quinta is right. the expectation among the voters that gave trump the win is that he will bring stability and prosperity. given what we know about him, he and the people around him are setting themselves up to hit a brick wall of public discontent
Reposted from
Quinta Jurecic
this is so profoundly wrong. everything we know now suggests that people voted for boring, they want economic stability. they will not get that, but pretending that they want violence when they did not vote for it distorts the fact that trump does not have a mandate for violence and chaos
I think people will be rather grumpy about coffee costing twice as much, things that break through the rights' control of the information environment.
How has it previously constrained Presidents/parties? Why might things be different now?
They’re about to get so much goddamn disorder they won’t believe it.
We know protests kept going on in Iran even after violence was unleashed on them.
And given their reasons for voting for him, I'm not sure they are.
We have no idea what discontent will manifest or how fast but we know it will be as extreme as the cause.
People never seem to see the things coming down the pike but if there is a God, nothing will come of the Bird flu. Otoh - of it does, we have Team Incompetent coming in.
*Harris voters
But as usual the blame will be cast at women and minorities.
He promised blood and chaos and people did not understand that. Don't know if they will understand once it begins because they don't pay attention and when they do is RW news.
“Biden & Democrats are an economic disaster”, while our pandemic recovery leads all nations! 🤦♀️
They prefer lies over reality.
I see almost no reason to believe the latter will get what they want bc he is surrounded by the former types.
That second group is where hope lies: They don't hate yet. Will they catch on?
I see Trump following that path
in positions of authority to push back. Vance basically said he’s fine with a constitutional crisis and seems like SC is too?
We're going to get the Trump Show 2.0, and it's going to be *amazingly* disruptive.
He has fed them a steady diet of misinformation and lies.
He will blame all of this on Biden and the Democrats and Latinos and Blacks and everyone else they hate and they will believe it.
Discontent will NEVER fall his way
hopefully we can get them to blame musk and JD tho
His voters were here LAST time, when we were stacking our dead in freezer trucks & wiping our asses with coffee filters. They've been here the last FOUR YEARS while Biden built the strongest economy on the PLANET.
That's not it.
Those who voted for this can't just be allowed to chalk it up to "simply making a mistake" come time
I also do not think this crew has the ability to keep much of it away from others.
The coming chaos is really gonna hurt
The President at the time was Ronald Reagan
They were both college graduates!
History doesn't suggest folks will say, "Welp, looks like we were wrong..."
As Trump keeps saying, his support in raw numbers in 2020 was waaay up over 2016.
eventually the contradictions cannot hold
IMHO, we need to protect/ help the marginalized where we can, but allow his supporters to feel the pain to realize the mistake.
Holy crap.
I get it. Nobody wakes up and chooses evil - it's always justified in one's mind. Compounded by this post-covid selfishness.
Markets don't care if you're left, right, centrist or anything else. You leave money on the table, they're taking it.
Trump’s magic is that people see what they want to see. So his coalition combines deluded fools who think he’ll stabilize the economy and clear-sighted assholes who know what he will bring and want exactly that.
These people are not listening to Trump and saying they want it! They’re just heard Trump was fine except for some “mean Tweets”
I’d argue that since 1988, the candidate that runs on stale party messages of “I’m just like the last guy” always loses the election.
"Trumpism cannot fail: it can only be failed", indeed.
"Liberal writer Rick Pearlstein (sic) explained this recently when he appeared at a conference on conservatism. “In conservative intellectual discourse, there is no such thing as a bad conservative,” he said. “Conservatism never fails. It is only failed.”
People have to realize you can't "facts and logic" you're way out of it. People need something else to believe in, so they can convince themselves. That's my take.
For example.
Obviously, can't just transition into that in a year, but who said they are leaving?
I do think y’all are right, but…
Welcome to Idiocracy.
Don't rescue the economy. Don't help republicans achieve anything.
If they pass a bill? It is without any of our votes.
If that means the government shuts down or the debt ceiling is breached then so be it.
The GOP learned from both that & Hitler.
Use propaganda & appeal to their darker side.
Lower taxes, free IVF, Ukraine war ends in a day, no tax on tips, 2 million deportations, the greatest health care plan in the world...