OH AND ALSO: i don't know if either of them count because both were vertigo imprint and died before doom patrol became mainstream dc imprint, but kate godwin and dorothy spinner??? they're super my favorites and...in niche internet terms i kin dorothy spinner super hard.
[hides] mandy anders from i am not starfire (i consider her canon because i love her) (i think mandy would have at least a little crush on taelyr i think)
I have a weird love for this character, along with The Ventriloquist.
Something about a foe who meticulously plans the heist and executes it so well that the fact you're a half second behind in catching him was engineered from the start and part of the plan, is just such a good villain trait.
Loved her design.
Mister Mxyzptlk
(Your choice of which one).
Something about a foe who meticulously plans the heist and executes it so well that the fact you're a half second behind in catching him was engineered from the start and part of the plan, is just such a good villain trait.
Bart Allen!