two more years and it'll be "why hidden quitting at work could be more dangerous than soft quitting" and it'll just be this exact same article but with the words replaced.
This constant stream of negativity about the workforce feels like a calculated way to infect people with animosity towards each other. “The problem isn’t my boss/corp/board underfunding & understaffing, it’s my lazy [blank] quitting coworkers!”
"we're here to talk to you about your soft quitting"
"listen ok i know the estrogen has some pretty noticeable effects but its still rude for you to say it aloud its not that soft-"
I wish the mainstream media would run a story about epidemic of toxic work environments and poor pay instead of continuously talking about the quitting as being an issue. The quitting is the rational and expected response to the conditions.
im squishy quitting and you might want an explanation but ill never tell. my boss will only know by the quiet eerie squish of wet socks in their most vulnerable moment
Not to mention their entire family tree of different types of males named after the Greek alphabet, and yet they insist there's only two genders. (edited)
gender affirming care is bad but mewing, jelqing, looksmaxxing, penis enlargement supplements, penis enlargement surgery, taking viagra are all super alpha sigma things to do
I’m soft quitting (lining my cubicle with comfy pillows and wearing puffy slippers while I cold call people eating dinner to sell them protein shakes with 200% more asbestos)
I’d like to see more hard quits. It doesn’t help you anymore to kowtow to these insensitive jackasses.
Fuck it, quit how you always wanted to. Dance on that motherfucker’s desk.
Nobody is getting a job.
Modern mainstream "journalism" is just inventing nonsense to facilitate the facists in charge. Unfortunately most of the outlets are also controlled by those same rich assholes, so there is nothing we can do about it directly. 😒
Next up, are you secretly a sleeper quitter? That's when you don't quit and nothing changes but if something you don't like happens you'll quit. Like a sleeper agent.
respectfully, I think just ignoring it is more effective at getting people to stop memeing things into existence than drawing more eyes to it. I know it's hard........
theyre going to make up as many as they can to try and invalidate how we’re all feeling about our labor being stolen. they know american appetite for progress is HIGH and they are scared shitless. uhc ceo shouldve been the wakeup to kill austerity but they think they can weasel the masses out of it
passive aggressive quitting, where when they do that bizarre shit where they make you give yourself a performance review you harshly & unfairly critique yourself
Let’s talk about Skunk Quitting: when you fart real loud while getting fired, then flip the table to disperse the fart and yell, “You can’t fire me, i quit!” “And another thing, it smells like shit in here!” Then stomp out
Corpos are so afraid of downshifting the economy and having to accept slightly less money for practically doing fuck all and/or abusing people that they get people to make articles like this to try and gaslight us into making more money for them rather than actually living.
an infinite number, otherwise they would need to acknowledge the real truth of the matter that for most people work sucks and the pay is no where near worth dealing with their boss and company.
Everything short of people working 80 hours and on vacation is a crime to these folks and they need to try to make everyone outraged about any work life balance
lol 'we've discovered something more dangerous than your employees just doing the fucking job they're paid for and not a bunch of extra shit they are not paid for' love this world
Because all the other types of "quitting" to them are not scaring enough young workers into blindly obeying. They are worried their wealth will crumble without blind obedience from the working class.
Nuzlocke Quitting : You die because of lack of paid time off to go see a doctor and work issued health insurance refuse to pay for treatment, and now your work has to train a new guy at their own expense, how rude
Holidays at the In-Laws Quitting : You refuse to eat the stuff in the break room that Deborah brought in and won't make small talk with creepy Uncle Ned about when you're having children
okay i got curious enough to look this up and after reading the entire article i'm pretty sure they are the same thing but explained using different words
literally, and it’s framed and written as if it’s a moral failing of the employee—that they’re not rising to the standard of the turbopuritan work ethic—when in fact what’s being described is the entirely predictable burnout of the modern condition of working jobs that don’t matter and being asked /
yeah both terms describe the same phenomenon, which is just... wanting to go home. that's called being normal. it's normal to want to go home when you're at work
"You love your job. Your job is your meaning. You are job. Your boss is an emotional intelligence and you love him" is my least favorite recurring op-ed dummy thing
I don’t know if it’s the same. “Quiet Quitting” is when someone has had the conscious realization that they Do Not Give A Shit and/or It’s Not Worth It, and made the *choice* to just put in the minimum, but this… this is describing even ordinary lack of enthusiasm *as though* it’s an active choice.
The Mondays are when you’re inextricably caught up in the gears of a centuries-old social machine built to alienate you from both the direction-of and fruits-from your labor
the most fucked up thing is that for decades the idea that most people hate their jobs has been pretty commonly accepted and yet now they want us to wake up every morning all giddy and going "oh boy, I can't wait to generate more shareholder value!"
Honestly, it sounds like someone couldn't remember the term "quiet quitting" one time and said "soft quitting", and it caught on, and then they needed to explain what each one is
Employers finally see burnout in their employees, label it a kind of quitting to shift blame from themselves working them too hard to the employee “soft quitting”
Wait, what if they're doing a reverse-psychology and branding sullenly-doing-your-job as resistance to try and re-acclimate angry-idealist millennials to the old expectations of labor as meaningless but necessary pain?
i guess it's just doing the same work you've always done but your heart isnt in it. it's not enough for these freaks for you to do what they ask, you must also not be committing thought slacking
this language is corporate consent to demand emotional engagement at work; you get called into meetings with bosses to answer for "whether you want to be here or not".
it feels like someone threatening a breakup because you didn't smile enough at your desk
Nah, they're not, but one can't be blamed for not picking up on the sheer insanity of this.
Quiet Quitting = "not doing 30 minutes unpaid overtime every day anymore"
Soft Quitting = "still doing the overtime, but no longer yelling 'hell yeah boss, this job is the meaning of life' while doing it."
Lol so “soft quitting” is them trying to rebrand even ordinary problems of lagging morale and engagement - A MANAGEMENT PROBLEM - as some insidious, sneaky, deliberate sedition on the part of employees? They are so fucking cooked.
I feel like the fact that both involve continued employment, wherein you go to a place and perform previously agreed-upon services in exchange for a paycheck, makes it pretty obvious neither are any kind of "quitting".
I love how this is just a description of atomisation and being isolated from both the products of your work and decision making in your workplace, but framed as a personal failure instead of the inevitable result of capitalism
So I lose the spark of life and suddenly that's my fault?
Unless their argument is that I quit quit and get a job that fulfills me (how?) then the article serves no purpose but to guilt employees for not being devoted to the company.
It literally says you don't reduce your work output. This fucking article is just demanding that you love your job no matter what. Even DOING THE FUCKING JOB isn't enough, you have to do it with a smile.
This is why I'm too crazy to work. This is why I need disability. This is what's sane?
"Avoids going the extra mile" are we getting extra pay? I used to go the extra mile like an idiot, never got me anything but more work (but never more pay)
“The kids today are doing this new horrible thing called negotiable quitting. It’s super evil because it involves telling your boss you quit but then changing your mind when offered a raise. Gone are the days where people earned the right amount suddenly 3 dollars an hour isn’t good enough.”
Nonono quiet quitting is something you decide to do; soft quitting just means the company has been wringing the blood, sweat, and tears from you long enough that you're an empty husk
God, they better not go with "moist quitting." We need to make fun of financial op-ed writers for inventing new ways to say "people hate their jobs and are only putting up with them because they can't not without becoming homeless," not reignite the internet's hate affair with the word "moist."
What type of quitting is it when you have to be there to answer breakdown calls, but nothing is running and the supervisor left already so you go out to your car and sit in it while watching streaming videos on your phone?
Very quiet quitting (also known as libraritting)
"listen ok i know the estrogen has some pretty noticeable effects but its still rude for you to say it aloud its not that soft-"
Delicate-quitting & my personal fave:
But yes this article is really really bad. Just full-on crap slop word salad.
Quiet quitting...
When's "dorley quitting" where your disappear from your job for 3 ish years gonna trend?
Fuck it, quit how you always wanted to. Dance on that motherfucker’s desk.
Nobody is getting a job.
slam down your letter of resignation on the desk, walk out, shatter windows.
Gentle Quitting - Disagreeing with a higher-up.
Microquitting - Calling in sick or using vacation time.
Partial Quitting - Making mistakes.
Alt-Quitting - Labor organizing.
Enforced Quitting - Being laid off or fired. (To try and move away from the idea of severance pay.)
Soft quitting
Cozy quitting
Quit classic
Quit zero sugar
Oops! All quitting
Quitting (derogatory)
Quit! At The Disco
We were gonna do a "We Didn't Start the Fire" parody to it.
means kindergarten teacher I think
Up quitting
Down quitting
Strange quitting
Charm quitting
Fuck I forgot the last two quitting types
Everyone forgets scary quit, because she always winds up in jail for accusations of workplace violence
Then I'm gonna write so much clickbait about it.
whisper quitting
sneaky quitting
invisible quitting
the half-quit
coward's two weeks
"The Brian Thompson Technique"
No one's writing about "Quiet closing down" or "soft bankruptcy"...
and they have the gall to act surprised by it
Or is it quiet quitting 🤔
🤣🤪😎 #DAE #EatTheRich #Relatable
not going above and beyond: quitting
being miserable: quitting
it’s like obvious what they’re doing here right?
"You may not realize it, Larry from accounting, but you already are."
I'm a wage slave, not a fucking artist...
it feels like someone threatening a breakup because you didn't smile enough at your desk
Quiet Quitting = "not doing 30 minutes unpaid overtime every day anymore"
Soft Quitting = "still doing the overtime, but no longer yelling 'hell yeah boss, this job is the meaning of life' while doing it."
Unless their argument is that I quit quit and get a job that fulfills me (how?) then the article serves no purpose but to guilt employees for not being devoted to the company.
This is why I'm too crazy to work. This is why I need disability. This is what's sane?
I wanted to say "I do my hours. You give me the money." But I needed a job, so I played along.
That extra mile does nothing more than become part of the track they expect you to run during the next lap.
Slow Quitting
Syrupy Quitting
Paper Quitting
Diamond Quitting
Silver Quitting
Tired Quitting
Airplane Quitting
Stinky Quitting
Bloated Quitting
Upside Down Quitting
Gassy Quitting
Quilt Quitting
V Like Victory Quitting
Plop Plop Fizz Fizzing
French Quitting
Hit Da Bricks Quitting
I still have no clue what soft quitting is
Which I would typically call "doing your job" but apparently doing your job isn't good enough for LinkedIn bros
Soft Quitting
Hard Quitting
Scrambled Quitting
Poached Quitting
Sunny Side Up Quitting
Quitting Sandwich
Quitting Casserole
because of the terroir, you see