SCOOP—Trump plans to issue an executive order designating fentanyl as a "Weapon of Mass Destruction," per copy of EO reviewed by me. Source at State speculates purpose is to designate cartels as terrorist orgs/justify military ops in Mexico/Canada.
Context/full text of draft only on The Handbasket:
Context/full text of draft only on The Handbasket:
Those agencies met on Friday, per a read out of the meeting I reviewed, to discuss concerns.
We're going to attack Mexico.
I'd prefer a derisive taco truck on every corner, frankly.
This is such a stretch, surely it gets challenged in court the instant it's signed.
And I'd like to remind Americans that 43lbs (less than 1%) of fentanyl entered US from Canada in all of 2024! Much more came into Canada from the US.
Canadian officials should have a field day with Trump's latest madness.
How about looking in the mirror and asking AMERICANS why so many of us have CREATED A MARKET for drugs in a pursuit of escaping the American existence.
Nobody is safe.
During the lead up to the 2nd Gulf war, the administration absolutely believed there were wmds, specially large scale chemical weapons manufacturing. Their intelligence was shit and it was them basically whipping themselves into a frenzy, but they genuinely believed it. Trump
See how dangerous this is of an order?
did such a thing survive the meeting?
Your sons and daughters will be sent to invade sovereign countries in your name.
You will be subject to the Insurrection Act coming April 20-ish, per Jan 20 EO to DHS and DOJ to "study" the need
Nothing is based on research anymore; just blast the cannon before aiming.
Just in time 😒
Which means it'll probably get deleted soon.
Their reputation will never be fully restored.
The natural allies of the US is Belarus, Russia and North Korea.
The US acts and the rest of us have to react…much worse these days than before…obviously.
Precision-dose cannabinoids as an option for pain relief would be more effective if they want to reduce opioid dependence and/or deaths.
Besides the transparent justification for invasion, of course.
Expect to have it used less and less in hospitals as they make the procedures for obtaining it more and more complicated. Same as all painkillers.
(Mustine (mechlorethamine) comes to mind, as a relatively archaic chemo drug that's covered by the same Chemical Weapons Convention schedule as ricin and sarin.)
But I don't know how that plays out in practice.
It's THEIR product.
Do they think that there is only one fentanyl that is killing all these people?
By their definition, bullets are A weapon of mass destruction.
By no credible standard is any gun comparable to anthrax, VX, or nuclear weapons. No gun is capable of killing thousands of people at a go.
Stuff like this is why nobody listens to y’all.
I have questions.
Sounds about right.
He did promise us public executions.
"We need it, but anyone who isn't us is a vile criminal who needs to die."
That's 90% of the GOP platform.
And it’s a means to circumvent Congress’s sole authority to declare war. It’s Iraq and Afghanistan on steroids.
But no, you have no ability to field a disinformation campaign, any more than you have the power to buy an NFL team.
Just stop. :/
National media will hem and haw, and use passive voice to elide Trump's culpability in it.
It's not great
Americans need to overthrow their government ASAP.
The US is a shithole country…in the original Trump meaning.
Congress had better get involved…
Wait. What am I saying?!?
They absolutely won’t.
They’d actually have to take their oaths and jobs seriously and be willing to be responsible for something.
He may use that designation as a casus belli to engage in some questionable diplomacy with Canada and Mexico.
Congress has already given the President broad military powers to engage "terrorists" across the globe.
I wonder what powers are given to the president for WMDs
1. Does the fact that his numbers of fentanyl deaths false mean that everything that follows can safely be ignored?
2. Cars kill more people daily than fentanyl, so are they WMD?
3. Does he know that WMD are not a good justification for war?
4. Did he confuse State with the DoD?
Does this mean Canada should declare the US a terrorist state?
They can’t possibly participate in the World Cup next year. Every European Union nation must support them by withdrawing.
Just saying.
Evil will have to be knocking at their front doors wielding a rifle in one hand and a machete in the other, demanding their first born child.
No one creates a pretext and doesn’t use it.
You might finally get those border walls you've wanted, tho...
I say we give 'em one.
But seriously, we should see if the French or Brits will loan us a few nukes.
"You can take us, but we get to pick which 20 Cites you lose. Still think it's worth it?"
Sept. 21, 2022:
However, I cannot find any corroboration anywhere else, and it's been over 3 hours since this scoop.
I'm sorry, but I'm going to wait until I hear it elsewhere first.
I'm choosing to be skeptical and will simply wait until confirmed elsewhere.
The US is net exporter of drugs, people and most particularly guns. Guns have killed multiple people and are used in crimes
Well, it's a catastrophe, is what.
No kidding, they're here
For the staff: Just move the drug locker to the MRI room, evac the staff, put "WMD" with a big red button on the ON or TEST buttons and let nature take it's course when they show up.
(Was gonna make an Israel butchering civilians via hospitals quip)
And the Philly PD bombed an apartment complex once... maybe they can team up
Expect MORE distractions to follow.
My point was it absolutely works as a distraction for the American public.
Personally, I won’t hesitate to fight back.
But while he’s at it, MAGA should be declared a domestic terror organization.
Maybe someone can casually slide it in and have him sign it since he doesn’t actually READ anything he throws his kindergarten signature on.
DoD 80 page report linked in article.
Problematic laws are often playtested on those seen in an unsympathetic light before exported to other populations.
Also, holy shit this is fucked
In fact, the amount of fentynol crossing from Canada to the US is .02 percent. That's not TWO percent, but POINT ZERO TWO.
I don't know how much I got after my open heart surgery, but I'm glad I got it - worst pain of my life by far!!!
“…justify military ops in Mexico/Canada”
i hope they issue a smackdown in the worst possible way.
A drug is a weapon
Words don’t mean anything
> *The terms “weapons of mass destruction” and “WMD” mean chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, and chemical, biological, and nuclear materials used in the manufacture of such weapons.*
It does not say that the President can redefine the meaning of the word "weapons".
WTF is wrong with you?
The lunatic is… 🤣
If I don't want intruders,drugs,kidnappers,rats,cockroaches in MY home,I keep MY doors&windows tightly closed&increase my OWN security!
I don't blame the neighbors. Understand?