Figured I’d hop on here today for the 15th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act.
With everything going on right now, it’s easy to feel like regular folks can’t make a difference – but the ACA is a reminder that change is possible when we fight for progress.
With everything going on right now, it’s easy to feel like regular folks can’t make a difference – but the ACA is a reminder that change is possible when we fight for progress.
Don't make that mistake again please, it costed you the last election
I don't say he did.
I said that planning an over70yo president is a stupid idea anyway.
Get some reading instructions.
I am from a social democratic country, of course Sanders is right. Fact is the US will never be a social democracy. Too many retarded conservatives.
On both sides, too.
But there might be factions. We don't know.
Coups are not planned in broad day light.
You should definitely hit the road with AOC and Bernie. Your exceptional speaking skills make you the ideal choice to join them.
We are on same side. Yelling at me is what Vlad wants.
Two great equalizers in the country: education & healthcare.
M4A can only happen if ppl vote/demand it.. some states (senators) won't.
Kentucky loves them some ACA, until you put a certain fmr president's name in front. This is your reality. Oh and you may want to revisit exactly 'how' Johnson came to sign the CRA.
Useless.. clearly not reading for comprehension but rather to argue or just get attention. Read into it what you will.
"That guy" that signed the ACA into law knew one thing (well lots): make it almost impossible to get rid of it. For that, this healthcare professional is eternally grateful.
Start where the problem really is. Bernie has been a senator long b4 Obama got there.. why wasn't it done before?
Start there.
Someone (millions of ppl) had healthcare for the 1st time bc of the ACA.
Ppl wanted perfection in 2009, but the goal was to keep improving upon the law. Then 2010 comes & you let the GOP try to unravel it while still complaining.
Bipolar voters.
And why we don't be protesting alongside them either.
(1) Daredevil is my favorite Marvel character, and (2) if I was a superhero, it wouldn't be for yall
I'm not on Youtube and I've never supported Trump, I'm not even american, you dumbass.
And if you're not American, what is even your point in responding to me, you idiot? My comment doesn't even apply to you, dummy.
And don't tell me what I contributed to. You still haven't confronted your MAGA friends and family about their "contributing to race division."
Yeah, didn't think so.
So, you just proved my point.
The same thing they did when he was in office...
I don't blame him for not speaking out.. he'll only get criticized for it!!
It's their fight now and I'm going to watch from the sidelines!!!!
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Especially with all the grifters trying to muddy the waters from the bad faith acting (how we got political corruption).
It cheats.
What are YOU doing to help other than complaining on a social media app?
he should be working his ass off for the rest of his goddamn life for us! he should not have a single moment's peace for the millions of lives he destroyed!
carter at least understood that. whatever, you freaks love trump. shut the fuck up.
And then codified Abortion. Flint Michigan, etc.
accomplished much, including healthcare access, for millions of the same folks who questioned his identity, threatened his family, and elected the current administration in whiplash to his very come save us! WTF
Asking more of elected officials is good, actually.
This is a narrative. You don’t have to repeat it without thought. You can be more critical.
- It seems highly unlikely that Trump won the elections.
And I think that among everything you must address to update, declaring electronic voting unconstitutional should be one of the first points.
So, raise the debate to an adult level or go play in the playground; we're talking about lives here.
Everyone has tried it and everyone has rejected it.
Now think that they've hunted you down without firing a single shot, and that Europe is directly threatened with becoming like Gaza and Abu Ghraib.
Guess why.
Sit down & be quiet. Obama spoke BEFORE the election. You didn't listen, you don't get to demand anything of him now.
You are the racist one, here.
Calm down and go wash your legs.
~The free world.
i wish you would fight Elon Musk
Remember, the one time he did get involved was to lead the colluding of
the establishment conservative neoliberal’s against Bernie.
Thanks, Obama.
*image is satire
The Dem party hasn't shown ANY hint of opposition.
He did, Kamala did, Hillary did, Michelle did, etc...
What's happening now is a direct result of people not listening. He no longer holds any political office. Direct it at the elected officials who took an oath to protect people from foreign and domestic terrorists.
Nazis are now in power. Perhaps he isn't the voice that's needed. Perhaps white people need to have the balls to talk to their friends and family and have difficult conversations, maybe that would have curbed this. Obama did the work. Voters didn't.
Well now he’s filling fields with AOC and Corporate Dems trot this?!
ONCE AGAIN, ignoring why Trump won shows us we need to say...
Y'all got it. You're right.
It starts local and flows up in a thriving democracy.
ACA passed with 0 RNC votes in the house & 0 RNC votes in the Senate. (roll calls included)
DNC Platform = ANTI-Universal Healthcare.
DNC Services Corporation = suicide cult
F**K DNC murderers.
Green Party = Universal Healthcare
Is for-profit insurance the same thing as care?
Is INSURANCE Health Care?
If so?
Explain the claims DENIALS?
UNH DENIES 33% of health claims.
Explain that?
Explain how 33% claims denials = healthcare?
Go ahead, I'll wait.
Would you consider reading my story and making a small donation?
If this bothers you, just let me know, and I’ll remove the message.
Thanks for your time.;_>
Obama was powerless to actually help us.
I am sure anyone who has died from not getting medicine can take solace that Obama didn't want to.
It might be needed soon 😁
PS: thanks, and welcome to The Resistance
But I suppose your white ass (I’m sorry “light skinned”) loves that about him.
I have seen only compromission and cowardice from the other Democrats, in particular from most who called themselves "The Resistance" and have done next to nothing to fight Trump.
Chuck Schumer is Biden bis. He is failing completely and dragging the entire party - and America -, with him.
I really wish Democrats had been less dignified and more vocal under Biden.
He's not being a coward, he's telling truth. djt is such a Bully-BABY! While he can mock a disabled person, call everyone demeaning names/make crude comments (can you say "projection?"), but he can't take a joke! Think about it 🤔 I agree. djt needs a big wake up: FUdjt
I was booted from my parents' coverage before mine started with my first "real" job. Had a seizure fresh out of school. Had to pay out of pocket for a neurologist, MRI, MRA, & EEG...which took forever.
The transition to adulthood hit me hard.
Miss you Obama!
Why do you ask?
Too bad there's no fight left in the democrat politicians
Punch him in the balls if he doesn't get it.
His strategic thinking is devoid of any Earthly coherence.
Mars doesn't have any Senators.
Send Chuck to Mars.
Two birds. One stone.
LOL super white bro be sure, if being joked about at an event caused him to destroy human beings and the planet, then HE IS STILL THE PROBLEM. Stop blaming Black people for the evil of wp.
Trump attacking Michelle and insulting his kids?!?!
Be fucking for real, sir.
Please say that in front of a mirror to realize how fucking stupid you sound.
One of the dumbest comments of the moment.
You do realize...
My only comfort is found in Biblical prophecy which seems to indicate that we are nearing the Tribulation. Not that it will make things better, but it does provide a reason for this tragedy.
On board with what exactly?
I’m volunteering and donating, esp to orgs that are fighting in the courts.
I don’t need mommy or daddy to tell me what to do.
I thought I asked nicely. It’s right there in the post.
Do you think Bush is a good person or something? He fucking made up a fake war and sent your asses there so Halliburton could make money on your deaths!
Weird how he's always powerless against Elon and Trump.
You know, words mean things and politely asking a former president to do something isnt harrassment
Obama ran on hope and change and failed to deliver. That nigger owes us.
How about he just act like his Supreme Court justice pick he was too weak to fight for and disappear.
Finally showed up to the party 🎉
Medicare is nothing like the system you are hoping for, ask anyone who is on it. BTW, my ObamaCare coverage was far far better, not close. It seems like you know nothing of the battle to get us to UHC
My extended family relies completely on the ACA -- in many cases to have any insurance at all.
We ALL rely on the lifting caps on benefits, insuring our children until age 26, coverage of pre-existing conditions, preventive care, substance abuse coverage, etc.
People forget.
Do you know who has been keeping any adjustments to the ACA? I would say Republicans but they don't get in if people don't vote for Democrats.
Needless to say I am MAD jealous!
Congrats on the sobriety man! Addiction is no easy feat! 🙌🏼
Cheers(holding my absurdly large Stanley water bottle) to another 9+ years!!!
***running to fill up a cup of ice tea from the fridge****
Cheers!! Love me some iced tea, I’ll take any excuse!
Great job Chris! You’re an inspiration.
Also - you got a shout out from Barack Obama! How cool is that!
Good for you and thank you for sharing! It was cool to get that shout out, wasn’t it!
Honestly, one of the reasons I became increasingly faithful toward middle age was realizing how much of the NT was about treating each other well in life truly mattering. So perhaps blessing & good support for needs aren't entirely separate.❤️
I think he was incredibly effective considering. Cheers!
MUCH less than two years.
And the whole time there were conservadems (Nelson, LIEberman & others) who fought against the most progressive things Obama tried to do.
Just getting the ACA done was, as Biden put it, a BFD!
Medicare for all IS a life and death issue. Of course it is. Did anyone say it wasn't?
THREE Dem admins failed us? But M4A didn't have majority support until recently. That's not a president's fault.
The ACA has saved lives. Glad yours was one of them, Chris. ✌️
One Day At Time.
Pain 😢
8 cakes and music because you are headed to 9. Thanks for sharing your accomplishment with all of us!
I got clean in July of 2016, not because of the ACA (which I fully love and support) but because I was fortunate enough to have Medicaid. It breaks my heart that so many people will continue to suffer and die when these monsters take our healthcare coverage away.
Glad you’re here.
I'm a bit jealous!
Big hugs..
Congrats on your sobriety AND for getting a shout out from BHO on his first day on Bluesky!!!
One day at a time.
You spent months making needless concessions to Republicans in the name of bipartisanship, and the result was a watered down mess that they didn't support anyway.
But I truly believe that you never took the danger seriously enough, that you still don't, and the consequence of that is going to fall on marginalized heads.
Its not all Obama's fault.
Enough blame to go around for everyone.
So sit down shut up and listen when a black woman is speaking to you!
My statement was pretty hypothetical. If DT stayed, democracy will long have been dissolved. I’d imagine a civil war if it went that far.
However - he is one of the few individuals alive today that other humans believe and would follow.
Michelle might kill him though if he mentions it..
There are so many things he could do and isn't doing.
Also...who wants to have to clean up after all of...this?!?
Whoever does will have a third of a billion back seat drivers. Look at what Schumer just endured.
He didn't have to do what he did, a handful of loud voices told him to ignore his constituency and hand the Trump administration everything they wanted for the budget in an attempt at some misguided notion of compromise, one in exchange for absolutely fucking nothing.
“Oh my favorite rich and powerful person is having a hard time 😢”
There's a neo-Nazi oligarch fascist in the Whitehouse. Right now it feels like those with the power and authority to do something, are offering up platitudes and meaningless gestures.
We are hurting. War is coming.
We could use a little assistance.
But I miss you dog, and the DNC ain't shit these days. Come back and fight the good fight. We need you.
This man is not your friend.
But what youd say no to either or both coming out in full throated support of the good guys?
Re: 2020 he personally got Amy and Pete to drop before Super Tuesday & endorse Joe.
For context, I gave hundreds of hours to the Bernie campaign. FFS I made this:
And I am salty as fuck Abt the DNC and 2020 too dude. I'm way saltier that I have to coincide that Obama dropped more bombs on the middle east than the previous and next two (weeks think combined?) so prioritize.
Who are you really the ally of when you play a game of exclusion on the left? Scenester bullshit. It's not like its Chuck Schumer for gods sake
is very different from
“Doing nothing until a socialist is the first candidate in American history to win all 3 of the first 3 races, then making deals with less popular candidates to subvert what the public wanted and anoint the guy in fifth place.”
But the time is long over for infighting left of, apparently Joe Walsh 🤮 these days.
So kudos for Obama not doing that
What's happening now is a direct result of people not listening. He no longer holds any political office. Direct it at the elected officials who took an oath to protect people from foreign and domestic terrorists.
He can move people whereas those you mention just don't have that 'gift'
In 100 years, we've only had maybe 5-6 at that level.
with the insanity "theyre eating the dogs. they're eating the cats"
either this was hacked or this is the most stupid first world country a LONG shot...on the face of the earth.
To be hateful...and he's now Jesus to them.
It's basically an awful country to lift up such a total degenerate to this level of power.
No decent society would ever allow this.
For some reason, 16 million fewer people voted Dem this time.
It's wild for me that anyone would celebrate anything about the US healthcare system. You are so out of touch.
Have you been soaking up propaganda about how we supposedly had that for a year? Two years? Boy, are YOU in for a shock. It was a matter of interrupted WEEKS between fall 2009 and Feb. 2010.
We miss you so much!
And choose wealth and comfort instead of assassinating racists
Fuck off
never again.
Fucking Classic.
Go away.
From 2015:
Tldr: dems focus on incrementalism and end up preserving the status quo, while 'pubs worked for 50 years to implement their plan
The ACA needs to stay, but dems also need a "proj 2030" to get single payer
A quick blockaroony and back to Earth 1.
You sold us out fuck off.
Very proud of Obama's anti-terrorism campaign.
Need you on the field
Thank you for the aca, thank you for trying, thank you for caring enough to try, and thank you for your patience in making it happen.
He could tell the Homeland Security secretary that the Democratic candidate should not be granted Secret Service protection. I certainly hope not.
He is an amazing orator but part of the reason Fox & et al. made up controversies from whole, tan cloth was that he was rigous smoke. He rarely gave them something to attack.
The blood of children of #gaza on your hands for not speaking up against the continous #Genocide
Be thankful for what he’s done for our country and stop trying to shame him for not doing more. We are fortunate he is here right now.
We did not protect him and his family.
But Americans are afraid of their own shadow, and they NEED to be told what to do That's why the right has gained such a foot hold here Americans mistakenly think if I follow the rules I'll be ok
You have a lot bigger megaphone than me.
Also, is this story about Trump or Obama? Would you like this story to be about Obama? I know Trump would.
The point he’s making is that Obama as an ex-president has much more sway and influence and pull than a regular person.
And if we’re being honest - he ~should~ be using it.
It has NEVER been a practice of a former president to criticize the current administration, but y'all want Obama to be the first? The DNC wasn't enough? The gall. He has a leaders program. Enroll and take 5 friends. The only thing Obama has to do is SBAD.
And you're getting bent out of shape because random people on social media want him to use 2% of his influence to oppose fascism.
Grow up. "The gall."
Lol, lmfao.
Get your light skinned white ass outta here.
And we need it NOW!!
same thing!!!!!!!!
If we don't stand together as ONE VOICE...we might as well not stand at all!!! No politician (no matter how big their platform is) can save us! The ONLY way to end this is millions in the streets.
Well said
Wealth inequality grew at rates never before seen.
He was a complete disaster, IMO.
He should never have been seen laughing with Trump. I can’t trust him now. But if he had integrity, he would be speaking against Trump. And. Yet.
Thank you for taking the time to engage with us on this important anniversary. The Affordable Care Act has undoubtedly changed millions of lives, providing access to healthcare for those who need it most.
As someone who has always championed progress and justice, how do you see the path forward?
With respect,
Mario J. Patiño-Medina
More to the point GWB has the perfect argument tee’d right up.
The shameful cutting of VA programs.
If you want to INCREASE support you have to reach people you DON’T already have. That takes words from their own guys. Not guys they’ve tuned out as opposition their whole life.
And then 2)
Your post sounds like the meme: "We have done absolutely nothing and we are completely out of ideas".
I haven’t seen one person on here call for former President Bush to do “something”
The American voters made their choice.They are the only people who can change things.
Some of you already make me think some of you are actually MAGA sleeper agents, ffs.
Stop shitting on Obama. He can’t do shit for you besides using his voice.
it would be cool if i could just go to a doctor and the government paid for it, rather than having to deal with yet more layers of cryptic labyrinthine bullshit
Of course, we’ll have to pay more in taxes as there is no such thing as free healthcare. But I would pay a little more in taxes if it means people can get the healthcare they need.
There’s more to this than blaming it on Obama or Clinton or Bush for not being present.
They did their duty.
Thank you President Obama
and Nancy Pelosi!
Happy to see you here. 😊
Now: Would it kill you to speak out against what Donald Trump is doing and organize opposition to it? I'll even spot you a gift link to an article that offers suggestions.[0]=AT3RcUhRu4_YWqXCGHO_oemH_pOEkguzmMucaTnVkMsDzvJ8xAMR5e29dAcSo9MIthFO_jxKJaZw8YWUZ5-J94M9DyFRYeOzZkmOUZJUTrIsDrUcO4uiz34KzgvH2NPS414b
that is a year and a half away, dipshit. what are you doing until then?