if she wins it will be interesting to see the contortions various people go through to avoid the conclusion that a black woman could be capable enough to beat trump and his band of special white boys
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Whole bunch of former R primary challengers going "Oh, so what I should have done was just not be scared of him. And also make fun of him to his face. Who knew?"
A big segment won’t be able to admit it. They are so far gone that they’ll go to their graves swearing that something was really wrong with the election, not with their understanding of the world. None of them should have jobs in political commentary or journalism by December if this happens.
I'm still so fucking pissed about the three year whispering campaign that she was stupid on absolutely zero basis other than other people whispering the same thing.
I expect armies of reporters to descend upon the Lehigh Valley Whole Foods and every Bucks County Starbucks to ask White Women why they abandoned the GOP.
It is seriously going to break some brains trying to get their heads around the fact that Americans greatly prefer a woman - and a woman of color at that - to Mr. Macho-Man White.
Jamelle, have you read this batshit piece from the Claremont Institute? They'll bypass all other explanations and go straight to "massive amounts of election fraud."
They’re gonna blame it on his low energy and age (and the dementia which “everyone knew”, I am sure) rather than admit that she ran a good campaign on issues Americans cared about.
And yet it will end in the same spot: They Lost, Get The Hell Over It, and Field Candidates who actually live in the same reality as the Democratic candidates even if they disagree on what's to be done.
the REALITY: Biden's been in fucking politics for HALF A GODDAMN CENTURY, played this ENTIRE COUNTRY for the bigoted bastard sheep they are, and Dark Brandon'd an entire one last time in a masterful display of misdirection and making the enemy waste resources.
"It was Vance! It was Corey Lewandowski! It was the terrible sound people! Biden was thrown out in an illegal coup! NBC! CBS! Matt Drudge! Fifteen million Mexicans paid to vote against me! Even Jesus was not treated this unfairly!"
There will be a lot of talk of Liz Cheney and "Harris Republicans" and zero acknowledgement that the American constitutional order and economy were saved from disaster almost entirely by the integration and politicization of women and people of color.
I've been thinking that, if she wins, we should castalog all the stuff that was thrown in her way – and she pulled it out anyway:
a late start to her campaign
Elon owning and using Xitter against her
Russian disinfo
Trumpist threats of violence
and so much more.
We might finally get the Republican party internal civil war we've been hoping for.
But it's way more likely that Repubs unite around the idea that no Black woman could possibly defeat a white man without cheating, and "elections are broken" becomes the central plank of their platform for eternity.
Well yeah but I'm talking permanent absolutism here.
Like how the last 8 years have been Trump or bust, the entire platform will be "the current electoral system is unsalvageable and the only solution is a full replacement"
It's either that or get new ideas, and we know they don't have new ideas.
Yes, it does. But if Republicans admit they're wrong and need to course-correct, rather than doubling down, it would be new behavior that we've never seen before.
The message after a Harris victory should be--almost HAS to be, for the sake of the nation: "America does not want this MAGA bullshit. Nobody likes bigotry or plutocracy. We're done humoring you about this."
One thing I started thinking is that it will be very difficult for pollsters to admit that they had polls suggesting a Selzeresque result all along and deliberately tilted them (as Cohn suggests) towards Trump to make them “reasonable”
Does anyone else feel like this race mirrors the debate over affirmative action? A capable POC without the pedigree (standardized scores) but still given a chance, demonstrates she's eminently qualified, but is still held to a higher standard than the person of means & privilege for the same spot?
If Kamala wins, there's going to be a lot of people calling it a diversity hire of an unqualified person like the alternative they wanted wasn't a half-gone geriatric with horrible judgement and fascist tendencies... who just happened to be rich and White.
Someone taking that corrupt POS is good. Having it be a BLACK WOMAN is EPIC!!! And her being a PROSECUTOR is even better. Eager to see who she pics as Attorney General. It will NOT be Merrick Garland! He likely would have been fine on the Supreme Court...but as AG, Biden's worst decision!
Prediction: Assuming Kamala wins, the larger her victory the more articles we’ll see in Wapo and NYT attempting to minimize and downplay her victory. “How Kamala Lost by Winning.”
If she wins what’s the over/under on number of days till a pundit dismisses her victory by saying Trump was such a terrible candidate anyone could have beaten him.
How is it possible that the election polls are so close. There just cannot be that many Americans whose values are so badly skewed that they can vote for a convicted sexual assaulter, convicted felon, serial adulterer, congenital liar, racist and draft dodger.
The thing I find interesting is that Trump apparently *never* wanted to run against Harris, and even when Biden dropped out, the Trump campaign never really adapted to that new reality.
I remember they claimed to have a whole dossier ready should Harris attempt to run, but it turns out they had nothing. But the thing is, Harris seems to have to run against a pro-Trump media environment as well as against the man himself, & she has really done a stellar job of it. Fingers crossed!
We're not dealing with people who are grounded in facts or reality. LOSING in 2024 will simply be another entry on their long list of denials and grievances:👇🏿
Serious question: if we get D president, senate and house-- and if they agree to get rid of the filibuster, could they un-fuck the Supreme Court with a code of ethics (same as lower courts) and an 18 yr term limit, applied immediate;y (Thomas, Alito, and Roberts out). A fantasy, and yet...
If she wins, I fear we're about to make the same mistake after the civil war and just let these cretins rejoin society with zero consequences for the violence they've been leveraging
I keep saying lady karma has finally caught up to him. I remember back in the late 70s when him and his father were sued for not renting to blacks in NYC. Then there was the full page add he took out recommending the death sentence for the Central Park 5. He's always been racist.
My contortion of a Harris win is that there is an entire white voting bloc undetected by polling that is basically the guy from Get Out who would've voted for Obama for a third term
And the analysis will be all about how he fumbled in the last week of the election and not how she ran a (🤞🏻🤞🏻)near flawless(🤞🏻🤞🏻)campaign after becoming the nominee 3 months before the election
Assuming she gets all 7 swing states and flips Iowa, I want your colleagues on the Sunday morning programs to ask Lindsey Graham "So, now that the Republican party has been completely destroyed by Trump, as you predicted, what policies will the party adopt that Americans actually want?"
It would be a pretty clear repudiation of their anti-abortion policies, but if they abandon that then they abandon the evangelical vote and they’ll never do that.
Or they'll do like how many Republicans in California do it: the less crazy ones will call themselves Democrats and get donations from the Democratic party so they can unseat only slightly more conservative Republicans.
I worked for the Huntsman campaign for President. I wrote a whitepaper that, well, didn't predict Trump, but called the alarm on demographic shifts that were easy to read:
The GOP has limited newer, younger voters. Their median age is in the low 60s; the median age for Democrats was in the low 40s.
I for one am looking forward to all the articles interviewing women at pta meetings, wine socials, book clubs and church about how nobody could be bothered to leave the diners and ask them what they’ve been up to.
Pretty sure in Harris' home territory it'd be burrito joints? I wanna see the national media descending on, like, Cactus Taqueria in Berkeley to understand Real America
The country is not divided into "Trump supporters" and "Harris supporters", with campaigns trying to move people from one camp into another. There is a whole range of undecided voters who can be won by either side. Every single one of those people has a last straw.
Undecided voters? Bullshit.
Either you are slightly smarter than a hammer and know to pretend you aren't all in for Trump, or you are basically a photo reactive bug just inching toward light.
There are folks undecided about voting at all, however, so let's hope it's sunny. 🤷🏼♂️
Even the "Trump supporters" and "Harris supporters" aren't monolithic blocks.
The true cult-of-personality MAGAts are probably unreachable by any means. But I'm pretty sure there are a lot of lukewarm or reluctant Trump supporters, and every new disaster from Trump weakens their support.
I find it hard to believe there are many who have seen everything he's done for the past 9 years and were still going to vote for him who will change their minds in the last week.
I want to see him lose in 2024, natch. Then the Rs run their king again in 2028 and he is utterly senile, and loses again. In 2032 he’s finally dead and they run one of his idiot sons, and said dullard loses by 25 points. That is my wish.
It's such a cash cow for him. He got one of the major parties to just give him total access to their accounts. He can't give that up. It's not in his nature.
Plus the attention. The rallies, being able to call into TV stations whenever he wants and getting on air. Based on his personality, he’s appears to be addicted to it. We won’t stop pushing that button.
I still remember reading the Venerable Bede (old English saint if you’re not familiar) in school and being really shocked by him writing about a rival who had shitted himself to death and how celebratory he was about it. I think we’re there again!
Like, he is seriously manifesting the kinds of symptoms I’ve seen in family members about a couple of years or so before they fully succumbed to dementia and died, I doubt he has much battery left
mRNA/LNP transfect into multiple organs. Cells in those organs make spike and display spike epitopes on their surface. CD8+ Tcells that recognize those epitopes will KILL ALL THOSE CELLS. Multiple organ damage incl. heart damage is GUARANTEED in EVERYONE. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35298029/
It was it was. I remember ‘08 and this is something beyond that imo like Thanos level god tier s tier whatever the wonderful kids these days are saying. Def well beyond what anyone (me too) thought she was capable of. I’m very happy to be wrong, other ppl not so much
I’ve had much the same reaction. One of my sisters in law has been KHive for years, and we’ve all agreed she was right all along and the rest of us underestimated Kamala.
That will be the cherry on top. Trump and his minions got fired up because a black man won, twice. To see him get beat by a black woman, chef's kiss. Watching her dog walk him in the debate was fantastic. To see it happen again on Tuesday will be damn near orgasmic.
They aren’t special to anyone but themselves. Honestly, a baloney sandwich should be able to win the presidency over trump, in a world not brainwashed by legacy media.
Will they try again with "race doesnt matter anymore" ?
She had a bit of a bumpy start getting her office culture right and that’s pretty much it- no scandal -no undercutting the Pres-no backbiting
Just disciplined and focused on doing her job of being Biden’s support
The press was openly contemptuous of her for that
by their own fucked up logic, now he's against a REAL candidate that DOESN'T have those advanced age issues. so the asswhoopin was inevitable.
and Harris is just as good. Bravo.
a late start to her campaign
Elon owning and using Xitter against her
Russian disinfo
Trumpist threats of violence
and so much more.
But it's way more likely that Repubs unite around the idea that no Black woman could possibly defeat a white man without cheating, and "elections are broken" becomes the central plank of their platform for eternity.
Like how the last 8 years have been Trump or bust, the entire platform will be "the current electoral system is unsalvageable and the only solution is a full replacement"
It's either that or get new ideas, and we know they don't have new ideas.
"someone else is pulling the puppet strings"
"she can't speak without reading off the teleprompter"
"she's actually white"
"she is George Soros's ultimate DEI hire"
"she got DEI hired by George Soros"
Before his death, Stan Lee helped create a Trump like character that was beaten by a black female Captain America
“‘MODAAK’ is our most vulgar, callous, evil villain yet, and he’s totally based on the tyrant Donald Trump"
it's helped clear the crap from my mind really.
(Though it would be lovely to block some of them from my overall online experience sometimes)
if they're saying this stuff, they must not be reliable sources. I'll find others
"The Civil War wasn't fought over slavery"
"The Confederate Flag is about 'heritage'"
"Obama wasn't born in Hawaii"
"Trump won in 2020"🙄
A code of ethics could be passed, but watch the current court strike it down.
I'd argue we should have the same number of justices as circuits (12). Term limits are tough.
I just hope there are enough sensible people in this country to balance out the inevitable rabid frothing-at-the-mouth reactions
30, 29, 28, 27,...
unfortunately it doesn't know it's dead. it's a zombie party. and zombies bite.
we need machetes and blowtorches
The GOP has limited newer, younger voters. Their median age is in the low 60s; the median age for Democrats was in the low 40s.
I was not invited to work on any 2012 campaigns...and you can see what road the GOP took. (Racism, misogyny and increasingly obvious ratfucking.)
Either you are slightly smarter than a hammer and know to pretend you aren't all in for Trump, or you are basically a photo reactive bug just inching toward light.
There are folks undecided about voting at all, however, so let's hope it's sunny. 🤷🏼♂️
The true cult-of-personality MAGAts are probably unreachable by any means. But I'm pretty sure there are a lot of lukewarm or reluctant Trump supporters, and every new disaster from Trump weakens their support.
Do you honestly not know anyone in your life who proudly tells you they don't follow news or politics?
"You wouldn't put a presidential candidate in jail would you? This is political bias! Election interference!!!"
However if they want to commit to being a dying rump party, I'm ok with that.
But that's only if he loses.
His competence in this campaign is stuff of legend... that Kill Tony bit at MSG is a move for the ages.
Like, he is seriously manifesting the kinds of symptoms I’ve seen in family members about a couple of years or so before they fully succumbed to dementia and died, I doubt he has much battery left
They’ll claim that it was *actually* Walz & Shapiro who clinched it
Some white man will be the mastermind
Also hysteric nonsense about identity politics…& then they’ll pitch the wisdom of crypto investment