My husband does do most of the housework and it’s when he gets all his podcast time in. Joe Rogan and Lex Friedman aren’t on the playlist though weirdly enough
I dunno I don’t have kids and don’t particularly want them but I would go get knocked up tomorrow if the alternative was listening to Rogan and Fridman regularly
Well, I mean, you could listen to Diet Soap, It's Going Down, This is Hell, It Could Happen Here, Millennials Are Killing Capitalism, Revolutionary Left Radio, This Machine Kills, Bungacast, Citations Needed, Delete Your Account, Know Your Enemy, or Against the Grain on KPFA, instead.
It's symptomatic of the underlying problem that do-nothings and know-nothings are clogging platforms because its zero effort to consume then amplify nonsense with modern social media.
Has he ever had a conversation with a man who listens to Joe Rogan??? They're not fucking paying attention for five minutes never mind for three hours.
It’s not rooted in biology, it’s rooted in the social understanding that they *can* act this way because they’ve made it to where that’s been the historical expectation.
okay maybe me (sick freak)? I will do pod/audiobook for chores but also a lot of sit down repetitive art tasks. I only want music/silence/irl companionship if I'm out in the world, no little voices of strangers in my ear talking!
I do! I actually quite often lay down in the dark listening to a podcast when I am too tired to do anything else but unable to sleep, or when I have a migraine or insomnia. Or even to help me fall asleep. Turns out I’m a big baby who needs a bedtime story.
I mean, he’s not wrong. Women don’t have time to do the important work of listening to Joe Rogan because they’re too busy spending time with their families.
Lot going on here... Does this guy know that Bluetooth headphones exist and can be worn during household chore time? I get most of my podcasting in while cleaning up after my 3 kids...
its basic evolutionary biology. men evolved to be more receptive to long-form audio content so they had something to do while hunting mammoths, whereas women evolved to be more receptive to short-form video e.g. tiktoks that they could consume in-between performing domestic tasks in the cave.
Stuck on a trek with the guy who won’t shut the fuck up about his conspiracy theories about the chief but no one tells him to shut the fuck up because he’s the only one who knows Brazilian ju-jitsu
Men evolved to need their ears to hear the mammoths slipping through the underbrush, while women only used their ears to keep track of children who notoriously never yell for help, hence female hearing atrophied, it’s just science. 🧐
Gee, I wonder if that’s the reason more women tend to graduate college than men… because they can’t sit through content for long periods of time… ya know… like college classes.
(2021-2022, women earned 62.8% of associate degrees, 58.5% of bachelor's degrees)
I was a road warrior for years, traveling across LA & MS where Gospel & Rush were ever present. If I had to listen to his drek during that time, I would have driven into the nearest body of water.
I do most of the domestic work that is coded as feminine (cooking, dishes, laundry, etc) and that’s my podcast time. But I’d rather have a root canal than listen to any amount of Joe Rogan, let alone 3 hours.
I think we all knew that Rogan’s primary audience is bros who expect women to do all the household chores for them, but somehow I didn’t expect them to be quite so up-front about it
Women are able to spot BS and idiots faster than men. Women realized what Joe Rogan is years ago, and don’t need 3 hours weekly to try to decipher what a hack he is.
"office girl"
Repercussions will be (were) swift if I'm ever referred to in this manner. My daughters will not stand for this and I hope all the women I trained/mentored have also stood firm. Do NOT ABIDE no matter how much power he has. Do not demure. F him
Man this pisses me off
My hunch is that males are more prone to short-form thinking due to their over-emotional responses, and are better suited to being around baby mammals, and baking bread in the sunshine, whilst we women get on with the work at hand
Ah, the two genders, female and dude, with classic evolutionary differences in podcast preference. That’s science right there. This dude knows a thing or two.
Jon opining on something he knows so little about. Everything in his commentary centers on men and diminutive assumptions of women.Ignores our capabilities, be it inside or outside the home. We do it all, including prioritizing time to worthwhile expenditure of time. Rogan = no-value added.
Listening to Joe Rogan is going to make the listener stupider.
That fact is easily proved by noting that there are people who listen Joe Rogan more than once.
Just reading the title, The Joe Rogan Experience, warns any intelligent person that Rogan is an egotistical, obnoxious asshole.
Forgot to add that Jon is a pontificating asshole.
I'm guessing he owns a shoeshine business and listens to The Joe Rogan Experience between customers.
He probably has to listen to each podcast several times to memorize the shibboleths to show his MAGA credentials.
Yeah, that’s why I have 131 adult “females” and 4 adult “dudes” in my James/Cézanne seminar that starts next week. The “females” can’t handle long-form content … so they read Henry fucking James.
That reminds me of my favorite comeback to the pressure to marry that I ever read: "You want me to get a HUSBAND?? You mean that thing on Dateline that kills all those women?!".
Hm so basically women dont listen to Rogan cuz we're doing all the real work whereas lazy ass men have plenty of time to pay attention to hours long podcasts? Is that really the argument he wants to go with??
I spent three months listening to the entire catalog of when I discovered it.
Also, women like things like “audiobooks,” but to be fair, this guy probably doesn’t know what a book is 😆
If men were more capable of digesting "long form content", then the right wouldn't be relentlessly targeting their short attention spans with inflammatory ads & slogans. If men could digest long form content, they'd be the ones voting for intelligent reasons. Which clearly they aren't.
I don't know if they still do this, but when I was in boot camp in the late 70s, they referred to women as Feeeemales! Like the men were Reeeecruits! but we weren't apparently. We were Feeeemales. It was incredibly insulting, but obv we could not object, had to just take it.
That man has never seen a vagina he didn't have to pay for first. "Females" is how you describe the gender of animals. Males and females. "Women" is how you describe the gender of humans. Men and women.
You know.... As a nonbinary person, I (and many women that I know of, tbh) listen to hours upon hours of audiodramas. I used to be into some other styles of podcast, but have left those behind in favor of my spooky stories. (But never Misogyny Hour shows, ofc)
Tbf I do know some men who are into said subject. They're just... not the toxic masculinity bros. (And most ppl I know are queer, so... That is also often a difference.)
if we grant the premise that the three sexes are "secondary parent", "primary parent" and "non-parent" (& that many people understood to be cis men in other frameworks are primary parents)... this tweet is manosphere The Second Sex
I listen to a tonne of podcasts during my Womanly Duties of cooking and cleaning, I just don't listen to fascist propaganda. I love the shit out of Behind the Bastards which is as long-form and bro-ish as you can get. But it's got a lot of cool history as well as banter.
"I’ve been an Elon Musk fan since before probably most of you knew who Elon was. And the fact that I have a chance to live in an America where Elon and Vivek Ramaswamy are charged with ridding the government of fraud, waste and abuse — that’s the America I want to live in."
I would like to say - he's correct that it's harder for a woman to sit down and listen to a man spew misogyny for 3 hours than it is for a man to do that. But I don't think that's what he meant.
One of the reasons I never tolerated or listened to Howard Stern, or watched Jerry Springer. Constant misogyny and denigration of women and poor people.
It's sad that they made money off these shows instead of helping.
Or maybe they’re just more discerning with their time. Maybe women generally have the time but choose not to spend it listening to a bunch of pseudo-intellectual bullshit. 🤷🏼
Referring to Rogan as "long form content" is hilarious. So basically, this guy cruises around for three hours in his emotional support truck listening to bad takes instead of working.
All these right wing podcast obsessives aren't even honest about who *they* are to themselves.
This guy's talking like he's among the grizzled male truck drivers or longshoremen or something, but he's a balding suburban Amerifat with an email job keeping him as soft as any woman he looks down on.
To put it a different way, under traditional gender norms, women spend so much of their time being around and caring about other people. Men are isolated and can therefore spend more time listening to other men go on and on about whatever. And this means that men have better politics. Isolated men.
Besides the overt misogyny, who listens to podcasts as a primary activity: sitting in the ezboy, smoking a cigar? I'm usually cleaning the house, running errands, and a bunch of the other activities he seems to be implying men don't do. (but the podcasts I listen to aren't Rogen et al)
And why is it that these "females" have more family responsibilities? It couldn't be that it's because you're ignoring them so that you can listen to podcasts is it...nah, couldn't be that!
The notion that we would find men talking about men endlessly fascinating…if we could just find the time in our boring, chore-driven lives.
I weep for us.🙄
“Dudes, I mean Bros are really good at listening to other bros talk about bro stuff. Chicks ain’t good at that. Like I was saying to some hopped up femonazi I was on a date with, I says, “Joe Rogan is how men should be.” And she walked out. Her loss, am I right, bros?”
I don’t think those podcasters are to blame . This election is an indictment of American character. The problem is that American public can be so easily manipulated to vote against their own interests and did not understand they were voting for an autocratic regime. They voted for a convicted felon.
I just wrote a whole post about this for me! I listen to hours of podcasts while I'm working out and not a minute of Rogan. I may have tried 5-10 of Fridman and just didn't understand his appeal.
I'm sure it's rooted in the procreation part of DNA, so I get it, but it's very eyeroll-y when it pops up in some places.
Like for example long form podcast listening.
Of course I'm not an expert on this, just rationalizing.
You yourself said you’re not sure and not an expert.
I have a strong stance because I’m well-versed in this topic.
You’re repeating misinformation.
Men evolved to need their ears to hear the mammoths slipping through the underbrush, while women only used their ears to keep track of children who notoriously never yell for help, hence female hearing atrophied, it’s just science. 🧐
(2021-2022, women earned 62.8% of associate degrees, 58.5% of bachelor's degrees)
🎵 A solitary man... 🎵
“Women don’t like Star Trek”
“I like Star Trek”
“No, you don’t.”
Repeat endlessly.
If women don’t listen to Rogan, it’s because he has nothing to offer them.
Why would anyone, for that matter?
Business owner
(All said)
Reality TV star.
Grateful that CA drove another nutball to TX. Have at it Austin.
I can't stand to listen to him for 3 minutes.
"office girl"
Repercussions will be (were) swift if I'm ever referred to in this manner. My daughters will not stand for this and I hope all the women I trained/mentored have also stood firm. Do NOT ABIDE no matter how much power he has. Do not demure. F him
Man this pisses me off
Because yes, that’s the life of a man and that’s the life of a woman because there are only two sexes 🙄
I'm guessing his business is the manufacture and sales of red flags.
Maybe women have more important things to do.
That fact is easily proved by noting that there are people who listen Joe Rogan more than once.
Just reading the title, The Joe Rogan Experience, warns any intelligent person that Rogan is an egotistical, obnoxious asshole.
I'm guessing he owns a shoeshine business and listens to The Joe Rogan Experience between customers.
He probably has to listen to each podcast several times to memorize the shibboleths to show his MAGA credentials.
I also reject podcasters who refuse to self-edit.
which in itself should be a 🚩to any man trying to party like it's 1899, but they're too full of their own shit to see it
It's the only thing that makes sense.
Or someone else is actually running it while you have your bro time.
Also, women like things like “audiobooks,” but to be fair, this guy probably doesn’t know what a book is 😆
Send this incel fuck straight to the woodchipper.
= Idiotic men talking rubbish for hours
fry it up in a pan
listen to Rogan for hours just like you can
'cuz I'm a woman!"
"I’ve been an Elon Musk fan since before probably most of you knew who Elon was. And the fact that I have a chance to live in an America where Elon and Vivek Ramaswamy are charged with ridding the government of fraud, waste and abuse — that’s the America I want to live in."
"Me and most of my women friends are customer service. The last thing I want to do after work is talk with MORE FUCKING PEOPLE."
Guy friend: "Ohh."
It's sad that they made money off these shows instead of helping.
Women are anatomy.
This guy's talking like he's among the grizzled male truck drivers or longshoremen or something, but he's a balding suburban Amerifat with an email job keeping him as soft as any woman he looks down on.
Isn't that the whole plot of Only Murders in the Building?
Maybe most women (and sane dudes) don't want to listen to those blowhards
I weep for us.🙄
and i just checked and this was posted there yesterday, lol
fuck this guy
Apparently multitasking is hard for Jon. 😑
Bill will be happy to sign you up so that you too can be your own boss!!!
All the 🚩 🚩🚩🚩you need.