The one thing Gen X could fuckin do for us is to have named a kid Beavis and eventually have him become a senator but I bet they won’t even accomplish that
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Also, I promise you there is a guy named Beavis somewhere in America whose stoner GenX parents are kind of ashamed about it now and started calling him Bentley at some point in the early 20 oughts.
Sorry, but they started to play scrabble with spelling.
Put an "a" at the end, throw a "y" in the middle.
That how you get your Kevans, Rylans, and Iridescentbellas.
I am disappointed by the number of Gen-X responses getting offended, instead of the proper Gen-X response: “yeah, good one, whatever, we suck, everything sucks.”
Mutter "whatever" in a monotone, walk away without a backwards look, and then cry yourself to sleep while listening to Swervedriver. That's the fine GenX tradition I keep.
So I was out canvassing for the Australian Greens last month and the worst people to door knock were somehow the GenX surfer dudes. Just because the beach shack you bought in the 80s is worth 2 million dollars now doesn't mean you are a manor lord now.
Stfu with this Gen X hate & get out there and go ride a bike. Go find a friend who you can light firecrackers with, blow each others fingers off whydontcha .. oh yeah, because it was BOOMERS who outlawed fun like that 🧨💥
So I am guess what you meant was Jobs and smart phones but I got news for you about when Jobs born (also who invented smart phones vs Jobs making them more popular)
well, in the seminal (huh huh she said semen huh huh) classic beavis and butthead do america, when butthead asks over the senate pager where the chick with the big cans is, all of them went huh-huh huh-uh like butthead, so clearly, they needed to name their kids butthead
Must be a millennial. The problem with millennials is they have never felt pain, most have never been outside, and when the shit hits the fan they will be inside playing games.
It is Genx who will save the day, mark my words. And they can fire a gun.
Yall ain't about to save a darn thing. Relax. The majority of yall can't tell the difference between a conspiracy and a fact. The rest of yall are too busy getting scammed by random strangers on the internet. Stop it.
Hi,I am Mohamad from Gaza.Can you take a look at my page ?I lost our house, which housed 7 people from my family. Now we are without shelter.🍉🇵🇸I’m working hard to rebuild my life 💔 — plz sharing my campaign can make a huge difference 🙏. ❤️ Link in bio
What the fuck are you talking about. We became adults in the Great Recession. Outside of winter and rainy days I and most of friends were outside most of the time.
I have fired something up, got like hundreds and hundreds of posts on this subject. From what i see milanials have spent too much time in therapy and not enough time in life. Well either we save this democracy, or we don't.
Lmao, millennials have lived their entire adult lives in the post-9/11 world
You dorks think you personally invented being cool and that you're tough because you drank from the garden hose. The saddest fetishization of your childhood because you're such a fucking boring adult.
Half of Gen-X was 30 before 9/11-- y'all lived through relative stability and prosperity. What was so crazy about that? Listening to grunge? Playing outside?
Divorce, crime, and chaotic street life. The greatest change in America in my lifetime is the 1990s reduction in crime. Going outside was a whole different ballgame back then.
Honestly a great point I hadn’t fully connected but once you say it, lot of things click. Gen X being too cool and opting out of shit forever, then becoming super MAGA disaffected voters has fucked us on both sides. Aging boomers had nobody to hand off to (or push them out and take control)
Most millennials didn’t have internet until right before or during middle school. We played outside w/ neighborhood friends without our parents watching. & we graduated w/ student loan debt into a deep recession & are now adults in the most expensive era in modern times. & Gen x males gave us Trump.
I’m sorry, honey, but just how old do you think millennials are? My kids are both millennials and they’re pushing 40 and are too busy working and parenting to play games.
Huh. I guess cause you say so the bullet I took to the spine didn’t and doesn’t hurt, nor do the dislocated shoulders, the bones and teeth I broke in the ring, the soft tissue damage, or anything else.
BTW, a lot of millennials own guns, we just wish we didn’t have to and don’t advertise it.
My parents lost our house in 2008, I was homeless at 17, I've been financially unstable my whole adult life, I've worked multiple jobs at the same time just to afford rent and bills and food, I've lost Medicaid before for making $20 too much one month, I can't get Medicaid in Florida now and I have
a chronic life threatening condition and chronic pain from musculoskeletal issues, my mom is in $500K of medical debt, I will never own a house, I lost reproductive rights under a Democratic president, my taxes have funded multiple fascist wars, my trans friends' lives are at risk (also happened
under a Democratic president), I'll be in debt my entire life because I was constantly berated that college was the only way to get a job, I've never made more than 35k/yr, I was raped and the judge declared it my own fault bc I was being a stupid young woman who obviously wanted it,
I've actually been homeless 3 times and about to lose my apartment because my spouse lost disability and my gig job has tanked because the economy has tanked and I'm going to be bankrupt in less than 3 mo. My parents have been bankrupt twice. Tell me about experiencing pain because of this country.
Gen X came up at the height of American Hegemony, are the last generation with higher life expectancy than the previous, and is currently the one that had gained the most wealth since Trump gained power in 2016. Pathetic shit.
Had to explain this to a Gen X colleague today who was fretting about their retirement savings. I’m just like “damn, y’all really actually had hope? Retirement has never at any point in my life seemed like a viable outcome in life, this is why our humor is bleak “
I made it to the front page of the local newspaper drinking from our football teams water fountain that was just a hose fed into a pvc pipe with holes drilled into. It was after Korey Stringer, and two other college players died of hear stress that summer.
Millenials were taught it was up to them to save their friends from shooters when they were in elementary school. Because Gen X said “guns are more important than kids”. GenX doesn’t care about anyone but themselves.
GenX has always been famous for their savior fantasies. Where do you think "Good guy with a gun" came from? I'll believe it when I see it reflected in polling data. Right now its a lot of virtue signaling.
Wow. You have a gun. How cool. What are you gonna do next, watch an R rated movie without permission?
Gen X is in power now and you're all cowering down to a Baby Boomer the way you've done your whole life. Like how your dad never loved you and you always fantasized how you'd get back at him. why did you like this ageist trash? Are you also of the poseur slacker generation like this hose drinker?
What’s it to you? Which posts I happen to like or not doesn’t really include you. Right? Surely you have better things to do than wagging your finger and tut-tutting at posts that rub you the wrong way. Or maybe you don’t.
I'm xennial, and the first half of the generation was propagandized into thinking thing we're getting better thru the reagan administration without being given the full context until later. About 1/3 of those were fine with the context, the rest are slowly having a reckoning
I remember the moment I became propagandized- twas the centennial celebration of the gift of the statue of liberty- it was a whole thing, Neil Diamonds Coming to America was blasting and all 8 year old me could think was fuck yeah usa! Coming to AMERICA TODAY
Fool. I was raised in the fires of the crucible known as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare online multiplayer (the original, when it was still good). I can throw a knife up in the air 50 feet and have it kill a man even if they're hit in the ankle!
Oh hello, I'm a gen X but actually I can give you no answers due to been travelling to Florida and going to the gym in the entire nineties and 2000's. Sorry for that and for giving you coca cola since you were born.
That's fine. But I know a lot of really good Gen Xers. There are shitty ones, to be sure. But I'd say the same about every generation. And I don't like people stereotyping millennials either.
Later in your life when you look back at this moment, will you wish you worked more? Or tried to do your part in saving this nation. Saving your rights.
GenX had the easiest post college work environment compared to millennials and Zoomers. We were not the main generation who toiled away in Afghanistan and Iraq for no god damned reason for 20 years
Befriend a millennial, if any can stand you. Learn things
I agree about the fascist voting patterns but the comment about grunge is insane. I mean, have you seen Singles? Have you ever been to Seattle? This just has to be a lack of knowledge.
I moved to Seattle the year Singles came out and I regret to confirm that grunge is bad! Nothing but tuneless, humorless, witless dirges. An in addition to sounding like shit, the bands also looked like shit! Just a thoroughly empty, awful junkie aesthetic.
The original scene was also super stuck up. This is based on going to many shows and also waiting on the fans and bands at an all-night cafe (Minnie's). I am the grunge anti-ambassador! Nirvana had some great songs though. Black Hole Sun also good. But the great mass of it was sonic sewage.
Minnie's! Loved that place. So, are some jazz guy or something? Classic musical? Something with button up shirts and loafers? Maybe a goth? More into leather than denim? If you despise grunge and the aesthetic that goes with it, what do you love?
(I don't actually care, and acknowledge that my opinion means nothing. Ppl should listen and enjoy whatever they want! I'm sure someone could say something similar about music I like. Just bored and popping off.)
What most of these people mean by "suffering" is the boomers calling them dumb slackers
(tbf, if you lived in the rust belt then, this was when you really started feeling the government leaving your region behind economically - that's one thing i'll give them)
I grew up in Flint. Roger and Me was my senior year. I'm not saying you're wrong, we may have been exceptional, but most of us in my high school had it really good.
Ok grandpa, you sure didn’t stop the slide into fascism, or school shootings, etc. Sat by and shrugged as active shooter drills became the norm for your kids.
Boomers are more responsible for fucking the economy, but gen x grew up and fucked society.
Blame all your problems on everyone else. That is good mental therapy. Probably teach it that way too.
A pistol is not the problem, it is inaccurate and is hard to load. The problem is the AR 15, and such guns which people allow kids to have access to. Democrats did NOT do that. Republicans did.
You bragged about being able to shoot a gun, which is easy. Shooting *accurately* is hard.
Semi-automatic pistols are not any harder to load than a semi-auto rifle, and most people who go to the range have multiple magazines, and use speed loaders.
What's with you people thinking you're all heroes, or warriors fighting a battle?
You guys couldn't even wrestle power away from Boomers, the people who currently think there's a 200ft statue of Jesus at the Whitehouse. No one thinks you're scary or tough.
The worst part about GenX might be that you’re utterly incapable of learning anything beyond grade 3 or whenever you started munching Lead chips. No one this dumb will be leading any revolution.
I'm Gen X and I feel like you don't know any Millennials at all.
If you are looking for date rapists our generation really excelled at that but there is a reason I gave up on dating guys from my own generation, mostly because you guys refuse to get much-needed therapy.
As an X-side xennial, I don’t feel like a bridge between generations. I'm just someone who sees both carry trauma, both wrestle with their issues (or ignore them), and that generational framing, even in shitposts, rarely helps.
We’re all at risk of becoming boomers of the mind.
I dunno about that, considering millennials fought both of America’s two longest wars, lived through the housing crisis, came up in the age of school shootings, and is watching the environment collapse in our lifetime. We are in our 40s, numbnuts.
For all the complaining Gen X does about being the forgotten generation, they sure interject themselves into a lot of stupid shit to praise themselves.
Gen X is simultaneously stupider than boomers and more useless than millennials. You are the worst generation that ever existed and your Gen Z kids know it.
Gen X sucked so much that the exorcist came out when they were still kids because their boomer parents all thought that they were raising the antichrist
Imagine being so self absorbed that you think your generation exclusively has a monopoly on BEING OUTSIDE AS A CHILD, or HAVING EXPERIENCE WITH FIREARMS. No other generation does shit like this.
You’re like 50, what have you been doing this whole time? They laid the groundwork for this while you people were actual adults and you just sat there.
Eldest millennial here. I was in college when 9/11 happened, and it fundamentally changed me. I graduated with a tech degree into the dot com bust, and it only took a couple years to go bankrupt.
And it doesn’t matter because we all have dealt with so much.
That is true, and it is a scam. Who needs calculus in high school (as in when do you use it)? We need to learn to do something we like and college is not teaching this, and is too bloody expensive. Then people get loans and forever in debt.
Same, then went into more training to get skills for another job (grad school, lab assistant stipend kept me alive and paid the tuition) just in time to hit the global economic crisis with a MS in compsci.
Yes at 42 I am too young to have experienced being laid off, chronic pain, 9/11 or being parented by absolutely lost Boomers. Here's a cookie, sir. Please, call me a snowflake, it's the only thing that gets me off.
amen. gen x had it the hardest. we all remember staying out all day, drinking water from a garden hose, befriending the garden hose, falling in love with the garden hose, losing your virginity to the garden hose.
I'm OG Gen X, and I'm tired of this humble-brag shit. Gen X elected this clown in greater percentages than the younger demos. If we're gonna save the day--why did we help it happen in the first place?
Do you have a timetable on when we’re supposed to save the world? Because it’s been a minute and we don’t seem to be doing that great a job. Maybe sit this one out.
Evry gen xer has someone in their high-school class who would smash beer cans against their head at the bonfires- maybe start there? There's gotta be one, jd vance like, throwing off the shackles of their class in vengeance 🤔
Put an "a" at the end, throw a "y" in the middle.
That how you get your Kevans, Rylans, and Iridescentbellas.
He was named Jeremy, and to this day people reference that song.
I would blame boomers, but our parents turn out to be from the silent generation.
They declined and went with a Dutch name instead - Anneke.
We waited a full five minutes before pointing out it sounded like the feminine form of Anakin.
Leela from "Doctor Who" was, in turn, named after Leila Khaled
Futurama's bench goes deep by this point, just not Simpsons deep.
your mom named her after her favorite nirvana song and i named you after my favorite pearl jam song.
okay makes sense, thanks dad!
no problem, white male american!
Mutter "whatever" in a monotone, walk away without a backwards look, and then cry yourself to sleep while listening to Swervedriver. That's the fine GenX tradition I keep.
(The GenX hippy women are anti vaxxers)
Does this make her good GenX or bad Gen X?
I’m waiting for other generation’s input to decide her fate.
Thank you for your interest in this matter.
If we were raised and abused by boomers
I’m asking for a friend.
It about made me soil my JNCOs.
But what do I know, I didn’t change the world like your generation
welcome back Eric Arthur Johnson, or maybe Frank Beck, inventor of the touchscreen. glad to see you got better.
now for the third...
Sorry kids! We can’t be your savior
RIP Beavis.
It is Genx who will save the day, mark my words. And they can fire a gun.
You insecurity is off the charts
*pats head*
-My dad
you should slop down a meal of my butt soup and ball beard
You dorks think you personally invented being cool and that you're tough because you drank from the garden hose. The saddest fetishization of your childhood because you're such a fucking boring adult.
BTW, a lot of millennials own guns, we just wish we didn’t have to and don’t advertise it.
in the Boy Scouts:
Most have never been to tomato town.
When shit hits the fan Gen X will still be listening to Amber by 311
It is Gen Z who will save the day, mark my words
And they can fire a 3d printed gun
Gen X is in power now and you're all cowering down to a Baby Boomer the way you've done your whole life. Like how your dad never loved you and you always fantasized how you'd get back at him.
the only stuff millennials missed was the better economy that gen X enjoyed before millennials were born
all the worst shit gen X experienced, millennials did too
gen X has 3x the wealth that millennials do
The youngest Gen X is 45; not exactly prime soldiering years
(And the queer community is a whole separate world from this conversation, *those* were the Gen Xers who really put their lives on the line!)
God you're so old.
Later in your life when you look back at this moment, will you wish you worked more? Or tried to do your part in saving this nation. Saving your rights.
GenX had the easiest post college work environment compared to millennials and Zoomers. We were not the main generation who toiled away in Afghanistan and Iraq for no god damned reason for 20 years
Befriend a millennial, if any can stand you. Learn things
Plus I got to go to concerts in the 90’s and can’t stand grunge (because I don’t consider Alice In Chains grunge)
Oh it’s raw and uncommercial? It sounds like that on purpose? Fuck off that’s what black metal is for.
(tbf, if you lived in the rust belt then, this was when you really started feeling the government leaving your region behind economically - that's one thing i'll give them)
I don't know anybody from that generation that wasn't soft as babyshit
Look at the TV and music they grew up to even the horror movies weren't shit
They used to ride their bikes around a lot n listen to cassette tapes they bootlegged
That's it
Boomers are more responsible for fucking the economy, but gen x grew up and fucked society.
A pistol is not the problem, it is inaccurate and is hard to load. The problem is the AR 15, and such guns which people allow kids to have access to. Democrats did NOT do that. Republicans did.
Semi-automatic pistols are not any harder to load than a semi-auto rifle, and most people who go to the range have multiple magazines, and use speed loaders.
What have you done to “save the day” besides complain?
Played baseball for 14 years and know how to shoot, gramps over there is just having a senior moment.
Cognitive health should be part of yearly physicals starting at 55.
Slacker Generation if I remember their own preferred name correctly.
That GenX? The Trumpist fascist supporting generation?
Absolutely get fucked.
Try telling the difference between a fascist and a not-fascist for me, one time
You guys couldn't even wrestle power away from Boomers, the people who currently think there's a 200ft statue of Jesus at the Whitehouse. No one thinks you're scary or tough.
If you are looking for date rapists our generation really excelled at that but there is a reason I gave up on dating guys from my own generation, mostly because you guys refuse to get much-needed therapy.
We’re all at risk of becoming boomers of the mind.
You have lead for brains and your own skull is the only thing you're blowing out with that gun you wanna suck off so bad.
This has gotta be rage bait but fuck it, it's way too late tonight for me to care.
Sounds like you'll be shooting for the Nazi side.
Just ghoulish.
And it doesn’t matter because we all have dealt with so much.
Can they, though?
On the bright side, I'm finally experiencing GenX levels of pain. From my feet being shot over and over.
I have so much respect for you now, sir.
We are not saving any days, and we're certainly not doing it by being middle-aged warriors.
You had to use paper maps as vibrators instead