"Europe is on the brink of civilizational suicide," US Vice President Vance told Fox News. "Countries don’t control borders, restrict free speech. If Germany takes in millions more incompatible migrants, it’ll destroy itself. America can’t save it."
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What does Vance know?!
Russia and Belarus work together like in „the good old days“ during the cold war bringing migrants to the polish boarder to embarasse EU/Germany.Then the USA with their new friend Putin tells us sth about“free speech“to strengthen nazis?!
Better tell Putin to leave us alone!
Wisdom from the Yale educated fake hillbilly. I think not. Just more MAGA phony tough guy talk. This “admin” is nothing but an evil clown show aiding Putin. #TrumpQuislings
Exactly, and its native people are brown, mostly Jews and Muslims, same ones he calls European migrants that don’t fit with European culture. They were the origins of European culture. He’s a moron.
Europe is becoming a superpower greater than any other country on earth. Including the US. And a model democracy. It’s therefore a threat to the way in which Musk, Thiel and the other billionaires want the world to work. They own Putin and Trump to stop that.
@mcuban.bsky.social @maddow.msnbc.com
What I'm getting from this is that if Europe does not align with the MAGA agenda then the toddlers in the white house will no longer consider us allies
The trump administration is way to delusional to recognize as how much of a joke they are perceived in Europe. A terrible, scary and dangerous joke that leads to great suffering. A joke non the less. Not even our extremist can express public support for them. It would be embarrassing
A DEI student at The Ohio State and Yale as a first generation college student....It would behoove JD to re-modify his language again. We're Not all illiterate and Not too many in Europe are either.
HE….is the one who’s illiterate, not trustworthy, a bully like Rump & loves eyeliner and is a puppet of @petertharos.bsky.social who’s the puppets banker and a lover of Project 2025. You know, the 900+ page playbook to bring the US to its knee’s!
"She's not perfect, but--" he's already answered that question. He doesn't want his wife and he hates his kids. Treats them like they're a nuisance and makes fun of them on national TV.
Seems the ozempic has eliminated all fat from his brain too. To the world, we educated Americans are sorry…we’ve been captured by ignorant white supremacists who have only “won” by decades of voter suppression and destroying our educational system so they can push their obvious propaganda.
He does. He’s admitted it, after the backlash to his racist, horrific comments about Haitians. JD Sofa King makes up lies to fit his ‘narrative’. No shame. No integrity.
It's projection. 'Merica is the society in crisis. Might have something to do with a malignant narcissist as president, and the psychopath in charge of DOGE.
This man views European politics through an American lens. He thinks that there are now Democrats governing the countries and that, for example, a right-wing party like the AFD is equivalent to the Republicans. Truly utter nonsense and isolationist rhetoric.
AfD, while Nazi as fuck, is to the left of the Republicans on MANY issues. Your republicans are the most disgusting nazis the world has seen since 1945.
Sure, but how much of that is because they genuinely believe the stuff they're left to the Republicans about, and how much of that is because they have yet to push the Overton window right on those issues?
The AfD *is* equivalent to the Republicans, since they also want to abolish democratic processes, cuddle up to Russia, strip human rights from all and deport or oppress those they deem subhuman (i.e. all non-male none-white non-straight non-healthy non-rich people). And their plans tank economies.
Europe needs not less but more immigration. This is a lie told by the right for over 30 Years. The problem is that, because of their politics, immigrants do not get the support they need and therefore do not integrate. This creates the problems they pretend to solve with their rhetoric.
Lunatics is right. Anyone who can should find & listen to the clip of Senator Tom Tillis' voice mails from his constituents. Extrapolate what will happen when USDA funding cuts to food banks hit in an area devastated by last year's hurricane and this year's wildfires 🤔
Satisfactory? Hard nope. Dunno who compiled this but the UK press being in bed with hard right idealists both in finance and government makes for a very unsatisfactory press.
Hang on for one second sofa boy… whose administration is censoring words, removing any mention of women, race, sexuality and many other things from government policy and pages? Whose administration is locking up and deporting people for protesting?
It's America that's on the brink of destroying itself! Attacks on free speech, undermining the rule of law& constitution, disappearing people for protesting, cutting essential federal agencies e.g. medical, food & education from its own people! They'll be introducing martial law next.
Germany here. We don't need 'help' from right-wing, Christian nationalists who barely know where our country is located on the planet. Who are destroying their country, its spirit, humanity, justice, & rights. We feel sorry for the many who will inevitably suffer & can't expect any support or mercy.
EXACTLY!!! Who is asking for their help? How did they EVER become the moral compass for the rest of us. As a Canadian, the last thing I want to be is American!!!!
So… this has been going on for years and nobody (aka democrats) saw any reason to stop it? That’s why an idiot like Trump can do what he does while people still wonder how an idiot like him can do what he does
My people try the same maths for delusion. Truth is: you don’t know who the people who didn’t vote support. They certainly aren’t a reliable ally to stop Trump. They might even be worse. Most likely, they don’t do shit either way and are therefore complicit with the power
American here, (fully opposed to the rise of the right wing, but stuck here), and I agree with you. We’re hurting and headed for so much worse even if we eventually turn it around. I think at present the rest of the world standing firm against the insanity here is essential for the future of all.
Who actually wants to emulate the US, even bf trump.
They are ranked 22 in world in best places to live while being the richest, strongest country. That is a sign of problems.... and that 22 is going to fall further next year.
I'd rather live in a country of equality than one supporting fascism.
Whatever problems we might have here in Germany, not a single one would be solved by the intervention of a corrupt, ill-educated and fascist-led country like the current America. So we don’t need saving, thanks.
Thinking of the recent elections, unelected bureaucrats within the current Trump administration have rather gotten too much involved than too little. There's a difference between help & meddling in domestic affairs. Isn't there, Elon?
American here. He is so embarrassing. I’m so sorry for it all. I want to scream everyday. I have nothing to say… we’re embracing our worst selves right now.
Thanks. Thinking of myself as complicit even though you couldn’t pay me to vote for these asshats helps me stay engaged in the fight. It’s my way of taking ownership rather than feel powerless, which is what they really want. Ugly days.
I'm glad that the outside world sees how messed up this administration is! When nut jobs try to emulate this in your country please squash them like a bug!
We try. At the beginning of last & this yr, as the far-right had real momentum in the polls, millions took took the streets (in 2024 over weeks & weeks) to march for democracy & diversity. Unfortunately, our Conservatives embrace right-wing populism to syphon off far-right votes. It's dangerous.
Thanks! I lived in Germany for three GLORIOUS years in the early ‘80s and absolutely loved it. I’m 72 this year and I’ve never wanted to come back so badly in my life! Ich Liebe Deutschland! The unUS, not so much… 🤬💔
Thank you, I am so, so glad you were at home & okay here. It must be so unsettling to be in the US right now. The reason I never had to feel this is because you saved us. I think we all need to get back to this place.
I think it’s important not to just dismiss this as American ignorance, bigotry or arrogance. This is a VP who once called his president America’s Hitler and who has a wife of Indian descent. This is said as a calculation to divide. Putins playbook. How I wish he couldn’t find Canada on a map either…
Hero Number 24 assassinated many leading Nazi figures in Nazi occupied Norway. He lived at a ripeful age of 94. He was part of Norway's Resistance against the Nazis in World War 2. Death to all Nazis. We will be coming for you. Resist Tyranny and Fight! https://thecinemaholic.com/number-24-true-story-gunnar-sonsteby/
He's simply lying. I live in Europe, Germany. And he has to be uneducated in history. Or he's just making things up to match his agenda. A crook, a criminal this is. It should be illegal to spread propaganda! In all democracies!!
they're going to do "chicago" on your countries now.
i don't even think they're trying to fool the living, i think they're trying to leave a false narrative for historians of the future. they know they're criminals.
So he's ignorant and disrespectful too, like his criminal "friends". Please note: Such people never have friends, they have -partners in crime-. And those will always save themselves first and let their "friends" go to prison or die, for things THEY have done. Vile. Nonhuman, Disgusting.
Exactly. However, if things go sour, they will also turn on each other so fast. I'm just anxiously waiting for that moment - this trump posse are just so detestable, greedy and self centered that it's just a matter of time
In the meantime, 🇨🇦 and 🇪🇺 need stronger ties. We gave more in common anyway
It's a lie they repeat often, and their cult followers believe. They use the same lies when talking about Democratic states and cities in the US as a justification for why their base should despise them.
Have to agree. I never thought highly of the guy, but how does an educated adult go from alarm and criticism of Trump’s Hitlerian rhetoric, to being a fascist shill within 3 years? The only answer is he made the cynical choice that doing so was his best path to power. The worst kind of liar.
The US right wing also has one third of the US convinced that the other 22 developed countries have terrible health care and can’t get needed procedures. Sadly it’s those whose own access to healthcare is abysmal.
Health Care is one of our stellar social security pillars, besides sufficient, reliable soc. sec. "income". The gov. would not let us wait on payments. Survival is never at risk. Never! The only people who I see as not sufficiently cared for are some who live with terrible undiagnosed psych. trauma.
Walking through small towns in Europe, I feel like I can see the difference in health outcomes compared to the rural south USA where I live. So sad. I love your free world alliance!
At this point it is just obvious that they are Russian asset repeating the Kremlin point
And I agree with you . In every democracy that have some decency, it is illegal to spread propaganda.. at the same time , the internet is not really reigned in which sucks
It's not that simple. Certainly there's a Russian influence but the idea that Trump would knowingly serve someone else is pretty far-fetched and the kompromat theory fundamentally lacks a suggestion of what that material could conceivably be.
This is not taking into consideration, that DT has always been a criminal, thriving solely on extortion and conmanship. He'll sell anyone, anything to anyone just to make a buck and get by again. 6 bankruptcies, 10 year Epstein's best friend etc.. The criminal mindset of a typical narcissist.
Ego is what will trap him into anything, if it is "sold" correctly. An intel/forensics person knows this better than 45, because of his low IQ. Anyone more intelligent, more conniving, more experienced, will use 45' s ego as a trap. It is only a question of tricking him into taking the toxin.
Trump has said publicly that he could shoot someone in public and his supporters wouldn't waver. Not only is this a rare instance of him saying something largely true but it shows that he knows he doesn't need to fear blackmail.
Some days ago, DT said he only became pres., because "they" rigged the election. And that he won't be pres. anymore. He spoke truth then and we will all be celebrating the day, he'll be removed from office. It will be an important day in global history and it should become a national holiday!
If only we had a group of brave and righteous leaders who would remove him. I wonder if it’s because Trump is Putin’s bitch that the other politicians are afraid to stand up to him for fear of being pushed out a window or poisoned
Yeah. There are plenty of us that see it and think he should be in jail. We’re all so stunned by the rapidity that we’re still trying to come up with a plan. But there are few willing to stand up because everyone is afraid to be poor. We lack leadership. People here are spineless.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me”
Are those just words to JD or does he actually understand the meaning? He must not. What exactly is a “compatible migrant!?”
Yes, the biblical lands were in Asia but that was very much a part of a Mediterranean civilisation. It is one of the myths of the West that sees Greek and Roman origins while ignoring Phoenician, Egyptian and other North African and western Asian cultures
See, for example, the Eighth Archbishop of Canterbury, Theodore, born in Tarsus, who established a school at Canterbury and brought Greek and Syriac ideas to England.
And I always thought that Christianity and the related repression were a major reason people immigrated to the 13 colonies. Either he has his US history wrong or I do - and frankly, I am betting on him being wrong.
How do you feel when someone whose mom sold him for drugs tells you you’re wrong? My mom was an addict, but had SOME scruples. It’s no wonder this moron has no morals.
Vance is a pretender. He does not have the experience, knowledge, or understanding to lecture anybody about anything, especially Europeans about Europe. He is fake through and through.
Just a run of the mill white supremacist who became vice president, because Trump thought he could control him. Like Trump thinks he can control Elon...
Agree. It’s self protection to not listen to these fascistic idiots but resist instead - every day. They’re dopes who think they’re geniuses. Vance is a sellout, bought by Thiel. No character.
No doubt whatsoever that the US have a white supremacist government in power. Not that there was any confusion on this, but THIS is on another level "civilizational suicide" (the fact he also used an adjective very rarely used is also important in the intent here).
Pandering to the AfD voters. It's not migrants destroying the country, it's people like him and parties like the AfD. Schengen ist not the Problem either. They just hate the EU and want to destroy it.
We don't restrict free speech, we condemn hate speech. And prosecute people who show Nazi symbols. Like swastikas and the Hitler salute. Maybe you should take note.
He is more concerned about his eyeliner than about facts! These faschists try to restrict free spreech in the USA - but for sure not here in the EU. What an ignorant dumb person - everybody here laughing about Trump and Vance!
》The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society.《
It is like listening to the German propaganda minister Goebbels in the 1930s. Europe recognizes his message and desire to hand over our democracies to fascist despots. Europe will fight his Nazi ideology and attempts to destroy us.
He’s a disgrace to the country. Another weak man that knows the truth about trump but puts himself first and y’all last. Another pathetic republican who isn’t working for you!
Each thing Vance is quoted as saying is stupider and more pigheaded than the last! The more you know of J.D. Vance, the more reasons you have to dislike him...
It’s that mix of smug arrogance, constant distortion and exaggeration of facts, delivered with absolute self-confidence, and that soft, effeminate face with eyeliner that makes Vance so deeply uncanny and repulsive on a gut level.
I noticed this during mediation with my ex when getting divorced. I even found myself almost being fooled, but the actual words he said didn't make any sense. Tone and body language are powerful.
Although we know he is a fool, Vance should worry about the USA: his prez is burning the soul and heart of the country. His trade wars will impoverish tens of millions of Americans. His attacks on the judiciary are a profound attack against free speech and anti-corruption measures.
Why does JD Vance think that Trump/Musk/Vance US is great?🙄 Please...have several seats JD Vance. There's nothing to admire about America as it is currently. Europe is fantastic. Worry about your own country after all you said America first so let Europe worry about Europe. Aren't you the ones
restricting free speech and curtailing people's freedoms coz they're not aligned with the Trump/Musk agenda?🙄 E.g the student from Columbia University?.. It's laughable that he thinks Asylum Seekers are a threat to Europe's civilisation. They're less of a threat than China and Russia whom you've
wholeheartedly embraced. Many of those immigrants come from former colonies of Europe and majority UK. Have you heard of the Commonwealth? Europe has supported the US in various wars including during 9/11. Now Trump is alienating Europe, Canada and Mexico and for what exactly?..🙄 make it make sense.
Someone please tell the eyeliner guy that we Europeans are perfectly capable to decide for ourselves
Neither in Italy nor in France nor in Germany did we elect as president a convicted felon who tried to subvert electoral results and storm Parliament
Mind your business and wash your mouth with soap
Yes, exactly 103ys ago
And we wrote in our Constitution that we don't want and won't allow a fascist party any more
Now it seems that the Nazis marched from Skokie, Illinois directly to the White House
Berlusconi, was a criminal, got sentenced and even showed up for his social service, sort of.
Meloni, so far, seems to be staying within the boundaries of the Italian constitution and It’s the duty of the Italians to keep it that way.
Berlusconi's conviction raises many questions in law: a tax fraud by a company of which he was not the CEO anymore, just a shareholder
"He must have known", sort of
And in any case quite different from trying to overturn the elections and incite an angry mob to storm Parliament
Agree that this is a disgusting thing he said, but the way you phrased it it sounded like he was saying countries should restrict free speech (when he was instead trying to twist free speech into an argument for border control).
Still... yikes.
Insanely broken. I can't imagine how much pain and suffering his wife and children are experiencing. But for the wife... she has a choice and she's made that choice. She's all in with the fascism.
Ah $15 million worth prostitute is parroting PERVIY KANAL talking points. Which we in Europe have been listening to for 15 years. Is he sure that besides feeding him with dick, we will do something else?!
Using Europe and Germany to frighten the MAGA lemmings.
Note, homicides are rare in Europe, there is social security a wide range of free or cheap health care. Europe is not free of issues, but is coping. The USA is just giving up, resorting to make things worse everywhere, including for itself.
Wow! This incel talks a bout “free speech”. 🤦♂️ The audacity. With regards to borders - the USA is surrounded by oceans, my friend. It’s very different.
However, it’s clear that by saying things like this he wants to boost support for the German far-right party AfD. Key people in that party do not acknowledge that Hitler was evil. That says a lot about JD Vance. Absolute shame that this incel is a vice president of the USA.
Seriously just say it with your whole chest, with total honesty, that you DO NOT ACTUALLY BELIEVE in America, the constitution, the declaration of independence, or 250 years of trying to form a more perfect union. Just say you want a Christofascist state so we can have a real debate on it. Ffs
Feels like I'm living in the twilight zone where I go to work and everyone acts like it's normal around here and I go home and it's like a 5 alarm for for democracy.
I can't imagine. My daughter works at a restaurant with mostly black employees, so she doesn't have to deal with that every day, because they're all in the same boat. They're black, and we're poor. We're all being mistreated.
We're just stunned at the stupidity of so many people living here.
The Indians in England…civilizational suicide, right? Right?
His wife is garbage…what is her malfunction…having kids with this man and letting them get fed white supremacy. Yuck.
Sometimes I wonder if she is scared for her safety and the safety of her kids if she leaves him. I can think of no other reason she would stay. But it’s not much different then other women who stay with men who demean them in public and basically use them as livestock.
nothing about the way she conducts herself leads me to believe that. Compare her to Melanie who barely tolerates Trump, embarrasses him, signals her disgust. this one seems all in…I think she just decided to align with a white supremacist.
Russia and Belarus work together like in „the good old days“ during the cold war bringing migrants to the polish boarder to embarasse EU/Germany.Then the USA with their new friend Putin tells us sth about“free speech“to strengthen nazis?!
Better tell Putin to leave us alone!
But that's exactly what the extreme right, our Nazis, tell people.
But nobody wants to govern with them.
Greetings from Germany.
@mcuban.bsky.social @maddow.msnbc.com
Go to therapy like the real adults in the room instead of becoming a fascist since you hate yourself that much.
We agree he's a chud, which is doing them a disservice, too
Grew a tent in his underpants
While applying excessive eyeliner.
He then spied a couch
And beside it did crouch...
So he could fuck it, aaaayyoooo!
He’s absolutely delusional
80% of all the botox in the world is made in Mayo, Ireland.
As for their erectile issues... that's Cork, also Ireland.
Donnie is gonna make it expensive to tighten up and harden.
He’s ignorant and delusional.
Were Usha’s parents, Krish and Lakshmi Chilukuri, incompatible or compatible, and why?
In Europe we have freedoms 🇺🇸 can only dream off.
This is no accusation but if you want to stop this, you need to accept the reality. Trump has more support than Hitler when he was elected.
Do with that what you want but debating is over. Trump made it so
However, ⅓ of voters did not vote. Roughly ⅓ voted for him, ⅓ for Harris, ⅓ did not vote. So the majority of voters did not actually vote for him.
They are ranked 22 in world in best places to live while being the richest, strongest country. That is a sign of problems.... and that 22 is going to fall further next year.
I'd rather live in a country of equality than one supporting fascism.
You persecuted Musk for interfering in your elections and (for some reason that has most of us ready for blood) our country refused.
The ONLY thing of ours that should be emulated at all is our USAID program that has been mostly cancelled by these Jim Crow fuckers
And, like, jazz music
Thinking of the recent elections, unelected bureaucrats within the current Trump administration have rather gotten too much involved than too little. There's a difference between help & meddling in domestic affairs. Isn't there, Elon?
We will do everything we can to defeat them and rebuild.
So sad and embarrassed and angry.
i don't even think they're trying to fool the living, i think they're trying to leave a false narrative for historians of the future. they know they're criminals.
(Seriously: joining MAGA proves that you are generally ignorant of history).
It's that level of ignorance, selfishness and arrogance that world is dealing with in trump/Vance.
They don't pay attention to foreign affairs unless they can extort something.
In the meantime, 🇨🇦 and 🇪🇺 need stronger ties. We gave more in common anyway
“I saw a video.”
“Get out of here!!!!”
And I agree with you . In every democracy that have some decency, it is illegal to spread propaganda.. at the same time , the internet is not really reigned in which sucks
It's not that simple. Certainly there's a Russian influence but the idea that Trump would knowingly serve someone else is pretty far-fetched and the kompromat theory fundamentally lacks a suggestion of what that material could conceivably be.
Sure he'll sell out to ("do a deal with") Putin but that's not the same as working for him. He has too much ego
It shows you the ugliness that's inside the person's heart.
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me”
Are those just words to JD or does he actually understand the meaning? He must not. What exactly is a “compatible migrant!?”
I thought places like Galilee, Bethlehem and Jerusalem were in Asia.
It’s a thick volume but Tom Hollander’s Dominium puts Christianity in context.
Where they went? Hmmm 🇺🇸
There's a reason all of Europe sees the USA as being always to the right of the political centre. Statements like these only prove the joke true.
Don't complain about imports when you stranglehold borders.
The sad part is that he and Trump are the reason why the US is being destroyed from within.
》The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society.《
White supremacists are in the White House, and they're loudly and confidently declaring themselves .
It's not all about immigration. 🙄
What exactly does he mean by using that word?
That they're not white?
Neither in Italy nor in France nor in Germany did we elect as president a convicted felon who tried to subvert electoral results and storm Parliament
Mind your business and wash your mouth with soap
And Trump and Vance and Musk are actively promoting the successors to that guy: AfD
Can you read my story and♥️💙🙏🏽🙏🏽 donate a small amount?
I apologize for reaching out this way 🙏
And we wrote in our Constitution that we don't want and won't allow a fascist party any more
Now it seems that the Nazis marched from Skokie, Illinois directly to the White House
Meloni, so far, seems to be staying within the boundaries of the Italian constitution and It’s the duty of the Italians to keep it that way.
"He must have known", sort of
And in any case quite different from trying to overturn the elections and incite an angry mob to storm Parliament
Still... yikes.
Sorry, that position is already being filled by both of your presidents, JD.
We're going to have to report you to DOGE for being a massive fucking waste.
Repetition and crass ugliness seem to work on many Americans who have wanted to hear this for a very long time.
According to Trump, a border is just a line on a map (some of them, anyway).
making a fool Of himself
Note, homicides are rare in Europe, there is social security a wide range of free or cheap health care. Europe is not free of issues, but is coping. The USA is just giving up, resorting to make things worse everywhere, including for itself.
Strong agree that just going to work and acting like it's a normal work day gets harder each day of this
We're just stunned at the stupidity of so many people living here.
His wife is garbage…what is her malfunction…having kids with this man and letting them get fed white supremacy. Yuck.
(I give neither of them grace, to be clear)