EXCLUSIVE | The suspect accused of shooting three Palestinian college students in Vermont on Saturday night had previously struggled with depression and had Thanksgiving with his family just days earlier, his mother told The Daily Beast.
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I know the holidays can be trying, but I don't think having to sit through Thanksgiving dinner with your family qualifies as an excuse for attempted murder.
I struggle with depression and had Thanksgiving picked up from my family as takeout because I worked Thanksgiving that day. I do not have any desire to do racist acts.
So you're telling me the whole family is shitty in that case.
thought it was common knowledge that those suffering from mental illness are more likely to experience violent crimes done unto them than to perpetrate said violent crimes. 🤷♂️
The current argument is mental illness develops when an incarcerated person is held in administrative detention for indefinite periods. Which is likely true. But the FBP does need to figure out a better solution for some cases. This is their second high-profile stabbing in sixth months.
It can help to know people are easily pushed over and what does it. It has helped in the past to call out sources of extremism. Bad to sympathize good to get info from family.
They’re obviously TRYING to harvest murders but we can’t call them out on it unless we can link them to the murders. Though obviously this story is just for clicks, I hope reporters will report this like the did the man who killed that little boy.
Yes, but sometimes family gives up that info. And it’s possibly useful—like finding out which cable news and radio they listen to and if they are spreading a batshit idea about ‘global jihad’ or ‘day of jihad’ or whatever they’re saying. Sometimes it’s possible to stop them from this shit.
I can’t tell if you’re being deliberately obtuse. This headline and article are saying that he killed them because he was depressed at Thanksgiving. People don’t comment hate crime murders because they were depressed at Thanksgiving. The article, headline, author, and publication are complete trash.
Someone was complaining that the reporters interview the mothers. But sometimes the mothers tell reporters things about their child’s turn to extremist thinking. This has happened more than once. It can be used to direct attention to media. The mistake is to do a story based on THIS mother’s reports
Having read this article, although there is too much from the interview with the mother in it, the headline is the real problem. I guess you chose to promote the exclusive content (quotes from an interview with the mother) at the expense of more accurately teasing the content of the piece.
What journalistic value is there in interviewing his mother, who is almost certainly biased in favor of her son, the accused hate crime assailant, rather than almost literally anyone else involved in this situation?
Whoever typed this shit needs to seriously consider why they’re selling their soul in a buyer’s market. I’ve worked in journalism, I know what the pay is like. What the hell are you doing with your life?
Like all people who have depression I immediately fast forwarded to racist murder rather than uncool normie stuff like talking a very long walk or lying on the couch a lot or complaining to my friends.
Also: introducing the story* with this post is insulting to anyone that suffers from severe depression, insinuating that they are somehow sleeper agents of violence.
*Which in of itself appears to frame his violence against three innocent people as a big whoopsie, "because he's usually so quiet!"
I have depression and have managed not to murder anyone. I promise you it’s actually not all that difficult to literally just not murder a person, let alone three people. This is irresponsible trash. Why would you publish this?
I also struggle with depression and had Thanksgiving with my household a few days ago, and yet somehow I have refrained from shooting anyone around me?
This is more harmful than it is terrible and this is very terrible. You write a framework excusing the suspect based on a common mental health condition. We really need you to do better!
Lotta people have depression and would never consider shooting someone. Let’s reframe your headline and not use a legitimate disability to excuse a hateful act of violence.
Hey, you know how I dealt with depression? Getting on medication, seeing a therapist, and watching a lot of hockey. I also stopped drinking for a while until I started emerging from that hole. What I didn’t do is shoot people.
As someone who wanted to write for TDB, I'm ashamed. Push back against this bullshit, if having Thanksgiving dinner with your family made you a mass murderer, then I'd be Dylan Roof. Grow the hell up and don't publish shit like this.
I’ve struggled with depression for 65 years and the only time in my life I ever wanted to hurt other people was when the antidepressants did that to me.
Include a medical expert opinion or quote literally any medical literature to follow up your depression quote instead of throwing mentally ill people under the bus. There is no association between the likelihood of commiting this crime and being depressed.
There have been points in my life I have suffered from depression, even to the point of medication. You know what I've never done, gone out and shot up people.
Let me guess, he was a lone wolf even though he's got a twitter/facebook/linkedin/truth social or whatever where he posted a bunch of manifestos copied and pasted directly from GOP members feeds where they told violent fanatics like him to "Stand up and take action! You know what to do!"
Wtf would you do this? What possible purpose does it serve? Justify a racist killing? Watch a mother processing shock and grief, horror and regret and attempt to defend the indefensible?
you figured out you could scoop tmz on a story like this and instead of having any sort of sense, you just fucking did it. millions of people had thanksgiving with their shitty families and didn’t shoot people you fuckin rejects
I get depressed sometimes. It can be debilitating. I don’t wish it on anyone. But if depression leads to murdering innocent people in a racist rage, it’s better to kill yourself first. Asshole. Stupid fucking article.
Geez. I cannot for the life of me believe that a white guy who liked his white family would ever have racist intentions that led to him killing POC. UNHEARD OF!
did he do the hate crimes because he had depression or did he do the hate crimes because thanksgiving gave him a tummy ache? or was it a little bit of both
fuck you fuck you fuck you
So you're telling me the whole family is shitty in that case.
You should just (redacted) yourself instead.
Fuck outta here with that bullshit.
i also have depression and spent time with my family on Thanksgiving. I didn't follow it up with attempted hate-murder.
But how about you don't treat her opinions as some sort of news event?
Seriously, though... delete this, Daily Beast.
I have followed here for years:
*Which in of itself appears to frame his violence against three innocent people as a big whoopsie, "because he's usually so quiet!"
god we live in such a pathetic timeline.
I bet the three young men who were shot and their families are feeling pretty depressed now too!
Being emotional isn't an excuse for anything after the age of about 14.
P.O.C.= Thug, bad guy
Racially motivated shootings are caused by eating dinner with your family.
so anyways
No, I’m not going to waste my time to read this dreck. Your headline tells me all I need to know.
(i'm depressed i'm allowed to make this joke)
A mother defends her racist murderous son and you just parrot her words.
How pathetic are you?
Do you want the names of some depressed people who didn't murder over the holidays? Cause there are a lot.
But go on and tell us about that racist scumbag's thanksgiving
Seriously do fucking better