And not even death - my puppy was ruined by an attack on a trail and wasn’t even injured, while his owners mocked me 4 screaming. My bigger dog stopped the attack. It’s been 3 years, I can’t take that trail for sure, but now if there’s cars by a trailhead he won’t get out. He’s afraid of everything.
I have lost count of the number of unleashed dogs that have charged me and my dog in my town. If your dog is outside and not in an enclosed yard, it needs to be on a leash. I don't care how well behaved you think your dog is, I don't care if you're just walking to your car. 🤬
A friend was attacked by a German shepherd while walking his own dog. He ended up with 170 stitches and was forced to kill the dog (choked it to death) so YES keep your fucking dog under control.
When swinging by my in-laws once, we spotted a dog roaming near a main road. We went to go knock on the neighbor's door to alert them and the dog attacked me as I was leaving. Not happy with the scars (or that dog's owners), but better me (I guess?) than some small kid or another pet.
I have a Pomeranian who doesn’t have Small Dog Brain because we rarely pick her up and she is always on leash. We have had her meet the world on her own four paws. We also don’t let her out in the yard alone because we have hawks and coyotes. Leashed is just better for everyone involved.
our neighbourhood has multiple dog owners that let them just basically roam free on walks (in a place where small kids also play outside!). We told one guy to leash his labrador and he just fully ignored us (didn't even make eye contact). it's awful. leash the dog!
Yes! Late to this but had a really scary experience today, also a leash isn’t magic and people need to be aware of whether they can control their dog or not
Im so sorry for your loss, I’ve had too many run ins of owners w unleashed dogs. It makes me livid.
Usually the people that I run into have small dogs & they do everything in their power to come bother my dog. They just let them run amok and terrorize anyone that comes their path.
I was walking my 16 pound dog in the most high car traffic area of my city. As I'm waiting to cross, i hear someone yell and see an unleashed 80 lb pitbull running toward my pup. "Don't worry! He's friendly!" the shithead owner yells. If the dog had been vicious, mine would have been dead. Then…
the guy actually says "You know, you shouldn't hold small dog up like that in front of a pitbull cuz that could remind the pitbull of how it looks when a bait dog is being given to him."
And how the fuck do you know that, you piece of trash?
This happened to us. My dogs held their own & the dog went for the big stupid one holding the leash. 42 stitches, 2 days hospitalized w/deep tissue infection. Wasn't the dog's fault. Was the feckless owner who had neither leash nor cell phone. Yeah, had to keep my shit together to call 911 myself.
SAME. ❤️🩹😡
My mother's Min-Pin/Chihuahua is the love of her life & not doggie-socialized at all.
Am grateful our neighbors all seem to love their dogs 'enough' to walk them w/ leashes.
I'm so sorry! I hate jerks who let their dogs loose. I've had repeated run-ins with the same morons in my neighborhood who get so indignant and entitled. I now carry a cop baton and will not hesitate to (regrettably) mess up some idiot's dog if it ever attacked mine.
Several of us called Animal Control about this dog; they did nothing. Eventually apparently the dog harassed someone who mattered because it got taken away. The people have since gotten more dogs, which I admit I side eye (it's bad owners that make bad dogs) but so far they stay in their yard
Our neighbor insists on letting his dog off leash to walk. The dog comes on our porch & chews up shoes, hoses, messes on our lawn, digs in the flower beds. When we tell him it's the law to leash his dog, he complains it's the "country" & he shouldn't have to.
In the country , a neighbors dog was killing our livestock.
We had it on video and photos, reported it several times , and talked to the neighbor who owned it.
The husband was super nice and had kept it kenneled or on a chain. The wife was a real piece of work. She didn't care and let it loose.
It was back repeatedly killing our livestock, calves, chickens, turkeys, and lambs and ewes.
The husband told us he'd talk to his wife. He did. She kept letting it loose. It had killed about 30 sheep and a dozen calves.
He said the next time you see it, shoot it.
We did. 🤷🏼♀️
Bad owner.
My father had a loose dog killing his chickens, called the police. They said that Animal Control had gone home for the day so there was nothing they could do. Dad says, “Send regular police! It’s still in the yard!” No, no, they can’t do that either, cops don’t deal with that. (Ironic, considering.)
In our county we have animal control, who are trained animal staff, for most situations. Then for injured wild animals hit by cars, a specific cop is sent. They make sure everyone is at the opposite side of the house before shooting the animal in the head. He's come to our house 3 times for deer.
Dad thinks for a minute, then says “I’d like to report a shots fired at my location, in about…one minute. Because if you won’t send someone to take it away, I will shoot it.”
Rottweiler turned up in the enclosed back garden of the hostel I used to work in (long story). It bit someone. Council had closed. Called police. “Is it in the street?” “No.” “Not our problem.” “…you do realise my obvious course of action here, right?”
Remind me of the time a rabid animal was in the yard, and they ignored my mom and listened to my dad. And then the cop had to be persuaded to shoot THE RABID ANIMAL and then said "I could shoot a bad guy but that will haunt me"
I hate cops so much
Reminds me of a story where a guy calls the police because some guys were breaking into his shed and was told no cars were available. So, he hung up, waited a couple minutes then called back to report that he thinks he might have shot them.
Minutes later a cruiser pulled up lights blazing 1/2
My Mother called the local Animal Control office once, because there was good-sized snake (for upstate NY) stuck halfway thru the patio drainage cover. She was worried that it was a copperhead. The neighbors (lineman, electrician) both wouldn’t try to free it.
The officer told her to go get a gun & shoot it (the snake) since they wouldn’t come either!
We don’t own any firearms & she had four ten-year-old boys with her (twins & twin neighbors) who’d been trying to free it. They’d gotten the grate loose by this point & eventually the snake wriggled out.
Even in the UK that has pretty damned strong gun control its legal for a farmer to shoot a dog near its livestock in any way that could even vaguely be considered harassing them. Not that we don't have trouble with idiot dog walkers but they get no sympathy if thier dog gets shot in the countryside.
me, someone scared of dogs due to childhood things, grabbing an unknown unleashed dog by the collar about to attack a leashed dog of a friend of mine by the back of the neck, was one of the least favorite moments of my life.
An unleashed dog literally killed my cousin, who was a toddler. The neighbour's dog grabbed my cousin by the throat with its jaw, ruptured the main artery. His mom had just run inside to answer the phone. :((((
Even small, seemingly harmless dogs need to be leashed. The one that bit my pants leg didn't hurt me, but definitely could have hurt a child. Its owner made a show of being shocked but didn't even have a leash with her.
Even when not "in public"--I've been chased and hurt on multiple occasions by off-leash or unfenced dogs in rural areas that were otherwise pretty empty
One of my neighbors has three dogs she regularly just lets outside and stays inside. They've come over growling and snapping at my dog on multiple occasions, and we rush everyone inside when we see them coming over. On the seventh incident, she comes over and blames my dog for "not being socialized"
Seriously! I was riding my bike down a multi use trail, called multi use for a reason, IOW dog owner it's not YOUR trail and your trail only, and I come around this corner with a guy walking 3 dogs off leash. I almost hit them. Pisses me off how inconsiderate some dog owners are. And I love dogs.
I took my dog on a walk one day and a neighbor’s dog (unleashed) crossed the street to sniff us. Picked up my much smaller dog just in case. Nothing happened, luckily.
Neighbor said they were still training her to stay put but admitted it wasn’t working which like. Then why leave her unleashed?
It's insane to me people walk dogs without leashes. Like I don't care how "friendly" your dog is, it runs up to mine he's going to be incredibly defensive, which then usually triggers your dog into barking/attacking.
That's awful. Dogs are animals, not perfect robots, and no matter how much you think their recall is good, other people's safety shouldn't rely on hoping that a stranger's dog will listen. Just because your dog is "friendly" doesn't mean everything around them will be friendly.
Was at a playground the other day with my toddler and a guy with his tenish year old son had a large unleashed dog running on the equipment. Three parents with small children stood for 15 minutes by the side of the park waiting for them to leave. He smirked the whole time. Wild and bad behavior!
Oh no! I freaking hate seeing unleashed dogs. I’ve been approached by many. Corner lot near my old apartment had been claimed as an unfenced, unleashed, unofficial “dog park,” despite the fact that there was an actual dog park three blocks away. People are awful and selfish.
There’s a very short list of things I’ll tell strangers on the street but “lease your dog, it’s not safe for other dogs or yours” is at the top of the list
I was in my apt courtyard with my leashed cat when an unleashed dog ran up the path & through the gate & went for him. I had to swing him up into the air by his harness & catch him while I kicked & hit at the dog, who bit my hand
The owner insisted that was HIS blood from a recent dental procedure
Walking down a sidewalk yesterday I had to walk into and on the street to avoid a guy with a dog that scared the hell out of me. He had it tied to a tree on a commercial street and the dog lunged and barked at everyone. I love dogs but that one scared me. (large mutt)
We've got a neighbor behind us who got a covid dog and failed to socialize it despite us offering puppy socialization with our laid-back dog. It happened once and then never again.
Now, it's attacked one child on a bike, a smaller dog that it nearly killed, a human who dove on top of another...
...smaller dog, and another dog of a similar size that it actually took a licking from.
Meanwhile, the owner has refused to pay vet bills for injured dogs, keeps appealing animal control cases with arguments so bad that the examiner made sideways comments about it, and yet somehow...
...they still have the dog, even through a removal order. His wife owns another house in a nearby jurisdiction and I think when they finally came to remove the animal, they had it at the other house and lied that they had no idea where it was.
I almost smoked an unleashed dog while riding my bike yesterday. Dunno what people are thinking. The city just isn't a great place to leash train your very not leash trained dog.
Part of what makes me so angry is I cannot figure out what the point is. If you're in an area that is at all urban, your dog should be w/in leash length of you at all times, so why not put it on a leash? Are they trying to impress me with their "well-behaved" dog? I do not give a shit!
I'm so sorry. A kid was just attacked here by a dog that burst out of one of those curbside restaurant seating areas. And somehow, the owners finished their meal and left before the cops showed up!
I will never forget when I was in chemo, wearing a head scarf, and someone let their dog off leash. It rushed up and jumped on me, scratching my arm and I was the bad guy because I was upset.
I also have an issue with people who have aggressive dogs and either want them that way or don't bother to get them trained properly. If someone wants a killer dog, then keep it locked up.
Absolutely awful fatal dog attack in Edmonton this year. An 11 year old killed by two Cane Corsos owned by the dad's roommate. Brutal. If i had to guess...unsocialized unaltered untrained and underexercised.
Where I live it’s the middle aged version of this guy that is usually the problem. If a guy with a round goatee and mirrored wrap around shades pulls up to the dog park in a giant pickup with stupid bumper stickers I assume he’s carrying a gun and itching to pull it out over the slightest thing.
You know those guys are usually ok in my area. They have German shepherds and they are well trained and friendly. Don't want to hang out with the owners but the dogs are usually alright.
Tons of poorly socialized, aggressive little dogs out there, too. They're just less dangerous because of size. My Mastiff has been attacked by everything from French Bulldogs to Corgis to Australiain Shepards to Golden Retrievers.
I have gotten a crash course in a poorly socialized Australian Sheppard. First day, he tried to come at me through the crate. Would have entirely ripped my leg if he wasn't restrained. He never has been taught how to act around people or dogs. It's basically going to be what ends him, so yeah.
We currently have 2 small rescues with socialization issues. It's challenging. Spent small fortune on private training sessions, since they aren't fit for group training. Avoid dog parks. I miss having well socialized big dogs that I could take (& trust) anywhere.
Yeah that's totally fair. Generally when a nervous Weiner dog gets aggressive my dogs just back off and it's fine. So it doesn't register the same way mentally.
That’s exactly it for me. My 45 lb. pit, on leash in our front yard was attacked by our neighbor’s 8lb. off-leash fluff last week. She didn’t start it, but can absolutely finish it. Happily ended okay this time.
My Dane (RIP) was attacked on leash by a doodle, a Jack Russell & a chihuahua mix. It was never her fault but when I removed the terrier from the area by scooping her up and put w my boot her human literally screamed at me. I brutalized her off leash dog by safely (for me) stopping it from biting.
I’m terrified of such an incident with my small dog and as a result am always ready to just scoop her up and take the attack. Whenever someone screams “it’s okay, they’re really friendly” while doing nothing to control their dog, I get a strong urge to punch a face.
No excuse to not have your dog leashed. I don't care how friendly or well-trained you think it is, it's an animal that you don't fully understand and can't predict. A leash is the only safe option for the safety of your dog and everyone around you. (And condolences to your friend; how traumatic.)
Have GSDs. Well trained and socialized. Dog behaviours cannot be predicted 100% of the time....human behaviour even less. Pretty sure my dogs would never do anything like that BUT pretty sure isn't enough.
Absolutely and I'm grateful to you. Dogs can't fully understand human laws, rules, and norms --even if only-- because they don't understand the language fluently. (nevermind the humans... I'm autistic and extremely rules-oriented)
same. she is only off leash in areas specifically meant for being off leash. plus having her on a leash means its easier to get her away from other dogs should they start problems.
i am so angry on her behalf. especially since this unleashed dog had apparently attacked a kid before. like, i love dogs, but that’s a one strike and you’re out situation.
My dog is a gentle giant type & has been attacked a couple times to where I always fear him being near other dogs outside of those belonging to family I trust. Him being attacked was one of the most upsetting things in the world b/c I know he trusts me completely w/his safety. We were lucky. 💔
biting a person should result in immediate euthanization. i am very sorry for your friend and her dog, and for the child who was bitten. i hope our laws can be changed to protect children and stop protecting scofflaw owners who revel in the misery they cause
A couple of years ago I politely asked a neighbor if he wouldn’t mind keeping his dog leashed when my kids were nearby playing and it led to one of the most frightening personal confrontations I’ve ever experienced
😬 that’s awful 😞 kids always want to pet my mutts. But one jumps too much. He’ll scratch them or knock them down so we say no. They love my grand babies though.
That's awful.
My dog was attacked by a larger dog as she came into the dog park a couple of years ago. Big puncture wound in her neck and very lucky it wasn't worse.
The next morning the owner of the attacker had that same dog in the same park again, like nothing had happened.
Oh that’s so sad. We had a cat get attacked (she lived but it was by luck/vet intervention) by a rescue dog who had never apparently interacted with cats before. The rescue owner didn’t know about the dog’s disposition, wasn’t their fault. Sad situation all around.
The dog should have had a dangerous dog label. Which means an expensive homeowner policy. Also there are many rules they have to follow. Like being on leash & muzzled in public.
Not using a leash when your dog has attacked before moves this from an owner being reckless and negligent to practically sadistic. How can you respect other people’s safety so little
I am so sorry this happened to your friend. I had to snatch my dog up once to save her from an imminent attack. Clueless owner, unleashed dog. The confrontation she walked into with me was at least as bad as what was pending for my dog.
the civil side is a slam dunk case. that’s why you see so many personal injury attorneys advertising that they handle dog bite cases. Not a big part of their caseload but instant $$ when the cases come in.
My dog is generally friendly, but she doesn't like it when she's approached by off-leash dogs because she knows she's restrained and at a disadvantage (I think). I've had to tell many "he's friendly" off-leash owners that my dog isn't. Then they look at me like it's my fault there's a problem.
THIS. Many leashed dogs have this response. I had someone be a real asshole to me when their (adorable!) pittie wouldn’t get out of my dogniece’s face on a hike. We picked that trail because leashes are required. Everyone else was very nice and leashed their dogs when they saw us.
yeah it's absurd. my dog (when i had him, rest his soul) was very very fearful towards other dogs in general and we avoided situations where that could turn into something dangerous.
I've taken to this, too, since walking Elysian Park (LA) trails post-pandemic has become an obstacle course of unretrieved dog-waste and unleashed dogs who constantly nose up to my very dog-nervous rescue terrier.
And even if your dog really is some perfect angel who would never do much as nip another person or animal -- other people and dogs don't know that! If a strange dog comes running at me or my pups, my first thought is "OH FUCK," not "Oh look, this good boy is rushing over to play!"
And beyond the possibility of off-leash dogs attacking other dogs or people, your "well-trained" dog is going to forget everything it's been taught if it sees a rabbit or a squirrel or whatever happens to trigger it, leading to increased chances of runaways and vehicle fatalities.
That’s terrible. My dog was attacked by an unleashed neighbor’s dog that he knew was a dangerous dog. Luckily, my dog wasn’t seriously hurt, but that same dog later attacked another dog in our neighborhood and that dog nearly died and had to have numerous surgeries to survive. Criminal behavior.
I live in NoVA where we have many dog parks and it is very annoying when owners play with their unleashed dogs outside the very parks that were created for them to run free.
Also please don’t leave your dog unattended in your small city yard if they can spring over your fence and attack my on leash dog with me in the middle screaming for you to come out of your house and get your fucking dog.
I had a dog charge me in the middle of central park and the owner never even acknowledged me. Never looked at me or said a word even after I tried to say something. Some absolute psychos out there
it seems that such unleashed-dog owners can't be instructed nor shamed. they won't leash their dogs until something terrible happens. I have a largish dog in the neighbourhood that runs away from the owner regularly and he still won't take him out on a leash
We have a big park here that is ground zero for unleashed dogs and every single interaction anyone I know has had with the owners asking them to leash their dogs ends in a tirade of expletives as if you just asked them to eat their dog, not just clip it to a six got tether.
My former dog got pretty badly mauled while I was out on a run with him by some dog unleashed in his front yard. The owner later found out that apparently the dog had developed a brain tumor. Proving once again that it doesn't matter how awesome you think your dog is... put them on a leash.
I am so sorry about your friend's awful loss. People can get hurt, too. About 9 years ago I broke a shoulder when a neighbor's unleashed dog attacked my leashed dogs. My dogs pulled me right over, and I fell with an outstretched arm.
My partner was taking a walk around our neighborhood one evening and he got attacked by an unleashed pitbull. Got his ear almost ripped clean off. The owner grabs his dog and says "you're on your own, pal" and ran off
He's got a scar where his ear had to get restitched on..
I was driving in my home town as a teen and saw a pedestrian about my age being menaced by a *very* aggressive large dog. The guy was scared and a group of children, obviously the dog owner's family, were obviously encouraging the dog to attack. I stopped my car, opened my trunk and got a tire iron.
I started walking towards the dog with the tire iron on my hand and the children suddenly noticed I was about to kill the animal. They quickly grabbed their pet and got it back in the yard and closed the chain link gate.
I walked back to my car. I never spoke a word the entire time.
My older dog doesn't play well with others which is why he is always on a leash. But it's really hard to keep him out of a scuffle when other dogs off leashes just run up to him all the time.
My in-laws have this neighbor whose dog runs up to us pretty much every time we go for a walk there and the owner always acts like the dog never does this when it's at least once a month. Like we remember you dude. Get a fence or something.
It's so needlessly terrible. Every one of these dog stories is due to stupid, careless, ignorant, cruel, or entitled humans. Dogs always pay the price for humans.
It's very sad. Right now Belgian Malinois are fashionable, but fill CA kill shelters because they r very high energy, super IQ + bitey.
As someone who once owned an aggressive dog, I completely agree. Don't just leash your dog because it might be dangerous - leash it, because you don't know if other dogs might be dangerous too. So many people let their off leash dog run up to us, "my dog is friendly!" Well, mine wasn't!
Wow, that really sucks. I absolutely support this - I've had off-leash dogs run on to my property from a nearby park while my kids were playing out in the yard and we were very lucky that the dogs were smarter and better-behaved than their owners. Sorry that your friend wasn't as lucky.
I'm so sorry for your friend. People who don't leash their dogs are fucking wack, they live in a lala land where their dog represents their rights to space and they don't care about other people and their dogs, or their own dog!
That sucks, I was mauled by an unleashed dog owned by the owner of a local car rental where I was returning a car, when COVID lockdowns had just ended.
Hurt the poor dog in self defense, but hurt the owner a lot more physically & financially.
My (leashed) dog and I were just charged and attacked by a great dane while on a walk the other day. Seeing an animal that size running at me was terrifying, I knew there was nothing I could do to protect my dog. I'm so sorry for your friend and her pup. 😔
I have two neighbors on my block who just let their dogs walk around without leashes and it’s insane to me. My wife who is a vet tech had two big dogs sprint at her and she said the best course of action is literally just let them come at you if you don’t have some form a deterrent which is wild.
Oh, that's hard. I'm so sorry for your friend. We have similar issues here - it's always some person's pit bull terrier or other power breed that ends up savaging a little Yorkie or some such.
I keep my Malinois leashed unless we're completely alone. She's a great dog but she does sometimes nip.
It’s like an anti-vax thing…there’s this contingent of people running around convinced that unleashed dogs is some novel idea they have figured out that is a vast improvement (instead of just a danger to themselves and others)
That’s horrible. I get so mad seeing people walk their dogs around without leashes. Just the cool arrogance that they think they “know” their animal so well, or can control it so absolutely, that it won’t run into traffic or get itself or someone else hurt.
Seriously. Also… like even if your dog is a saint, did you, careless dog owner, ever consider the personal space and preference of the dog yours is encroaching on physically?? Buster doesn’t want his asshole sniffed today even if Buddy is like so friendly!
As a cyclist, every dog that has ever attacked me has had owners who would swear that their pet was friendly and docile and *I must have done something to deserve to be attacked.*
I won't be surprised if the owners of this dog blame the deceased pet, too.
Was running on a trail. A runner approached with an unleashed border collie. She yelled that he was friendly. As the dog ran by it bit my knee (nip really) tearing my pants and drawing blood. They were gone before I could assess or protest. Fuck people and their behavior with pets.
I used to ride in Pearl Izumi and they survived multiple asphalt interactions. Even the one that left me with massive road rash only left a small hole in the knee. Maybe need to break those out.
Runner and also skateboarder. I am only, at this moment, not nursing multiple wounds because the big dog that completely freaked out at me and my board the other day was on a sturdy leash.
I warned a vet that Miss Mew (profile pic) did not like being picked up, having her paws messed with, or having her belly touched at all. Of course, she was a TOTAL sweetheart for him.
I'm so sorry. Also leash your dog because if your dog bites my kid, my kid can get a tetanus shot but your dog might not survive, especially if they are a repeat offender.
My brother had an expertly trained guide dog, and was told never have them off lead, even if they are not working. Because no matter how well they are trained, they're still dogs and they could always bolt after some stimulus.
Also make sure the leash will hold up. A friend of ours almost lost her dog because an aggressive dog’s leash broke. Thankfully, the friend’s dog was wearing a harness, and it acted as a sort of shield.
We have a small dog that my wife likes to let off leash and I tell her that it's as much for our dog's protection as anything; if there's a sketchy or aggressive dog around, I want to be able to pull my dog back ASAP
I think there's a very real overlap between the satisfaction some guys get from owning guns and that which they get from "mastering" an aggressive dog. Very anti-social stuff.
big element of sadism in there too. always striking how many police departments fund k9 units despite the lack of evidence that the dogs are really good for any policing (besides occasionally providing 4th amendment compliant pretexts to search cars they think have drugs in them)
The search pretext is literally the only point, right? I don’t see what value they could possibly provide otherwise. Sure they can bite/attack someone for the cops but like… the cops have guns, they can do that themselves just fine.
Amen! I’m a dog walker and I encounter this every damn day. It’s scary. The people with the unleashed dogs act as though I (and the dog I’m with) am the problem. The attitude. I’m just asking you to please leash your dog.
My pup was attacked twice by a neighbor's unleashed dog, the second time the dog came from three houses away to attack her. When he said he wanted to talk about it I said the only thingto talk about was leash your your dog. His response? "Fuck you man."
Almost happened to us once. A dog managed to get a grip n the Chihuahua’s neck. The dogs are walked with a big stick in hand and a willingness to defend them with it.
My first chihuahua was mauled by an off leash dog while I was on a trip away from home. It nearly killed her & traumatized the friend who’d been caring for her. It was a golden retriever the guardians claimed had “never hurt a fly before.” People who fail to leash their dogs in public are monsters.
Some neighbors got passed off at me when they went out of town for a week and just let their dog fend for itself until they got back. It was left to find it's own water and food. I called the county. They had to pay a fine to get their dog back. After that, they tried to call the county on us...
Yes, the rules apply to you. Leash your damn dog.
Usually the people that I run into have small dogs & they do everything in their power to come bother my dog. They just let them run amok and terrorize anyone that comes their path.
And how the fuck do you know that, you piece of trash?
I'm so sorry to all the dogs involved.
Mine is decidedly NOT good with other dogs, so he's always on leash and I stare daggers of the owners who walk nearby with theirs off-leash.
My mother's Min-Pin/Chihuahua is the love of her life & not doggie-socialized at all.
Am grateful our neighbors all seem to love their dogs 'enough' to walk them w/ leashes.
I took to carrying a heavy walking stick with a knob on one end (fundamentally a shillelagh) in case I needed to defend myself
They are also useful when dealing with two legged dogs..
In the country they shoot stray dogs.
We had it on video and photos, reported it several times , and talked to the neighbor who owned it.
The husband was super nice and had kept it kenneled or on a chain. The wife was a real piece of work. She didn't care and let it loose.
The husband told us he'd talk to his wife. He did. She kept letting it loose. It had killed about 30 sheep and a dozen calves.
He said the next time you see it, shoot it.
We did. 🤷🏼♀️
Bad owner.
BTW we don't really live "in the country." At best, it's slightly larger lots on a registered rustic road. With lots of suburban traffic.😏
We're definitely rural. 😁
We use livestock for their produce, milk, wool, eggs, and not so much for meat.
If we kill an animal for food, we use everything nose to tail.
No waste. It's disrespectful to the animal.
Dispatcher freaks out. “Sir, you can’t do that!”
“Pretty sure I can.”
And suddenly Animal Control was on their way.
I hate cops so much
Minutes later a cruiser pulled up lights blazing 1/2
We don’t own any firearms & she had four ten-year-old boys with her (twins & twin neighbors) who’d been trying to free it. They’d gotten the grate loose by this point & eventually the snake wriggled out.
Harassing wildlife (deer, etc) will also get your dog impounded or put down.
leash the fucking dogs
Drives me nuts how many bratty and narcissistic dog owners you have to deal with
Neighbor said they were still training her to stay put but admitted it wasn’t working which like. Then why leave her unleashed?
The owner insisted that was HIS blood from a recent dental procedure
Thankfully, haven't had to hit a dog, because swinging a big stick at the dog lunging at me seems to actually spur owners into action.
Now, it's attacked one child on a bike, a smaller dog that it nearly killed, a human who dove on top of another...
Meanwhile, the owner has refused to pay vet bills for injured dogs, keeps appealing animal control cases with arguments so bad that the examiner made sideways comments about it, and yet somehow...
I still hate it
Everyone thinks THEIR dog is an angel who doesn't need a leash.
It's worst with first time pandemic era dog owners.
Enforcement is almost non-existent.
Keep your dogs on a leash, people.
I have a service dog, and an aggressive loose dog can end his career in seconds.
Leash your dogs.
"Don't worry, they're friendly!"
"I'M NOT."
(Really, I am friendly, generally speaking. And I don't take it out on the dog. But this is non-consensual physical contact, via canine proxy.)
Like you can see the problem as they walk in, it's always a big dog, poorly socialized and nervous and the owner is young and male.
I worry about them all the time.
Those dogs can usually be rehabilitated.
We had a dog that bit my sister... but it was a high-strung yr old puppy, and she had quickly yanked its tail.
We worked with it more, and it was good after that.
No bites, no nips, nothing.
My dog was attacked by a larger dog as she came into the dog park a couple of years ago. Big puncture wound in her neck and very lucky it wasn't worse.
The next morning the owner of the attacker had that same dog in the same park again, like nothing had happened.
I really have a deep place of ire in my heart for that sort of dog-owner. Just terrible, terrible people
"i'm not"
snaps people into leashing their dog posthaste. Can't stand it.
"He's friendly!"
"She's liable to try and eat him."
::lightning leashing::
dog, to my hand, one second later: [chomp]
My partner was taking a walk around our neighborhood one evening and he got attacked by an unleashed pitbull. Got his ear almost ripped clean off. The owner grabs his dog and says "you're on your own, pal" and ran off
He's got a scar where his ear had to get restitched on..
I walked back to my car. I never spoke a word the entire time.
It's very sad. Right now Belgian Malinois are fashionable, but fill CA kill shelters because they r very high energy, super IQ + bitey.
Hurt the poor dog in self defense, but hurt the owner a lot more physically & financially.
GOOD. Hope he learned something.
That "something" being "leash your dog"
Fuck him. Hope the dog is happy with his new home.
Lesson learnt: Keep potbelly for extra protection.
So sorry about your friend’s pup. 😞
I keep my Malinois leashed unless we're completely alone. She's a great dog but she does sometimes nip.
I won't be surprised if the owners of this dog blame the deceased pet, too.
We have a small dog that my wife likes to let off leash and I tell her that it's as much for our dog's protection as anything; if there's a sketchy or aggressive dog around, I want to be able to pull my dog back ASAP
But I agree, when off ones own premises, dogs should be leashed
totally needless.
Dog people: "Don't worry, he's friendly!" is not the reassurance you think it is.
A dog who thinks I'm her new best friend is just as capable of knocking me over as a dog who wants to attack.
Please obey leash laws.