it has been genuinely crazy-making to see harris raise nearly a quarter of a *billion* dollars from tens of thousands of small donations and then go read pundits pouting that democratic enthusiasm for the harris campaign is "fake" or a "sugar high"
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I donated when Biden endorsed her and have shared this about a hundred times across 4 media platforms and emailed some offline folks. This is totally real! Also:
So much small-donor money sloshing around down here it's ridiculous. People don't care. In this Biden economy, they've got cash to burn on impulsive whims like political donations.
$25 is barely enough for two people to eat at Wendy's, dropping that kind of money on infuriating Trump is going to pay out greatly in lols and he's going to be apoplectic when he loses to Harris. I consider it investing in future comedy.
They really thought that there was going to be a crazy, chaotic fight for the nomination, and they would get to cover it. Now they don't get to write about the crazy thing and also look dumb for insisting it would happen, and are big mad as a result. I kinda get it, but also they need to grow up.
Seems to me that a lot of the people arguing this way are generally very cynical and have a blind spot for the possibility that people are genuinely excited and energized by something.
The paper of record is claiming that our sugar high is about to wear off. I’m looking around me while touching grass and wondering what their evidence for this is beyond vague “it has to bc it usually does.”
It's almost somehow as though some of the pundits might be writing what their editors, executive editors and publishers are demanding they write? It really makes no sense to see this stuff about a "fake" or "sugar high" when many of us expected 250+ weekly stories on why Trump's too old.
Great to see you back here Jamelle. I don’t want to pretend that I’ve got a failsafe approach for dealing with the kind of twats who enjoy infesting your mentions, but I do hope you find an approach that works for you.
Weird how when people go bonkers in support of Trump, that's never a "sugar high", a phrase that also seems vaguely sexist in a manner I can't explain well in this number of characters.
I will be joining the “white dudes for Harris” zoom at 8 PM and we better raise more money than my wife did. She’s been gloating about her zoom call all weekend
Stoked you are back here and enjoying your pithy comments as always. I gave $20 to the campaign and thought as I did it "I wonder if most donations will be small" and was overjoyed to see that they were.
They are all about the cope these days. Especially the ones who pushed so hard for Biden to drop out and are now all "No, not like that!" They desperately wanted a Dems-in-Disarray gravy train to pay their bills through November.
It's def like a sugar high, ppl are excited Joe got out of the way for somebody that might stand a chance against Trump. The Democrat landscape was in a slump if he had stayed. W/ the election closing in they just gotta keep them abuzz, I guess. Momentum once gained is even harder to keep rolling.🤷🏻♀️
thiel and murdoch and their cutouts slowly learning that a lot of people standing together can raise as much money as them must be a sore trial. What this portends for them *personally* seems to have dented their logic-tight world view no more than cosmetically.
I know it is important that we win the election but if they can even make a little bit of wet stripeys on their tighty whities, that is good. It is not enough, but it's pretty good. Just a little panicked digestive upset.
I donated on the first day (a lot) and bought an unofficial Harris 2024 shirt on Amazon because the official one won’t ship for a few weeks. The enthusiasm is real.
But their misunderstanding of the wave is just fodder -- I hope -- for the reconning the political press is earning for their serial failures.
I think the ground is shifting under the feet of the pundit class far more than they grasp.
It feels like the people are really hungering to understand why the media would do this, and hungering for well funded progressive media, but it just seems so impossible to actually manage.
I’m speaking. I have fewer than 100 days to create a beautiful quilt that celebrates the election of #kamalaharris to be the 47th president of our country. The universe is listening to us. Speak in every possible way, every day. Speak in your way. The universe is listening. #quilting for a cause.
I effectively donated Anything But Megabucks the day Biden withdrew, but let's listen to the seventh-generation plastic hairstyles like their takes actually matter.
But those particular pundits are doing their standard, "I'm the center of the universe, and nobody asked ME!" routine, because god forbid they ever not think of themselves as being anything but.
What surprised me more reading that is that she apparently raised a quarter of a *billion* dollars from tens of thousands of small donations and yet still accepts money from big PACs. I feel like she’s putting herself in handcuffs (and therefore putting them on the American public).
Yup. Because they don't want it. Like were y'all not listening the past four fucking years? We wanted *anything* but Biden-Trump.
I realize they want Trump back, but Christ don't be dishonest about this.
she gets new-candidate enthusiasm now; nice horse-race coverage of VP candidates seeing who can dunk JD most effectively and pitching Dem policy; then bump from pick; then convention bump…
Assuming that the excitement about Harris continues - which I think it will - the Right and their pundits will flip to calling her supporters "cultists" etc. (Yes, that'd be exceedingly ironic. And therefore in-character.)
why is it that every presidential election cycle we see calls for Democrats putting Republicans on the ticket, but we never see any calls for Republicans to be not crazy?
Equally sad to see that quarter billion spent paid out to Fox and Facebook for ad placement and beltway data analysis firms to help target those ads. She should donate it all to a worthy cause instead and use the earned media that such a heroic and unexpected move would no doubt generate.
They really don't know what to say, they want the democrats to be in disarray so badly. They just swapped candidates late in the election! They're SUPPOSED to be stumbling, this can't possibly be right!!
That’s because you still live in the real world. Most pundits live inside their own heads, where Republicans are still Daddy and Democrats are perpetually in disarray.
We all just need to put our heads down, ignore the mainstream media fucks, especially MSNBC in the morning (the late afternoon early evening anchors are great, Andrea Mitchell - go away Chris Jansing - don’t know what happened to you Katy Tur - can FTFO
This is the same brain rot that concludes all efforts toward social justice are just "virtue signaling." It's impossible that progressives might want benefits to accrue to people who are not ourselves or our immediate "tribe," so we must be faking it.
they literally don't have anything else to say about it. ben shapiro said the same thing. they don't know what else to do other than call liberal energy "fake news"
he's always been pretty stupid but at least he knows how to look like he has an answer for everything. His total flailing really doesn't speak well for the conservative response.
A testimony to Trump campaign’s dominance of the media game this cycle … and of the former president’s continued power over clicks … tho also emblematic of it’s declining sway
I mean even if it's a sugar high, it'll probably last until the convention and then there will be another one and there are worse ways of winning an election than defining yourself and your opponent on terms favorable to you in August/September.
Some of us are having fun reading policy papers, hearing the sweet “no fair” wailing of the opposition, AND imagining cute outfits Harris can wear to the debate! There’s a lot to enjoy at this venue, we’re not rushing because the Prestige Press Tactical Bummer Squadron wants our parking spot.
Fellow white dudes, join the call to elect Kamala Harris!
But maybe it is a sugar high. If it is, just keep feeding me sugar, because I'm really enjoying the high.
And, second, she's also apparently already got tens of thousands of people signing up to volunteer for her too.
I wonder what she'll spend her money on? Or does trump feel he's entitled to a 50% cut for having convinced the crowd to favor her?
Also, good to see you back.
And also: if this past year hasn’t taught everyone that most “pundits” are full of crap, nothing will.
"pfFT whAtEveR, moNeY TalKs!"
(grassroots money does the talk thing)
"nooOOO noT LikE ThaT grrrRRR tHIs iS dEI's FauLT!!!"
But their misunderstanding of the wave is just fodder -- I hope -- for the reconning the political press is earning for their serial failures.
I think the ground is shifting under the feet of the pundit class far more than they grasp.
When's the last time a politician actually gave the people what they wanted, when what the people wanted wasn't that politician?
The Democratic pundits are butthurt that the successful tactics involve not listening to their old, dry, shriveled definition of "wisdom" (finally).
Also, yes! There is nothing fake about this momentum.
But those particular pundits are doing their standard, "I'm the center of the universe, and nobody asked ME!" routine, because god forbid they ever not think of themselves as being anything but.
I realize they want Trump back, but Christ don't be dishonest about this.
Public: yeah 1000%, let’s go Kamala! Woohoo!
Pundits: whoa whoa not like that you need to get excited about who we tell you to get excited about
she gets new-candidate enthusiasm now; nice horse-race coverage of VP candidates seeing who can dunk JD most effectively and pitching Dem policy; then bump from pick; then convention bump…
And, to your point, if it’s “fake” then where is the money coming from? They seem to dance away from that pretty regularly.
I remember that dynamic from Obama '08.
The hype is real and the hype was generated on the street, not on CNN.
This guy
If she wins, that guy has to move to Jupiter.
It looks like a majority (slim or otherwise) of us are doing just that.
But I made one this weekend.
It's really unbelievable.
Ezra Klein is *still* jonesing for an open convention, and will whine about it to his grave.
(Not that I *like* them. They're just not fascists.)
Hear Kamala Harris at an Online event
#kamalaharris #kamalaharrispotus2024
#harrispotus2024 #harrisusa2024 #politics
2-It's even better than you put it: the first day haul ($81 million) was raised by 888,000 donors; likely over 1 million now.
You don't give up weekends for a candidate you don't show up for.