and like it.
A controlling organization tunes the AI, thus giving these people the power to decide what is learned and how it is processed, phrased, delivered.
Information or actions taken by AI can be purposefully manipulated in any AI model.
And they do not have good theories to keep it from hallucinating, as far as I know. It’s just guessing the word most likely to come next.
We sure are creating a lot of biological and social language around an equation being wrong.
It is still just as algorithmic as Eliza was, it’s simply that the algorithm was developed using Machine Learning, so even the programmers don’t know what the algorithm is. Calling these LLMs “AI” is just wishful thinking and marketing hype.
The data the ai is trained off of comes up with this information. Data from HUMAN labor, though, and research
Not sustainable.
I would however use it to provide information about the first amendment or write a report about Egyptian mythology.
And then I'd verify its output
The more data out there the more accurate and useful it is
However, whilst AI appears to be programmed to output in a way that encourages the user to believe it, it doesn’t yet appear to resort to professional sophistry and gaslighting.
The issue would appear to be the misuse of the term “intelligence” both as it refers to AI & as used to describe most professionals.
Therefore, it may be not be wise to rely upon genAl to successfully grow your business.
But AI is *just as wrong* about things we know nothing about.
So AI is a useful tool for people who know, but not for those who don't. Build expertise first, then use AI.