people think our current information environment is uniquely poisonous because of social media but idk I'm old enough to remember when the highest rated daytime talk show was telling people there were networks of satanists sacrificing thousands of children a year.
Now it's all been pre-mixed for folks to consume in the same stream on-demand.
We need to train and pay cops better; the "I feared for my life" defense undermines public safety and runs counter to the job objective .
IIRC mainstream news was always sketchy, but ppl also got their info from daytime talk shows like you mentioned. Info which was sub-internet in it's reliability, but trusted bc it was on TV. Oprah was unrecognizable in the 80s and early 90s. People have always been chumps and rubes
COVID is still killing people we're just pretending it isn't. It killed my oldest friend last year. Social media is driving people to unalive for various reasons.
What it is: anti Catholic animus
They're not entirely comparable.
There is a reason I will never trust the right with anything.
Dad got home,TV stayed on.
Once the TV is on, your brain matter gets lulled into complacency.
Downside: extremely status quo biased
Upside: no qanons
(Anti-popery is the OG conspiracy theory in American politics...)
Frank Schaeffer, who calls himself “Evangelical royalty,” on Jan. 6, abortion, ‘Moral Majority,’ etc.
The Capitol Invasion Was Not About Politics But Religion
Also yeah 💯
I'm always skeptical of people saying that computers ~fundamentally changed human society~ or whatever. It just made it more accessible. It's communication technology.
-the goal is not the prosecution of any particular war, but just destabilization for the sake of destabilization,
-the fact that it takes place 24 hours a day, every day, and
-reaches an audience of tens of millions so effortlessly.
It's all hilarious to watch sometimes, isn't it? Technology has become the new scape goat for so many sociatal ills. I also love the typical "for the protection of our children" scare tactic.
I had forgotten Ricki’s first name, so a few weeks ago when I read about Kari Lake I was like, “Wait. The talk show host?” And it took more than a little googling before I figured out my mistake.
Say what you will about tik tok addled zoomers--they do have a more accurate sense of the actual proportions of the harm caused by various actors in the current Gaza shit, et al.
Zombie-brained Maury viewers were simple idiots; primed for Trump.