Judge Howell takes issue with only 5 of 10 removed USIP board members present and listed as plaintiffs as reinstatement. Asks USIP lawyer what he wants her to do?
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In denying the former board members' request for relief, Howell said it is "undisputed" that they were not removed in accordance with federal law, but found that they had not made the required showing for a temporary restraining order
Wow. Judge Howell is worried that if she orders DOGE to leave the USIP building it could turn into an “armed standoff” over unwillingness to vacate, and points out law enforcement has shown willingness to help DOGE. Asks if we’ll need foreign mediators to come in.
Is this basically a standing issue? The Hill reports that she decided that whoever plaintiffs are don't have the ability to sue in "their official capacity"
It is going to get ugly, scary and painful for us and we’re all going to have to get our hands dirty - some of us will jump in completely. We’re ALL going to have to be willing to sacrifice to save this democracy because no one else is going to save us.
Confusion? The institute is not a federal agency. The building is not a federal building. Doge thugs & their accompanying d.c. storm troopers had no right to do what they did. What act of Congress has given doge power? None! Will the American Red Cross be next? Or maybe St. Jude’s!
They are seriously such cowards. Trump gets more brazen as long as there is no consequences. Great lesson for children, be a bully and get away with harming people.
Judge Howell knows judges going against Frump put their entire families in danger—coercive control. Frump’s friends are making bomb threats and calling swat teams to people's homes.
In denying the TRO, Judge Howell cites confusion in motion. Says there are parts “that make me very uncomfortable. I am very offended by how DOGE has operated at USIP but that concern about how this has gone down is not one that can sway me in my consideration of the factors for the TRO.”
And now the judicial branch has fallen. There may be no reclaiming America.
I know this is a bit extreme but it’s really pissing me off and causing me to lose hope that our republic will hold because no one is standing up to the 🍊🤡
Seeing how DOJ briefs so far sound like they were written by an angry 12 year old who hasn’t slept in a week, I can only wonder what they said that causes her Honor to have such deep concerns. RR scribbling a note in the margin of the law should not be enough to pass muster.
It’s confusing because it’s a crime in progress which is not how things usually come to you! Their first call was to the police and the police are assisting!!!!! WTF!!!
Wow. Is this the way things are going to go in some of these cases?
Judges saying they’re very concerned or “offended”, even raising idea of foreign monitoring?!?, but then not daring to find against an administration that is threatening them
Isn't the whole purpose of a TRO to stop an action in progress that could cause irreparable harm *so the court can get answers to "significant questions"*? I don't get the ruling here.
I knew that was going to happen as soon as the lawyer dead USIP issues grants. What I'm guessing is that the federal government gives grants to USIP and then those grants are used for grants. There is probably no language anywhere defining that.
If there are questions about whether or not it’s an executive agency, shouldn't DOGE be stopped until they can prove that it is? Once the damage is done, info is stolen or shredded etc, it can't be undone.
How on earth does a judge arrive at the notion that they could possibly be an executive agency, and when her entire discussion was inquiring why DOGE was so in a rush, why would she not issue the TRO until she could determine if she felt they are? (which they aren’t)
Fascists know where the flaws in the system lie and they exploit them. If we ever get a chance to do this over, we will need to give the judicial branch it's own enforcement mechanism.
I hope that USIP can correct what is at issue and refile for a restraining order. It's pretty clear that if Judge Howell gets something that is correct legally she will find in their favor.
States are defined by the monopoly over the use of legal force. If DOGE and their goons have a monopoly over the use of legal force, they are the state.
The judges are tiptoeing around these DOGE and DOJ cases because no one wants to be the one who pulls the trigger that leads to a showdown which confirms what we already know…this administration has *no intention* of following the law or listening to judicial rulings.
Nice work America. 🙄
I don't understand that at all. Why not maintain the status quo before they came in and started wrecking things while you determine how the statue creating it, isn't valid? By the time you make a decision they're going to reduce it to rubble and you will have rewarded their lawlessness.
Every single time we get close to someone with legal leverage actually putting a dent in the regime's efforts they always back off and change their tune at the very last second.
I honestly think Judge Howell is not sure how to rule on the issue. How to enforce the order when 3 law enforcement agencies were a part of the DOGE takeover for starters. This is a real quagmire.
Want to bet we hear something similar to the following in the future:
"Since DOGE has shredded all USIP documentation, thrown out all the empolyees, and destroyed their equipment, USIP essentially does not exist anymore and therefore the issue is moot."
General Motors just awarded Inter-Con Security a contract for all US security. We may not have influence over Inter-Con, but we likely have influence over their clients. The Billionaire Class might want to take note that Inter-Con will turn on them if the US govt strong-arms them. Not very secure!
So question for Judge Howell, does Congress have to obey a FOIA request? If the answer is yes, are they too part of the executive branch? We have a judge who is too afraid to rule because of the threat of armed conflict. This is where we are at.
Oh my god, Marisa. That ... is an unexpected and disappointing outcome. Did Judge Howell basically blink because she thought the TRO was unenforceable?
American citizens in the street ripping DC to shreds is the only thing that's gonna stop this. There are nothing but cowards in both the Legislative and Judicial branches
You’d like to think that as civil servants swearing an oath to the constitution that the executive branch openly denying a court order would mean those civil servants carrying out the work also stand down based on a courts ruling and not the president
Surely that’s a good reason to put a tro in place—if (and when) it turns out it is *not* an agency, there will be nothing left to reopen; if it is an agency, then no harm no foul.
Judicial branch is running the clock to preserve their perceived power. They got nothing. They have no ability to enforce anything and are trying to hold this farce together with desperate motions.
I am sorry. What is the urgency here to let Doge do this? What great harm would be done if the judge paused all of this for a week? Why let them abuse citizens? Because in the former USIP members' panicked and rushed attempts to stop this, they didn't use the magic words? Can they amend this?
I cannot effing believe this is happening. Our country is being destroyed from within by an orange fuc*tard and he’s convinced his cult that there actually IS fraud, etc. in the Federal Gov’t and that it gives them the right to tear everything down. My only hope is that the future will bring 1/2
Sure, except that brandishing a firearm at the gestapo, even if you are 100% within your rights to do so, is a great way to get declared a terrorist/shot at.
So now Trump will use this as the basis to stockpile any other similar judgements he wants. “It happened over there, so it can happen over here.” Thanks, judge, for leaving the door ajar.
That sounds like “DOGE didn’t do this right, but maybe you guys didn’t approach the complaint in the way that makes the most legal sense either.” Which may be an invitation to try again from another angle?
She needs to follow the fucking law and however it pans out, that's what happens. She needs to do what's right, which is to order them the fuck out of the building. NOW. If they resist, I'm sure many people would be ready and willing to help them leave. Why are we tip-toeing around this shit?
She rules. They defy. Please name what entity she can name to enforce the ruling. Police? They helped DOGE break in. The Marshalls? They’ve been used for illegal search/seizures. The military? We shall see.
The time to immobilize will be when, not if, trump defies the SCOTUS. When that happens there are no more excuses to sit idly by. It will be the time to come together and stop this. The military will be split. Trumpers and sane people. We need to find retired officers to lead.
Then I guess that's that and she makes the fucking ruling and we sort this out finally. Her publicly announcing her fear to make a ruling is the WORST possible move.
If a bunch of dumb nerds can get paid to invade, occupy and steal from a federal institution, then what does it take to convince a bunch of average joes to carry out the law as granted by a member of the court?
She is. There are significant questions as to whether USIP is an executive branch agency, as she said if you kept reading. So she denied the TRO and ordered expedited briefing on that question.
Not a problem. The issue here is that IF it’s an executive branch agency (and my initial reaction was “I didn’t even know Congress could create agencies that aren’t part of the executive”), then they’re probably allowed to do a lot of what they did. I don’t think this question has been heard before.
… because that is what institutions overwhelmingly do when hit hard on the head by an authoritarian regime change: They collapse. The real threats to authoritarians is from grass roots power, so expect all kinds of civic groups to be put in the crosshairs once the courts are immobilized.
Pure moral collapse. It’s not the judge’s job to be concerned about this possibility. And if we’re to have that kind of crisis, the sooner it begins the sooner it’s resolved.
She's probably REALLY afraid that they won't comply making her look weak. What recourse does she really have when the crooks have law enforcement under their thumb? It's EGO.
I bet, like the judge, they would not risk war with the USA. There’d be no other interpretation if they attempted to interfere here. The USA is not party to the ICC, and the UN couldn’t make a move.
When someone conducts an armed break in, the cops don’t sit back, write a report and hope everyone shows at court. They forcibly remove the criminals and detain them. SWAT. Why is this not happening? DOGE people aren’t legally armed to overthrow an org. They are not legal police.
Well that's what they should do.
But I still think Batman more likely.
On the other hand he's a billionaire broligarch so maybe we ought to vest our hopes in the Hulk?
Again, the available police forces have already shown that they will be supporting the people breaking the law, in real time, not those attempting to uphold the constitution, here.
Someone who’s a legal expert please explain to me how DOGE can argue that they have the right to shut down an independent agency, and the judge could be “uncertain” on the merits of the case?
The judge is an incompetent coward. She let Trump skate on J6 charges for a year. Now she just sits on her hands while FOREIGN TERRORIST AGENTS attack US citizens with lethal force.
A person like this, trying to have it both ways, will lose both ways. They are not fanatic enough for Trump. With dictators you're either fully loyal or you're toast and even full loyalty isn't enough to cover your arse.
ARMED STAND OFF? Aint no use in worrying about that. Because that's exactly what's getting ready to happen in this country. In the end.. ARMED STANDOFF😡
Everybody might be willing to kill, but the winners will be the people that are willing to die for this cause😳 and if you're not willing2...STFU😳😡
They're already finding their footing on this stuff. They're smother about this than they were at the start. They're saying and doing things they give the free remaining checks on their power pause. They've got the cops/FBI on their side. America can't afford to wait. This judge is being negligent.
Maryland borders DC and has a Democratic governor. The Democratic governor can send state troopers under his command to defend USIP, and the troopers should be given authority to shoot and kill any DOGE employees or DC law enforcement who resist their authority.
Once again, the US Republican Party explicitly meets the *literal* definition of terrorism. Using fear of violence to get the political result you want. The US Republican party is undeniably a terrorist organization.
I did say thousands of racist proud boys in the law enforcements and the military would help the convicted criminal Kremlin agent to kill the American people, especially Black folks.
And just like that, the final nail in the coffin of the "Land of the free" is driven in. Not with a bang, with a whimper and to deafening silence of the "watchdogs of democracy".
Better to test that now rather than later. If Trump/Musk is going to use force to enforce their unlawful actions, we need to be prepared to meet this going forward.
This is the most alarming part of the Judge's refusal to act. She is not only factoring in things - her fears - that are outside the legal framework of what is a permissible factor, she is impermissibly rewarding the malfeasors for their illegal activity and intent.
No more cute memes. Or Trump cartoons. This country needs to get fucking serious right now. Courts aren’t going to save us. Democrats aren’t going to save us. The water is boiling rapidly right now. We are about to be cooked. MAGA is laughing while they are cooking too.
I can conceive of ways the regime can miss the MAGAs with their destruction to keep them tight. They can target the destruction. They will need their militias soon.
Uh, WHAT?! The judge is supposed to follow the law, and presume that others will obey their order.
If judicial fear of defiance of the court is a factor to consider, then the lawbreakers will win. It's basically the same as a "heckler's veto" that SCOTUS has rejected in free speech cases.
Don't forget Musk got his personal body guard deputized as US Marshals allegedly so they can carry a gun in the White House. So you have Elon Musk in control of a law enforcement troop. He has 25 body guards who also carry a US Marshal badge now.
It's hard to have confidence in government. I have not an ounce of confidence in the local police or the state police or the military or my elected officials. Corruption is everywhere.
Wait... so our ENTIRE justice system is just made up of chickenshits who have never actually tried to enforce the law on someone who has any real power to resist them?
I mesn, I knew our COPS were cowards, but I didn't realize the judges were pussies too.
How fucking naive do you have to be as a judge to be worried about an armed standoff if her order is refused. *THATS HOW THE JUSTICE SYSTEM FUCKING WORKS MA'AM, THATS LITERALLY WHAT HAPPENS IF PEOPLE DEFY YOUR ORDERS*
The judge needs to do their job. They shouldn't be ruling based on the possibility of more criminal activity due to the ruling. WTF kind of banana republic is this shit?
She's thinking ahead based on what we've seen so far. DOGE used police force to enter, the administration recently has been willing to defy court orders, and the Marshalls who typically would enforce contempt have also been helping DOGE. So what happens if they don't comply and contempt is ruled?
I’m sorry, but I cannot believe what I’m reading. So she is worried about an armed standoff?? Ma’am. Your job is not to be a peacemaker. It’s to interpret the law. If someone is breaking it, guess there may be a standoff, and the folks breaking it are going to have to go, with force, if necessary.
So much for contempt jurisprudence. Judges might as well just admit the rule of law is over and close the courtrooms so they can be converted into DOGE clubhouses. Score another win for the Orange Hunchback of Truth Social.
They might flout the courts and break the law…can’t do anything about that, better just lay down. This is the kind of person w have on the federal bench?
Is there no one left to follow the JUDGE’S orders? State police? If we need foreign mediators to deal with a judge’s order then we are already toast. And we should march? For what? Bearings, gassing and being sent to a private prison? Surely there is law personnel willing to do the right thing
I feel like an armed stand off between DOGE and officers enforcing a court order might be just the thing a lot of people might need in order to wake up to what's happening .
THAT remains to be seen…and I think that eventually we will see whether they are followed or not. I have tremendous respect for our military and I hope that the majority of them will recognize an unlawful order if they get one.
so is the takeaway for the administration that they just need to be so aggressive in these takeovers that the judge is too afraid to rule against them for fear of violence?
If I were to have to depend on one group, it would be the veterans, both young and old. THEY know the consequences, and have the experience to handle any situation that comes up.
If there's an armed stand-off, the DOJ has a clear record: they kill the insurgents (Waco). MPD has made clear that they cooperated based on Martin's fraudulent report.
Everybody has lost their minds. It's been reported repeatedly that Trump is violating the Constitution with his orders & yet no one will stop him. Our checks & balances have failed. If he's violating the Constitution, then he should be arrested, but the military if necessary. Let it be a standoff.
Or Putin targeted this agency specifically as part of dismantling the non military options and soft power of the US. I think it's his fingerprints on this.
We need a group of well armed security guards down there ASAP. Come on Howell, you want to be a judge then judge by the facts not your visceral feelings!
Yep, that's 100% what's happening here. Third world dictatorships are shitholes not because there's no resources or skills but because the dictators make sure they're shitholes. That's the whole point and that's the direction Trump (& Republican Party) wants to take the US.
LEOs swear to uphold the law, not just follow their chain of command. Courts issue lawful orders that officers must follow, ignoring them undermines the rule of law. Judges don’t “risk themselves” like cops because their role is to interpret laws, ensuring no one is above them.
This judge didn’t issue any lawful orders to follow. That’s the least “risk” they can take. At least many other judges are doing their jobs and I tip my hat to them.
A judge acknowledging the risk of enforcement doesn’t mean the law is optional. If the order is lawful, LEOs are expected to uphold it, even if it's inconvenient or risky. If you think this specific judge failed, that’s a separate issue from whether LEOs should follow court orders at all.
It sounds like this judge is openly wishing someone would come in and take control of this so she doesn't have to make a ruling she doesn't want to. In the end, though, i suspect she will give up on the law.
When judges avoid issuing proper rulings because they are afraid a quasi-governmental agency will violently disobey, democracy and the rule of law are already in the rear view.
I think the USIP act says that board members can be removed with 8 votes from the board of 15. So maybe some of the math holds up: 3 administration plus 5 at-large board members? Not sure how they remove 10…
If is, then WTF?!?!?!
Do you think a FEAR BASED judicial ruling is indicative of a constitutional crisis??????????
Only in America 🤯
“Maybe we need international peacekeepers to avoid a standoff. Hmmm… Nah, fuck it. I’ll allow it.”
-Ancient Liberal mantra
I know this is a bit extreme but it’s really pissing me off and causing me to lose hope that our republic will hold because no one is standing up to the 🍊🤡
great. cool. awesome. glad we have these checks and balances
Judges saying they’re very concerned or “offended”, even raising idea of foreign monitoring?!?, but then not daring to find against an administration that is threatening them
Absolute coward. Shame on her.
TRO would get to motions and rulings on exactly the point she's worried about.
It's whether DOGE is.
- Reload from last save point.
- Quit to main menu.
Our country is shot.
... how would she?
Fascists know where the flaws in the system lie and they exploit them. If we ever get a chance to do this over, we will need to give the judicial branch it's own enforcement mechanism.
Nice work America. 🙄
-the judge
Something smells fishy.....
The POINT of a TEMPORARY restraining order is to prevent further damage whilst the facts are established.
This Judge has abdicated their responsibility.
And if you don't, wake the fuck up.
"Since DOGE has shredded all USIP documentation, thrown out all the empolyees, and destroyed their equipment, USIP essentially does not exist anymore and therefore the issue is moot."
Another one of our checks and balances simply swatted away.
We’ll see what happens tomorrow.
I am Adham from Gaza, a father of four children 🌹
But the war has stolen our home and livelihood ❤️🩹
I am Adham from Gaza, a father of four children 🌹
But the war has stolen our home and livelihood ❤️🩹
civility is killing us
"Uh oh, there are guns, scary! Better just do what the terrorists want 🤷🏻♀️"
Fuck the rule of law, I guess
I went out fighting Nazis. In the immortal words of Flight 93, let’s roll.
Its working perfectly
I know a lot of active duty military and LEO who are by habit conservative and who are utterly outraged at the inaction at the mo.
If a bunch of dumb nerds can get paid to invade, occupy and steal from a federal institution, then what does it take to convince a bunch of average joes to carry out the law as granted by a member of the court?
Maybe Iran too? Yemen?
"We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be." - Project 2025
that's nazi shit right there
the man is 🦇💩🤪
They do not pledge oath to a man, they pledge oath to a Constitution.
@usarmy.bsky.social @usnavychief.bsky.social @usairforce.bsky.social
Also watch how police move. Every single time.
But I still think Batman more likely.
On the other hand he's a billionaire broligarch so maybe we ought to vest our hopes in the Hulk?
I don't care about escalation here. In fact, it's optional for the very reason I stated.
Everybody might be willing to kill, but the winners will be the people that are willing to die for this cause😳 and if you're not willing2...STFU😳😡
That happened on January 20th when Biden handed power to someone disqualified from having it (instead of following his own oath of office).
This is a different kind of crisis now.
He failed to do that, and gave power to someone the 14th amendment plainly, obviously, disqualifies from office.
I am at a loss for words most days. Depressing doesn't even begin to cover it....not even close.
- a bunch of people who could do something, but won't
If judicial fear of defiance of the court is a factor to consider, then the lawbreakers will win. It's basically the same as a "heckler's veto" that SCOTUS has rejected in free speech cases.
Fecklessness just gets us there faster.
A Federal Judge is asking for foreign help?
OMG we really really are in bad bad shape.
I mesn, I knew our COPS were cowards, but I didn't realize the judges were pussies too.
There's a Hitler quote about this.
Call in the Canadian Peacekeepers... let's see how that works out.
If you want a law passed, just threaten violence.
Go ask your little questions there
That’s exactly why their bluffs need to be called. So we can end this shit and save lives.
Why would you fight to stop us from being invaded if you won't stand up for yourselves?
Trump 2: I'm going to make another one.
If there's an armed stand-off, the DOJ has a clear record: they kill the insurgents (Waco). MPD has made clear that they cooperated based on Martin's fraudulent report.
She's thrown in with DOGE.
And if you don't, wake the fuck up.
We are losing our country before our eyes
This would be perfect for an opposition party to be out there talking about in force... 😶
The UK is next…
Per metrics, we are already mid-tier, 2nd-world so . . . I guess . . . yea?!?
If a judge orders LEOs to go against their chain of command - why should LEOs risk themselves when judges and most politicians aren’t doing the same.
Absolutely pathetic.