NEW: Meta changed its Community Guidelines today to permit "allegations of mental illness or abnormality when based on gender or sexual orientation, given political and religious discourse about transgenderism and homosexuality"
A friend had a post with a version of the really famous Asterix-quote removed.
After the war in Israel started, I reported a shit ton of Trump supporters who were flooding the California Holocaust Museum's page with anti-Semitic shit. Every single report came back as not going against community standards and was left up.
but, sure, handwave it away.
It's exhausting.
That's gross and sick.
We're in for some shit
45 isn't even inaugurated yet, but they've already abandoned all pretense and thrown their masks into the Mariana trench.
"Free speech" is how oligarchs say "hate speech."
With these allies...
See also 'russophobia', 'woke mind virus', 'libtard', and 'MAGAt' for balance.
Labeling somebody insane based on their sexual or gender identity is pure Nazism, though.
Food grows on trees
I think a lot of people are probably in a similar situation.
If only there was some way to keep in contact without Facebook... 🤔
Facebook successfully captured my family years ago and no one else is willing to learn a new app.
They're not banning gay or trans people from the site.
If no one in your feed uses that language, you'll never personally notice the change.
That's not going to convince grandma to learn to use Discord.
Something to that effect. Enough of the wishy washy, soft gloves.
-Mark Zuckerberg
Delete your content, not your profiles.
Post or send DMs to bring people HERE!
Growing Bluesky and removing Daily Active Users from X and Meta weakens the power of their platforms.
Let's grow and strengthen OUR community!
What a bunch of sick fucks.
Can someone PLEASE come up with an alternate to Instagram? I’d like to cut this a-hole out of my life COMPLETELY.
Fuck Mark Cuckerberg, he started out a shitty little dweeb and has only gotten worse over the years.
Hope he's luigi'd and he lingers just long enough to feel true fear and a lot of agony.
being lgbt+ is not a belief.
it’s like calling someone mentally ill bcos they have blue eyes.
(This isn’t to say I agree with it at all, but since he’s a billionaire with control over a largely used and integrated social media platform, yeah, he’ll probably be ok, relatively speaking. This is a nod to them.)
Done with that manchild's gross platforms. Meta needs to be taken down.
They don't believe women are people, so anything that might muddy the waters of their strict gender roles is regarded as evil.
And should no longer be excluded from inclusion from protection.
Check out the research and what we can do:
Zuck is a weenie
In fact, research suggests autists tend to experience a wide variety of empathetic experiences and many report to feel it with great intensely rather than not.
I’ve already proved you wrong in providing ample sources that directly counter your claim.
I will not argue that people with autism cannot feel empathy because that is not true. Point blank. Period.
Another one for the list.
Is that cool, zuck?
Signed someone with depression, panic attacks, anxiety, PTSD, and more.
We don't need to pretend like being bigoted towards other people without recourse, and wanting their extermination isn't some type of mental illness or, at best, maladaption.
We could call it an "intolerance disorder".
What morons like Zuckerberg seem to misunderstand is that in the long term hitching their horse to Shitler’s wagon of hate is ultimately going to destroy their company. Just look at the dismal failure of Twitter.
Least of all from the likes of Meta. Be serious.
There are so many crazy assholes running around loose these days.
You’re either a good person, or You’re on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Threads. (also, in light of this news, I feel it's appropriate to mention that Pixelfed is made by a gay guy. So, by using Pixelfed, you are literally supporting the LGBTQ+ community 👍)
"I genuinely like how Facebook helps me keep in touch with people, but I watched this video and think this fake concern for free speech and pandering to Trump is all really gross. 1/3
(If you want documentation of how Facebook’s practices have triggered mass violence check out the book The Chaos Machine by Max Fisher.) 2/3
What's next? Promoting anti miscegenation content?
They call the queer community “mentally ill” all the time, and constantly make laws to destroy our rights.
yes it is
the dems are not going to save us
How is THAT not mental illness?
Co-partner with Musk as Trump’s ‘Goebbles’.