I don't know if this is the kind of stupid or funny you're looking for, but I noticed the other day Gentlemen Broncos is streaming and I have fond memories of being one of the few people to actually see it in a real movie theater.
It is so sweet and sincere in its convictions about the importance of art/creativity (in and around all the slapstick humor and such). I guess I get why people didn't love it at the time, because it doesn't have the same ironic detachment as Napoleon Dynamite, but it felt like it was made for me.
"Supernova" (Spain, 1992). Starred by Marta Sánchez, a wildly popular bombshell at the highest point of her fame. Loosely based on Metropoli, it tells the story of a rich man in love with an "intergalactic singer" who creates a robotic replica.
Him running around the wreckage of the Jeep full of his badass buddies that he just exploded is probably one of the most potent evocations of regret ever committed to film. “TANK…? YOU GUYS OK???”
As a Certified RiffTrax Fan* I have oh so many suggestions. But you cannot go wrong with The Apple, if you want good quality and The Guy from Harlem, if you don't.
Intolerable Cruelty- most underrated Coens. Billy Bob dipping the prenup in bbq sauce & eating it while hollering I LOVE YOU! I TRUST YOU LIKE A SONOFABITCH! It’s incredibly good.
Hmmm, stupid and hilarious not much comes to mind. However if you’re looking for intellectual and hilarious then there’s only one that rises to the top…. Dumb & Dumber.
Disaster Movie (or any of the parody movies arouns that time) are the stupidest most crass movies with occasional poor aging issues, but they never fail to get me laughing at some of the things in them.
Airplane! The exclamation point is part of the title, if you weren’t in high school or older in 1980 a lot of it will be lost. But plenty of stupid to go around
Well I love good humour. Not into the "stupid" part. But possibly Monty Python & the Holy Grail might qualify. It's asinine but subtly cerebral. Blazing Saddles and History of the World also keep me rolling.
A Mighty Wind
Spies Like Us
and of course fucken holy grail
If it's the former: "The Core" (2005)
If it's the latter: "The Creeping Terror" (1964) / MST3K 606
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LSEJ5Q-FZU (WARNING: This will destroy brain cells. You've been warned)
Big stan
josie and the pussycats
billy madison
dumb & dumber
hot rod
Freddy Got Fingered.
*I just made that up.
The Naked Gun
Radioland Murders
Wayne’s World
Strange Brew
Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping
Happy Gilmore
And they’re stupid in the best way.
Chopping mall
Blazing Saddles
Hot Shots
Police Squad!
Life Of Brian
Shaun of the Dead
Monty Python - Meaning of Life
The Naked Gun trilogy
Hundreds of Beavers
Tucker and Dale vs Evil
Dark Star
Better Off Dead
Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins
Amazon Women on the Moon
Kentucky Fried Movie
Toxic Avenger
Hell Comes to Frogtown
Objectively, Hot Shots: Part Deux probably slots high on the stupid but also funny meter, with the Sheens passing on a boat gag being a superb gag.
I’ll always group them together because I first got the VHS tapes as a collection.
It lost me and I didn’t find it funny, but it’s beyond stupid 😂
Ace Ventura comes closest.
Vampire Cop Ricky
Shaolin Soccer
Spinal Tap
The Naked Gun series is also FANTASTIC. Leslie Nielsen is so amazing.
Haven’t see anyone mention The Jerk.
Go in blind, if you can.
Loaded Weapon
Hot Shots pt Deux
Naked Gun (any)
Hot Rod
Talladegga Nights
Pop Star. Barb & Star. Brain Candy. Brain Donors. Who’s The Man? Surf 2. Mannequin 2. CB4. Hot Shots Part Deux
Romy and Michelle
The Heat
Kung Fu Hustle 😆