He’s running. Democratic leaders who want to be President are courting the MAGAS. @gavinnewsom.bsky.social @fetterman.senate.gov @chriscillizza.bsky.social @maddow.msnbc.com
Every day, I see JB Pritzker raising hell & fighting for Illinois, & I think, if it weren’t for dealing with the fires, Newsom would be doing this, too, right?
Riiiiiiiiiight. JFC. Miss me with this shit while I’m panicking about how I’m gonna be able to support my permanently disabled adult kid.
We are going to have to give our Dem leaders some slack. We need Trump to become unpopular with Republican voters. That’s going to take doing whatever they have to do to get onto their media because if they don’t- their media will blame our economy on Biden/Dems.
Don’t you dare apologize for my child. She needs none. Be sorry that her govt doesn’t see her as deserving of *life*. So, no - I don’t *have* to give ANYONE “some slack” - as if there’s ever any justification for lending legitimacy to eugenics. The only person Newsom is fighting for is himself.
"Give them some slack" - no, they have been given enough over the past 40 years. The dems need to be destroyed if we are to advance, we dont need two republican parties.
I don't know much about Newsom, but is it possible that he is trying to get outside the echo chamber and change some minds? Jon Stewart invited Musk on his show but musk chickened out. Would you have the same reaction if musk did the interview with Jon Stewart? Full disclosure, not a Stewart fan.
What? No. What could Musk possibly say that we haven't heard in his extensive interviews with Joe Rogan and in the White House? If you want liberals to have any future you need to occasionally platform them instead of the same conservatives over and over.
Maybe listen to the podcast first. He is talking to people he DISAGREES with. Not agreeing with them or legitimizing them. He is doing this TO DISAGREE with them and get the other side to hear his arguments. Do you Americans realise that 50 fucking percent of y'all are Trumpists? Wake the fuck up!
He may be planning to get back together with ambassador Kimberly Guilfoyle. So glad he’s showing himself to be the scumbag that I always suspected he was.
I used to work for the state and he vetoed a bill to grant us (reduced) step raises. We received no merit based raises and let us be left with simply having COL. Democrat or not, I’ll never support that POS.
Interesting. Not a term I’d heard before, but I looked it up and it definitely seems to apply here. Are you using it specifically to invoke his closeness with Silicon Valley?
I guess he's permanently off the table with Jared Polis & some of the "no rizz" ones. The possible Dem governors for higher office is an increasingly short list.
I hate to say it but I think it has to be a white man. Probably Pritzker. The Overton window has gone so far to the right. I really like Walz but my best guess is the Dems have a low chance of winning but Pritzker is the one who seems like he could hold up to a brutal political environment. 🤷♀️
When I see the army of accounts (below) ripping the Dems to shreds bc of the speech, seemingly millions of them & dead silence from the Dem Party, I don't think the Dem Party is capable of meeting this challenge. Things aren't going to get better, they'll get worse.
one disappointment after another. millionaire democratic politicians are not the answer. who’s governor newsome appealing to with that racist douchebag?
Why does a sitting governor have a podcast? He should be governing. This isn't a fireside chat. He's not Jon Stewart, who sometimes invites guests to a barbecue of those guests.
We should be able to engage with anybody and not be afraid of confrontation. If Gavin went on there and didn’t confront, then thats a problem. But this purity test bs from some is what’s actually cowardly and lame. Go on Rogan. Go on Kirk. Newsmax. Fuck it.
What in the hell was @governor.ca.gov @gavinnewsom.bsky.social thinking giving a platform to a full-fledged Nazi?
Don't even suggest this fool should run for President as a Democrat.
Your political career is over Newsom! Over!
That's a bad idea. 'Debating' fascists accomplishes nothing beyond giving them a platform; they didn't use logic or facts to become fascists, so logic and facts will not get them to stop.
It’s my impression that this will bring the listeners of these lunatics and give them a chance to hear the other side. Similar to what he did on Fox but without Hannity interrupting! Gavin can hold his own no problem.
That's not the point. You don't engage bad faith arguments. Engaging in an argument legitimizes it, and becomes a tacit endorsement for its consideration. Fascism should only ever be treated with derision and shame, and definitely not be given an invitation to a megaphone.
If you want to do it, you have to just make it a one episode thing where you just tear them to shreds the entire time, mock the shit out of them and be utterly merciless.
Except that does nothing because they will just clip 12 seconds of a 3 hour show where you get something slightly wrong and then post to their millions of followers how they "owned the left."
have screenshots of their most evil tweets in your pocket. interrupt everything to ask why they love pedophiles. don't use their names, just say "this nazi cuck" as many times as you can. when they get mad and stand up, go "awww are you triggered? is snowflake gonna cry on the pod?"
Laugh at them when they say something, then point out that no you aren't laughing with them you're laughing at them because what they just said was incredibly stupid.
Oh you didn't know he was like this? Ca knows, I could tell you A LOT - he will promise $ for things, then when the budget is made he cuts them. He is literally all in for tech bros and posted a pic on Instagram last year with Elon Musk. I've been waiting for this for 4 yrs. I knew it would happen.
"...that wasn't the mid-twenty first century I read about in school. It's been changed. I mean, Earth history has been through its rough patches, but never that rough."
Absolutely insane. As countless others have pointed out, no one takes your warnings of facism seriously when you’re posing next to them with a smile on your face. And isn’t he too busy for this tomfoolery? My governor actually acts like he has a job (because he does).
None. He's certainly free to do that without promoting an open white surpremacist.
Oh & spare me the "it's a power play" bullshit.
Muting you now, since a review of your timeline shows you're a troll.
We are going to have to give our Dem leaders some slack. We need Trump to become unpopular with Republican voters. That’s going to take doing whatever they have to do to get onto their media because if they don’t- their media will blame our economy on Biden/Dems.
Why does newsom have a podcast? Doesn’t he know he’s supposed to go on podcasts to get people interested and paying attention? And then to have on someone who runs turning point USA? His audience will never vote for dems? Why are they so obsessed with winning over repubs instead of firing up dems? 🤦♀️
Us in CA are not happy with his crazy nonactions since November. He is doing this to build up his president run. Its a waste of time, why not talk to the hurting Calif people from Trump EO & Pres Musk irrational actionz
Newsome should only be trusted as far as you can throw him. He’s padding his nest in case this shit goes south on us. Hired his best friends wife, then screwed him over by screwing her.
He’s not our savior, hardly even a friend.
He hates homeless people. I was homeless and I had to vote against his recall because there was no alternative. And nobody is talking about running against him. He needs to be primaried to dust.
Just in terms of getting things built. I think when you say regulations people immediately think environmental and I’m not really talking about that in San Francisco. Our regulation issues are more nimby/planning based. It takes forever and the rules are never cut and dry.
There is no world in which neoliberalism can coexist with the best interests of the average American. The fact that we’ve been gaslit for generations to believe the opposite is a big part of how we got here.
His marriage to Kimberly Guilfoyle says everything you need to know about his true beliefs about governance and policies. She wouldn’t have left him and went to Don Jr if they had radical differences in politics. He’s pulling the same grift on democrats that Trump pulled on Republicans. He’s a fake.
Again, those people married back when politics wasn’t so radicalized and caused division like it does today. 20 years ago, I got along with several GOP friends. It was a different time. As far as Kim goes, I don’t know her personally. I can’t speak to her beliefs. And her and Don Jr’s split may not
have anything to do with politics. It could have been over money or who knows what else. My statement was my opinion, in response to other opinions about what type of person Newsom is out of view from the public eye. That’s all.
They were not even married for long, lol. It's not like they had a 15 year marriage. And you are dismissing the Cult Effect that has claimed our country.
Even so, would you date/marry someone who was that ideologically different from you? I know I wouldn’t. Especially given what a radical difference they have today compared with 25 years ago.
How do you know she was that different to begin with? I honestly don't know but we have all seen people become radicalized very quickly. They are all around us. Families have fallen apart because of it.
I never thought that my opinion about their relationship wouldn’t spark so much dialogue. I’ll happily admit that I may be wrong. I’ve been wrong many, many times before. More than one person in an elected position has duped me.
I have seen this opinion repeated, and I can't help but feel it's always been a part of a pysop campaign. I looked up his marriage and found they even barely saw each other as they were both busy with their own careers and on different coasts.
@psiamnotdrunk.bsky.social Weren’t we just saying yesterday how much better we have it now with @govpritzker.illinois.gov as our governor rather than Newsom?
If you’re willing to do a photo op to prove your bona fides to bigoted xenophobes, it’s a pretty straight line to the fascist application of deadly force. So many DINOs in the Dem Party.
People are upset with this for no logical reason. Newsom will intelligently & politely obliterate this guy. This is not for an audience of one but for his followers who think, "Have I done the right thing?". Trump wants America to be divided (since '16). Convince the misled, & others will follow.
I am aware of that. But you will be deluded if you think America is not there yet. Unfortunately, it already is. While people were concerned in the 2000s and 2010s with tech, reality TV and the Kardashians, extreme elements from different areas of American society were in the works..
No, they actually aren’t already there. Believe it or not there were a lot of Trump voters who aren’t MAGA. They’re just stupid or uninformed or the type of people who vote like their dad. And if America is already there as you contend, that means Newsom doing this is all the more pointless.
Exactly. Saying nothing is more useful than this. Kirk will deceptively spin it as either he owned Newsom or that they agreed in points Kirk dictates. You’re literally doing the work for them.
I don't think so. I've seen Newsom and Kirk in different settings, and the kid does not have a leg to stand on. But I am confused. Is it restricting freedom of speech to someone undemocratic? I don't like the douche, but you are stating the same as what they want.
Oh, I know, I know a couple who voted for the douche, and they said to me after. "I hope he does not do something crazy." The sad part is that his cabinet and party members have been and are currently making significant changes to the pillars of democracy, hence the quickness of the changes.
He went completely mask off like 3 days after Harris didn't pick him for VP. Like the next Monday he was just stone-walling a bunch of legislation he had previously been pretty friendly about. It was obvious he was having a tantrum.
Charlie Kirk handled the money that paid for the rallies on January 6 that brought Trump's mob to DC. Kirk's TPUSA was the recipient of the funds and Charlie personally distributed it.
This is like tying your laces together, tripping and face planting before even attempting to jump the first hurdle. Beyond cringe. Beyond ick. Beyond second hand embarrassment. Just want to press the permanent delete button.
you can hunt into the mentions for this if you want, but I'm not going to parse a fine distinction between "having a fascist on for a debate" and "cohosting with a fascist." Both unforgivable, especially if you are the [mouth directly on microphone] democratic governor of the most populous state
If you sit down at a table with 9 Nazis, and California Uber Alles is blaring in the background, and you're sitting there with the Nazis planning out how to grind homeless people in to dog food, you're Gavin Newsome.
Reminder: Newsom ordered the forced destruction of homeless camps after the nine person elitist SCOTUS minocracy okayed anti-homeless laws as constitutional.
Him willfully debating Kirk is just him reaffirming how much of an garbage human being he is.
Liberals think they can tamp down the rise of fascism just by not "platforming" prominent fascists.
It simply doesn't work like that with people like Charlie Kirk because their ample funding means they either reach people without pushback or with pushback, you have no power to stem their growth.
I saw right wing idiots on Twitter getting mad at Kirk for helping Newsom "grow his audience" and I was like are you fucking stupid he is the governor of California but the reverse also applies
100% on this. This is such a fundamental idea of leadership & power, it's maddening to see Democratic leadership pretend not to get it. They are always there to prop up radical RW voices as legitimate.
In case anyone is curious if fascism can be destroyed by healthy debate, fascists universally seek out debate in any public form. It's the best method they have to get unpopular ideas to a broad audience.
The marketplace of ideas is a thing they made up to imply their ideas have value.
regardless of the content it's just a tremendous misreading of the mood of the moment. your people want fighters, not debaters or compromisers, the only thing charlie kirk should be doing on your show is getting hit with a baseball bat
Whitewashing at its best. Well done Newsom, you just managed to lose your 2028 bid by losing democrats who won't be voting for you alongside the Republicans you were wooing.
"Newsom’s interview with Kirk was friendly, sometimes exceedingly so. He mentioned the influence Kirk and other MAGA-world figures have had on his 13-year-old son"
Sorry that you're a bad father Gavin but that doesn't oblige you to be a shit governor.
My 15 year old knows full well that if I learn Charlie Kirk et all are having an influence on him that this is an ISSUE TO BE RESOLVED, not a podcast opportunity.
Gavin is explicitly out of step with even Senate Democrats on this, who can at least marshall a unified defense of human dignity when forced to do so by Tommy Tuberville https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna194623
newsom riding to fame on gay marriage, while also doing everything he can to crush the homeless (which disproportionately features queers) and also going along with this transphobic shit...
man if that just don't really sum up the standard elected dem mindset
yeah that rejection was nice. it was also a deep surprise, considering how much democrats have not shut the fuck up about "the trans are fucking costing us", and are likely to continue doing so again.
A debate only works when all participants do so in good faith. Fascists don't deal in good faith, they deal in propaganda. Therefore there is nothing to be gained from debating them, there are only things to lose.
Smiling pictures next to each other and framing the whole thing as a “search for common ground” is more than enough. It’s basically irrelevant at that point what the substance of the conversation turns out to be.
Joe Rogan understood as much by torpedoing the Kamala interview.
The real shit sandwich is that it’s a plotted move assuming this is a lame duck presidency and look at me white dude but the implied violence of this executive branch has overwhelmed any lame duckieness
He physically helped clear homeless camps, proudly getting photographed doing so. It doesn't matter what he says, he's shown he'll do anything if he thinks it will get him more power.
In 2013, as Lt. Governor, he was super on board to replace Cal State University faculty with MOOCs to save money. It’s not like our students deserved high quality instruction or anything.
and I haven't seen anything about rescinding or even pausing his proposed 7.9% budget cut to us in light of federal research funding cuts and the possibility student financial aid won't get disbursed
I'd rather have him than a lot of the Dem governors out there who stay below the radar so as not to call Trump's attention to them, but he keeps having these inexplicable Trumpian moments.
Newsom got out there and did it himself, tossed the last possessions of the most vulnerable among us into the garbage, donning large surgical gloves sparkling brightly for the camera like a sadistic doctor in a Cronenberg film.
those shameful news clips will dog him for an eternity.
People I knew from the Bay Area were warning people about the former Mr. Kimberly Guilfoyle back when he was running for mayor of San Francisco in 2003. His trajectory is unfortunately predictable…
everybody loves having 12d chess justifications for democrats actions that they themselves never offer up nor give any reason to trust them to execute on
You know those Samurai movies where the samurai must draw blood before sheathing his sword. You could recommend the same about appearing on the internet with fascists.
JFC why do these liberals feel the need to give any oxygen to people like Kirk. They think they're going to like "win people over" or whatever, but anyone that follows that guy is just too far gone. I don't get what the point is.
Newsom's ex-wife is Donald Trump Jr.'s ex-fiancé, it's unfortunately not surprising he's not up to meeting the moment. There's a "Fuck Trump" lane that's wide open in American politics, and Pritzker's doing his best to fill it, while Newsom is...not.
Yeah as a Californian, I am not a fan of Newsome. He's kind of a Dem party darling right now but he has shut down a lot of good, progressive legislation in this state. He's mostly just a rich guy who likes to go to fancy parties and be popular.
He always says he's gonna give money for things in the budget like education or homeless and at the last minute it gets cut or reduced. He didn't give people like me on. a fixed income a stimulus check during covid and everyone else got 2. He did something shady with the PUC here-
Hmmm, I can only say that he’s not actually in charge of the budget. I know that is cold comfort, I just don’t think it’s the governors fault. He’s more the message man. Congress holds the purse/sets the budget. What can he really do except vetos and executive orders (which are worthless)
He literally vetos nearly 1 out of every 5 bills the fairly progressive legislature passes. A recent-ish one was a cap on insulin prices. He basically withdrew his support for the CalCare initiative and kept the state from having single-payer - pretty much siding with the insurance industry.
Even aside from that he's cozy enough with PG&E that they get like, 8 price increases a year and then Newsom blames solar panels for PG&E's record profits & profit margin.
The point is to make liberals less afraid of them, and to change the cultural tide so that their flourishing talking points meet against a flourishing countercurrent rather than target unsuspecting people and grow unabated.
What if his first question is “why are you an asshole?” 🤷♀️ I am not a podcast person and I thought the idea of Newsom’s governor debate with DeSantis was dumb. But I’m not gonna hate on him.
Newsome is listening to these fucking consultants that tell Democrats to "be more MAGA/Nazi to win" 🤦♀️
We need to put these consultants into a bottomless pit. They work for the opposition to destroy our candidates with their terrible advice (and they get paid to do it! 🤮).
Well, there goes feeling like we may have a shot in this country. I’ve been wondering where our Governor was. Never imagined he would be hanging with NAZI’s.
There was sooo much going on so I’m not surprised I missed it! I can only hope that his dedication and obligation to California outweighs being a ‘pick me’ in hopes of securing the presidential nomination.
Morbid curiosity will probably have me check it out.
Charlie is the kind of guy who can't actually standup to anyone with knowledge. I'm honestly surprised he did this, because his typical play is to avoid competent debaters and argue with inexperienced students.
The opposition is literally going fascist out loud, and name-brand democrats are just playing footsie with the Riefenstahls?
Riiiiiiiiiight. JFC. Miss me with this shit while I’m panicking about how I’m gonna be able to support my permanently disabled adult kid.
We are going to have to give our Dem leaders some slack. We need Trump to become unpopular with Republican voters. That’s going to take doing whatever they have to do to get onto their media because if they don’t- their media will blame our economy on Biden/Dems.
And he certainly didn’t need to take buddy buddy photos with him.
We saw TYT try this tactic and it’s resulted in nothing but a right wing shift by the hosts.
32% Trump
31% Harris
36% Did not vote
Fuck, with my whole chest, California.
WTF is this? Are you for real? Sitting down for a nice chat with nazis?
This makes me feel sick to my stomach. I'm so disappointed in newsome.
Stop. Just stop. It’s embarrassing for you now and for your future aspirations.
Having been married to Kimberly Guilfoyle should have been the red flag.
Don't even suggest this fool should run for President as a Democrat.
Your political career is over Newsom! Over!
🥇 "fuck" (273 times)
🥈 "fucking" (215 times)
🥉 "hell" (158 times)
🥇 "fuck" (273 times)
🥈 "fucking" (215 times)
🥉 "hell" (158 times)
🥇 "fuck" (273 times)
🥈 "fucking" (215 times)
🥉 "hell" (158 times)
Alternate timeline it is.
Oh & spare me the "it's a power play" bullshit.
Muting you now, since a review of your timeline shows you're a troll.
He’s always been a piece of shit, good to see him come out of the shit closet.
I’m a #NeverNewsomeDemocrat.
Why don’t you post over here @governor.ca.gov and hear what your constituents think about your giving a platform to a fascist.
Motherfucker they are IN THE WHITE HOUSE
He’s not our savior, hardly even a friend.
Fuck him. He's never going to be president.
Kellyanne and George?
Good lord, man. Google recency bias.
You're not making your case any stronger.
Again, I was just expressing my opinion. I never said it was fact. There’s a difference.
Pop quiz: given your argument, where is Kim on the political spectrum? Go!
They could try consulting with ordinary people. It’s free and guaranteed to be more effective.
If you’re willing to do a photo op to prove your bona fides to bigoted xenophobes, it’s a pretty straight line to the fascist application of deadly force. So many DINOs in the Dem Party.
Legitimizing these tools is dangerous and reckless.
Stop giving shit for brains a platform.
Him willfully debating Kirk is just him reaffirming how much of an garbage human being he is.
It simply doesn't work like that with people like Charlie Kirk because their ample funding means they either reach people without pushback or with pushback, you have no power to stem their growth.
The marketplace of ideas is a thing they made up to imply their ideas have value.
This is why you do not ever share a platform with Charlie Kirk, @gavinnewsom.bsky.social, you transphobic piece of shit. California deserves better.
And I hope they remember who they sat beside while they're following that line up to the wall.
If you've got 10 people at a table and 1 is a nazi... you've got 10 nazis.
Sorry that you're a bad father Gavin but that doesn't oblige you to be a shit governor.
The fact Newsome is sharing the stage with ANY GOP apologist tells me EVERYTHING.
Dem leadership legitimizes RW thinking as just a viewpoint.
man if that just don't really sum up the standard elected dem mindset
Newsom is saying this to break with democrats and raise his profile.
Joe Rogan understood as much by torpedoing the Kamala interview.
But that doesn't excuse him being an asshole to almost everyone that goes against him or what he believes.
those shameful news clips will dog him for an eternity.
No thanks!!
And, while Brown wasn't perfect, he was more adept at executing this plan.
Still Newsom is way better and more savvy than many other Dems. But not a Pritzker.
We need to put these consultants into a bottomless pit. They work for the opposition to destroy our candidates with their terrible advice (and they get paid to do it! 🤮).
uncomfortable just looking at him.
What the hell is he doing?
For 4 years, Biden and Garland bent over backwards for far right Republicans and begged them for civility and bipartisanship
Republicans literally laughed at them and escalated their lies and attacks
Bipartisanship ALWAYS benefits Republicans and hurts Democrats AND America
Charlie is the kind of guy who can't actually standup to anyone with knowledge. I'm honestly surprised he did this, because his typical play is to avoid competent debaters and argue with inexperienced students.