Didn't get very in this piece but I think he's trying to say that rich people are a problem. Or something. There's also this: "Angry rich kids jacked up on radical, nihilistic philosophies can cause a lot of harm, not least to the working-class folks whose interests they pretend to champion."
“A working class hero is something to be
There's room at the top they are telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you want to be like the folks on the hill”
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STEPHENS HAS LITERALLY JUST WRITTEN the dumbest fucking thing that I have seen in the past day or so and (trust me) at this point, that is saying a fucking LOT!!!
If Hell is real, I hope every one of these willing collaborators who are actively abetting fascism and oppression spends the rest of their lives in fear of it. And forgotten.
Bret Stephens, professional apologist for the billionaire class who writes NYT op-eds for a living, truly has his finger on the pulse of the working class
Come on. Rural kid who climbs the corporate ladder and gets rich by catering to shareholders over patients is no working-class hero. It is possible to strongly condemn murder without making Orwellian arguments. Also: survey Stephens cites in no way justifies UH’s approach to claims and denial rate.
Has anyone seen any evidence that this scolding by the media is changing anyone's mind? The public's shrug over the murder was spontaneous and genuine. A bunch of self-important knobs writing essays aren't going to convince them to care
Is it just me, or do the most annoying op-ed writers always seem to have the frat-bro-iest names? That, or they sound like they were named after a character from a British children’s book set in a boarding school.
You are making one of the classic blunders; the most well known is never start a land war in asia
less well known, never take a clickbait headline as a summary of the article
BT grew up poor; mangione grew up wealthy is the take away
Bret does do some evil in minimizing the evil of UHC, but
I understand why that's an easy way out of this moral paradox extreme, but the assassin's back is wreckage I've seen patients blow their own heads off to escape the pain. We're lucky this man didn't put a dirty atom bomb out there just because he could draw the rightful conclusion that no-one cares.
Brian Thompson didn't cause his back issues; it would have been just as wrong if he'd murdered his personal physician or surgeon.
Surgical outcomes vary and pain management is incredibly challenging; UHC just plays the 'bad guy' role in the system despite not being the primary cause of cost issues.
Thompson prospered off the reckless exploitation of the misery of others "to create value for the shareholders". Irrespective of the manner of his death, the world is a better place without him.
Zero harm was prevented by killing him in cold blood.
UHC as an organization will continue to approve and deny claims exactly as they did before; Brian Thompson was not the driving force behind claims denial - the for-profit industry is and the model/industry is unchanged.
Ah yes. Long ago as we huddled for warmth around the fire we would share tales of a legendary hero that threw the sick and wounded off a cliff and the rest of us paid him handsomely.
I almost want to read this, but like hell do I want to give money to the New York Times or Bret Stephens, & I should really stop indulging my morbid curiosity in the first place B/C it has never ended well.
All I'm saying is the Times offices are right across from the Port Authority. You ain't even need to do a whole lap around Central Park, just leave town after conducting your business.
"Thompson’s life may have been cut brutally short, but it will remain a model for how a...man can still rise to the top of corporate life without the benefit of rich parents and an Ivy League degree."
...and all you have to do is slaughter your fellow humans for the sake of the almighty dollar
Someone with that much crude screw-and-brace back surgery on the lumbar doesn't look very privileged to me. The actual X-Rays do not bear out the idea this man was living in some lofty cloud of easy street, but someone who likely PRAYED FOR DEATH regularly from the pain.
Of course it is. Even if you're from a privileged background it doesn't stop you recognising profound injustice.
I don't think what he did was right, but his views on the system are absolutely correct. Whilst the CEO of a health insurer that works to deny coverage has clearly abandoned his morals
I can't help but wonder if the media reaction would be different if his name was like John Smith. My guess is we'd be discussing mental health issues as always.
like, Thompson had to schlep to an office every day whereas Stephens just has to write his stupid thoughts down and floats on whatever cloud of privilege being the heir to a chemical fortune affords you
all the assholes out here complaining about kids these days and tiktok brainrot and vocal fry and the devolution of the english language are somehow completely silent on the continuous erosion of meaning by the exact people whose entire job is (or should be) speaking truth to power
Most cockroaches I've met struggle with technology
There's room at the top they are telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you want to be like the folks on the hill”
yeah sounds real working class hero to me… 🙄
"Today in AYFKM"
software engineer is a job with a boss where you don't own any capital
good upwards mobility on it though I know what you mean
Paltry on the billionaire scale, but we know which side of the bread he butters... and with what.
less well known, never take a clickbait headline as a summary of the article
BT grew up poor; mangione grew up wealthy is the take away
Bret does do some evil in minimizing the evil of UHC, but
Bret is right on this one.
Thompson's background is absolutely that of a working class person who worked hard and succeeded.
Luigi had loads of privilege and chose violence in a way that had zero chance of improving US Healthcare.
Surgical outcomes vary and pain management is incredibly challenging; UHC just plays the 'bad guy' role in the system despite not being the primary cause of cost issues.
Zero harm was prevented by killing him in cold blood.
UHC as an organization will continue to approve and deny claims exactly as they did before; Brian Thompson was not the driving force behind claims denial - the for-profit industry is and the model/industry is unchanged.
Is the hospital a mass-murderering organization? They're not providing the care without a payor.
Healthcare is provided on a for-profit model in the US and that's where the big costs come in.
Normally I'm opposed to special treatment, but this sort of thing proves that some people really deserve a Luigi of their very own.
This... is so out of touch i'm not sure it has kinesthetic senses anymore.
How much you wanna bet the current AI models have class consciousness?
Murder is wrong but Thompson was neither a hero nor working class. #TaxTheOligarchs
...and all you have to do is slaughter your fellow humans for the sake of the almighty dollar
What an asshole.
Thompson was the head of an organization that's killed thousands.
I believe Luigi's family will find a way to free him.
He's not perfect, but perhaps our era's batman!
That's the level of nuance.
I don't think what he did was right, but his views on the system are absolutely correct. Whilst the CEO of a health insurer that works to deny coverage has clearly abandoned his morals
(I am not justifying vigilante killing.)
Skip Bayless wishes he could bait this hard
Some rob you with a six gun, some with a fountain pen.
-Woody Guthrie “Pretty Boy Floyd”
Pitchbot can retire