The right wing is trying to amplify any disagreements between the left. This is helping them. Trying to "cancel" these guys doesn't help push forward our Democratic message. We can disagree without name-calling. PS-- those poll numbers are biased. He still has broad support.
Because Newsom is NOT agreeing with fascists and white supremacists. He didn't say anything like that. I'm not "scolding voters" I'm just pointing out that the "Newsom is a fascist" talking point is fake news and spreading it is helping with right wing echo chamber.
never said he was a fascist, but he platforms fascists and looks for common ground with them, which is absolutely deplorable, because it perpetuates the infighting that you fell for
If you don't support trans rights you are not taking a position on the left. If you think people on the left hating a position on the right is problematic, you're contributing to the thinking that has continually moved things to the right
I do not support people and I never will. I support policies
here, i'll go further. EVEN IF there was scientific evidence that suggested trans women have a significant advantage over cisgender women (there isn't), capitulating to republicans on this issue shows two things: weak ideological foundations & that no LGB person should trust you. it's the same fight
I have been saying for years that Democrats are just performatively progressive and that basically none of them care. If their base was even hald as bad as republicans are the Democrats would talk like Grand Wizards of the KKK.
That post about how the political calculus is pretty clearly “bigots will never vote for a fake bigot when a real bigot is in the race, but the people you throw under the bus and their allies will never really trust you again”
This infuriates me. I'm a white cis male, married, etc, & I have nothing but love for everyone in your community. I'm proud to call myself an ally. Why these politicians give up their souls thinking they will get grace from the GOP ghouls never ceases to amaze me. It never works.
Can't speak for the GOP, but trying to sell yourself as "just a little bigoted in the same way you are" is not messaging that's going to work among the Democratic coalition.
How many times do democrats have to see that a move to the right is popular with literally NO ONE?! I’m a millennial and they’ve been doing this my whole life and it makes me want to scream some more into the void.
Their diabolical evil plan. Talk to people. Hear them out. Organize and give the people the skills tools and information fight for a better life for themselves. Build a mass movement. Get rid of the ruling class. Than Build a government of the people for the people.
I never paid much attention to Carville, seeing him as a bit of a fossil who gave ineffectual advice. A lazy go-to for the networks, in that way they pick so many of their guests.
Now that he's being this evil, I hope he either backtracks and apologizes or gets fired into the sun. Asshole.
I don't hate anyone. I don't wish ill on anyone because of their sexuality or lifestyle choices. But there are biological advantages trans women have that makes it unfair for them to compete in anything but mens sports. I don't think this is an unreasonable position.
See, shit like this is fun because if I say "go fuck yourself" you'll say "wow, look at this unreasonable tranny! so much for the tolerant left!" and if I actually try to debate your flawed argument I'll be here all night. You people have perfected the art of being a fucking tar pit.
I'm on the left, and there is no argument to be made. There are separate mens and womens leagues for a reason. That's just the reality, no hate. I love sports, my daughters play, I played basketball in college. It's not fair for them to compete against trans women. It just isn't. Again no hate here
This is, of course, ignoring the fact that the Trans People In Sports Debate was always a smokescreen to start a debate over how many rights trans people deserve to have (and how many they can get away with taking from us)
Wow, it's almost like the only people who care about trans issues are either strongly supportive or strongly opposed, and Democrats risk losing the former while having no chance of winning the latter, and the wider electorate doesn't care either way no matter what binary answer they give in polls
A fundamental error here is they are reaching for lower engagement voters in the mythical middle while alienating the highest engagement voters in their own base. They’d have a better shot at committing to the bit and just becoming Republicans through and through.
Newsom ltrl lives his whole adult life setting himself up to run for president, and then throws all that work away at the last mile chasing greater clout. Classic ambition-monster fumble.
Carville is so far past his best before date I can't even see him in the rear view mirror anymore. And that's not ageism (I'm a boomer myself), it's lack of success. He's not won a US campaign since Bill Clinton (and that was thanks to Perot).
He's a dirty, washed-up zero. Why do we still see him?
I just googled him and read this, "three unsuccessful Democratic Party presidential contenders, including Massachusetts Senator John Kerry in 2004, New York Senator Hillary Clinton in 2008, and Colorado Senator Michael Bennet in 2020"
They’re all so desperate to believe “most people agree” with their unexamined biases, hallucinating some silent majority not reflected in any poll, let alone actual moral reasoning, that they’re locked into the sunk cost at this point.
I don’t want my government candidates or legislators diving into culture wars. I want them to govern, legally, respectfully and in the interest of Americans. If they can’t communicate that without the culture warrior crap, I’m not interested.
All it took was one interview and I immediately realized that I would never support Gavin Newsom again. I have voted for him every time he’s come up as governor, and one podcast was enough for me to drop him like a sack of moldy potatoes. Carville is an idiot and an ass.
So basically he’s saying a lot of democrats aren’t actually liberals or leftists but, rather…. *checks notes*… republicans in drag? Or merely mercenaries with a lust for power and no solid value system?
Really? This country is being burned to the ground and your worried if the curtains match the pillows? You all should be ashamed. Do something fucking useful!
And three weeks ago, Carville said the Trump administration would collapse in 30 days. With a week to go in that prediction (as much as I'd love to see it) I'm not holding my breath...
That honestly doesn’t tell me a lot. A Republican commented that Gavin’s comments didn’t go far enough to denounce trans in sports. Which means his comments pissed off both progressives (for trans bashing) and conservatives (for not taking a clear stance).
Ah they took the bait and it’s biting them in the ass, I see. Either old and out of touch white dudes or dummies who took the bad faith Trojan horse bait, both options disqualify their opinions
Damp living fossil that managed to survive several mass extinctions. I don’t think the comparison is fair either since we all know Schumer probably can’t even survive a single day on minimum wage, let alone the end of days.
Anyone in the Democratic Party taking advice from James Carville deserves their inevitable fate. Carville is entirely out of touch with the state of affairs and is going to single-handedly end up destroying the Democrats if they're stupid enough to follow is garbage advice.
Frankly, even suggesting that Democrats could, or even should, follow Newsom down the anti-trans path is disgusting and entirely gross. Imagine throwing an entire group of people away to stay in power. What kind of morally bankrupt idea is that?
I care so little about what James CArville thinks. He made an entire career out of winning one national election. He's wrong more often than he's right and the only reason why the media listens to him is because they think he's entertaining.
This is the problem with Democrats trying to appear more moderate (read, keeping with the status quo): either Independents and Republicans deem them insincere, or Republicans just move further right.
To attract converts, you have to fight for change, and the Democrats aren't doing it.
Also that victory had nothing to do with him. Clinton won because Perot ran. Had Perot not won, Clinton would have gotten his ass handed to him. Carville was just lucky enough to be there at the right time
I’ve got a sister-in-law and her family who live in New Orleans, went to Jazzfest last year (Mick Jagger called out the governor for his bigotry) still love to visit there but the rest of the state seems pretty conservative
I find most cities tend to lean blue and the rural areas tend to be red. Here in Illinois the claim to be blue, but except for Chicago and university cities, it’s deep red
Another Democrat allowed conservatives to define the boundaries of the conversation.
Simple example: pro-gay vs. anti-gay:
- If anti-gay means "no one should be gay", pro-gay means "everyone should be gay".
- The middle is to let people be themselves.
They'll do it anyway. They know it'll backfire, they know their base hates it, but fascists told them to hate trans folks and liberals have to do everything fascists tell them to do.
I will quite literally never give a $ or a vote to Gavin Newsom, he is a backstabbing, lying, grifting bigoted scumbag.
Even in his personal life, he cheated with his best friend‘s wife. I regret any reluctantly positive thing I ever said about him. What a worthless asshole.
I love this chain of events of Gavin Newson telling everyone he's anti trans, can't raise one of his kids to not be a hateful little shit, and tanking his political career
‘The final clip showed Newsom saying it is "deeply unfair" for trans women to compete in female sports. He added … Republicans were able to "weaponize" the issue … and criticized how "people talk down to vulnerable communities," referencing mental health and suicide rates among those being targeted.
it, like every aspect of dems trying to pander to the right, is a huge failure because:
- their actual supporters hate this shit,
- the rightoids they're trying to court are still just gonna support the republican freaks that put their whole asses into this shit.
I am utterly confounded by Newsom about all of this. How did he look at the current political landscape and think that by platforming Charlie Kirk and Steve Bannon that was somehow going to play well? He went from being someone casuals wanted to run for president to being persona non-grata.
Why the fuck would anybody listen to that sack of shit. He hasn’t been relevant since what, the 80’s? Him and Schumer and the rest of the old guard need to be tossed to the side.
All I need to know about Carville is that he's still married to Mary Matalin and her post Reagan/Bush work is gross. Sharing your life with someone who's published Cheney, Rove, Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Jerome Corsi, and the Swift Boat attack on Kerry tells me you have no true beliefs.
With his strategy locked to ‘92/‘96, he’s more of a coprolite now, but your point stands. He seems to not grasp that shifts toward centrism ceased to be even remotely workable when the Overton window got its track greased and slid so hard to the right that its glass broke.
I mean he’s a huckster so rubes will continue to heed him, but I think broadly the rest of us wouldn’t mind if Acererak crawled back into his tomb and stayed there
Yes like living solely in water is something we have moved past we have also moved past the political stylings of the 80s and 90s era Democrat dirty tricks men
Carville is grumpy that the strategies of the 1990s don't work anymore, and he's trying to swipe for revenge against "special interest groups" (aka marginalized people), whom he views as getting in the way of his (strategically obsolete) battle plans.
They kind of did in 96. Granted, the GOP ran itself ragged primarying the anti-Clinton candidate (and thus were low on funds) and Bob Dole was a joke, but we can't deny on some level it did despite everything.
Notice how he specifically went on *Fox News* to do this. He's trying to paint the Dems as center right (like he did with Bill Clinton in 1996), effectively pursuing the same strategy as Hillary and Harris.
Which is proof he's out of touch, given how that worked out for them.
One of the most important lessons of the history of resistance is that you can never wind back the clock. Denial plays right into the hands of the fash (we'd go so far as to say they can't exist without it), where as acceptance and action is what gets results.
I lived in SF when he was mayor, I've interviewed him on multiple occasions, and I just don't think he has it in him to be perceived as anything other than fake. I can't think of a time I've seen him in action and didn't think "uh huh, I see what you're trying to get away with"
i will be honest, my permanent impression of Newsom has been as one of those stereotypically slimy business guy villains from a 90s movie, saying whatever he thought he had to, to do whatever he thought he could get away with
He was right about how to get Clinton elected in 1992 (which many people I knew thought was impossible). But that's it. I mean, he's right when the current conditions are the same as in 1992, but how often has that happened in the last third of a century?
When I think about problems in the country, trans people, athletes or not, does not even make the top 1,000.
What does make my list are the inhumanity of the bullying trans people, the obsession of the political class, current and has-beens, with what goes on in people's pants, and bedrooms
Gack. Paul Begala, famous for helping win a campaign in 1992, came out on NPR with an unprovoked attack on trans people and "woke" etc. These old fools and the pols who listen to them all need to retire. Like, today.
Absolutely. I also think that the whole podcast, rightward swing, etc. is more of him so desperately wanting to be president that it puts people off, too. It's calculated, inauthentic cruelty in the hopes of being president.
I will guarantee you that James Carville interacts with trans people and has no idea who they are because he's such an asshole that they will not come out to him. If human rights were determined by the majority, the only people with any rights would be white men.
Political Skeletor has been stuck in 1996 as long as I've been a voting adult, I sure wish people would stop calling him for any reason. Let the man decay in peace
I actually see this advice as a great advantage. Because if you take it, you’re admitting you’re weak and don’t need to be anywhere near public office. Similar to Trump bumper stickers—I say thank you for outright telling me that best case you’re useless. Saves me time.
Adopting 'trans women who went through puberty as men must be allowed in women's sporting events' feels like the kind of litmus test trap that libs are failing with the public, exploited with glee by Fox and Rs. I consider myself as pro-trans regarding deadnaming and everything else. Thoughts?
You’re either 110% in favor of blindly supporting their current insanity or you are a hate monger. Welcome to the club where common sense rules and is labeled as hate
The framing is already right-wing bullshit, based on the assumption that there are no physical differences between trans women and men, and on the further assumption that cis women are definitionally weaker and worse at things than cis men.
Both of these do not stand up to actual examination.
In actual historical fact, most sport segregation was done because women were winning and the men they beat couldn't handle it.
In actual current scientific fact, the studies show trans women at a slight DISadvantage in sports compared to cis women, which is intuitive if you know what HRT does.
And finally, the only reason the obviously, openly, misogynistic right-wing ever pretends to care about women's sports is to use it as a wedge to attack trans people through legislation. Look at everything they've been doing to see it.
Absolutely agree with the point about use as a wedge issue, which I’m hoping to defeat somehow. Is it true that post puberty trans women actually have no physical advantage over cis (on average) e.g. size or strength? That’s not the conventional wisdom- is there supporting info?
'Conventional wisdom' is not a sane thing regarding trans people because there's been a decades-long propaganda effort overlapping with even more decades of the 'science' being conducted by people only interested in confirming their prejudices rather than learning anything.
The only study I'd heard of, and it was a while back, so there must be newer, was that after two years (there's always waiting periods), you were at about the same percentile that you had been. If you were faster than 70% of the men, after you've transitioned, you'll be faster than 70% of women.
That would be a betrayal of science, facts, and their base if they do. Trans athletes are not a problem that needs to be “solved”. It’s a distraction for fascists, nothing more.
Dems need to stop chasing Republicans and start appealing to the majority of Americans, who have been consistently more left wing than either party for decades.
So many poles indicate that left wing policies are popular when not labelled as being left wing, so just say it's centrist Medicare for all and centrist student loan forgiveness and centrist closing Guantanamo Bay.
Don't just slash! Gavin should provide the funds for a trans Olympics that will channel their sportsmanship. This would be segregation but at least the Karens will stop bitching about competing against men. Is this an acceptable compromise if you're transgender?
Absolutely not! We do not accept a compromise™️ that reduces trans people down to a 3rd "lesser" gender rather than their actual genders for the same reason we stopped accepting that black people needed their own leagues so racist white people wouldn't get offended when they lost.
The democraps would probably still try to keep him on as their strategist because they're incredibly stupid, but at least he'd have better strategies to offer if he had already expired.
Democrats popularity is at an ***all-time low*** because they won’t fight Trump; but ancient ghoul James Carville and slimy shitbag Gavin Newsom are screeching about trans people like they were shitty British authors.
How are Dems *this* bad???
Trans people aren’t the problem. Dems weakness is.
yeah the stuff that would actually get them elected is the same stuff their big money donors oppose- so obviously the republicans have it right, because we can’t give up those donors
Exactly! Even though many of those same donors, donate MORE to republicans! It’s sickening how Dems will ignore the base and even just common sense for table scraps from billionaires
They don't want to do leftwing populism that would involve going after rich people and corporations, so they are trying to do rightwing populism aka culture war shit. It's not working for what should be obvious reasons.
we're still in the float where the total destruction of everything from the NOAA to the FDA hasn't hit the average voter. a skydiver without a parachute isn't dead until they hit the ground, until then they're fine
Re: elections in 2026 and beyond, they WILL happen. I recognize they want to stop them. But, they're infighting idiots and terms expire. They'd have to stop all states from voting. Even conflict backfires in almost every case, not that I put it past them
All roads lead back to money in politics. When Dems didn't fight making politicians legally bribable, they made compromised representation the inevitable outcome. If success is defined by securing plutocratic approval, the only people who succeed are the ones who were never principled to begin with.
This should tell you everything you need to know about Newsom, he’ll say whatever he feels he needs to at the time. Flip flops to achieve his goals. So you never really know if he’s on your side.
Dear kind-hearted🤍 person, I desperately need your support. My husband is in dire need of medical treatment. He was diagnosed with severe pneumonia after inhaling smoke while lighting a fire to cook due to a cooking gas shortage. Please help us
Democrats thinking grifting to the right works offline not knowing most of the people who tune into those guys are either bots or edgy lefties who know its fake as well or not Americans. Outside of forever conservatives like Crowder or Shapiro, most of those audiences are not American voters.
Accurate adjectives to describe Newsom in general.
if you think the problem is on our side and not the side agreeing with nazis, then you're part of the problem
blaming us instead of blaming them
He should stop doing that.
I do not support people and I never will. I support policies
Fuck the old guard Dems.
Their diabolical evil plan. Talk to people. Hear them out. Organize and give the people the skills tools and information fight for a better life for themselves. Build a mass movement. Get rid of the ruling class. Than Build a government of the people for the people.
Now that he's being this evil, I hope he either backtracks and apologizes or gets fired into the sun. Asshole.
But, really, I think he already knew he wasn't gonna be the Dem WH nominee eventually, and just wanted to get a head start on a new career.
Which ... doesn't seem to be working out.
He's a dirty, washed-up zero. Why do we still see him?
Maybe we shouldn't take his political advice 😂
And best of all.. Newsom doesn’t care
also his strategy always sucks shit
To attract converts, you have to fight for change, and the Democrats aren't doing it.
Simple example: pro-gay vs. anti-gay:
- If anti-gay means "no one should be gay", pro-gay means "everyone should be gay".
- The middle is to let people be themselves.
Stop letting the right coopt language!
He would have gotten the nomination and lost.
I guess people like you will make sure we lose yet another election because of .05% of the population.
It gives a deep dive I. What went wrong in the last election.
If it weren’t for Harris losing we wouldn’t need to have this conversation.
It’s a lot of good info.
Imagine losing so badly for so long and thinking anyone should care about your advice on anything.
Even in his personal life, he cheated with his best friend‘s wife. I regret any reluctantly positive thing I ever said about him. What a worthless asshole.
fkn disgusting.
- their actual supporters hate this shit,
- the rightoids they're trying to court are still just gonna support the republican freaks that put their whole asses into this shit.
democratic elections are over in the US.
anything that shifts focus to future elections is complicit magical thinking.
Which is proof he's out of touch, given how that worked out for them.
What does make my list are the inhumanity of the bullying trans people, the obsession of the political class, current and has-beens, with what goes on in people's pants, and bedrooms
Can't say that bothers me one bit. The current iteration of the Democratic party is completely useless.
"Those young people don't KNOW what they want!"
~ Newsom, probably
Both of these do not stand up to actual examination.
In actual current scientific fact, the studies show trans women at a slight DISadvantage in sports compared to cis women, which is intuitive if you know what HRT does.
'Conventional wisdom' is not a sane thing regarding trans people because there's been a decades-long propaganda effort overlapping with even more decades of the 'science' being conducted by people only interested in confirming their prejudices rather than learning anything.
The democraps would probably still try to keep him on as their strategist because they're incredibly stupid, but at least he'd have better strategies to offer if he had already expired.
How are Dems *this* bad???
Trans people aren’t the problem. Dems weakness is.
No one who hates trans people is voting for the Dem when they can vote for the Repub who is worse; and we shouldn’t WANT their votes to begin with.
I just wish Dems would get their shit together, stop being shitty right-wing lite, and fight back against Trump.
Re: elections in 2026 and beyond, they WILL happen. I recognize they want to stop them. But, they're infighting idiots and terms expire. They'd have to stop all states from voting. Even conflict backfires in almost every case, not that I put it past them