!!!! a very defensive Trump defends his relationship with Laura Loomer and says "she's a free spirit ... I don't know exactly what you're referring to"
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Melania appearing at the last moment of the campaign to stick the knife in would be like the climax of Ex Machina, where the mute robobride turned against her billionaire when he needed her the most.
Just because they oppose birth control for non-rich women
and he views pregnancy as the woman's problem, not his,
doesn't mean she doesn't have the sense to use it.
I can't wait for him to say something like "I don't anything about these things. I do know she gives a really amazing blow job. Maybe the best one ever according to some."
This is Trump. Its not like it would hurt his campaign if people found out he was banging Loomer. His fans would be ecstatic to finally have something that he can still do despite his age
Idk about that. He’s already losing (or at least perceived as losing). Getting hit with exposure of an affair he’s *still having* *in September/October right before the election* would absolutely hurt him.
People hate this guy. Many voters who pick him do so with some degree of nose-holding for how awful he is, and present reminders that he’s still awful, unfocused, and doesn’t give a shit about the job will hurt him.
I've recently discovered even some of my MAGA contacts really hate the guy, they don't defend his actions anymore, they're just down to "Democrats bad"
Yeah - this is why I don't really think it would hurt him much. He's got the hardcore that love him and fly flags with his name on it, but they're not the ones who will put him into office
The ones who are still saying "but the Democrat's policies would be worse" are the ones that will do it
I will be honest - I personally think that the Republican women who would be turned by this are already planning on voting for Harris and just lying to their husbands about it. So that may be coloring my impression of how much it might hurt him
It may compel some of his evangelical base to stay home. It’s one thing to rationalize away past infidelities, quite another when it’s right in front of your face.
I doubt he has the ability to see her clearly enough to determine that--literally. The guy's too vain for glasses. She's probably a brownish area with points to him.
He doesn't realize that him claiming he doesn't know anything about her draws his judgement into question. The hag is riding around on a plane with him, and he doesn't know anything about him? Why trust him to make ANY decisions, then, if he's an oblivious idiot?
One would think that the guy who wants to be Leader of the FREE World would be a lot more diligent on vetting people with access to him. And I won’t even start on Vance …
Hey now, he could always only have a stroke that puts him into a coma where MRIs confirm he’s having one long continuous nightmare and the pro-life people demand he be kept on life support for another 40 months.
I really try not to get my hopes up when it comes to this schmuck but goddamn... there really is a genuine, nonzero chance we all get to watch him supernova on live national television in the next month
Well, this explains why MTG called her out so publicly. I knew it couldn’t really be about the racism. Not from MTG. All of this is so extremely gross to think about.
I would've paid real money for the next reporter to ask him, point-blank: "Sir, there's been questions as to Laura Loomer's loyalty to your organization and its goals-- would you call her 'a supporter?'"
My husband sat behind them on a plane (DJT and Marla in the back row of first class, husband in the first row of the rest) for 4 hours and said all she talked about was the best place to buy gold wedgies and cheap school supplies for the kids. So, normal but not interesting.
Once again,he travels with “only the best people.”I believe Loomer is an alumna of Project Veritas, which contrary to its name,has nothing at all to do with revealing truth. It is best known for doctoring videos to accommodate its right wing lies about abortion. https://bridge.georgetown.edu/research/factsheet-laura-loomer/
"C'mon, sir, you know. And you know we know. We're referring to the much younger woman playing "Swallow The Goldfish" with you, last night on the hotel balcony. Care to comment?" 😏
The press may have feigned concern, Republicans acted like it was a national
fashion crisis. The little crybabies forgot that it St. Ronnie the Senile who showed that it was okay to wear brown suits again.
with a Willing Hand to swat the crap outta HIS ass
notwithstanding 😹
“Not Happening” clause
Probably enjoying it too
I’m curious how the last 2 months of increasing weakness is beginning to permeate even the dense and turgid waters of his supporters’ minds.
and he views pregnancy as the woman's problem, not his,
doesn't mean she doesn't have the sense to use it.
Most of his racist base could care less about his side piece - the leader is always the exception to the rules
The ones who are still saying "but the Democrat's policies would be worse" are the ones that will do it
I have no opinion on that matter.
lol not quite what the rest of us were thinking but O.K.
Laura Loomtongue….
They’re fucking.
"C'mon, sir, you know. And you know we know. We're referring to the much younger woman playing "Swallow The Goldfish" with you, last night on the hotel balcony. Care to comment?" 😏
Thanx, Janet. I'm glad somebody likes it. 😉
fashion crisis. The little crybabies forgot that it St. Ronnie the Senile who showed that it was okay to wear brown suits again.
Confirmation from Trump that he's the 'bottom' in their relationship, and likes it when Laura tells him what to do. 😏
"I have no idea who 'lisa loser' is; I never met her."
>_O 🔮
Melania is probably quite grateful to be relieved of diaper duty
Confirmation that Trump is sleeping around with multiple women behind his wife's back, from the man himself. 😄