I don't know what to tell the "follow back" people calling me selfish and greedy for not following many people. I've used my account to raise over $60K for animal shelters, connect smaller cat accounts with thousands of followers through my starter pack, promote indie artists every Thursday, (1/2)
I'm a goddamn nobody and I've gotten hounded by those clowns too.
I envy you all the catpix 🐈🐈⬛
Better yet #block 'em.
Or send 'em to me and I'll yell at them for being jerks! We love you 💕
Folks need to leave their egos at the door.
It's such a bizarre attitude, too—it's not like accounts with large followings would follow back on twitter either. I don't even understand where these people even caught their unrealistic expectations 😐
I follow less than a thousand people and my feed is already noisier than I’d like
I really need to learn how to create feeds so I can dump the people I’m following mostly as a sort of bookmark on their existence here into one instead of having them in my primary feeds
Your work is a legacy of love and hope. ❤️🙏
I like your posts. Ignore them haters. 😁
They bring nothing positive to your life, and are actually making you (and many other people) actively unhappy. Block and forget them.
I followed back quite a few starter accounts of artists especially, bc there’s no way to get eyes on your account, or recognition, without enough followers that SOME of them re-post. That helps with work & promotion. Again, lists would help me there 😆
That seems something the moderation team needs to dig into.
There are entire categories of accounts that haven’t take safety/security *really* seriously, and the lack of some privacy is a liability.
The "personal boundaries are selfish and greedy" bit is a *textbook* tool of the manipulator. Such people can get stuffed, sideways. (Can you tell that hits a nerve for me?)
I follow you because I like your content. In return, all I want from you is that you live your best life.
I did have one guy repeatedly follow and unfollow me, presumably hoping I'd notice and just follow him back. I didn't. I blocked him.
No-one is obliged to follow anyone, you follow the accounts you want to and that's that.
If they don't like that, tough.
People should follow those they enjoy seeing content from. No guilt trips over it.
Shit most of us are just here to post dog pictures and look busy at work.
(also thank you for raising money for animals ❤️)
I'm a fervent advocate of Effin' Birds advice on what to do when those folks start whining & making demands; no matter what other views we might have in common...
Your conscious is clear
I follow you because you post interesting things. There is nothing selfish about your account.
I kind of wish accounts with zero posts and thousands of followers would get banned or deleted.
Or maybe just bots following bots. This account does have 1 post and not quite 1000 followers but close.
I'd much rather you continue to do just what you're doing, & save lives of those creatures that need your help. Thank you for that! 😊🐾❤️
I just did a good deed (a pretty big one) and it turned into an ungrateful disaster. I’ll be sitting in the corner licking my wounds a little longer.
I love your account, and as with all those I follow, it's because I'm interested, not because I want a follow back
It's a sad, insecure individual who gets their validation from how many social media followers they have
Man people can be so judgy.
Or you could just ignore the whining
None of it really matters, because we can still connect and reach each other through our interactions.
Just keep doing you, because you are doing amazing work and sometimes haters just hate.
Much love and respect 😻
And thank you for everything you do ☺️
My girl will bite them for you and will work for snacks. 😹
I follow because I enjoy your content.
That’s all anyone should ever expect of anyone else on socials.
Illegitimi non carborundum
* Real content. Ten posts, but having 1K followers, does not attract me.
* We actually have to have something in common. I will check a person's header to see what they're about, and see what they've posted. If we're like-minded, I follow back.
I do, however, check the profile of everyone who follows me, and if they seem interesting, I do follow them back. But a bunch of them are nothing but ads and reposts. No thanks.
Happy holidays and thank you for all that you do for our furry friends 🫶🏼
Use my dad's two word phrase: **** ****
That seems weird
Follow too many people and you aren't seeing people any more
Just a fire hose of posts
... Hell, lots of the people I follow don't follow me
Probably most of them
All of you are strangers to me. So why should I follow any of you?
(You monster.)
You don’t owe them anything.
You are in charge of who you follow - no one else.
This “follow back” culture is completely antithetical to the concept of Bluesky, and it needs to stop tbh
Hell, I've blocked some who have (I do not need part of your however-many-million powerball win, thanks. Or your crypto/AI/whatevermajig thing).
I follow people I think are interesting or entertaining (not like a clown though...).
I mean, clowns are a clear sign of an aberrant, messy, abomination of a universe in which a kind God cannot possibly exist.
Other than that, no issues with clowns at all!
I have an aunt who has been hooked on painkillers for maybe 40 years. She has an insane clown collection - maybe you'd call it a posse? - that she has displayed all over her house. I won't even go visit her anymore. She's also ULTRA Catholic.
Take care! Nice to meet you.
Even as a kid white faced clowns freaked me out.
Good job. 👍
And then you can say that you are an amazing and generous advocate for animals and artists.
Saffron agrees.
They reasoned they were an easy followback, and unfollowing me hurt because they liked me on Twitter.
No, it's because I didn't necessarily want to see your posts on my timeline. And I hadn't posted on Twitter for years.
If you follow me back, I am flattered that you (hopefully) like whatever I post or repost, and hope to make your timeline more interesting.
I'm willing to bet you won't find any.
Could someone play devil's advocate for me here so I at least understand the supposed rationale behind it?
...I hate the internet sometimes.
Keep being your awesome, animal-loving self!
Thanks for helping the shelters. I love my 2 rescue pups.
That said, I encourage you to use the mute and block functions as needed to preserve your sanity. Don’t suffer jerks unnecessarily.
* or other color
** or other ethnicity
If further articulation is necessary:
Anyone following to get followed needs to go back to Xitter.
I’m a blocker, myself.
If I'm interested in what someone is saying, I follow them.
If they're interested in what I have to say, they follow me.
Isn't that how it's supposed to be? Who made up this follow-back rule?
1) People developed some very weird beliefs about what "The Algorithm (tm)" was doing and believe their posts are suppressed unless they have a certain number of followers;
2) Bullshit popularity contests.
note to cats of yore...I've always enjoyed your posts...so thank you
On the other hand, if the big accounts did follow everyone back, they wouldn't see the posts anyway. So stupid.
Those I interact with and enjoy, I’ll follow. But that’s a lot more doable for me than for you!
I'm an old, and life is short. 🤷♀️
When an account follows me first and I follow them back I feel a bit insulted if they stop following me...
Then there are the follow back posts. I participate to find like minded folks. 💙
You're a content provider. Most of us are consumers. We follow you. Why the fuck you need to follow us?
And if big accounts followed as many as they have followers that would be a red flag to me. It's not like they'll see my posts in that sea of accounts anyway!
I now have 936 followers but only follow 213 because my time is limited. On old place only had just over 400 & ran an Art Bot legally with 350 odd & that all I needed.
And I do the same thing, it’s impossible to follow a lot of folk and engage with them. You would need centuries to do so.
❤️ to you!