A rotating mix of food slogans, depending on the situation, though they never make sense. “I’m lovin’ it”, “the snack that smiles back”, “when you’re here, you’re family”, “betcha can’t eat just one”, “behold the power of cheese”, “*Taco Bell bell sound*”, etc…
MEL never discusses eating, EVER. Just sometimes stuff on set will appear to have bite marks in it. Instead he alternates between correcting people’s Shakespeare attributions and trying to unravel comical misunderstandings with what Dickie Shakespeare, Impulse 2 said.
Not so much a catch phrase, but a bit where he pulls out a 30th century phone app that gives him the macros for whatever he’s about to eat. Then he hems and haws over how much of whatever it is he’s going to allow himself to finish.
Dunno, but get me in the room for the Halloween special where he goes dressed as The Tick so we have an excuse to make it “Spoooon!” when him and all the kids in the neighborhood save the town from a Sucrose beast with the power of Halloween candy gorging. I have some ideas.
Gritty reboot of Matter Eater Lad where he's an annoying hot sauce guy. He talks about scoville units and ghost peppers. He splits up the Legion of Superheroes when he sees Bouncing Boy use Tabasco sauce.
Loud whooping from the audience whenever he enters the room, which is repeated whenever he eats inanimate objects and says "I'm just a hungry guy!". He then winks at them.
No, wait.. I hear it now.
Every Other Legionnaire: “YEAH, WE KNOW.”
BRAINIAC 5: I need to run some tests to determine the exact properties of this asteroid.
Matter-Eater Lad pokes his head through the door
MATTER-EATER LAD: Did somebody say "food"?
Audience roars
(Seems too easy, though)
"...is it matter?"
"I'm gonna eat it!"
"I could eat"
*canned laughter*
“No please I’m serious.”
“Oh you lad, something eating you?”
*more laughter*
“I need help…”
“What’s the matter?” 🤷♂️
MEL never discusses eating, EVER. Just sometimes stuff on set will appear to have bite marks in it. Instead he alternates between correcting people’s Shakespeare attributions and trying to unravel comical misunderstandings with what Dickie Shakespeare, Impulse 2 said.
No, man, you can have it."
(Reposted due to spelling error.)
Past the gums
Look out bad guys
Here I come
Also, he’d have a funny way of dabbing his mouth with a napkin when he was done.
Like A Big Pizza Pie
That's My Dinner🎵
"I contain multitudes!"
Wait... I think that one might already be taken.
He would use it when someone else suggests eating something ridiculous (he would then eat the ridiculous thing)
He would also use it when revealing his talents as a [furiously browses wiki] chef/prosecutor/politician/whatever
*laugh track*
Also he’s now Steve Brule.