Just FYI since this is getting some traction:
1) Yes, it's real - check the Labour Party's TikTok account.
2) I shopped around an article about AI and the aesthetics of fascism last year and it didn't get any traction, so if any outlets (who can pay me) want to see it then DM me.
Did their social media person get caught looking at furries online, and had to come up with an excuse on why I wasn't inappropriate use of the Internet at work?
Not a media outlet or a journalist, just running a local party bSky account. The link between AI and the Aesthetics of Fascism is very interesting to me, would you be able to send me a copy of this article, or a link to where you've published it, if you have?
No problems at all, I look forward to reading it. I believe it important for people/parties at all levels to be aware of the green/red flags of new tech. It is important that a party of government presents with good optics. If AI "art" has the aesthetic of Fascism, I'm keen to keep us far from it.
A lot of people, regardless of politics, think AI art is a bit cool or novel and harmless - I personally am not of this opinion, I DO think it harmful and artless, and am keen to share info to that point.
Cool - I'll have to do a quick rewrite to update it (definitely want to get the Labour thing in somewhere). Is the best way to reach you through [email protected]?
Disturbing on a many levels. And, at a time when a German owned media giant has laid-off its entire UK creative staff and moved to Poland. Think again when buying their ‘British’ newsstand titles.
"But sir, what those lyrics are talking about?"
"No idea, but that beat is insane!"
*Brazilians finding the video and explaining the lyrics*
"OHHH BOY!!!!!"
Like all AI shite, if they can’t even be arsed with the effort to deliver a simple message why should I believe they’ll be bothered to do the actual work?
Why does nobody who does these things have any fucking standards? The nurse rabbit crossing her arms but she's crossing them into her arms and she has human hand and they just.
Put it in?????!!
Nobody noticed/cared? This is the attention to detail we can expect from the government is it?
Fatal limitation of generative AI. You can't fix things that it generates, much at all. I'm sure they ran the prompt dozens of times and that was the best they got.
It's saying "this is the standard of competence you can expect from NHS doctors whenever they treat someone who's trans, disabled, neurodivergent, etc."
Whoever came up with that, approved the spending, and OK'd the release, needs to have their fingers broken with a ball-pein hammer. It's fucking terrible in soooo very many ways.
It's absolutely awful! It shows zero respect to the creative arts and looks shocking. I know it's not the point, but it's not even well done. At 14 seconds, the nurse/ rabbits arms fold inside each other. Horrible slop. Probably killed a rain forest with the energy usage for this.
I say play on, join the AI fucking nonsense, who’s arsed? It all floofs into the same ‘lion wandering over a mad Westminster Bridge’ bullshit, forgettable nonsense. Flood the internet with shit.
Ugh. Labour have spent six months in power turning themselves into shit. To not even bother to pay artists and animators to make this - supporting the labour market- is really sucky behaviour.
Interesting, think about this. Is this presentation what the Labour Party believes the UK population will respond to? Well now that I think about it, here in the US, MAGA would vote for it no problem. After all the incoming President - Elect is without doubt at that mental level, animal.
"Okay team, the government have commissioned us to make them some great content to show how strong they are in representing the people of the UK and getting things done, let's get some ideas"
"Good representation of diversity?"
"Problematic, let's make all the characters scary looking AI animals"
"Decent affordable* cattle sheds/rooms in a slaughter house for you and your family"
*Terms and conditions apply. Eligible citizens must earn 30 times the mortgage payments. Failure to keep up payments may result in being turned into burgers
"erm.. so, there's a problem.. I like the AI rabbit with the twitchy nose to represent healthcare workers, but... not it's ability to fold its arms through each other"
"Yeah, going to just have to go with that one, hope no-one notices..."
"How about a giant slobbery stupid looking bulldog police officer, marching down the middle of a nice suburban while making the ground shake like something out of Terminator?"
The gross unnecessary energy use, the non-employment or promotion of homegrown creative talent, the awful aesthetics. And all while holding a consultation on generative ai. 🤦🏻♀️
I am not surprised. We got a new wall with some history of coventry. And all the art is AI slop. People are trying to deface but somehow they always manage to scrub it off 🙄
I cannot believe Labour spent time and money creating this, that they thought it was great and then yep they put it out there. For what? Ridicule and derision?
The cringe is endless.
I voted for competence and change, they are proving to be none of these things.
You have to understand that when you make anthropomorphic depictions you have to drive the line somewhere. In zootopia they have human hands and feet. Take my word for that do not do an image search for Judy hopps feet
AI art is as much a blessing as it is an evil of the earth. Because now we can truly distinguish from people who are humans, and lizard people pretending to care about the working class.
I was gonna correct myself by replacing lizard people with cyborgs. But I now realize that people are into robots as much as they're into Scalies. So now the only dehumanizing thing I can really call people who use AI is a billionaire or atleast ontologically.
Can we swap them for a government of furries? All the furries I've met are lovely, kind, intelligent beings, while most of the UK politicians appear to be utter twats regardless of tie colour.
She's a fan-made aryan pony with a swastika in her cutie mark who is often depicted as an SS officer... I think when people say a show is for "everybody", they really should put an asterik on that.
I think that this is at the heart of it, coupled w/ a shared upbringing within neoliberalism, seeing nothing wrong with all forms of tech, esp. if it "streamlines" things.
Plus there's the bonus of not having to deal with "diversity" ie non-whiteness, non-heteronormativity.
My favourite part is that this tiktok audio is a super explicit Brazilian funk song with lyrics such as "sit on the dick, bounce on the dick" and also the dick is referred to as "big clown". Hope this helps.
haha yeah cant stand lobor OR too tear keir cant wait to get the tories back again or maybe reform if we are lucky!
A “Labour” Party which refuses to pay for the labour of actual human artists, and instead gives that money to wealthy owners of copyright infringing diffusion models, is not worthy of the name.
It is in line with that law proposal that all art produced in GB will be used for AI training. Whether artists agree to it or not. I hope this put pressure on them to make them stop that.
It's really funny that this guy was like "I want to be in charge, I can fix this." And then immediately turned around with "Does anybody know how to fix this?"
These AI generated furries are terrifying. Why do the Lion's pants morph into its legs? What the hell is happening with the Hare's human hand phasing through its arm?
Badger was always the sensible one in Wind in the Willows. (Disclaimer: I only know WitW from the stop-motion animation I saw once about 35 years ago.)
I realize no matter how stupid and out of touch Labour may be, they're still infinitely far ahead of the deliberately evil Tories, but this still boggles the mind.
If this is some ploy to try and curry favour with the Furry voting bloc, Labour is in for a rude awakening when they find out how much of that demographic is trans.
I’d like to think if an Owl arrived at a convention inexplicably wearing a shirt around their legs, you’d take them aside and explain how anatomy works…
Bearing in mind the state of the housing market, it feels like they are taking the proverbial by representing it with a cow. And why a badger for the railways? Probably bit a good plan to look for too much meaning behind this.
The current government smeared & expelled the left, immediately abandoned all of its 'center left' principles & promises once in power, slashed money to the elderly, demonized the poor on welfare, pushed NHS privatization, refused to tax the rich & now spouts right wing anti immigrant BS
They're platitudes so what is there to be concerned about?Police on the streets etc has been spouted by every political party for decades. Nothing new or disturbing to see here.
Okay, a sound track with those lyrics should have been filtered out 100% agree there, but *it looks crap to you* in the same way your parents hated your music and dress sense.
It looks like some tweenager put it together. That is the point. Labour is meant to be professional - the UK government, not some spotty kid messing about with AI in his basement.
That's absolute rubbish, superficial and very prejudicial against young people.
Labour represent everyone, from the rich elderly pensioner to that teenagers messing about with AI - who are likely going to be paying tax via their very high salary in the future.
1) Yes, it's real - check the Labour Party's TikTok account.
2) I shopped around an article about AI and the aesthetics of fascism last year and it didn't get any traction, so if any outlets (who can pay me) want to see it then DM me.
Those 'police'! Yeah sure, I feel much safer, she says, pelting in the other direction.
just why
who made this
who convinced labour that this was a good idea
why the specific animals
why is it ai
why the music
just why
You can't out-nationalist the far-right without actually being far-right, but we all have to watch Labour try.
"No idea, but that beat is insane!"
*Brazilians finding the video and explaining the lyrics*
"OHHH BOY!!!!!"
Put it in?????!!
Nobody noticed/cared? This is the attention to detail we can expect from the government is it?
Search for @uklabour.
Through the tinny phone speakers i can tell this one is a rumbler.
"Good representation of diversity?"
"Problematic, let's make all the characters scary looking AI animals"
*Terms and conditions apply. Eligible citizens must earn 30 times the mortgage payments. Failure to keep up payments may result in being turned into burgers
"Yeah, going to just have to go with that one, hope no-one notices..."
"What about people who don't have families?"
"Turn them into Foxes, have them rummaging through bins, then chased by dogs in red coats on horses that look like humans?"
"Not enough time for this"
"Does the Honourable Member opposite, really think that... cough... splutter.. baaaaaaa... help... baaaaa baaaaaa!"
"Mr Speaker, it looks like the Honourable Lady is having some difficulty, perhaps we should..."
The House: *Mooing noises, as usual*
"What the bloody hell are you watching?!"
"It's a Parliamentary debate!"
"Well change the channel. I want to watch alligators wrestling chickens on the other side while I eat my human sausages"
The cringe is endless.
I voted for competence and change, they are proving to be none of these things.
Disappointed doesn't cover it tbh.
It also make Labour's "We need to embrace AI!" and "Methinks the creatives doth protest too much" mindsets all the worse, too.
And they see people without power and privilege as children.
All those AI Facebook memes promoting Reform at last election
Ye gods 🤦♀️
Plus there's the bonus of not having to deal with "diversity" ie non-whiteness, non-heteronormativity.
They make this advert look entirely sane and sensible.
In short words even you can understand:
Just fuck off.
So much for 'the tolerant left' 🙄🤦
He probably got in thinking that's how to fix it. Just let the regulators really do their thing.
'Sir' Keir.
(Promise, or threat?)
fr that’s all leg down there.
Reminds me of a Temu t-shirt ad - are the Labour social media team high school GCSE media students?
We don't want this shit either. (they couyld have hired one of us and we would have made something a billion times better.)
This is an advert specifically made for the TikTok generation, not for you.
It's great that a Government is reaching out to segments of society that have previously been ignored.
A TikTok-tweenager would love this.
Labour represent everyone, from the rich elderly pensioner to that teenagers messing about with AI - who are likely going to be paying tax via their very high salary in the future.
Not every advert is targeting you.