Reading Rainbow covers that xennial period. I’m 1977 and we watched in kindergarten - 2nd grade. My husband 69’ knows Levar from Roots not Reading Rainbow and was confused why I view Levar as a National Treasure.
"Having fun isn't hard, when you've got a library card!"
My 12yo had completely forgotten Arthur in the years since last watching any, so I played the Library Card Song sing-along video
We can be on the same team on this one. I’ll admit, you’re the most overlooked generation ever, but that’s because they spent all of their energy hating on us.
I never understood why we acted like such haters! Nearest I could figure, shit rolls down hill. We got crap from the Boomers, so we had to give it to y'all. 😉
The difference is, you guys got hate from Boomers when you were in your twenties. Then we started getting the hate when we were in our twenties and it hasn’t stopped, and the oldest of us are approaching mid-forties. 🤣
Not just hate from Gen X. The Boomers seem to have transferred their hate from you to us and got stuck there. Newsflash for them, they raised all of us.
This might be the first thing I’ve read on this here app that isn’t just unfiltered doom. Thanks, Jerry and LeVar Burton, for making my soul feel just a smidge lighter.
Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist. Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.
I loved this show as a kid, and for some reason it didn't seem to be popular in my area, because whenever I tried to talk about it nobody knew what it was. For years I thought maybe it had been a fever dream until I found proof it existed online lol.
If anyone misses Levar's voice, make sure to check out the Levar Burton Reads podcast. He hasn't done a new episode in a while, but the back catalog is amazing.
Say what you will about his time on SNL or as a host, this is legitimately one of the best things ever televised. They absolutely nail every aspect of this.
Older Millenials trying to pass themselves off as young Gen X. Reading Rainbow started in 1983 and the heyday was when you could earn a Book-It pizza and eat in a real Pizza Hut.
Right?! I was born a solid decade after ‘81. Book-it, Reading Rainbow and actual Pizza Huts are still all hallmarks of my childhood as well 😂 it’s as if things can apply to multiple generations…
Millennials will be like: "We've invented something new!" or "Check out this life hack!" and then proceed to show you something that has existed for 50-100 years already, then other millennials applaud.
They invented the coke ice cream float again the other day on Tik Tok.
One night as I was working a closing shift at my old grocery store job my Spotify randomly suggested the What's New Scooby Doo theme and unfortunately this algorithm knows me better than any loved one ever could
Believe it or not
I'm walking on air
I never thought I could feel so free eee eee
Flying away on a wing and a prayer
Who could it be?
Believe it or not, it's just me
We are deeply troubled to learn that a trans woman who is a member of our team is at risk while being wrongly incarcerated, particularly as she has been placed on the men's side of the facility.
Well, I'm an IT professional so when I say 20 years ago I usually mean technology from the 1960s, and when I say 10 years ago I'm usually referring to 2022, and when I say 6 months ago I mean tech that will likely be invented in the next 1 - 2 years.
In December I meant 1980.
January 2025 stretched time because it lasted a decade at least.
I’m confused by February & March. This black hole ripping apart our democracy is at warp speed.
If you haven't seen Jimmy Fallon doing Jim Morrision & the Doors singing that, it's utterly hilarious and well-done. Check it out on YT if you're interested.
Europe, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Korea, Japan, Singapore, South Africa, South America, Central America and other similar countries NEED TO BAND TOGETHER TO CREATE A NEW WORLD ECONOMY AND ALLIANCES NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! USE THE EURO INSTEAD OF THE DOLLAR AND TARIFF EVERYTHING MADE IN US! NOW!
As a millennial metalhead, I did not recall just how much rad shredding there is in the Power Rangers theme until my kindergartener went through a two week MMPR phase. Hell yeah.
I sing this song to my kids. They probably think I'm crazy, for which I probably am, but that has nothing to do with the song. Also, I tend to burst out into Mister Roger's Neighborhood song when it's cloudy and rainy.
But yeah, the Reading Rainbow theme song is the best.
My 12yo had completely forgotten Arthur in the years since last watching any, so I played the Library Card Song sing-along video
I am not ashamed.
Lambchops too, hehe
Ready to party, I'm ready.
Consulted my Millennial daughter, who just gave me side eye and muttered “cognitive decline”.
Realized was doing a mashup of Eureka’s Castle and Allegra’s Window. Which, I guess I liked more than she did as a toddler.
He's a hero
Gonna take pollution down to zero
(He failed and we're all in Hell, but still a banger.)
Alexa, play Asher Roth “The Reading…” remix.
So is over the rainbow
We also did Book It and watched RR at school
Thanks now I had that GD banger of a song stuck in my head
For me - it's the end credits
This is the link I meant to share.....
We're toony
We're all a little looney
They invented the coke ice cream float again the other day on Tik Tok.
No I won't answer the phone till it's done playing!
I'm walking on air
I never thought I could feel so free eee eee
Flying away on a wing and a prayer
Who could it be?
Believe it or not, it's just me
He was also super coked up at the time, but I had fun
January 2025 stretched time because it lasted a decade at least.
I’m confused by February & March. This black hole ripping apart our democracy is at warp speed.
Gap between Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and Parklife: 27 years
Gap between Parklife and today: 31 years
I suggest a lie down.
Passport Agent: when did it expire?
Me: 20 years ago.
Husband: NO! 2001 it expired!
Even though it was the early aughts... it still happened in the 90's 😅
Don't believe me? Consult with your calculator.
I eat 2 gummis in the morning
I eat 2 gummis at night
no. hmmnn. research time ...
oh that was easy someone posted it right there.
Wow. I had no idea they made a cartoon out of gummy bears. Care Bear's not enough?
Well I hope it brought you joy.
Fraggle Rock!
this is the best thing Fallon has ever done
It's rat-a-ta-tat 🎶
I need to be properly reintegrated into society.
When Levar Burton appeared on ST:TNG I started singing it and my dad looked at me like I'd grown another head.
Thank you for the answer!
Also, maybe what was needed was more saxophone instead of cowbell.. Lol
X-Men Theme Song
Power Rangers Theme Song
Pokémon Theme Song
Related sidenote:
I hate that it's a Facebook video, but holy hell has she still got it
And the ladybugs came. . .
To the ladybug picnic 🎶