The case that Simpsons was lifting from was wild. Mixing a chemical solvent (related to antifreeze but not actually antifreeze) to sweeten your wine got caught when they tried to export it.
You would need to drink multiple bottles to get a fatal dose; still bad.
the FDA was founded because back in the 30s companies were using this compound to sweeten children's cough medicine, and a lot of kids died (dose was too high for smaller humans)
I love that I won't be able to treat my sick fish because this worm brained asshole thinks it's okay to dose himself.
The positive is that there are cancer warnings on a lot of fish meds so. Little wins.
We use methylene blue as part of an anecdote for cyanide poisoning. It helps make methemoglobin turn back into regular usable hemoglobin again. So unless you have some seriously messed up hemoglobin with tissue hypoxia and impending death, don’t. It doesn’t belong in your body all willy-nilly.
I love that even the fringe dummies who are out there taste-testing paint thinners and doing their own research on which brands of bleach fight ED the best are like "it's so cool RFK is dosing himself with fish tank cleaner but… uhhhh actually that's… that's a pretty big dose buddy"
the baffling part is, these are still 'drugs'/'chemicals' so like, what the fuck is the logic, if not avoiding those??? Do they think we're saving the good shit for the dogs?
It’s for pets though, no corporation would dare give the evil chemicals they force on us people to the innocent little animals… It’s a conservative loophole they figured out and big pharma just can’t do nothin about it! /s
Methylene blue has 2 forms, one of which is critical for treating conditions like methemoglobinemia. It’s an FDA approved treatment. Now… those randomly taking the aquarium version are clearly uneducated, but we need to be better about not being equally as ignorant in a different way.
To be clear, I HATE defending anything this man says or does, but there’s plenty to go after him for without spreading more misinformation about treatments that do have a root in real, effective medicine
Yeah, it's not even that these have no medical use in humans. From what I can find, this seems to be sometimes used in humans too. They just push dangerous medicine meant for niche cases as a cure-all.
It won a Nobel Prize for treating parasitic infestations. That doesn't mean it does anything against viruses, and the doses most of these people recommend are pretty certain to cause trouble.
I mean, radium also won a Nobel Prize, but that doesn't make it a miracle drug.
In high school we would sneak this into each other's drinks or food so their pee would be blue/green as a stupid prank. But even for that we used a bottle sourced from a human doctor, not the Fish Tank Special.
How fucking crazy these people are makes more sense when you work out that they're either on shit like ketwmine or mainlining every drug, supplement and snake oil someone on Favebook tells them about.
I look toward to finding out which one is drinking mercury.
The neat thing about animal medicines is that stuff that will treat symptoms and improve QOL short term with a trade off of causing permanent damage down the road and dying sooner is usually an acceptable outcome
Mate I misspent my youth in college labs preparing tissue samples for microscopy with this (and other dyes), where PPE use was strictly enforced for good reason - learning people are drinking this has me glad I'm already laying down because fuck me sideways that's upsetting...
"that dose" dawg if I got caught sipping, well those safety regs are written in the blood of the people who came before us I'm pretty sure it would have gotten mine punched clean out by the professor
5ml of this shit would turn my 20 gallon quarantine tank opaque. it also noticeably reduced the lifespan of fish treated with it for any length of time. I avoided it for anything but particularly nasty cases of fungus (and even then it was a last resort.)
These biohackers *claim it’s anti-aging and give you mental clarity; his workouts are a joke, he looks like dried leather, and can’t form coherent thoughts so I believe I’ll skip it
*also: antioxidant, long-COVID. It’s a wonder drug the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want us to know about!! 🙄
TBF it’s much easier and less expensive to get a vet to assess your condition.
“I think my dog has appendicitis”
“How big is your dog?”
“6’ 3”, 140 lbs…”
the weakling NPC libs will say "the dose makes the poison" but we big brains know that if some is good more is better. and if it weren't good for you, why would we put it in our aquariums...
anything but wear a mask to stop the spread of SARS-cov-2 and all the other preventable diseases seemingly no one gives a fuck about preventing anymore
But also, like…WHO does he think conducted the research to identify the LD50 and establish a dosing protocol!? I wonder if he’s thoroughly vetted every researcher who ever studied this compound and contributed to its safe use in aquaculture? Wouldn’t want to take advice from WOKE DEI hires!
Some years ago when doctors were starting to talk about the future implications of over-prescribing antibiotics, a bunch of my coworkers starting buying and taking fish "mox." I wonder why the little buggers are becoming antibiotic-resistant?
I’d like to focus if I may on “boosts autophagy if fasting on flight”. I am not a dude of science but autophagy is the body eating itself, just eat the bag of complimentary pretzels my man
Yeah, “you get more radiation from an airplane flight than living near a nuclear plant” was supposed to be a fun bit of trivia, not meaningful health advice!
Like much of his nonsense, it's sort of related to a real thing but he takes it to truly bizarre levels.
Because you're higher in the atmosphere, with less of an atmospheric blanket over you, you do get exposed to slightly more solar radiation when you fly than when you're on the ground.
For nearly every person alive, it's nothing to worry about. For on-craft staff and/or people who have other sources of actually high exposure in their lives, it may be something to be careful of.
I don't know how tf a few drops of ingested methylene blue are supposed to help though.
Like there are some studies looking into replacing Oxybenzone in sunscreens with it as a more coral-safe alternative, but you gotta make some pretty huge leaps from that to drinking the stuff.
And like I'm not trying to preach to the preacher here, just this is a notion that's out there and I'm certain its the nucleation point for this particular bloom of bizarre belief.
It makes me wonder if maybe he isn't confusing methylene blue with iodine, which as I understand does have some ingested uses in protecting the thyroid from absorbing irradiated iodine from other sources or something.
I remember learning that Concorde was exposed to higher radiation levels because it flew above the ozone layer, but as it’s Wikipedia article makes clear this was offset by the shorter journey time
Poor folks without healthcare have been using pet store drugs forever. I remember in my younger days my friends actually suggesting I use "Fishmox" to treat a tooth abscess because I couldn't afford a dentist. This is just normalizing this shit for folks who won't have healthcare in the future.
a real doctor qrt'd this with a real explanation of what this does to you and like, even in small doses (the op mentions that this is a massive one) it can cause your red blood cells to *explode*
I am completely in support of Bobby taking as much of this as he wants. Chug the whole bottle! Don't let "scientists" and "doctors" tell you what to do. They're probably all in the pocket of Big Pharma, or something. Anyway, Bobby, go wild on the stuff.
Actually I think the libs would be extremely owned if he keeps guzzling poison. Nothing less woke than crushing cans of aquarium cleaner like stone cold Steve Austin
the combo of total quackery with legit biology concepts like phagocytosis is so bizarre—combined semblance of technical rigor with the “secret” knowledge “they” are hiding from you
you can see this tendency with the sovereign citizens too, who have totally rejected legitimate government & law, but have still devised an astoundingly complex quasi-legal system of rules & incantations that uses a mishmash of Latin, law French, words like “heretofore,” sealing wax, etc.
if RFK actually becomes the head of the health department and dies acouple months later, theyll just blame the liberals and not the insane shit he puts in his body
they are very interested in drugs that create oxidative stress, for reasons I'm sure have absolutely nothing to do with the ethnic backgrounds of the people most likely to experience adverse reactions to these drugs
I’m waiting for the “drinking gasoline helps with impotence” to just weed out these fuckers once and for all. Shit I might even open up my own station and start selling it.
It's probably not super toxic at that dose, but if he's taking it regularly, who knows. There was a study of 500 mg oral administration with no serious side effects - though it apparently tastes nasty, which can cause vomiting, and it'll stain your mouth blue and you'll pee blue for a while.
“He’s spearheading a movement so I get it” perfection. It would be really cool if this explosion I’ve been seeing mirrors the red mist explosion of that couple at the beginning of Captive State.
You would need to drink multiple bottles to get a fatal dose; still bad.
The positive is that there are cancer warnings on a lot of fish meds so. Little wins.
Start chugging the potions, my dudes.
I'm not clear whether the worm is a ciliate or literally an annelid.
I mean, radium also won a Nobel Prize, but that doesn't make it a miracle drug.
I look toward to finding out which one is drinking mercury.
I wonder if he has brainworms again. it's a decent anti-parasitic (malachite green is better, somebody should tell him.)
and chuds are now drinking it lol.
*also: antioxidant, long-COVID. It’s a wonder drug the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want us to know about!! 🙄
“I think my dog has appendicitis”
“How big is your dog?”
“6’ 3”, 140 lbs…”
I never thought homeopathic BS could save lives, but here we are.
Looking into this. 🤔
Absolute wrecked his body with decades of every snake oil some right wing shill peddled. Still doesn't understand how he suddenly got so sick.
Why, I've spent the last 25 years with my eyes closed and my ears plugged.
I am sooooo veerrrrry chill...
It's the term Radiation Burden that doesn't exist and means they are talking out their A$$
Because you're higher in the atmosphere, with less of an atmospheric blanket over you, you do get exposed to slightly more solar radiation when you fly than when you're on the ground.
I don't know how tf a few drops of ingested methylene blue are supposed to help though.
And then also making several huge flying leaps.
Or maybe they are just blatantly lying.
It's not cause George Soros wants it all for himself.
Please don't make me, a lefty, mad by chugging and chomping animal meds.
Pretty please! 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈
(Walter White scowls at bottle label)
Jesse, we can do better than this.
not sure how bad it'd actually be, i can't find much about it.
No thanks, I brought my own fish flakes to eat
Good grief, RFK looks like a piece of fruit left in the sun for decades. He IS oxidative stress
So, that’s why he’s taking MB.
I made all that up, which is what these Google doctors are doing too.
I don't recommend suckling a tree knot but he's starting a movement so I get it
pretty sure it isn't Papa Smurf...
Frankly I would be shocked if he hasn't taken colloidal silver, though not to that dosage.
these guys are so fucking stupid
I also long for people to recognize that this is what you get when you ensure the average American can't afford healthcare
mainly causing it