I will just reiterate -- even though doing so has long since become pointless -- that keeping these current lunatics out of office was an entirely sufficient argument for voting Dem up and down the ballot. People who didn't do so should feel bad about themselves.
*see Jill Stein and Tulsi Gabbard
Your arguments in practice would involve the Democratic Party basically saying, “we should blame the electorate and do the opposite of what our constituents are begging for”
So your question should be, why didn't the Democrats do anything to fight it?
At some point you gotta realize it's politicians who are responsible for earning votes.
Democracy isn't:
"No progressive policy or else nazis rule."
"Let us deport brown people or kids in cages."
"Capital wins over people, or we let fascism win."
"Bomb anyone for oil, shuttup."
"Let us do a genocide or its fascism."
Are you enjoying the Fascism?
Also yeah, a democracy and human-rights-loving (anti-fascist) US would have been great, the US Dems should've run on and done that decades ago.
From one simple did.
Or something like that. Shel Silverstein IIRC.
Like sobriety, the path to recovery begins with accepting responsibility for your failures.
If it was enough, it would have been enough. It clearly wasn’t and crying won’t help.
If you want to debate the need for carbon removal, I suggest you take it with the IPCC authors who spelled out this need
Get mad at the people with power.
like a few days ago
To fill yourself with rage on behalf of guilty people.
Id be mad at the Dems for fumbling that ball so badly, not a the voters with enough moral clarity to not endorse genocide
Congress has to stop it.
Now, we have a president saying that he will remove Palestinian's to other countries and posting vid of himself living it up in Trump Gaza.
If both sides had some version of genocide, your moral responsibility was to the lesser of the two was elected. Even if that difference was small in your eyes.
You added leagues more suffering than what there already was.
What you did was belligerently immoral.
We are funding and supplying the same genocide started and maintained for over a year with Biden’s full-throated support.
How do you still not see that’s the problem.
now here we are.
y’all fucked up.
The Nuremburg Laws were Alabaman Jim Crow translated directly to German.
Manifest Destiny became liebensraum. The triplek became the brownshirts.
Mussolini watched the second triplek wage in the papers from prison and history was born.
But the far far left wasn’t having any of that.
They’d prefer to destroy the entire system.
It will come back to haunt all of us.
In fact, it already is.
clinton, obama and the rest of the dems paved the road to hell by spending the last 30 years insisting that these miserable fucking republican lunatics should be considered allies, not enemies.
It’s dangerous.
And unless you’re a committed anarchist making a statement, then you’re simply an angry keyboard warrior.
I respect the first. The second I find uniquely unimpressive.
So it goes…
read more.
We could have prevented this by changing the voting system to something like Approval Voting when Dems were in Office.
I bet a lot of people would have voted their priority PLUS a Dem. Who knows who would have come out on top.
Dems are part of the problem.
“am i out of touch? no, it’s the voters who are wrong!”
and correct.
Because in the face of not getting everything you want when you want it from a good person, letting an evil person take over and putting everyone in harm’s way is an acceptable alternative.
I have plenty of hate to go around at this point.
So maybe you're still not the good guy.
Hold your team accountable.
"Saving democracy" isn't showing up once every 4 years to fill in a bubble and then throwing yourself a fucking parade.
i voted for harris too but republicans stopping (mostly) black people from voting at levels that are unprecedented in the modern era is something i (a black guy) think about every day. i wish more ppl would talk about that instead of blaming non-voters.
Return to normalcy campaigns only work if things are bad under opposition control. If people aren't happy with the direction of the country, you need to promise change, not say it's fine.
What happened was that Kamalas campaign was poisoned by Biden loyalists who wouldn't dare say anything to make him look bad, who urged restraint at every opportunity Kamala should have struck.
He and his loyalists were the albatross around her neck, and without casting them aside, her campaign was stillborn.
Maybe running someone who swore she would continue her boss's genocidal support of Israel was not, in fact, the perfect antidote to the lunatics currently in office? Maybe offering something other than "we aren't that guy" was required?
People are waking up to this shit. This is why people are literally livid at town halls, and rightfully so.
Might be a good time to listen to them.
Spend 10 min listening to Biden to Trump voters and you realize they’re convinced the upside down is real. How to fix that?
Yeah well, you didn't, so clearly there was more to it than that.
The measurement is the election result.
Enough leads to a win. Not enough leads to a loss.
Which do you see on your instruments?
But I am not so profoundly self-absorbed and arrogant as to imagine that’s universal.
A Palestinian-American not voting for a man who murdered his family is perfectly reasonable and you’re little more than a giant piece of shit for suggesting otherwise.
also, where is harris? obama? either clinton? isn't it interesting how they're all dead silent at this political moment?
most curious. 🤔
curious how this never happens when the GOP is in power 🤔
also most curious how the GOP never mysteriously has 1 or 2 people in the senate crossing party lines to kill wildly popular legislation, who are never primaried 🤔
but scolding individual voters whose power is infinitesimally smaller than elected professional Democrats is also a choice i suppose
Maybe you should try a different strategy
Can you name one time ever in history in which mass shaming was the deciding factor in an election
Turns out having only “well we are genocidal ghouls and we adopted Trump 2016 positions, but still a bit less bad than Trump 2025” as a selling point isnt a sustainable strategy.
Support will deflate, and it did.
Hilary, therefore, definitely shouldn't have done it.
It was so infuriating.
IT IS THE JOB OF THE POLITICIAN TO INSPIRE VOTERS TO VOTE. The voters are not to blame for a politician failing at this one job.
Every single American political pundit should be stuffed into one of Elons starships and fired directly into the sun
You can also blame all the media outlets who sane-washed all of their reporting on Trump.
But blaming the voter is fucking stupid and narcissistic bullshit.
Winning would make me happier. You can't win on a platform of "Vote for us because the other guy is even worse"
I voted blue too. I know it feels good to just pretend the problem is just Trump, but it's not, it's so much bigger, and we can't afford to just keep dodging the fight.
If the Ds had ever actually taken a stance and fought against any of this by protecting voting, rolling back the PATRIOT Act, etc., they would have WON hands down.
Instead...they helped. Cop cities. No Habeas Corpus. Expanded surveillance.
This is a joint project.
Y’all always tell on yourselves.
What kind of privilege do you have that you think the way you vote doesn’t matter but you’re allowed to drag the party you wanted to “earn your vote”? The audacity. The unmitigated gall. I just know you don’t wash your legs.
No, it's voters' jobs to figure out what the hell they actually want and then vote for the person who will take them closer to those things like adults with functioning brains.
This EARN MY VOTE bullshit is a symptom of your affluenza.
It would have been a convincing argument and it would have worked.
Your mindset is why he’s in power.
See. In politics and this is basic shit, the candidates job is to EARN votes. Not whine.
Thanks for getting him elected. Now we’re all as fucked as your mind.
I agree but I also wish the fact that people have been balking for decades had given the DNC a clue that they needed a grassroots up reorganization. They've been snatching defeat from the mouth of victory for as long as I've been voting.
I’ll never understand why.
It's the voters who are to blame, though.
There are very few occasions where I manage to read blaming voters or non-voters as anything but a whiny tantrum. If the people you were counting on to win weren't able to persuade voters, that's where criticism belongs. The former is pretty useless.
Entertaining crazy ass ideas in the name of balance paved the road to Mar-a-Lago
The cycle of "Leftists don't vote for us so we shouldn't respect their views" -> "Leftists didn't vote for our 'fuck the leftists' campaign, so they're to blame" hasn't ever worked.
Liberals are still mockingly talking about bernie bros and attacking the left while the party openly pitched itself as gop lite during the campaign
2 weeks ago I was accused of being an insufferable privileged leftist so you’ll have to pardon me that I don’t have much patience for what reads like someone just making up a person to be mad at and then pointing wildly around lol
because the status quo was bad-- that argument deserves to be spoken against.
Also it's not necessarily meant to convince anyone. Much like calling Trump supporters evil, sometimes it's just a declaration, not a challenge.
We begged you to understand the risks. But you called us low-information voters or that we were voting with our vaginas.
You think that was a good strategy for us to GAF what you think now?
We all have him now.
The minorities have trump.
Gaza has trump.
All the fed employees being fired have trump.
Social Security will be crushed.
Medicaid for the poor will be dismantled.
You think that’s scolding?
Scolding? Really?
Jokers to the right, clowns to the left…
Maybe your party is rotted 🤷♀️
Yes, a great message that inspires ppl everywhere to fight against fascism.
One man, Merrick Garland, plus the SCOTUS, saved trump from jail.
Not the Democrats.
Sadly, you’re intellectually challenged and incapable of understanding the magnitude of what was at stake.
Then again, you’re probably a troll.
Fate thee well.
Dems fully own their refusal to do literally anything to protect the Constitution.
Wray had a 10 year appointment.
All we had to do was vote for Kamala.
Seems pretty easy.
Turns out that Democrats did vote for her…
The clowns stayed home…while the right wing nuts came out.
No-one else is responsible for more than one vote - they drove away many millions - and they drove some right to Trump.
You don't get to blame the voters when you run a Nazi-lite campaign against Nazis.
Sure glad we didn't elect Kamala.
This country has managed to avoid a lot of the consequences of voting for these people. No longer. We’ll see if people learn.
But we couldn’t drag the idiots to the polls who would have saved the country.
Democrats showed up.
Just not the far left .
I promise you we are not the enemies you think we are
If you lose to the most vile person on the planet and they win with less than 30% of the vote, you need to be the one who accepts the blame.
Trump is a symptom.
Because it wasn't sufficient.
It was enough for me and you but it wasn't enough for enough voters.
Dem candidates presuming that it would be is why we're here now.
Never vote for a fascist. NEVER.
Always vote against them, however weak or feckless or whatever the people you have to vote for are. ALWAYS.
The bottom line is that we need better choices. Now the question is: How do we get them?
Because people didn’t follow my advice: NEVER vote for the fascists, ALWAYS vote against the fascists
Masterful gambit.
Yes everybody, feel bad about yourselves.
I’d feel a lot better about our democracy’s (and the world’s) chances if that 70/30 proportion was reversed.
Fuck em…
Take it up with them, hot shot.
Biden is the reason Trump is in office
All he had to do was not participate in a literal genocide and Harris might have won
Some might say that's a low bar
They couldn't even do that
Seems like a worthwhile question.
Very weird to say that the people who were screaming for the ONLY option that would have prevented a Trump win are “complicit”…. Lol, not sure how that works
Marginalizing Arab Americas was an intentional choice that is on the Democrats not the voters.
Politicians have a duty to be persuasive, being Less Evil clearly isnt enough
They couldve ran a better campaign; focused on new media, let Kamala differentiate herself from Biden, let Walz off the leash & do more TV interviews, but they chose not to