Christopher McDONALD. Not to be confused with Chris O’Donnell, who is not to be confused with Jerry O’Connell, who was in STAND BY ME, not to be confused with THE STAND. Let’s be careful out there.
I literally had this mindmelt this week when I dreamed about Jerry O'Connell, the first time I've thought of him in a decade, and then was like wait who is that other guy. Was not aware of Chris McDonald until tonight and had a nice little journey getting here
They're pretty blatant about hitting the "types" just like they did in THE BREAKFAST CLUB but because this is a BODY SNAT- excuse me, PUPPET MASTERS situation, the scene where they all get high is now the THING blood test but "plowing meth to assert my undeniable humanity" instead which kinda rules?
It's also one of those just QUINTESSENTIAL y2k / late 90s flicks. Pure zeitgeist, from the setting - clothes, hairstyles, etc., Kevin Williamson script, and of course, that soundtrack.
Okay, with a THE THING reference, you’ve got my attention. Below is some art that someone did that portrays The Muppets as The Thing. I will definitely check that movie out. 😎
The only thing I remember about the Faculty is Jon Stewart saying "Someone jam a pen in my eye" early in the movie and later he's killed by getting stabbed with a pen in the eye and that will always stand out as one of the finest examples of foreshadowing in media.
Thanks to these posts I watched it for the first time since the theater, and it... really holds up??? I completely missed most of its homages back in the day, including what HAS to be an extended riff on the Val Lewton Cat People.
I want to see a remake of "The Breakfast Club" set in the Old Republic with all of the kids being padawan and Mr Vernon is a bitter old Jedi. Alley Sheedy's character should be a wookie.
he cut it himself—same in Halloween H20—depending on which source you believe, either because he didn't like going to barbers, or as a character choice because he figured teen boys never have perfect Hollywood coiffure
I was in my too cool for mainstream movies phase when I saw it in the theater, so naturally I hated it, but I bet this movie holds up as a modern take on Bodysnatchers
Working on that movie is the most fun I ever had making a movie. And when I wrapped they gave me the latex hand with a pencil stuck through it mounted like a trophy.
I watched it when it came out and liked it, but haven't seen it since. I saw it listed on a streamer recently and was thinking I'd give it a rewatch. Now that I know you're in it I'll definitely do so! #flattery
Seeing that movie after a long shift with a very talkative audience is one of my theatergoing highlights. The movie is so much better when a 15 year old behind you says “I hope he’s not an alien, he’s cute!”
My noms-
The Faculty
(relax it’s about the tricky one and watergate😂)
No bull.
You were fab in it