What the fuck happened to Zeynep Tufekci
she seemed so reasonable before covid, did the lab leak conspiracy break her (or did the regular attendance at trump rallies)
Authoritarianism exists to some degree within every population. Especially among those who want violence done "to those people" in their names.
That’s it.
That’s the problem.
What used to be a beacon for news is now an unctuous, unserious farce.
Trump: *takes an enormous shit in pants* Magnets don’t work underwater.
Wonder how many people believe Clinton & Obama started wars. Sad.
"We also notice that voters focus more on Biden's age than on Trump's, something that is very puzzling to us."
zeynep *writing*: trump supports sweeping infrastructure reform
Tufekci is calling Trump a groundwork-laying bipartisan political operator, and bizarrely claiming he isn't a bumbling celebrity (?!)
She's perilously close to doing a Wolf.
And then a tv critic just straight up said “those words don’t mean anything” to her and took the wind right out of her sails
The tradition of including all points of view is laudable but we’re not even remotely dealing with a normal candidate or reality this time. It’s just dangerous to fawn over a would be dictator
He’s Jeff Foxworthy with NO laughs.
The "power of Trump's appeal" is a) mostly white majoritarianism and b) one of the most over-analyzed topics in American punditry.
I think most of the people she spoke to likely thought Jan 6th was just fine but were evasive about admitting it.
I also agree with you that virtually everything that the Trump coalition does (including being irritated by Kevin McCarthy in the House etc.) is attributable to white supremacism and goes back to Nixon.
The idea the guy who started the deadliest shipboard fire in US Navy history was beyond criticism was weird.
* white grievance culture
In major newspapers.
Narrator: We hadn’t…
"I want a new drug, one that won't make me sick. ... One that won't make me nervous, wonderin' what to do."
Perhaps a reflection of one’s own brokenness searching for meaning, and grasping at conspiracy theories, later edging towards a strongman
Big fat smoky red herring screen.
They launder the worst GOP talking points into reasonable takes and then the degenerates adopt the new language to talk about the original ideas. It's how you normalize extremism for the Right.
His base being racist and liking him for being racist is something no informed person should question at this point.
(Except the racism parts; people can tell he actually means those.)
i assume they find that media entertaining anyway
These bastards are definitely Nazis, and there's no shame in calling them such.
She became convinced in 2016 that Trump was gonna win and that she saw something all the other academics were missing bc of that rally she attended.
I recall arguing with her about it on a panel in late ‘17, I think.
It's a con.
Trump's cognitive failings are real enough, but lots of punditry fixates on his epistemological/cognitive lapses, while omitting that that's far downstream of his malice
Any POC or woman who supports him is delusional.
Obama actually fucked up by not selling the government's stake to the UAW.
He would have secured Northern Ohio for the democrats for a generation
i thought we pretty much all agreed at this point that while it's certainly some people's explanation for supporting trump, it does not statistically describe his base, and even elites have been using redpill "rise against the machine" rhetoric
This drops my opinion of Zeynep by approximately a factor of infinity.