There’s another line to the post that’s been left off. It said something like “Because I’m a killer of the woke mind parasite and the mind that controls it” or some stupid shit like that.
Don't forget his treachery to Ukraine 🇺🇦 with starlink
He believes his post how hitler and other despots didn't actually kill millions, the civil servants did it. It's how he is able to sleep
It will be millions and, no, he doesn't see that as violence. He sees that as nothing because he has no empathy for anyone other than himself.
Remember, he let nearly a million Americans die from Covid because he didn't want to be bothered.
I guess he missed that time the United CEO shot and killed himself because he regretted killing hundreds of thousands of ‘consumers’ and ruining countless lives.
He's a malignant narcissist at the very very least and more likely a sociopath with narcissistic features. Literally no sense of other living beings being conscious including other people.
Maybe because you’re a hateful individual that takes glee in destroying peoples lives and literally putting events in motion that cause people to die. No empathy, no compassion, no care about anyone but yourself. You are a creep and a soulless monster. You will be ruined because you deserve it.
Yeah exploding cars and exploding space ships and so much satellites and debri in space from his shit is totally awesome. 😑Not to mention he wants to cut benefits to millions, fired thousands and worships Nazis. Eat ass Musk you know exactly why we hate you.
His cars have killed LOTS of people and injured many more. He has sued people in China who told the public about his cars malfunctioning and he usually wins because the people don't have a right to free speech!
All he has to do is get out of our government and people will leave him alone.
Nope. He’s already done way too much damage. He doesn’t get off that easy. I’m never leaving him alone and I hope nobody else does either. He deserves to be treated just as he has treated others. Anyone else would have already been in jail or worse for the crimes he has committed.
Dear Elon, you get hate because you're hateful. You're a megalomaniac billionaire intent on making the lives of others worse, simply to line your already overflowing pockets. Your rockets are shit and your cars are shit. Oh, and you're a Nazi.
The child will not help since it is more efficient to shoot the core mass of the body, oh and there are lots of heavy duty rounds that could penetrate a vest or just kill by shock. Hypothetically, of course!
So once again he is endangering an innocent, for no real purpose.
Elon is a craven coward!
anyone else notice that all of the worst people in the world right now are just doing the same shit that the most annoying kid in highschool used to do?
like hit someone and then tattle when they hit back
or trick you into cussing at the teacher or something
Breaking News: A billionaire just lost $2 million in the stock market today. They are now forced to cut back by only buying one private island this month. Thoughts and prayers. 🙏💰
Even if it's nowhere near as much as claimed that money could do some damage.
This would be one of the few times I'd prefer asset forfeiture.. not that law enforcement needs that money but they'll do predictable things with it.. less damaging.
Well he has a lot of kids.
At least one of them hates him openly, so she's not getting anything, but the others probably also hate him quietly because... they have met him.
So it gets split up (good) amongst people who don't particularly want to follow in his footsteps (better).
its fake.
all his money is based on the valuation of his companies - its why he needed to use tesla stock as collateral and borrow money from the saudis to buy twitter.
It might trigger a marked uptime in global mental health. In fact I'm fairly certain it's such a net-benefit, the biggest way to save health system money globally would be the removal of Elon Musk.
This was the rest of that egregious and tone-deaf tweet "Because I am a deadly threat to the woke mind parasite and the humans it controls."
He should have stuck to making products rather than getting his sticky little fingers into all the government systems and upending thousands of lives
well, people hate nazis and not so long ago were given the medals for machine gunning nazis dead on sight. America should start doing that to nazis again
Because you are responsible for the deaths of many people - - the cuts you've made have already resulted in that. And you continue forward, apparently oblivious or not caring about how many people are yet to die. Perhaps the day will come when you'll stand in front of a judge & be sentenced.
History will not remember Musk or Trump favorably. They are reckless, dangerous, and destructive. I cannot believe he is so dense that he’s unaware of what he’s doing.
The damage that is happening to the country right now - the destruction of the rule of law, the cruelty, the shameless corruption, the brazen lies - can all be traced to the severe narcissistic personality disorders of two men, Trump and Musk.
He literally threatened the foreign minister of Poland about starlink and got the secretary of state to drop by with a " you should say thank you little man"
The country that's shelling out tens of millions for starlink being dragged on Twitter by the US Govt and the owner of starlink is a thing
Elon musk is living proof that there is X amount of money that could turn you into a full blown supervillain. Think about it.
He owns companies that have monopolies on services, he bought the US president, he interferes in elections, and he could decide if Ukraine lives or dies (and said so)
Let's start with we don't like Nazis, welfare Queens and grifters. Oh and those that don't pay taxes. And little men that use their children as human shields.
I think this video shows why cameras alone are not a good option for full self driving. I think camera only systems like Tesla’s are very good at making drivers complacent until it fails unexpectedly.
He wouldn’t even understand if someone said, “It’s because you, as a human and person, are fractally terrible in every belief and action.” He has no ability to look inward. It’d be like trying to explain music theory to a towel bar.
Someone should tell him that the only way to be loved is to transition. I don't think it would fix him, or that he has the guts to do it, but I think he's so deliriously obsessed with being liked it would keep him up at night.
The burnt wrecks of the vehicles he disregarded safety standards on would disagree with that load bearing "physically" bit. The victim complex maga all seem to have is both vast and self inflicted 100% of the time.
Unfaithful, nazi-saluting sperm-disseminating ketamine freak told us all to ‘fu*k our faces’. And now this trolling, plundering bully wants to know why the schoolyard is driving him out.
Also see people like:
- I sold guns to people who shouldn't be allowed to have one. Why are you mad at me?
- I released false medical info and nearly half a million people died of covid under me. Why are you mad at me?
Physical violence is just one facet of morality—along with lying, dehumanization, cruelty, bullying, harassment, and recklessness. He’s checked every box of those just in the past few months.
And even within the narrow scope of direct physical violence, his logic is flawed—he has not suffered physical violence either and equates it to hating and destruction of property, which he/musk have unleashed
I guess cutting off life saving support for sick and/or starving children isn't technically "physically hurting" them. Also, his companies are garbage.
You do notice he did not say "hurt anyone" He said - "physically" hurt. He doesn't give a shit about all the pain and misery he is shoveling on innocent people lives across America. What a piece of work. I hate him
Is he expecting empathy? I guess people get upset when their private information is stolen, or when their jobs are taken away. When folks are being insulted by him about their hard work. He makes $800m a day and is trying to take away from Americans who make $65 a day could be a reason for dislike.
All he did was give Trump and his voters a lot of money, fire thousands of government workers on the pretext of poor performance, give Nazi salutes, plot to overthrow the elected UK government, threaten Republicans who crossed Trump, call people retards and pedos, mockingly brandish a chainsaw...
He never understood our government and our way of democracy. He decided to be evil to join Dumpy. He could have taken a brighter path. Wearing black is a choice and it’s not just to hide your fat belly.
The fact that Elon Musk danced through the halls of Federal Government and whimsically dismissed a group of workers in charge of nuclear oversite, undermining our nation's security might have caused some resentment. For starters. He seems to have no awareness of how he invents his own enemies.
When he said he wanted to feed USAID, a worldwide program that saves babies dying from AIDS, into the wood chipper - then he did it - and tells 85 yo grandmas that their lifelong contribution to social security is a Ponzi scheme and he'd rather them living in the streets. People get a little mad.
I'm not even sure how many citizenships he holds to how many countries. But it is highly inappropriate for him to arrive at our shores and complain about conditions here after years of plunder and pillage. He is a car salesman from So Africa. He didn't build this country. He has no skin in the game.
If the claims of autism are indeed true, then he might not be able to. With that said, he should be able to understand the actual criticisms people have made about him.
Because inability to grasp the "bleeding obvious" is a very common symptom of people on the autism spectrum. I'm not defending the guy; just answering the previous question with a supposition.
He also was on verge of tears for himself in the interview with Kudlow. Surely a genius could make the connection that what he does is hurting people but I read that he doesn’t believe in empathy. Also noticed that when he’s feeling sorry for himself his mum gets wheeled out to say something nice 🙄
All of that is his prolonged use and over usage of Ketamine. I truly don’t think his actions or not being able to read the room has anything to do with his possible autism.
Autism isn't an especially rare thing, like most famous people and probably most people have a bit of the 'tism lol. People hate him because of what he does and says
The fact that he says everyone is telling.
The richest man in the world stops food to the poorest people in the world..
Cuts up people's lives with a budgetary chainsaw and howls. Does Nazi salutes...and whines, nobody likes me.
He belongs in jail for the inhumanity, and deep hurt inflicted.
Moral character? Examples- disowning your own child; having multiple partners & dozen children who you do not spend quality time with as a father; ignoring millions who will die from cutting USAID; callous, ignorant abuse of power to break whole systems & agencies; ending careers, healthcare...
When you closed USAID abruptly with zero fucks to give. You killed people. Many of them children. So yeah. You’re fucking evil. Many veterans needed the help lines you shut down. I could go on and you will continue to hurt people. You suck!
When we feel within ourselves the offense of Herr Musk's words and actions that harm so many human beings and humanity itself, it is physical, and it hurts us human beings even if we don't receive a physical slap. The slaps to the soul that he delivers are worse and more damaging.
Although to be fair, USAID was also used to support coup organizations against governments inconvenient to the US.
USAID operations were supposed to be audited by independent human rights organizations, but not eliminated, of course.
Since he’s money to buy elections and presidents, he ought to pay for ad space to advertise himself crying on the public airwaves.
…maybe have that McLaughlin lady singing in the background to emote sympathy ❤️🩹😢
you can find a article to back up any point you want...I want to see proof or at least some sort of communication from these foreign countries that they are having people die now due to missing aid. "experts say" isnt a real person
I gotta tell you. You are not genuinely interested in knowing. You could look it up yourself. I have little interest in proving to you that in addition to other activities USAID saved lives for decades. Shutting it down abruptly without warning or planning people will die. You will see it.
they are moving fast and will make mistakes..they are not trying to kill people and if they find that they cut funding for something that still should have it, they will reinstitute it. They did so with ebola prevention funding that was being done through usaid.
Some would think morals dictate u shouldn’t desire to hurt anyone in any way physically or otherwise everything u do &say is detestable this this is why u see the masses disgusted w/u & feel the disrespect exuding frm Us u dont know violence & r mistaking anger4 hate actions have consequence dipshit
Says he's "a threat to the woke mind parasite" because he thinks empathy is a "weakness". He has obviously never experienced what it means to be loved and respected by other people. His "respect" is falsehood bravado to make him feel valid, acting like he's a teen prodigy in a documentary.
This context makes it worse, actually. And I can name something I'm mad about, besides the Nazi shit. He announced that ridiculous hyperloop thing to shut down funding to a high speed rail project, then abandoned it
It's weird, isn't it? Most parents would give up their lives to protect their children
When that kid works out what was actually going on there, how much is it going to fuck him up? Actually, all the kids, because it's going to force them to realise how little their father values them
“Physically”- he was caught on camera sexually assaulting an employee. But since it was a woman that wasn’t actually hurting anyone, because women aren’t humans to those fucks
No, he made fun of a kid whose dad killed himself and that kid pushed him down the flight of stairs. Best part is everyone, including his dad, was like "Yeah, sounds like you had it coming."
You know you're a piece of shit when a mega racist physically abusive man who had multiplexhildren with his own stepdaughter doesnt even want you as their child.. (Yes that is elon musks dad I'm describing)
He knows it’s coming. Put people out of a job with no notice. Murder starving people by cutting off USAID relief services. Getting ready to knock people off Medicaid, which is the only thing keeping many elderly people alive, cut funding for cancer research… Yeah. The hate and more is deserved.
Because some government workers committed suicide when they were fired by musk-trump illegal and barbaric activities trying to destroy our government and the lives of it's employees who have done such an incredibly great job all these years.
Thanks to all who saw my reply and liked it....
for your/all of us sake...this is how we achieve unity....using online resources. Unity in case we really need it or any part of the whole is adversely affected by anything the Trump admin or proxies do as they lash out at their perceived enemies.
I can imagine people might have because of stress and pressure, but I didn't wanna think it had gotten that bad either. God damn... an agenda that pushed people to that limit, and yet people are still rooted for these guys...
He seems to have forgotten the millions of people impacted by slashing USAID etc.... thats physically, mentally, economically impacting generations of people he will never see. meet or care about...
I like how he says "never PHYSICALLY hurt". It doesn't count if you destroy lives and services of tax payers. He probably thinks "white collar" crime, isn't a crime.
I doubt it, I am sure it has been discussed among the 1% how to cull the general population so as to render them a manageable herd. Doesn't that go along with what RFK Jr. is doing too?
Oh, it’s the ol “i haven’t personally, directly caused the physical harm so it’s not bad”
Literally just doing the harmful thing indirectly, through paperwork, or goons, or i guess just walking off with social security, somehow makes it totally different (it does not).
This is how sociopaths and severe narcissists always move through the world. Small time cons target weak or lonely people and engender that persons human sympathy for themselves while showing none in return. That and rape is how the stay in the gene pool despite their useless horrible flaw.
It's very simple, Herr Musk. You declared war on the peoples of the world, on freedom, solidarity, decency, and love of neighbor... of humanity, and we took up the gauntlet.
You are very rich and have partnered with the president of the most powerful country, but you will not win the duel.
85+ million Americans
1 in 5 Americans
60% of U.S. nursing home residents.
40% of children
50% of all births in some states
Women (58%), Men (42%)
White (40%), Black (22%), Hispanic (28%), Asian (5%), Other (5%)
disability-related eligibility 9.9 million, 11%
Nazi-saluting, America-spitting Musk wonders where the hate stems from? The vulture who sneers at Americans as "too retarded," lazy, & mediocre, calls Social Security recipients "parasites," guts safety nets, betrays allies, and hoards $38 billion in taxpayer money while laughing and insulting us?
The greatest wealth heist in US history is unfolding. Musk is set to become the first trillionaire. Bankrolled by taxpayers, mass layoffs, and gutted programs for the vulnerable. Meanwhile, they raise the debt ceiling and hand the rich massive tax breaks, leaving the public to pay for their empire
How about we ALL get out on the streets and start protesting! Or is that too difficult for you? To actually FIGHT for your freedoms--as everyone pictured here did...
you have to remember that Elon Musk has no feelings. He’s a shell of a human being. He cannot feel empathy, sympathy, compassion, and he’s the perfect person for the traitor Trump in the White House. We are in serious trouble.
Dictator donny
his goons sent a
14 year old kid to BUKELE in El Salvidor for what?
at 3 in morning... SOON very SOON
A LOT of people saw him as a hero, imagine him, believed him, because they wanted, needed, a hero. Yet here we are (it was most likely just a superb rp campaign).
Couldn't happen to anybody who deserves it more. He tossed people out of their jobs at Twitter and then harassed and tortured those that were left. He tossed thousands of gov workers onto the street. He deprives innocent children from resources to stay alive in other countries. What did he expect?
I recently read that Elon has been crying at the WH. Crying so much that it’s disturbing to see and prompted Trump to promote Tesla’s from the WH. Crying so much that a room in the Eisenhower building was requisitioned for him to play video games in to calm down. To. Play. Video. Games. In. #Weird
you can hate elon musk all you want but this shit is so completely ridiculous. people with cluster b disorders are tired of these stupid infographics and psuedopsychology ideas that people spread about us. im sick of catching strays because im disabled when people want to call someone a bad person
how can we be mad if he’s never directly punched someone in the head on purpose when it was his birthday and he has glasses and he’s just trying his best?
Also not true, his products are crap and he's a liar and a con man. Teslas are unsafe as has been proven to the point he needs to attack those investigating him. Space X is also unsafe and he plays these fake image cards to get public funds. And X is a Nazi shithole...
Guns don't kill people, people kill guns, err umm, people. Whatever. You're still a flaming piece of drug addled shit who should be in prison for aiding and abetting the enemies of our country. Fuck you Elon.
Both seem to be malignant narcissists. They don’t have the ability to be concerned or feel for other’s pain or suffering. Everything is geared toward receiving what they want. No one else matters in the least.
People are defacing Tesla cars and I think some dealerships have had vandalism too. But it's funny for him to pretend violence happened to literally him, the guy who doubled his bodyguard count after the United Health CEO was unalived.
Why ? Because your a pos , you have hurt a lot of Americans and your a psychopath ..all to enrich yourself from tax payer $$$ you are the biggest fraud.
He's not a genius. He's just a Nepo baby and a grifter with severe emotional problems. He bought his IQ score just like he bought all his "gaming cred" and "inventions". Hopefully he ends up like his boy Adolf did and we get to actually see how much brain he really has.
Elon even had Neil Armstrong and Gene Cernan speak out against his ideas for commercialized space flight and instead of taking his "heroes" words to heart, he continued.
Reports claim Elon Musk cries pretty often. If it wasn't The Nazi Twitter Guy, I'd be concerned by that level of emotional irregularity and the underlying cause.
But since it's Elon, he brings this shit on himself. Go cry.
It's time to let the mountain alone. Clean up and reduce the amount of tourism. There must be other ways to support the Nepalese than mountain tourism.
It's a huge cash cow for not just Nepal but Pakistan. They lead the climbing expeditions and also retrieve dead bodies for six figure fees, and those searches can also be fatal themselves. People climb past bodies that have been frozen in place for years. It's totally gross and no end in sight.
Musk wants to dismantle Social Security and every other government program that doesn't benefit him personally, and privatize the rest to add to his wealth, and expects us to love him for screwing us.
He's never had a black eye. And, his products are absolute shyt. PayPal should dominate payments - it doesn't. Tesla should lead in evs and self driving - its cars explode and crash bc of inferior tech. And if SpaceX is what privatizing NASA looks like I'm fcking scared about exploding mail.
Here's the thing: he isn't the wealthiest person in the world. Putin is. Elon's wealth is all on paper. Smoke and mirrors. Using one company's value to leverage another. Debts piled on debts. Pull out one of those Jenga blocks and the whole thing crashes down. None of them are as rich as they claim.
IIRC The Onion published that after the finalization of the sale of Twitter to Musk and before he actually took over. And the official Tesla account unfollowed The Onion shortly afterwards.
Correction, looks like that article was published in March of 2022. But I distinctly remember The Onion’s Twitter account tweeting a link to that article in the fall, and Tesla very quickly unfollowing.
Why is he complaining? Did he expect everyone to love him? He is the richest man on earth, hell-bent on destroying the world that created him. He truly is a frankenstein's monster.
For starters, slashing various agencies that the children and the elderly rely and depend on in his view don't count?
What about the children that have died because there is no more funding for their treatments?
They are no longer "physically" here anymore, so yeah, he is hurting people physically.
Yeah, unilaterally choosing to pursue cuts likely to kill 3+ million people a year is pretty universally condemnable under, well, any moral or ethical framework Elon…
Musk being a Nazi and ripping our government to shreds, destroying agencies that help Americans and keep us safe, all for the love of power, is why we can't stand Elon Musk.
Because you bought yourself access to a President. Now, you are firing Americans and sending out emails saying the people weren’t doing their job. That’s a F-ing outrage. You are randomly cutting jobs.
Well he was responsible for at least 750k American deaths due to gross negligence during his first term. I'm quite certain it will be well over one million this time around, and countless millions worldwide.
There must be a change before it comes to fruition, but Dem leadership is pathetic.
Woah dude you can't just leak the next Cybertruck model like that. Elmo's gonna sue, the public wasn't meant to see that yet. It still needs time in the oven to turn that middle finger into another hate gesture.
There's an untapped market for us cPTSD elder millennials to offer "paid compassion" to these scum. We all have experience quieting narcissists.
Give me $50,000 an hour (20 hour minimum plus expenses) and I will personally hold their hand and tuttingly agree with them on all their dogshit takes.
He means exactly the opposite, clearly. If you're a good guy and you make great products and your decent human being you don't have to tell people that. They already know
I'll also add that "I've never physically hurt anyone" is the favorite line of every single narcissist and sociopath who gets off on emotional/verbal abuse and even criminal coercive control of their victims. They LOVE that line.
Never physically hurt anyone? What do you call firing thousands of ppl. That physically hurts them when they are hungry or sick and can’t see a doctor!
he very specifically does not consider that a form of physical harm, least of all physical harm that comes from him directly. he's riding the sentiment that phyiscal violence is the only real kind of harm on purpose here.
And the baby mamas he chose seemed like they were all hard up for some cash. For someone who is into eugenics, the gene pool he has chosen so far seems less than stellar.
Get out of your K-hole
Tissues used ones preferably
He believes his post how hitler and other despots didn't actually kill millions, the civil servants did it. It's how he is able to sleep
Remember, he let nearly a million Americans die from Covid because he didn't want to be bothered.
I can testify that’s how it went.
A friend of Luigi’s is a friend of mankind.
He tweeted that Hitler never killed anyone. It was government workers who did.
They didn't physically hurt you, they just cut your brakes.
"Ok, but let's talk about why grass isn't purple"
If u can't take the heat MFer, get the f*ck out of the kitchen!! 😡
All he has to do is get out of our government and people will leave him alone.
So once again he is endangering an innocent, for no real purpose.
Elon is a craven coward!
It's not who you'd rather have a beer with; rather, who would you trust with your children?
“I have never physically hurt anyone.”
like hit someone and then tattle when they hit back
or trick you into cussing at the teacher or something
its all petty "gotcha!!" stuff
Though if suddenly every Tesla shut down permanently on his death it would be kind of funny.
Hazardous, but funny.
Wouldn't put it past him to have something set up.
Plus where does his money go?
Even if it's nowhere near as much as claimed that money could do some damage.
This would be one of the few times I'd prefer asset forfeiture.. not that law enforcement needs that money but they'll do predictable things with it.. less damaging.
At least one of them hates him openly, so she's not getting anything, but the others probably also hate him quietly because... they have met him.
So it gets split up (good) amongst people who don't particularly want to follow in his footsteps (better).
all his money is based on the valuation of his companies - its why he needed to use tesla stock as collateral and borrow money from the saudis to buy twitter.
he looks identically weird shaped with no shirt on. as the assorted boat photos show.
He should have stuck to making products rather than getting his sticky little fingers into all the government systems and upending thousands of lives
Much like the man, they were over hyped, under delivered, over priced, unreliable, wasteful & offered without crediting the actual minds that made it
The country that's shelling out tens of millions for starlink being dragged on Twitter by the US Govt and the owner of starlink is a thing
He owns companies that have monopolies on services, he bought the US president, he interferes in elections, and he could decide if Ukraine lives or dies (and said so)
Check out this NASA engineer testing the NaziCar...
- I sold guns to people who shouldn't be allowed to have one. Why are you mad at me?
- I released false medical info and nearly half a million people died of covid under me. Why are you mad at me?
which we all ask to him:
I'm not buying.
The richest man in the world stops food to the poorest people in the world..
Cuts up people's lives with a budgetary chainsaw and howls. Does Nazi salutes...and whines, nobody likes me.
He belongs in jail for the inhumanity, and deep hurt inflicted.
a whole PR firm is like a million a year
The Nazi stuff
Common Sense
Right, so without trying you inadvertently, killed the people who needed help most. They still do.
I have rectified some of my mistakes.
Okay, so you are aware, it was a mistake to not move with care when destroying USAID.
USAID operations were supposed to be audited by independent human rights organizations, but not eliminated, of course.
He's a genocidal monster. Least he could do would be to own up to that
All the indications pointed to him screwing Ukraine only.
I hoped and prayed for them to join NATO but for some reason that is not happening fast enough.
They need that ASAP!
I wish the European union did something to help Ukraine join NATO ASAP.
Some loophole some clause to make them part of NATO somehow.
Ukraine has to. What other options do they have?
By the time this is over nothing might be left to savor.
…maybe have that McLaughlin lady singing in the background to emote sympathy ❤️🩹😢
Yeah, ok, but with elon wearing headphones so only he has to endure it.
That’s the reason he’s carrying that kid around.
When that kid works out what was actually going on there, how much is it going to fuck him up? Actually, all the kids, because it's going to force them to realise how little their father values them
Also he has 3 kids with his stepdaughter who's also 40 years his junior sooooooo
I think the lesson here is that little nazi apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
The fact about his dad tho 😭 like, was that in of itself not some kind of pivoting moment to ✨ Change Yourself ✨
And it will be his fault and in some hopefully near future he will be held accountable.
Musk can rot in hell.
for your/all of us sake...this is how we achieve unity....using online resources. Unity in case we really need it or any part of the whole is adversely affected by anything the Trump admin or proxies do as they lash out at their perceived enemies.
Makes me sick.
Maybe that's an emotional attack angle: keep showing evidence of all the people he has harmed and killed and see if it gets to him.
Literally just doing the harmful thing indirectly, through paperwork, or goons, or i guess just walking off with social security, somehow makes it totally different (it does not).
There’s a huge hole in his soul that all the money on earth, can not heal.
You are very rich and have partnered with the president of the most powerful country, but you will not win the duel.
85+ million Americans
1 in 5 Americans
60% of U.S. nursing home residents.
40% of children
50% of all births in some states
Women (58%), Men (42%)
White (40%), Black (22%), Hispanic (28%), Asian (5%), Other (5%)
disability-related eligibility 9.9 million, 11%
his goons sent a
14 year old kid to BUKELE in El Salvidor for what?
at 3 in morning... SOON very SOON
[email protected]
His argument about direct/indirect harm is dubious in any case but he could at least pick a side.
so maybe finally his deeply weird fans might catch a clue that he is not what they imagine him to be.
Although it’s likely a sign he’s unraveling…any psychiatrists want to confirm?
Keep it up folks! In fact, let's go in to overdrive (but not in a Swastikar, of course).
So clearly we need to bully him more. Harder.
I think Elon thinks he is it.
worse than Nazi
nazi beloved something like they were special boys
Elon thinks he is the special boy and the world is a video game
"It's so difficult." Good thing he pivoted and became a Nazi instead, which is apparently easier.
But since it's Elon, he brings this shit on himself. Go cry.
For the curious:
Always have
Also me: Everyone that’ll read this already understands and agrees…I gotta say something though!!!
What about the children that have died because there is no more funding for their treatments?
They are no longer "physically" here anymore, so yeah, he is hurting people physically.
‘I am a deadly threat to my human opponents’
wants to act like he hasn’t done anything to hurt anyone.
There must be a change before it comes to fruition, but Dem leadership is pathetic.
That, or he knows what he has been doing to Vivian is wrong.
Give me $50,000 an hour (20 hour minimum plus expenses) and I will personally hold their hand and tuttingly agree with them on all their dogshit takes.
I'll also add that "I've never physically hurt anyone" is the favorite line of every single narcissist and sociopath who gets off on emotional/verbal abuse and even criminal coercive control of their victims. They LOVE that line.