“Democrats talk easily about how the party has gotten 'out of touch,' but they don’t draw the obvious connection about what happens when you’re out of touch: You get things substantively wrong and alienate voters with your unpopular ideas,” Josh Barro writes:
Aside from POTUS, Democrats have a lot more power today than in 2016. Senate, House, governors, legislatures, AG’s: Dems have done better than Republicans in all of these.
if that much money isn’t enough and you have to go back to the trough, if you creat unsafe work conditions and negatively impact the environment in pursuit of even more money, you deserve all the hate the planet can create.
Like, Republicans don't even like you (despite your constant attempts to cater to them)! Who the fuck is even your reader base?
And don't forget that y'all are fairly complicit in this whole mess.
A guy with "advanced dementia" negotiated a complex multicountry hostage release last July? Not likely.
Meanwhile, Trump:
Nepo baby Barro has never worked a real job, a cliché privileged NO BLACKS NO ASIANS white gay, faking concern for Asians for clicks. Please!
Who’s afraid of the equity boogeyman?
I’ll call it out. Racists threatened by an accomplished Black man and misogynists threatened by an accomplished woman.
The Atlantic published the Battle Hymn of the Republic and Letter from a Birmingham Jail. Now look at the tripe you’ve put out.
And, the “unpopular ideas” that will matter moving forward are the unpopular ideas and policies of Donald Trump and Elon Musk.
Both Trump and Musk, and their ideas, are rapidly losing popularity:
Not gonna click. Not gonna subscribe.
Keyboard jockeys are boring and disposable, even as they clamor for attention.
Fuck off Josh
Then share why I should care what you think about Dems?
"Trump vows to ban all puppies. How this spells trouble for Biden's Legacy"
The US should tax the medium rich, the rich and the mega rich to pay down the debt instead of cutting the help to the poor.
It is the right thing to do.
The rich became rich because of the labour of the poor.
Followed by “I’m a wretchedly unhappy right wing sociopath with ASPD because when I graduated my Ivy League university, not one person even tried to like me.”
We'll see how "unpopular" the Democrats' ideas are then.
Nazis vs the out-of-touch Dems!
What a fucking country!
cause, sweetie, i can print out a list a dozen pages long of specific republican quotes that prove how far out of touch with reality they are, and that would just cover the last week
OR, as with Biden, they are doing a great job, keeping promises working HARD for the PEOPLE not the rich & no Americans are hearing about it
Do better atlantic, I am a freaking subscriber and don't prefer to be lied at
You weren't lied to bud. You just let your feelings do your thinking for you.
The Biden border policy “was not in accordance with any intentionally enacted public policy.” It had “enthusiastic support of progressive groups that purport to speak for the interests of Latinos. But the broader population of Latinos reacted—surprise!—quite negatively”
The world order is crumbling. Congrats to the party that lost twice to the fascist clown. It was warned. The absurdity of the situation is that there’s no other viable opposition.
When the media begins to take a shred of responsibility for ALL that’s happening let me know…
Hey, let's put immigrants in jungle concentration camps and impose 25% tariffs on imported goods.
+ threaten allies w/military attack
So much better 🤡🤡🤡🤡
they already lie plenty but only on behalf of donors & constituencies who openly prefer the right: Zionists, tech billionaires, police, the military industrial complex
Muffling Walz when he'd been picked bc he put Trump and Vance on back foot by simply calling them weird.
Weird worked and ofc Dem consultants and Harris team stopped it.
Finally, blindly supporting Israel was a huge mistake.
We must address oligarch control over the free press and public square.
outside of it, everyone thinks he's a clown
Yes, Dems need a wake-up call, but it's time to change the messaging so it doesn't get stale.
We’re losing EXCLUSIVELY because of YOU!!
Actually, trying to do anything *but* that, first, is a recipe for disaster. Like trying to measure the temperature outside by laying the thermometer on a hot metal roof.
Add in all the votes loss from gop gerrymandering on steroids, uncounted mail in ballots and even bomb threats from Russia in numerous Black polling places in GA and your focus is only partly correct.
The solution isn’t binary
Blame the terrorists not the fellow victims
"Yes, Mr. Barrow"
"That's not my name"
"I disagree, ma'am"
(no one else ya hear! Not us! Nope, Not us either!)
Propagandists set to rip out the middle.
'Without the middle democracy will collapse'
Fight like hell for illegal immigrants. They can't vote.
Fight like hell for trans people. They make up 1% of the electorate and they will vote against you because like other young people they can't afford rent or groceries.
Ignore the concerns of the remaining 99% of voters.
Trump increased his vote from Latinos, Blacks, young people. Trump won the majority of Asian voters
Income mobility has stalled in the US since 1980.
You can view the election thru an indentity lens or a class lens.
Black or white no one wants to identify as poor.
That’s a pretty awful moral compass you got there.
Ten dollar words my left ass cheek. The GOP literally nominated and voted in a rapist billionaire with a richest man in the world sidekick.
Excellent candidate with great policies
Americans would rather vote at this time for an orange fellon than a competent black woman vice-president with a proven history
Go figure 🤷♂️
Well on your way to becoming just another WaPo or NYT. Just Overton Window-washers & PR whores.
Haha lol no
You want to know why Harris lost? She's a woman. If Barro actually knew anything about immigrant and minority men, he'd know that.
Is there a word for that because if not I propose "The Atlantic"
You demanded Harris provide details like, "How will you reduce the cost of food & housing?," yet somehow those pieces never got written.
DemocratIC, people
I had briefly forgotten how far you've fallen and this bullshit here was a great reminder.