Trans fat mostly does not occur in animal fats, it's created via hydrogenating unsaturated fats to mimic the physical properties of saturated animal fat. (Aka, the original solidifying agent of margarine and shortening.)
I'm not say it's as bad as some other things for sure. Just that you have someone in charge of health suggesting eating burgers and fries higher in fattier fats that have some trans like that is a good thing. I would say the same thing if he said more sugar is good for you.
My health plan for the shelf life of the current administration. Do pretty much the opposite of anything that Junior recommends. Those who don't, well Darwin.
It's a stunt, Steak & Shake has been wildly unprofitable for years now and carries heavy debt (which is trading at junk bond status). The owner probably hopes he can convince MAGAets to take over the ~400 company stores as franchisees without looking too hard at profitability statements.
They've been sued by multiple franchisees over promised franchise results that could never actually be achieved under their policies, and by managers working their stores for being misclassified as exempt employees unable to earn overtime. They have deep issues that go way beyond cleanliness.
You rightly dragged that freak show nut job for selling french fries in the middle of a deadly measles outbreak.
I would like to additionally point out that Worm Brain's seed oil conspiracy theory is also a fucking lie, and it will also get people killed. Not as quickly as measles will, obviously.
And a lot of them think that it's a (((plot))) to feminize men who would otherwise be strong manly men. Seriously. It's so stupid that it hurt me to type that.
Derp, I got this company twisted with Shake Shack.
I do remember Steak and Shake being called the 'Break and Quake' by truckers on the CB as a kid (a part of family vacation entertainment) for the common gastrointestinal tribulations experienced when dining at this fine establishment.
The closest location to me was several hundred miles away and even that one closed down, but this still makes me a little sad, just because I loved this place when I was a kid. There's hardly anything vegetarian on their menu, so they'd be no big loss to me anyway, but now I'm kind of glad they've
It's baffling to see all the beef tallow making gloss online, while knowing the stuff used at a fast food place comes from the industrail processing feed lot waste & ships in 55 gal drums. 🤦♀️
to RFK
1. to use beef tallow;
2. to shrug when people are dying from preventable deseases while being responsible for it;
3. to remove the most intelligent part from your brain, to deworm.
I imagine most folks on B’sky are smart enough to know this, but check with your PCP to see if you should get boosters for childhood vaccines that can lose efficacy over time.
I waitressed there when I was younger, and it's my only food service job where I never took advantage of free fries. The shakes are pretty good, but the fries aren't worth the calories.
Animal fat does have some advantages over some vegetable fats. The consensus, however, is that beef fat does not give you the tastiest fries. The tasty fries are made with horse fat. No I’m not being gross or joking.
One of the current memes among the alt-right and manosphere crowd is that it's only unhealthy to fry things in seed oils, and if you instead fry them in animal fats they are a-okay.
hope those employees know those oils go bad alot faster and you have to clean up a lot more thoroughly then before. good reason why McDonald moved away from it, not to mention the health problems that come with it.
No, bc if you don’t eat seed oils your body is strong and you don’t need vaccines. It all makes sense when you think about preindustrial life spans, how 20%-40% of kids, income dependent, didn’t make it to adulthood
Look, I cook with lard when I need to make biscuits or some such (I'm from the South), but if this becomes a trend, this seems just stupid. People are NOT rising up in support of Big Lard. They are rising up in support of vaccines. Why does an entire government insist on being so stupid?
In about a month they will announce to the world that they have discovered a measles vaccine. (You know the one that has been around since the late 1950’s).
Beef tallow has around 50% saturated fat which, due to its inflammatory properties, has been linked to an increase in heart disease, high total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, and other chronic diseases. But sure, help yourself to some drippings.
"Make America Healthy Again!"
*Congratulates a company for frying their French fries in literal liquid animal fat*
I'm so happy this is who leads our HHS
I’ve seen the arguments on tallow vs seed oils and the only ones I’m curious about is our current understanding of saturated fats in cardio health vs an imbalance of omegas as apparently created by “seed oils”
Studies still support better health outcomes when replacing animal fats with seeds tho
I'm not a vegetarian, I like S&S, and (sorry) but those pommes frites sound delish. But DUDE it is the opposite of healthy...can't believe he's even trying to push that line. What a fucking psychopath, he wouldn't know "healthy" if it bit him on the nose.
Fries, fried in fat, are not healthy whether it's beef tallow or seed oils. Many people (myself included) would say that fries from beef tallow taste better, but they aren't healthier in any kind of a measurable way.
Also seed oil conspiracy theories are dumb and the fact that our fucking Secretary of Health and Human Services is advancing them is an indictment of our electoral system and confirmation process
Tallow fries are great at sit down restaurants every once in a while, if you're obviously not a vegetarian, but doing that at fast food restaurants where people might eat those fries several times a week is a really bad idea probably idk I'm no expert
One of the less weird but still weird things in his post is that Steak N Shake *is* a real plates sit-down restaurant. Lower end, but not 'finish a meal in 30 minutes from order'. Their whole thing with calling them steakburgers was that they were trying to sound fancy about using ground sirloin.
Yeeeeeeeah I was thinking that too but they do have a drive thru so I'm willing to bet people go through several times a week. In the Midwest the Steak n Shake line is insanely long.
Yeah if my college had been any closer we would have gone more often than we did.
But there's also the fact that even if the fries were dunked in the worst option re natural ingredient attributes, they are tiny crispy sticks so you get how much soaked in per order vs anywhere else?
I stopped eating at Steak and Shake years ago, because of a bad eating experience. After that, the two locations in my town were shut down by the health dept for severe health code violations. Some other company bought them and cleaned them up. I still refuse to eat there. Say no to food poisoning.
At this point it's a stunt, Steak & Shake has been wildly unprofitable for awhile now and carries heavy debt (currently trading a junk bond status). The owner probably hopes he can convince MAGAets to take over more company stores as franchisees without looking too hard at profitability.
Beef tallow. Of all the animal fats you could cook with??? Even lard would be preferable. Beef fat is heavy and absorbs into food and makes them gross and greasy and it has a really low smoke point. Those fries would taste terrible, and would definitely give most people the shits.
Not to mention animal fat is expensive af to replace. Fryer oil should really be changed every week or so, but I highly doubt these restaurants are gonna do that until it’s so old it’s actually unsafe
Oh without a doubt. Gross and potentially carcinogenic (I have to say "potentially" because of the rigor required for something to be for sure declared a human carcinogen...but smoked animal fat is well known to be problematic)
Not only are children dying from a preventable disease, there are other chains that have been doing this for a long time. This chain is the only one to kiss his desssicated ass, though.
Beyond the criminal incompetence with measles, the irony of french fries boiled in beef fat as a symbol of Make America Health Again is so far beyond parody I don’t even know where to begin anymore.
We had an actual near-yelling fight with the teacher in my high school Health class 2 decades ago because he was requiring us to do food logs using the beef tallow era numbers instead of more current ones and judging us for eating what was in the cooking oil we did not actually eat.
Whoa, Steak n’ Shake will now make its fries in healthy beef tallow, which we only stopped using because of concerns about its high amount of saturated fat.
Yes….making French fries with beef tallow is just what we need to make America healthier…not more exercise, more fiber, more nutrient dense foods and better access to those things. Not vaccinations and science. This should solve everything….
Also... how have we horseshoed back around to "100% HEALTHY FRIED IN BEEF TALLOW!" ... the only reason we ended up with seed oils in the fryers in the first place was high cholesterol's link to heart disease, and beef tallow is not an exception to that.
Normally when I see something like this I'd post about leopards feasting on faces, but innocent children getting hurt in the middle of this is just sad.
Anti-vaxxers need to have their kids taken to foster care and given proper medical treatment.
Seems rather ironic that last century, FDR called out the oligarchs with “these people stole from you.” Now they are stealing AND killing us— and our opposition party has spent decades “compromising”
Hi. MPH with concentration in disease prevention/health promotion with a focus on nutrition here. There is zero evidence in aggregate that beef tallow is a healthier alternative for fried food than seed oils, and in fact the scientific consensus generally says the opposite.
Don't get me wrong, fries in beef tallow taste great, or even better in duck fat, but lauding fries cooked in beef as a great health benefit, FFS man. FFS.
there’s a family owned seaside fish and chip shop that shut not that long ago and they fried everything in beef fat and it tasted great, like really good
Not good for veggies and pescatarians obv, and not really healthier than veg oils
Instead of actually taking care of a real outbreak, he’s talking about a (conspiracy) theory with no real scientific basis. Ugh, so exactly what we expected.
The shift away from beef tallow was supposedly because there were healthier substitutes -- well, as healthy as fries can be anyway. But it's also weird that RFK Jr. is fixated on things like seed oils when there are genuine health concerns in the world.
Beef tallow is much much higher in saturated fat compared to most seed oils like canola which raises concerns about cardiovascular health from prolonged use
But by all means use it Because the ex heroin addict w/ a brain worm who drove around w/ a dead bear in his truck for 13 hours wants us to
The point of using beef tallow is so that you can grow muscles and have a higher sperm count according to a bunch of people who aren’t doctors and definitely do steroids.
So as usual RFK Jr takes the opposite position to that of conventional wisdom, i.e. “vaccines don’t prevent diseases, they cause them,” or in this case “saturated fat is better for you than unsaturated fat.” Total reflexive crank mentality.
Fukkin' high cholesterol high saturated beef tallow?! McDonald's took years to move away from that! This guy is bonkers. Seed oils are what is healthy!
Eh. If you can go to Culver's, it's on par with their burgers. They have shoelace cut fries. They do half and half shakes. Like pouring two shakes in one cup at the same time to get a distinct division of flavors.
I don't have facebook so I can't do "research" and have no idea why seed oils are suddenly bad. Now we are supposed to go BACK to TRANS fats? Sounds woke to me.
“Adding a high-quality beef tallow to your diet or skincare routine has potential benefits to the inside and outside of your body. However, high intake of saturated fats is still linked to poor heart health, such as risk of heart and blood vessel disease…
He is a murderous eugenicist. I don't know how that leathery faced wormbrain ended up in charge of public health (I do, but I don't), but we need to call him exactly what his policies do.
People who continue to eat junk food after years of education are doing so because they like the taste…….or whatever. Children becoming very ill and some dying are the important topic today. They can’t control the anti-vac nonsense their parents are forcing on them.
If you want to break the seed oil people's brains, tell them that coconuts are seeds. Coconut oil is literally seed oil and comes from the exact same part of the seed as any other seed oil. Same is true for many of their supposed alternatives.
We don't all want to eat animal products in every dish at a meal. French fries may have been the only thing on that menu that one of us could eat - so, we'll find somewhere else for an omnivorous family to dine.
Beef tallow is not healthful. And French Fries, no matter what they are fried in, will not make America healthy. Meanwhile, If they don’t soon select strains for the next flu vaccine, the next flu season will make this year’s historically severe flu season look like a walk in the park.
If it's so fuckin great, lets just get a funnel and pump this dumb fucking traitor full of beef tallow. "Seed oils" god I hate these fucking woowoo crunchy morons. Fuck the Kennedys too.
NOT defending RFK, but beef tallow won't kill people like some are claiming.
Saturated animal fat does raise LDL, but more specifically it raises large buoyant LDL levels, which are not associated with cardiovascular risk. Small dense LDL is what will kill you.
Agricultural practices (herbicides, GMOs) and extraction techniques (chemicals, heat) might push the seed oils a bit further into the "not the best choice" category. But animal fats are the worst option.
Also, seed oils aren’t unhealthy, it’s that they use them in junk food. It’s the other stuff that’s unhealthy. I’m guessing they’re more expensive than other oils now
Yeah I'll get my duck far fries at a fancy restaurant that hasn't been
" RFKed" .
I do appreciate businesses letting me know they've bent the knee tho, maybe all fast food will be morally off limits to me and I'll lose a few lbs
Beef tallow? Hahahaha!
Look into coconut oil you heathens.
Natural, virgin or organic (never hydrogenized oils, those are the actual problem).
Want to talk saturated fats?
Animal fats are long-chain fatty acids. Very bad.
Coconut oil is a medium-chain fatty acid. Okay in moderation.
Look it up.
Bad move by SnS; they're having enough closures and difficulty attracting customers as it is. They just moved from my "Once in a great while" list to my "No way" list.
Last time I went into a steak and shake, they had fired their whole wait staff for kiosks and just had a cook and a manager. Sure, they hate workers and children are dying of measles. But at least whatever this random shit is happened
According to most health experts, seed oils are generally considered "better" than beef tallow because they contain a higher amount of unsaturated fats, which are linked to numerous health benefits, while beef tallow is primarily saturated fat, which can be detrimental to heart health.
Now I just learned this last week in my trivia league so I'm not lording it over you but, actually, lard comes from pigs and tallow from beef (among other things)
Trans fat mostly does not occur in animal fats, it's created via hydrogenating unsaturated fats to mimic the physical properties of saturated animal fat. (Aka, the original solidifying agent of margarine and shortening.)
I do not defend RFK.
And sugars will absolutely kill you. They raise levels of atherosclerotic sdLDL.
But ruminant CLA is not the same as industrial trans fat. It actually lowers diabetes and cancer risk.
I would like to additionally point out that Worm Brain's seed oil conspiracy theory is also a fucking lie, and it will also get people killed. Not as quickly as measles will, obviously.,ghee%2C%20which%20are%20high%20in%20saturated%20fat.
SO much easier to operate in their alternate universe.
But come on there’s no such thing as healthy animal-fat-fried-potatos
No wait they tried that
It’s an inherent right to raise LDL 🇺🇸
I do remember Steak and Shake being called the 'Break and Quake' by truckers on the CB as a kid (a part of family vacation entertainment) for the common gastrointestinal tribulations experienced when dining at this fine establishment.
1. to use beef tallow;
2. to shrug when people are dying from preventable deseases while being responsible for it;
3. to remove the most intelligent part from your brain, to deworm.
It'll be fine - the guys like the locally owned & deliciously operated Casa Nueva, too.
That sad Steak n Shake on the edge of a struggling mall will just be sadder
I guess maybe that next on the ‘healthy’ list though
*Congratulates a company for frying their French fries in literal liquid animal fat*
I'm so happy this is who leads our HHS
But, people do know the crusades were a terrible thing, right?
Studies still support better health outcomes when replacing animal fats with seeds tho
Phone: (202) 224-5824
Of course
He probably also just used ocular capillaries sometimes
But there's also the fact that even if the fries were dunked in the worst option re natural ingredient attributes, they are tiny crispy sticks so you get how much soaked in per order vs anywhere else?
And now this.
Too soon?
Anti-vaxxers need to have their kids taken to foster care and given proper medical treatment.
Not good for veggies and pescatarians obv, and not really healthier than veg oils
Also MEASLES outbreak
But by all means use it Because the ex heroin addict w/ a brain worm who drove around w/ a dead bear in his truck for 13 hours wants us to
I mean if they still paid the scientists that do that.
I'll stick with burgerville here in pdx I reckon
I'll stay healthy with vegan/olive oil diet.
Another business to never give my business to.
Good to know.
We don't all want to eat animal products in every dish at a meal. French fries may have been the only thing on that menu that one of us could eat - so, we'll find somewhere else for an omnivorous family to dine.
In the end, they’re just using fascist-adjacent ideology to sell people overpriced stuff.
Saturated animal fat does raise LDL, but more specifically it raises large buoyant LDL levels, which are not associated with cardiovascular risk. Small dense LDL is what will kill you.
(Sugars are the main sdLDL culprit.)
High LDL was correlated with heart disease. Animal fat raises LDL. Therefore cause was assumed.
Later studies have shown that sdLDL was the main culprit, not the large fluffy LDL from animal fat.
(Google "LDL particle size.")
Not saying beef fats aren't delicious, lol.
Duck fat fries are delicious
" RFKed" .
I do appreciate businesses letting me know they've bent the knee tho, maybe all fast food will be morally off limits to me and I'll lose a few lbs
Look into coconut oil you heathens.
Natural, virgin or organic (never hydrogenized oils, those are the actual problem).
Want to talk saturated fats?
Animal fats are long-chain fatty acids. Very bad.
Coconut oil is a medium-chain fatty acid. Okay in moderation.
Look it up.
JFC... that's gonna age like milk