I’m convinced American exceptionalism is a big part of what made us vulnerable to Trump. We’re so used to thinking of ourselves as the Special Freedom Country that a lot of people find it inconceivable we could rapidly collapse into shabby despotism even as they watch it happen.
Reposted from
Starfish Who Can’t Think Something Witty
Real talk. I’ve lost all belief in American exceptionalism. There is no secret Liberty Sauce that makes us inherently better. We’re just human beings (derogatory). But it also means we’re human beings (laudatory), so I refuse to believe Republicans won politics forever and can rule as god kings.
I can't even get the most "reasonable moderate" I know to admit, without qualifier or whataboutism, that the Senate refusing to allow Garland's nomination through in 2016 then turning around and confirming 3 justices in 2020 was BS.
Most Republican voters would literally rather die than admit maybe their party is the major of two evils right now. Having to admit they were wrong, even once, is anathema.
Same thinking like 9/11, "it couldn't happen here" so why bother preparing.
What were all those liberal think tanks working on all this time!!
I think it's one of the things that makes it harder for Americans to empathize with the rest of the world *and* vice versa.
Also, the mythologizing of the presidency, handing it sacred attributes, has elevated its occupants above the law. Shout-out to Meacham-Beschloss types analyzing how very presidential the presidents were in their presidencies.
There is this 1791 piece of legislation that enables any one to walk around with war equipment on streets, shopping malls and schools because of american exceptionalism.
People like my parents.
And for the record, America has a big military and has done a few good things in the past but that’s about it.
Most of us been know... Born knowing.
There's a lot at play, not just Americans thinking we're the chosen ones.
That’s why ‘the world’ is showing you anger and staunch resolve.
Why the world is turning away instead of trying to ‘work it out’.
We could always see the carnival for what it was.
we just forgot that it doesn't bend on its own, it bends because people have fought to pull it that way.
By a bunch of white guys, of course.
But really, there will still be people saying it while it's happening.
That War has already been lost. We are are just too stubborn to admit it.
giving fascists out votes is pointless, Kamala is just girl Trump.
wouldn't even shock me to get a nazi salute from a dem at this point.
“lesser of two evils” go kick rocks dude holy shit
Arguably Trump already has less accountability to a legislature than George III had
The clearly insane Donald Trump on the other hand...
Same thing, when a country has to stick its flag on every available surface.
*economy crashes and stays crashed, desperation sets in, elects Liz Truss who wipes out most people's pensions, elects obvious authoritarian disaster Starmer as the "alternative"*
The UK is dying on its arse right now because of politicians who are afraid of principle.
There are arguments to be made about the negative affects of globalism as it has been implemented, but until something changes, it is reality and cooperation is more beneficial than isolation.
They actually prosecute coup-attempted in countries where they’ve had dictatorships because people still remember the difference.
But not us! We think the tooth fairy will wave her and and democracy will continue forever, with no effort or reform needed.
I think Europeans, Canadians, Australians, etc. are (generally) freer in these respects
American democracy was always illiberal for the most part.
Really clear during Brexit debate
And again during the pandemic
The arrogance of UK public health decision-makers about how what happened in Italy couldn't possibly happen in the U.K.
And a total unwillingness to learn from SE Asian countries that did much better.
This is not high level thinking required, and yet loads of religious types don’t see it.
And I knew, at 23, that had to be continuously maintained.
And I'm watching it all be shredded
Those same people whose industry and sacrifices and energy Trump maligns:
Americans live in a bubble refusing to see the writing on the wall, as they are too busy watching football and singing "America the Beautiful".
Hmm, where did we see that before...
Not saying it's not true, just baffled.
Rats accustomed to chewing through the trash bags may need to make new plans.
America has been conquered by feudalism and things can't just be "normal". Can't pretend thats normal and wait to vote it out. It needs unions to strike.
All courts and companies to move slowly and inefficient.
You need to do everything you can to slow it down and prevent the harm.
there's plenty of writing going back at least a decade supporting this
A true mirror would shock the average American.
The “big, beautiful ocean.”
And older black folks who had amazingly polite ways to point out that for some of us, it did happen here.
time to wake up from the fantacy and fallacy
the lower class that operates with god / king - like interaction do so at their own peril - join the human race
Nor is the meaning of American exceptionalism exempt from change over time. And it does seem to have changed a lot recently
After the Reagan Revolution: "Morning in America"
After GWB 'won' the Iraq War: "Mission Accomplished"
Now Shitler and his "Project 2025" overreach.
This won't end well for them either.
322 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-6542
Fax: (202) 228-3027
when you crow endlessly about being the 'country built on the rule of law', maybe you should enforce those laws occasionally, cuz NOT doing so has REALLY FUCKED YOU ALL, BUT GOOD!
like, DUH!
“My country, right or wrong,” is a thing that no patriot would think of saying. It is like saying, “My mother, drunk or sober.”
Feels like I've been gaslit by my own country since I was born. And that sucks.