the idea that oswald was a free agent — that despite all the machinations, JFK was killed as a result of random chance — is so intolerable to so many people they have to believe the conspiracies are true
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The cosmic absurdity is that Oswald was the singular free agent in what was otherwise a network of strange and baroque machinations
That's *terrifying.* If an evil cabal is running least *someone is in charge.*
And for individuals, it gives them the comforting blanket of powerlessness where they don’t have to act, to fight injustice
I’m agnostic, but Ruby’s murder of Oswald is enough to make a not-crazy person proceed from the assumption that there was a conspiracy.
- William Manchester
Love to get the truth, finally! from Jamelle
But a one man killing of a president while been driven and protected by the secret service is just such and obvious truth to you. Mighty brain. 🧠
Right (s)
We’re watching conspiracies play out right now.
The project 2025 authors and backers are conspiring to dismantle the government.
DOGE and its minions are conspiring to do something, god knows what exactly.
We can accept random chance, we just couldn't accept when the lone nut has pretty blatant political leanings. (And Jack Ruby really didn't help things.)
(They shouldn’t be shooting turnstile jumpers in any case, of course.)
But - hard to imagine in that mess of steel anyone would've made it even if wearing a seat belt.
I was 16 when JFK went down - we all watched so much *LIVE* for days. And Oswald was the type of guy who'd do such a thing, IMO. #LoneWolf?
I pointed out that if any President is killed in the US there is a 2% chance it will be in the state the VP is from.
That was good.
The alternative (which is reality) is that chaos happens and we can't control it....but chaos is scarier to them than evil.
Humans are erratic and random while pretending to not be erratic and random.
We're constantly driven by instincts and emotions while pretending to not be driven by instincts and emotions.
Humans are excessively weird. And the sooner we accept that, the better off we'll all be.
The distances seem long on tv, but when you see it in person, the shots look very makable for a marksmen with a decent rifle and scope.
Then what? Seems positively silly now.
the vietnam war was a self-inflicted injury that destroyed a generation of american boys like himself. had someone, anyone, stopped it, his own pain would be lifted.
Remember "back and to the left"?
If you hit an object with a ball, the object will move in the direction of the ball. So if i hit a melon with a ball from the front and right, the melon will move back and left, but the ball will bounce of the melon.
1. The movie goes on longer than the actual trial it covered
2. The case it covers is so ridiculous that even the most hardcore dyed-in-the-wool JFK conspiracy theorists go "yeah, this particular one is too insane for me"
C'mon man, we gotta get Christine Baranski in there too somehow!!
where everything was exactly how it seemed
where there was never any mystery
of who shot John F Kennedy
It was just a man with something to prove,
slightly bored and severely confused
He went over that fucking thing like it was porn.
His head was so full of this stuff that I don't think he had any more room.
If he had, nobody would have believed the truth - that it was an accident.
But it’s supposed to be some conspiracy bc he succeeded?
Oswald wanted to kill a high profile American and didn't care who it was.
And there was a whole conspiracy to kidnap (changed to kill) Lincoln along with Andrew Johnson and William H Seward (Sec. of State).
Booth was a wildly popular celebrity, Oswald was a loser. Two totally different personalityes IMO.
JWB was the only one with an actual conspiracy.
If the KGB OR the CIA had wanted Kennedy dead it would have looked like Alexander Litvinenko, not like this.
Considered as a cold-blooded plan, it would have been a really STUPID plan.
1) He missed one of the three he fired...
2) He was experienced in working a bolt-action rifle under pressure,
3) It's been recreated various times & NRA boomers have made those shots.
G. Robert Blakey used it to investigate organized crime nationally, influencing the RICO Act's passage under LBJ
The problem is that Oswalt had absolutely nothing to do with the mob, so it falls apart at the most crucial point.
Then when he actually did it, got caught and was killed by Ruby, those people freaked out and pretended they'd never met him.
And that looks suspicious.
A literal congressional investigation disagrees with you but go off
Personally, I think that, regardless of whether or not it was a conspiracy, it's a fact that in 1965, the top income tax bracket was reduced from 92% down to 70%.
If school books would have been banned back then, the Texas School Book Depository would not have existed. Therefore, it's the libs fault JFK was shot.
When he figures out 98% of his conspiracy theories aren't fucking true with his own eyes.
Sorry, I got a touch of the first half of the 20th century there.
We want so badly to believe in conspiracy, we ignore the inconvenient established facts.
Though Seward was pretty badly injured
Jus’ sayin’. 🙄😏🤪☹️🤬
for instance... Geo. Bush was in town at a BBQ with Nixon and made a random exculpatory phone call to FBI for no reason.
Later whenever asked where he was on that day, claims to not know.
LBJ paved the way for a career at CIA
Booth was the only one with a clear political motivation.
Thats colored my perception on these things ever since.
That is how physics and marksmanship works, yes. Also why security details are so stressed. It's near impossible.
Practically if you can see and make someone out they are very much in range. We're just lucky the majority of folks aren't interested and the government's job is mostly to make sure they stay uninterested by not trashing the joint