The irony here is that all of the stereotypes of Americans when they travel abroad are absolutely true for Australians, to the point where I wonder if a lot of the flak American travelers get are them catching strays from English-speaking travelers from Down Under
*Cranks up Tom Sawyer
They encouraged me to speak French!
Still one on my best memories from that job.
Americans: I don't think about you at all
NorCal: Ugh. SoCal. It’s THE WORST.
SoCal: We think about NorCal hella infrequently.
It is known.
“Oh, hi there, Pot! Name’s Kettle! Have we met?”
Been abroad quite a bit for work the last 5 years, have not really been despised anywhere, and what I have heard about Americans in broadstrokes has most often been that we're weirdly friendly.
Naive probably too
such jerks!
The men also have a penchant for wearing tank tops over t-shirts.
Sad, but probs very true
I spent a year there with my family, and people were nearly entirely friendly or polite, especially when I asked for help.
Granted, I never complained about food or politics and never did the accent, so
And I bet nobody in Australia is ever horrible to *authorized* brown migrants, right?
Yeah, we are fucking awful too.
Finding out over the last couple of years how deeply embedded our cuntiness is has not been fun
the only thing was that they're always ahead of the curve on us - I always felt like such a caveman inserting the chip instead of being able to just tap 😆
I doubt it's part of Tourism NZ's narrative either...
You're right about the travel stereotypes applying to them in spades. It's insane.