Is anyone else just *not interested* in using AI for their writing? All accuracy and morality aside, I just don't want to. I want every last word I put on a page to have flowed out from my own body. Maybe I'm romanticizing it, but I just can't see it any other way.
LLMs (which is what we're talking about here, not "AI" in general) are mathematical *predictive algorithms* that guess what words *other people* would use, based on probability
why would i let an amalgamation of idiot strangers write my outline for me
I think it’s like grown-ups using bikes with training wheels .
If it helps, I (and most people I know) won't READ anything written by AI, so as much of a craze as it seems, it does not have an audience.
-Desktop computer
-Record player
-Television to watch WGBH
-Minimal internet connection of some sort
An icon walking amongst us.
I personally favour hitting anything that comes in
handy 😐
AI art/literature feels disconnected in a strange way I can’t articulate, even if it’s technically “good.” When it’s bad it’s almost sickening.
It’s an augmentation tool only
It's a conundrum and a conflict of considerations for me🫤🤷
I want to improve my writing, not dumb it down. AI can ONLY dumb down what you write.
They are good at interacting with computers, writing code, but not good with language or interacting with humans. It’s a support for them.
My response is that we should have taught them better, earlier, about the humanities.
But as common spell checker fail for me all the time and english Grammar is just a total inconsistent pain AI is interesting for me.
As spell checker, not as ghost writer 😓
My writing is unique and all my own.
There is no comparison.
Writing to explore the depths of one's soul is different tho
Not sure many people are that interested. Mostly the usual capitalist swinery. This time it is a copy-right circumvention machine.
grammar check has saved me from editor beratement on many occasions by finding typos i was blinded to
i'll definitely take software help *after the fact*
So you can say that AI has helped me write.
As G B Shaw said, do not wish unto others what you wish for yourself; they may be different from you
I got roadblocked once and I tried putting my stuff into it, and the response was so bad it got me moving again to write my own better.
Like one of those stupid mobile game ads where they fail horribly to get you to want to play it.
Though I know many managers would insist on generating them anyway, because it looks “productive” 🙃
I dunno, I kinda find weird joy in being time crunched while writing some kinda paper+the feeling after being done with it
It can have my writing over my dead body.
And I color-code my hand written notes too.
“AI” doesn’t understand anything, not concepts, not words, not even the letters. It pattern matches.
I would consider using generative “AI” only for writing without meaning, writing something I don’t care about, writing without thought, and why write that at all?
but maybe that's a me thing
otherwise, no
for a gazzilion reasons, to date
It does so by looking at everything it's ever read.
It follows that whatever it produces _must be_ the closest thing to cliche it can possibly produce.
Honestly? I like it
However, I am very interested in delegating mostly empty administrative writing (annual reports, IRB, course proposals) to AI!
It's like a semi-useful Binky the Paperclip.
To actually "write" for me, that would make absolutely no sense.
Not even a little bit.
Anything I write has to be 100% me.
(okay, 97% me and 3% editors)
Another example was writing an email to someone who seemed emotionally unstable telling them they were no longer allowed to attend my meetup group.
The email it wrote was direct but less confrontational than what I had in mind.
The point of writing is *pleasure.* What pleasure is there in AI?
I don't care. I'll buy ideas written down by humans. I won't touch AI-generated anything.
It's in our DNA.
If you can't be bothered to write it, why should I bother to read it?
That must place you in the top 1-5% of the population in terms of intellect, fluency, literacy and articulacy.
Your role is, through writing, to create knowledge, new ideas & fresh thinking.
LLMs are not suited to this.
Or you might find a use for it in data analysis for the more quantitative aspects of your own work.
I know some people aren't comfortable with writing, but writing more is the only solution to it.
It simply has nothing useful to offer me, as far as I can tell. I want all choices in my art to be MINE, or what’s the point?
The biggest issue is its inconsistency with even the same prompts for different subjects (beyond morals / ethics) to make it reliable.
Writers and creatives who work with fictional material have largely come out against it because it's just unsatisfying but maybe technical writing is different? :-?
Some of us had to stop writing because disability stole that from us...and AI tools gave it back. Before there was any "debate."
And of course, they've never tried to write with AI so assume you push a button and get a book. Nope.
I don’t assume though that it’s push a button, get a book. I do know that it’s more nuanced than that.
I also really dislike it when I get AI generated e-mails, mostly from my students. So inauthentic, doesn't sound anything like them. (Never mind all the AI based cheating these days ....)
Sure, it could end up bad derivative garbage, but it’ll be MY bad derivative garbage
Bugger clippy on steroids
But even if they could, the writing is BAD. I always have to reread several times.
I’m not a fast writer, but I want to write my stories. I love my characters so much, and then I hurt them. It’s for their own good, obviously! 🤣 The exciting discoveries I make on the way thrill me. It brings me joy.
ChatGPT was never the real use case. It’s a stunt to juice the share price. The API is the way LLMs will enter our real lives, through apps we already use.
It can be useful just to ask 'why isn't this working?!', but you need a 'this' to ask about.
Manyof my students are more than happy to use it, and I am working on understanding why.
Maybe I'll find a use someday but not currently.