Canadians aren't Afghanistan or Vietnam and it's ... Very something that they think their nation could resist total destruction by the us, or that their comfortable Western population would fight. They're not Vietnam, they're already Vichy France.
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Also, all of Canada is dependent on one rail line. The country could be reduced to famine conditions by the destruction of a few rail bridges, highways, and airfields. Canada won't have the Soviet Union backing it up the way vietnam did, nor land routes for bringing in supplies. Nationalism makes
People foolish. Canada cannot prevent its total destruction by the US military so they'd better find some other way to defend themselves. Get some nuclear weapons cooking.
If you don’t think the Quebecois wouldn’t engage in a prolonged campaign of freedom fighting, then you don’t know your history very well. There may not be a huge military defensive campaign, but you can bet that the United States would pay for it. And a lot of Americans would be sympathetic, too.
Let's invade a frozen tundra defended by a resistance force that just keeps pulling back to draw us further and further in to the cold. This has never happened before and will certainly work.
Have you seen our winters? Civil disobedience acts would include: mass protests, boycotting of any US goods, sabotaging manufacturing on the line, obstinate refusal of orders, actively harming the economy, rallying behind our leadership, engaging in civil rights movements, etc.
They don't need nukes. They have plenty of close friends who have a few laying around.
If we actually threaten Canada, militarily, the rest of the world will step in. And they absolutely should. It was never perfect but I've never been so embarrassed for my country.
I have been reading books by noted Canadian war time historian Tim Cook and omg would the States definitely lose. Canadians are brutal and risk losing so much more than Americans will lose. Plus so many people would join the Canadians instead of supporting Americans.
Oh and also, haven't Americans been watching what's happening with their military? Even the leadership in the military don't agree with firing thousands of soldiers for simply being trans, and they're cutting vets healthcare. There's non-existent morale right now.
If Americans aren't rounding up Trump and the MAGA crimelords over selling out to Russia and seizing illegal control of federal procedure and the rule of law, they sure won't get out of their chairs for Canada.
but they also won't get out of their chairs for the US. you don't have a numbers advantage if everyone is "meh" about the US and Canadians aren't the aggressors.
Nope pretty sure the Canadians will be fighting alone! The USA runs the world and all its economies and can shut down any country at anytime! That's power Canada should want to be part of!
If their is a war Canada won't fight back! Ukraine is just able to fend off Russia because it's getting hundreds of billions of defence dollars from the USA. The USA rules the world man, you gotta remember that. Canada could have a piece of that ownership if we just now down!
Open question: would the US military accept this as a lawful order? Trump hasn't purged the JCS or senior officers. They swore an oath to the Constitution and Trump has done nothing but provoke them
Who knows? This country is completely insane. The liberals are totally unable to copenwith what's happening and Americans are trained to dehumanize and hate anyone they're told to. None of the wars we've waged since Korea have been legal, that's not really something the us cares about.
Plus about half the US Air Force personnel are members of a fascistic evangelical death cult. One of the ones that wants to instigate the apocalypse. They'd be doing a lot of the actual killing and they're rabid animals. I am not exaggerating this is a well established problem. Even before the
They won't be alone and it won't be just Americans that will aid Canada.
For that matter, why does this idiot believe that there wouldn't be widespread resistance among US military?
The way I see it is they will tell him it’s an unlawful order, and if he tries to replace those generals, admirals, etc… with loyalists, the military will consider it an insurrection against the United States.
They took an oath to protect the Constitution, not serve the President.
No. He's warning of the reality, trying to convince Canadians to get serious and up our defenses. We can no longer rely on our powerful neighbour as a deterrent.
Honey, you are aware that the Canadian and US military are highly intertwined and run exercises together. If you know anyone in the US military who has ever served with Canadians and ask them what they think of our chances.
You may not realize Canada has enough easily accessible uranium to make an infinite supply of dirty bombs. It also penetrated the US with Canadians. You couldn't recognize them. It would cause civil war if the US invaded Canada. Everybody's gonna get hurt.
Dirty bombs aren't real. The concept only works in spy thrillers and fear mongering news pieces. You can't pack enough radioactive material in to a conventional explosive to matter, not can you disperse it any meaningful distance.
You do understand that yellowcake can be refined in conventional reactors, right? Nonetheless, like Putin, Canada would love to have Trump, Musky & Hegseth for tea in the very near future. I'm sure it would solve the world's problems.
Yes I am aware of how nuclear enrichment works. "Dirty Bombs" suggests that a conventional explosive salted with radioactive material could irradiate a significant area enough to render it hazardous. In reality what you end up with is a negligible amount of radioactive material spread across a few
Dirty bombs are tools of terrorism, and aren’t particularly useful for fighting an actual war. Especially not against a state that would retaliate with actual nuclear weapons.
And uranium isn’t even what one would use for a dirty bomb.
Huh???? We’re talking about Canada as an independent country that no one is occupying without a fight. Local insurgencies are a different thing that usually do not have piles of uranium.
Anyway, twist my words however you want—uranium still makes shit dirty bombs.
I'm not saying use them as a preemptive first strike. A terror reaction may be needed. Who knows what war would even look like today? The thought is dark & terrifying.
Agreed, but America likes to believe they're unique & exceptional. Even for threshold states, final refinement takes time. Dirty isn't useless it is fast as a response. Hopefully, it's all theory. NATO is ready. realize we have NATO and the rest of the Commonwealth at our back right?
Also one rail line? Are you joking? You must be joking.
Its quite odd that you don't seem to think that Americans wouldn't defect and fight on our side as well...
Actually, 26% of Canadian households already have at least one firearm. Most are hunting rifles -- we don't have "the right to bear arms" like handguns, but we do have longstanding hunting rights enshrined in law. It would be open season on Americans.
You could count on your fingers the amount of misses that would need to make landfall to unavoidably cripple the Canadian rail network. Canada's most populated cities are almost entirely encapsulated within the U.S. already. 0% chance they win excepting for divine intervention
It wouldn't be about us winning. It would be about America LOSING. You could take over Canada. But we'd drag you into such a quagmire that Vietnam would look like a garden party. You might destroy us, but we'd so cripple the shit out of you that you'd never be a world power again.
You are forgetting that this is OUR HOME
People fighting to invade are never as invested as those protecting their homes
You forget about 1/3 of us have come here as war refugees
We may not be able to beat you
but we’ll make sure it becomes a generational quagmire affecting your great grandchildren
And there’s absolutely nothing to prevent Canadians from making mischief on US infrastructure on the other side of the very long and sparsely defended border.
I don’t think USians really that Canada won’t be in this alone. Where the have been burning bridges around the world, Canadians have been building bridges
They also have this idea that we aren’t armed or have a military 🙄
Can you, specifically, describe what the reaction inside the US to the attempted genocide of 40 million people right next door right inside the imperial core would be
One rail line? Wow, all those rail cars from one end of the country to the other get really backed up. Hmmm...I wonder if there's any way to look this up? Sanford Fleming, calling for the ghost of Sanford Fleming to kick this guy is the ass. Maybe he could find it from the hole in the ground...
Much of the USA is dependent on one pipeline.
USA was _almost_ reduced to famine conditions due to lack of fuel oil when it broke due to poor maintenance a while back.
The USA won't have anyone backing it, not even Russia.
Canada will have Europe, the Commonwealth, & likely China too.
Canada is dependent on one rail line, huh? That makes it hard to move occupying troops east and west in the occupied areas without needing to pull them back behind the zero or one lines, but it makes it real fucking easy to go south and north.
If the US invaded Canada, Canada would invoke Article 5.
Do you think the other NATO countries would say "aw geez, shucks, our ally just turned against us, but the rules say we can't kick them out of NATO against their will, even though they're literally attacking us"?
Im pretty sure that if we come to that, the US military would refuse to follow orders or desert en masse. 40,000 CAF members served in Afghanistan, and 158 Canadian soldiers died. Pretty sure the military hasn’t forgotten that.
MORE MEGA MORON BABBLING BULLSHIT! Get your fucking facts straight. Fucking Bush couldn't even take care of Iraq. Canada can do without our products dumb shit. The no war party right? First day in office, threaten our allies and let our enemies do whatever they want! 🇨🇦💙🇺🇸💙🇲🇽🇺🇦 FK POOR RED STATES! 💩💩🤡🤡
NATO is being dismembered by Trump, with European states cowed & silent in the face of his threats & now focused on their most proximate menace in the east.
We cannot rely on NATO I’m afraid.
This American who was born and raised in upstate New York would LOVE to see Doug Ford follow up on his threat to cut off electrity to New York. Lots of MAGA in the Adirondacks. Can't wait to see them cry!
I'm not sure chaos would ensue that quickly, as many of even the whiniest MAGAts have endured longer weather-related power outages, but they can't hold out indefinitely.
Just to be clear, I'm not MAGA. I really hope it doesn't come to this, but if it does, I hope you and NATO kick his sorry ass.
I've seen what winning an insurgency war against the US looks like and I don't want to see Montreal reduced to smoking rubble just so whatever is left of Canada can claim victory twenty years from now after five million Canadians are dead. Y'all should seriously look in to getting nukes.
The U.S. has tried to invade Canada before and there's a reason every Canadian child learns about it and no American child does. It's a bad idea for the same reasons invading Russia is a bad idea.
America hasn't won a war since WW2 and have tried many times. You might rethink the idea of our "might " and especially the willingness of soldiers to carry out these orders at all.
I have seen two insurgencies up close and personal. Americans conveniently ignored the wars in the Middle East. They won’t be able to ignore a bloodbath on their doorstep.
What is interesting is in Vietnam and post 9/11, we could visually distinguish the enemy. How do we do that with Canadians? How would yo secure the largest unprotected border on the planet? Every one always thinks it’s over when the formal fighting ends. No, it’s not over then, it’s just beginning.
The US can't win wars, but there will be nothing left of Canada after the first week. Yeah, the us will leave twenty years later when five million Canadians have been murdered and then you'll "win". Are you looking forward to that victory? Y'all need to build nukes asap. No one is afraid of you.
What I’m hearing from your multiple posts begging Canadians to launch nukes at the U.S. to “save themselves” is that you honestly are just kind of a Posadist. If it takes nuclear war and millions of dead to defeat capitalism, guess that’s okay with you.
What do you think will be left of the U.S.? We've got a ton of vulnerable infrastructure that's getting worse by the day. The war wouldn't stay in Canada.
Yeah it's gonna fucking suck. So go do something about before I have to die shooting at some stupid 18 year olds from California in the woods, who don't even want to be there. Like a decades long insurgency will be a nightmare for both of us dipshit.
ah, sorry, it's a private one for the Ukrainian community. The mods have been harassed. However, these two blocklists get the vast majority of tankies, in my experience (but not this guy, because he doesn't use the hammer and sickle).
The entire country is a series of isolated population centers connected by a very small number of roads and rail lines. Canada has no friendly land borders and a very small number of ports. The country is uninhabitable in winter without extensive infrastructure. Y'all need nukes asap.
Have you heard of insurgencies? It's *the US* that would be the one trying to run Canada, and *Canadian insurgents* who would be using the features you're talking about to make life difficult for them.
Yes, uninhabitable without extensive infrastructure, which is why the land's been continuously inhabited since roughly 16 000 BCE. And your solution, for the country that has most of its population within a hundred miles of this enemy, is to prepare to nuke ... that enemy?
I don't think you're quite aware enough of how dependent the US is on Canada for certain things, or how well regarded Canada is worldwide.
Infrastructure can be rebuilt. Americans in general simply do not understand how deeply Canadians abhor the idea of being American. We would rather die, yes.
We'd take as many Americans with us as we could, too.
There are a million Canadians living in the US, and the US can't even defend the Mexican border. They won't be able to stop insurrectionists coming over a heavily forested border three times as long. Chaos would reign.
As to the nukes point - yes. We do need them. I'd rather see Chinese nuclear launch facilities pop up all along that massive, largely undefended Canadian border than bend one fraction of an inch at the knee towards Trump.
I’d rather it not come to that but if that’s what it takes, yes, I’d look forward to the liberation of my country for 20 years, and I’d do everything I could to resist until they either killed me or I lived to see that day.
I mean, can you imagine a well-funded and powerful army being defeated in a geographically large frozen hinterland? Has that even happened before? Probably not!
NATO doesn't have the logistical or naval capacity to intervene. They could try to embargo the US, which would help a great deal, but NATO's entire naval power is a fraction of what the US has, and its in just as poor condition as America's navy. Canada has only four major ports, two of which are
in the Pacific far from NATO. Many NATO nations - Turkey at least, wouldn't intervene. The US carrier fleet could blockade Canada's sea lanes cutting them off entirely from resupply. AFAIK, unlike the RF and PRC, NATO doesn't have the kind of hypersonic missiles that would be needed to kill the US
In most ways the US *is* NATO's logistical capacity. France sort of has some force projection capability, but in a very real sense the US is the only military capable of operating beyond it's own borders for an extended period of time in any serious way.
in to the hypersonic missiles thing. Skip the insurgency nonsense and figure out how to kill US Surface ships and bombard US cities. that would constitute an actual deterrence.
Y'all are really missing my point here. One, no you won't, and two, your country will still be reduced to rubble even in the best case scenario. Y'all need nukes. Like, you need nukes tomorrow and a credible delivery system, because this chest beating thing isn't going to protect you.
As an American veteran who now lives in Canada I want to be very clear when I tell you that there is a reason you are hearing "your children will die alone and scared" from *Gary the fucking adventure cat*
Canada's population is well armed, and outside of the large cities, extremely individualistic
The defining foundation story of America is freedom, resistance to despotism, all that stuff. Do you know Canada's defining foundation story? "We're not America". That's the CORE identity in this country.
You are watching a shit ton of people get radicalized against America already, just from words
If you think Canadians will just roll over for an armed occupation by the US, I encourage you to talk to one (1) Canadian. Say it to their face - say that you think Canada should be the 51st state, and what are they gonna do about it?
Don't worry; the healthcare you'll need will be free.
I really need you to look at the US/Saudi genocide in Yemen and the ongoing destruction of Gaza to understand what modern US warfare looks like. Y'all can bluster and beat your chests all you want but your country is a small number of urban centers connected by vast stretches of rail lines that
cannot be defended. Logistically and geographically Canada is the perfect target for America's current military ability - Cut access, starve the cities en masse. In many places, blow all the power plants and dams and wait for the population that doesn't starve to freeze. You're incredibly vulnerable
with no credible deterrence. Like, seriously, you should start a nuclear weapons program tomorrow. If the US actually does turn on you it'll be the only real deterrence.
Is your implication here that the war in Gaza was successful at eliminating the Hamas insurgency?
That is a thing you could say, I guess, but I wouldn't. And if that's not what you are saying, then you are offering evidence *against your own claim* here.
The goal was never to eliminate Hamas. The goal was genocide, the destruction of the Palestinian people. Gaza has been turned in to a largely uninhabitable wasteland. Israel will never voluntarily allow re-construction. All the civilian infrastructure is gone. Almost every building is destroyed or
Largely useless for an occupation. All the carrier fleets in the world can't restore power to an outpost that's had the lines cut in -30 temperatures in Winnipeg. An insurgency is a very different beast to a conventional battle.
American air power could reduce every Canadian city big medium and Small into rubble in 2weeks w/o using nukes. We literally have MOABs that are like conventional mini nukes sans the radiation.
American exceptionalism at its very finest. You have no idea what we are capable of.
The USA has pulled this shit twice before and both times got humiliated. Just shut the fuck up and fix yourself before you turn into a clone of Russia.
Yep. The kind of Dunning Kruger genius DOGE are hiring for these days. Should go far firing completely the wrong people in ways that damage their own country first.
I watched a NATO video about US soldiers on a training course in Finland… and they just couldn’t handle it. Without major hand-holding and support they never would have made it. Canadians on skidoos with hunting rifles would do so much damage.
Cause America's army isn't built on doing challenge courses. It's built on massive air superiority and logistics. Look what the US and Israel did to Gaza. IDF troops on the ground acted like clowns and ate shit at every turn. Meanwhile, US provided munitions leveled every building in Gaza.
Y'all gotta take this seriously. If you can come up with something more credible than riding around on ski doos you might be able to scare the fascists off long enough to normalize relations, but this ain't it.
Like take a serious look at the US and Saudi genocide in Yemen. The US directed the
Saudis to target and destroy all civilian infrastructure in order to bring about mass disease and starvation. that's what you'll be up against. that's America's general MO during an invasion - Target and destroy everything that sustains life in the first few weeks, then spend twenty years bumbling
Seriously. get a nuclear weapons program going. It's only going to get worse as America loses crop land to global warming while Canada gains habitable land. Trump is probably full of shit right now, but this is a long term problem.
Very few militaries could take on the US directly. However, the US would have to occupy a pretty large territory. But the most dangerous thing would a be a Canadian insurgency that would actually be able to hit the lower 48 and cause infrastructure chaos in the US.
Are you under the insane impression the border states would want to fight Canada? That the wider US wants to fight Canada?
Vietnam & Afghanistan were easy to muster up an appetite for war among middle America, cause middle America didn't have cousins there or vacation in them, Canada tho...
America has a very powerful propaganda machine that can whip up bloodthirsty race hatred against anyone. Canada might be a bigger challenge, but given five or ten years I believe the US could do it. Don't bet on the people of the US to support you in any long term. Look at what happened in Ukraine.
In just a few decades a century of comradery, shared struggle, and shared success with Russia was written out of history and replaced with violent nationalism and race hatred, with the Banderites in Galacia receiving a great deal of support from the USA in that matter. Two great socialist nations
that defeated serfdom, poverty, fascism, and resisted US aggression together for decades were turned in to mortal enemies within the space of a generation.
Never bet on American morality or integrity. Remember Kissinger's words when he plainly stated how America's foreign policy works; To be
America's enemy is dangerous, to be America's friend is fatal. The tiny besieged nation of Cuba has held out where the Iraqis, Kurds, Hmong, Ukrainians, and countless other US proxies have been utterly devastated. We're a nation of vipers that understand only hatred and cruelty and you're gonna
need more than angry Quebecois with whatever bolt action rifles you're allowed to own to stave off American aggression. You do make a good point in highlighting America's links to Canada, and I think you should initiate a propaganda campaign to really, really strengthen those links. Get in front
Have you considered that if you try to destroy our brothers and allies to the north based on nothing it's not just Canada you'll have to fight, it's also a lot of us?
The people of our country, the United States, couldn’t handle pronouns in people’s email signatures. I don’t think that we’re ready for rolling blackouts and international sanctions.
You can't be a real person. But if you are, imagine Afghanistan or Vietnam except the enemy look and sound exactly like you. Also, you underestimate how much of the Canadian identity is founded on the idea that we're not American.
The very thing the U.S. finds attractive about Canada - its mineral wealth and manufacturing capabilities- argue against the U.S. waging a war of total destruction. Canada knows it can’t win a conventional conflict. But a prolonged guerrilla campaign or Northern Ireland that drags on forever…..
These comments are ridiculously naive. Yes, Americans will resist, and yes, guerilla warfare is hell, but be it a war of extermination or just simple wanton destruction Canada is in no way equipped to resist the might of the US military. US v NATO is a coin flip, why would US v Canada be easy?
The Americans most acclimated to being able to be effective occupation troops during our winter are from border states with the strongest comradeship with Canada and unlikely to be thrilled at the thought of invading and oppressing their next door neighbour.
I think our (Canadian) culture is waffley and tough to nail down but I'd say consistently one of the more unifying aspects of our identity is "we're not American."
Like one of the most successful beer commercials in our history was one that just leaned on the fact that we aren't American.
My province is by far the most conservative, with a Premier that is actively looking to kiss Trump's ass.... and it is still one that strongly identifies as the union of Canadian/Anti-American.
It's a perspective I had as well when I was a capital C Conservative in my youth.
Dawg support for any invasion of Canada in the US polls in the single digits. There would be partisans ripping up railroad tracks and blowing up bridges in the Dakotas before the first sundown. You'd have serious state secession talk in weeks.
Dude does not get how the mere suggestion by the US president has *immediately* united all Canadians. Even our separatist party is riled up, standing with us.
And maybe we are too comfortable, on the whole. It could indeed end up very bad for Canada.
That’s the thing, I’m a clueless American and even I know that people from Quebec hate being seen as Canadian, and even they are proud and in support of the country right now. That’s how badly this orange moron fucked up!
I mean, all they have to do is cover him in a(n extra extra large) wet paper bag with an arrow pointing to the opening labelled "Sortie". Doubt he could negotiate his way out of it.
The Canada US border was "unguarded" because the issue is miniscule and has already been addressed. It's another OrangePutin lie that is actually a provocation. Putin does the same shit. So did Hitler.
Canadians aren’t Afghans or Vietnamese. They are right fucking here, speak our language, blend in trivially, and can move across the border with ease. Fighting them would be a fucking nightmare compared to lop sided wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan we waged more or less out of boredom.
I'm not saying that you're wrong about Canadians...but you're assuming a whole lot of compliance from US soldiers.
The US has waged war for ages by manufacturing consent and othering the target. Canadians look and live like us. There is no obvious casus belli. It won't happen.
Y'all gonna run your defense entirely on nationalist chauvinism or do you have a plan? I would strongly advise fast tracking a nuclear weapons program.
lmfao America has gotten its ass kicked every time it's stepped in the ring for the past half century, Canada would fuck us up without a second thought
Of course Canadians wouldn't resist an invasion, they're not noble savages like the Vietnamese or the Afghanis.
Well done you for spotting that unmistakable truth, only communism gives you this kind of analytical prowess
Lol, the mounties would make the mujahedeen look like a kindergarten class. What if you were fighting a counter-insurgency that had trained alongside your army, knew exactly how it operates, and which was culturally and ethnically indistinguishable from your own citizens?
Oh, yeah, and you share *the longest border in the world* with this country, much of which runs through very rough wilderness that's perfect for hiding.
And most of *your* citizens like this country and will sabotage your efforts to conquer it.
A US military invasion of Canada would completely shatter our relations with every so-called western nation in the world. The idea that they would be the ones standing alone is beyond the realm of stupid.
These movie military types still haven’t learned since Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan - bombs dont eventually make peace. Or allies.
He wants russia, economy the size of Wisconsin, to have (white) north america as satellite?
If we actually threaten Canada, militarily, the rest of the world will step in. And they absolutely should. It was never perfect but I've never been so embarrassed for my country.
Both countries would lose a military conflict.
We’re on our own.
For that matter, why does this idiot believe that there wouldn't be widespread resistance among US military?
The top brass of the US military will tell him “the fuck you will” and it will be end of that.
I don’t mean Hegseth, I mean the actual leaders of each branch of the armed services that earned the power they have.
They took an oath to protect the Constitution, not serve the President.
Are you seriously game planing out the US destroying Canada?
We live in the most senseless of timelines.
You're gonna get skinned by Bloc Québécois when the fighting starts, dude.
And uranium isn’t even what one would use for a dirty bomb.
Lol what a wacky point. Like you're pre judging guerrillas and freedom fighters. Absolutely big brained.
Anyway, twist my words however you want—uranium still makes shit dirty bombs.
The US is the only reason they haven’t, and if the US continues on this path, it will be the reason they go for it.
Also one rail line? Are you joking? You must be joking.
Its quite odd that you don't seem to think that Americans wouldn't defect and fight on our side as well...
Second, even the Ukrainians are gonna find a way to pitch in if Trump attacks Canada
Third, if there's even the hint of a buildup to the invasion our job is to aid and abet revolutionary defeatism
Then why didn’t we do that in Vietnam of Afghanistan, genius?
Imagine, if you will, a football game without referees or coaches. Imagine the quarterback suddenly starts openly playing for the other team.
Imagine what the offensive line does to him. Allies matter.
People fighting to invade are never as invested as those protecting their homes
You forget about 1/3 of us have come here as war refugees
We may not be able to beat you
but we’ll make sure it becomes a generational quagmire affecting your great grandchildren
They also have this idea that we aren’t armed or have a military 🙄
If we turn the electricity off to the USA there would be Anarchy in 12 Hours in 30 states.
Arm chair quarterbacking MAGAt.
Maybe in 1894.
Ooookay, but have you heard of a place called Europe? And heck, China might be willing to sell them stuff to help Trump wreck the US.
USA was _almost_ reduced to famine conditions due to lack of fuel oil when it broke due to poor maintenance a while back.
The USA won't have anyone backing it, not even Russia.
Canada will have Europe, the Commonwealth, & likely China too.
Do you think the other NATO countries would say "aw geez, shucks, our ally just turned against us, but the rules say we can't kick them out of NATO against their will, even though they're literally attacking us"?
We cannot rely on NATO I’m afraid.
Get outside and breath that clean Northern Air ..
And Give Your Head a Shake!
If we turn the electricity off to the USA there would be Anarchy in 12 Hours in 30 states.
Arm chair quarterbacking MAGAt.
If we turn the electricity off to the USA there would be Anarchy in 12 Hours in 30 states.
Arm chair quarterbacking MAGAt.
No power to NY State and City - what happens?
If we got off the Power to NY state and city …
What happens in 12 hours ?
Just to be clear, I'm not MAGA. I really hope it doesn't come to this, but if it does, I hope you and NATO kick his sorry ass.
Wall Street is in New York, right?
Canada also REALLY needs to up its security spending dramatically, NOW. This costs money. It better be prepared to pay.
ALL of your Former Allies before Jan 19th are ALL rapidly moving - non militarily - to devastate the American Economy!
(Trump is doing that himself.)
To Starve American Imperialism!
Whatever, a-hole. Go soak your head and read a book.
Cant read!
I think you have no idea how angry Canadians are at Donald right now.
ALL of your Former Allies before Jan 19th are ALL rapidly moving - non militarily - to devastate the American Economy!
(Trump is doing that himself.)
To Starve American Imperialism!
The late, great Stan Rogers wrote a very jaunty ersatz folk ballad about the much celebrated scout Billy Green
Like occupy it for any appreciable amount of time?
Any place in Canada that doesn't have a massive presence of US soldiers is not owned by the US
2. i took history classes in high school
3. i've been to canada
Infrastructure can be rebuilt. Americans in general simply do not understand how deeply Canadians abhor the idea of being American. We would rather die, yes.
There are a million Canadians living in the US, and the US can't even defend the Mexican border. They won't be able to stop insurrectionists coming over a heavily forested border three times as long. Chaos would reign.
If we try to build nukes that's a cassus belli right there.
And yes, we know what it would cost.
You sound really fucking Russian right now, just saying.
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
In most ways the US *is* NATO's logistical capacity. France sort of has some force projection capability, but in a very real sense the US is the only military capable of operating beyond it's own borders for an extended period of time in any serious way.
Seriously y'all should look
They aren’t a puppet state post invasion nor is their political party implanted by the US
There are 3 million Canadians in your country, right now, who look like you and know everything about you.
We won't win but we'll take every fucking one of you with us.
Come to Halifax!
ALL of your Former Allies before Jan 19th are ALL rapidly moving - non militarily - to devastate the American Economy!
(Trump is doing that himself.)
To Starve American Imperialism!
Canada's population is well armed, and outside of the large cities, extremely individualistic
You are watching a shit ton of people get radicalized against America already, just from words
Don't worry; the healthcare you'll need will be free.
That is a thing you could say, I guess, but I wouldn't. And if that's not what you are saying, then you are offering evidence *against your own claim* here.
The USA has pulled this shit twice before and both times got humiliated. Just shut the fuck up and fix yourself before you turn into a clone of Russia.
Arm chair quarterbacking MAGAt.
"But darva, that was the british"
Yeah... Canada was british at the time, cool, glad you know that.
They still burned the whitehouse down. Twice.
Like take a serious look at the US and Saudi genocide in Yemen. The US directed the
Seriously. get a nuclear weapons program going. It's only going to get worse as America loses crop land to global warming while Canada gains habitable land. Trump is probably full of shit right now, but this is a long term problem.
We disconnect all electricity crossing the border.
Social Anarchy in 30 States in 12 Hours.
Vietnam & Afghanistan were easy to muster up an appetite for war among middle America, cause middle America didn't have cousins there or vacation in them, Canada tho...
Never bet on American morality or integrity. Remember Kissinger's words when he plainly stated how America's foreign policy works; To be
If 🇺🇸 invades.
10 states dont have power!
We 🇨🇦 deal with intense cold daily to work here!
-50 F at times
How about -50 F.
And no Starbucks.
- 50 in 🇨🇦
The 300 pounders! Lol
Like one of the most successful beer commercials in our history was one that just leaned on the fact that we aren't American.
It's a perspective I had as well when I was a capital C Conservative in my youth.
Also, lol, lmao at 5500 unguarded miles of border
And maybe we are too comfortable, on the whole. It could indeed end up very bad for Canada.
But go ahead and fuck around. We're waiting. 😈
And we're going to try and burn their house down for no other reason than "King Grandpa says fuck you"
Which I desperately hope he will not. I know it is a dumb theoretical but the very thought of being enemies with Canada makes me feel sick.
Arm chair quarterbacking MAGAt.
The US has waged war for ages by manufacturing consent and othering the target. Canadians look and live like us. There is no obvious casus belli. It won't happen.
11 Letters!
Another braindead product of the American edjuhmuhcation system lmao
Most Americans: amazing at not being willing to suffer the inconvenience of wearing a mask or not being able to go to Applebees.
Yeah, even with all our advantages we'd lose so hard.
Wait for it…
3 Push Up.
Need to run 1 mile in 2 hours.
And be under 300 Pounds
No Ventilator Benefit
The US military "gets back to the basics" on stuff most militaries struggle with. In a notional standup fight ANYONE would get stomped.
Canada won't defeat our military, Canadians will defeat Americans because Americans won't sacrifice for this fight.
At the exact same time, Herr Musk and his teenage ninjas were robbing the Treasury. Not a peep.
For ALL the soaring rhetoric; the country with
🇺🇸 600,000,000 Guns 🇺🇸
🇺🇸 170,000,000 🇺🇸 MEN
Adopted Fascism
… without one shot fired.
Well done you for spotting that unmistakable truth, only communism gives you this kind of analytical prowess
And most of *your* citizens like this country and will sabotage your efforts to conquer it.
Social anarchy in 12 hours