Riley Walz (, engineer who tweeted public Citi Bike data he thought could help catch the UHC CEO's killer, told me he's received hundreds of threats and that his home address has been widely posted. One tweet with a photo of his house got 5,000 likes. "It's absolutely terrifying"
Like did he not understand that that guy needs to get away?
HOW could he not understand that?
That guy didn't understand that he'd done anything that was going to piss people off either!
Like what Riley did was impressive, and even fascinating! I understand the urge to share it!
That's almost as troubling as if he does do that and came to the conclusion that "the CEO shooter should be apprehended"
I don't know anything about THIS guy, but FAR too many people who have talents for working with data just to things to see if they can do it and simply can't see the consequences, no matter how simply you spell it out for them.
Being online only makes it worse.
That's why you don't do this shit, ask reddit.
It's terrifyingly easy for an innocent person confronted by police to end up dead by police violence, especially if cops have been sicced on them on the premise that they may be someone armed and dangerous who's suspected of a violent crime.
They should be directing violence-loving cops to blindly follow a lead towards OTHER health insurance CEOs.
Maybe he’ll get better at reading the room in the future. Maybe not. Data geeks aren’t know for their high EQs.
“Sorry mom, I know your murderer was my best friend, but snitches get stitches, k bye!” 🙄
If they did that, I would wish suffering and misfortune on them as well
Even then, she did deny life saved care for at least one person more than once, so I wouldn't snitch on her killer even then.
There's a difference between hoping someone gets away with murder and sending threats to a bystander trying to solve the mystery.
Snitches gets stitches is a blanket statement used to threaten anybody and everybody and likely plays a role in the bystander effect.
Snitches get stitches is a way of protecting our community by keeping people from being harassed or having their lives ruined by something that shouldn't be a crime.
However, the person in question is an undeniable hero of the people, and I think it's a pretty applicable case for the saying.
You can argue it isn't a universal saying, but it absolutely applies to the case being discussed here.
Snitches do be getting stitches, deservingly so.
Some people (OP, apparently, for one) I think were under the impression that "eat the rich" and "snitches get stitches" and things like that were hyperbolic, and I can assure you they are not.
Class wars aren't started by the lower classes, but we do often end them.
There you go
Don't do that
Tell Riley that my Minding Your Business workshop is only $300
$500 if he needs it this weekend. Rush charge
I used to defend "most" cops years ago.
I no longer make that mistake.
If anyone disagrees with you on ACAB, pass this along.
he was previously made fun of for his “culture surveillance” project and seems like he didn’t learn
You might want to watch your back with your open contempt for the actual hero of this story, or you might find yourself an enemy of the people
He just shared the data on the Nazi website and with the cops.
nobody asked him and he decided it was his job anyway
could've done anything else with his time but he decided a self-own was what he wanted to do
Mustard on saltines because I was a lazy ass.
It's snitchy boot-licking.
Hope this helps you defend less assholes in the future.
No one would have known had he not tried to cast himself as a hero.
Dude, not cool.
Glory to the Hero.
While I think this guy could have read the room a little better, the NYPD is so incompetent no amount of outside help will make a difference
ACAB includes volunteer civilian cadets
In the future perhaps he won’t ally himself with the modern sheriff of nottingham against a new beloved folk hero. 🤷♂️🤷🤷♀️
snitches get stitches, asshole.
I am kind of hoping we never do.
Snitches get witches? No, that's not it. Snitches get britches? No, still doesn't work.
Give me time, I'll think of it.
It would've taken less time and energy.
I'm not saying we should HELP the shooter; I'm just saying that if he showed up at my house needing a place to hide, no he didn't.
So I have no qualms cheering for a man who stopped a murderer whose weapon was spreadsheets.
I’m not surprised being a dork ass bootlicker backfired.
People were actually pissed off about that, and it still blew up.
Few give one fraction of one ounce of one fuck about ol BT, and many regard his killer as a hero
No one likes snitches
Individuals are not more evil today; society has become more tolerant of such - or at least the representatives of the people.
It is unthinkable that a convicted felon (with multiple other criminal indictments pending) could ever be elected to office.
But worse: that SCOTUS has all but legalized bribery of public officials and allowed money to pervert elections.
“Lust for power” is an unchanging constant - a “given”. You can’t eliminate it.
The question is why Americans tolerate naked corruption more easily.