1/ The reason this is particularly bad—and undermines all the great journalism the Times does—is that it a) treats lives like a game b) will be seen as the view/cavalier attitude of the entire NYT, and not just 10 columnists, many of whom should have been put out to pasture long ago.
Reposted from
Toby Buckle
Of course the NYT sees the "DEI" stuff positively & is neutral on anti-trans discrimination
Fuck Hanlon's Razor. The NYT consistently does evil, amplifies evil, strategically bolsters evil, and defends its evil every step of the way, not by accident, but because it is evil to its core.
That shit is not going to fly.
We could have elected Jon Tester and my vote for him was not enough to do it, but at least we can get some respite from his common sense both sides gibberish.
Nobody thinks the NYT is legitimate any more Clara.
Won't subscribe
Won't read
Did this to themselves too
Those ARE problems- but the above the line problem is the bigotry.
See? Separate!
Is this the great reporting?
A public editor.
NYT and its public editors 'normalize' the indefensible, domestically and in foreign policy.
Link in bio
There are good people who work there. I hope when the NYT deservedly goes bankrupt that they land on their feet
Sub numbers and revenue $$ are the only metrics they care about. Not opinions, not criticism, not truth, facts, or even our democracy.
The only reason they might change for the better is if the cash flow is turned off
I hear the cooking section's reliable. That's not good enough.
It's also just plain dumb for liberals to give money to a paper that despises them.
What a bizarre & contemptible analogy.
She’s just showing us what kind of person she truly is.
If they had a core of courage they could GPS from there
dont just try to sweep that under the rug
I don’t see what would work.
Fuck the NYT. And the Washington Post, too.
They deserve nothing but Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Guardian, FT, Economist, and Pro Publica can have all my money.
Sad to but the best journalism these days is probably Teen Vogue and The Onion after parsing through the sarcasm.
Both NYT and WaPo are in their Re-Load phase.
Not exactly a great endorsement is it.
Short of that you should absolutely cancel it now and support local / independent journalists not a massive mega corporation full of 💩
I wish on each and every one of you what you've inflicted on us.
But will you acknowledge and grow from such failure ?
Barring a massive change, the world would only benefit from the NYT collapsing and its reporters being unemployed.
Oh wait. You're serious.
That’s how it works and how it should work. These are some good ideas that @nytimes.com could use to not suck absolute shit anymore.
Maybe if they implement them I’d subscribe.
Everyone should cancel their NYT because they sanewashed a trans genocide for the last year.
And yes, I mean Genocide. Denying healthcare to a minority—policy actively advocated for by NYT columnists—is in Article II of the Genocide Convention.
It’s a fascist rag.
Giving them your money supports more of this bullshit, and nothing will change until you hit them in their profit margins.
Tell me again why I should give them a dime?
Fuck you.
that’s what thought
The NY Times 📰 has been trash🗑️ for a long time. Hello, “weapons of mass destruction”! #2003
May it rot. Sorry, many great individual reporters, but the paper is the agenda setter for only GOP slanted issues.
and here lies the problem with people like you
No good answer. Hoping for power changes seems idealistic to the point of folly.
As does hoping the NYT can meaningfully change.
Fuck the New York Times.
The 1% owns 90% of an UNREGULATED MSM.
The NYT will be called Pravda soon.
There is no Liberal media.
There is only propaganda and lies.
There is no integrity in journalism.
Just script reading shills, shucking and jiving for a paycheck.
Not sure they don’t cause more harm than good for democracy despite some excellent reporting
I think a lot of folks will be prioritizing spend, and most of us won’t subscribe to everything. So choices must be made.
For good reporting on political subjects, subscribe to Wired or Teen Vogue.
Neither they, nor the NYT are remotely up to the challenge they’re facing. They need to feel pressure.
They’re the ones supposed to be protecting us.
All the issues on the graph are secondary to the most significant issues of the last month, namely:
- taking a wrecking ball to institutions t/ won’t be easily rebuilt
- the erosion of democratic norms/rise of authoritarianism
Somebody said "you know what would be a fun story? let's poll the columnists and make a scatterplot of the results". It's not just somebody editing a piece after the fact, or approving it.
This is good to know! So the profits from Op/Ed go to the Sulzbergers, but the separate profits of the reporting side go to whom?
Why should I monetarily support and entity whose values are anathema to mine (and to common decency) . One which makes a conscious choice to dehumanize people I care about?
When NYTimes decides it will no longer comfort the comfortable and torment the tormented, we can talk.
they’ve lost all credibility
If they’re actually good journalists a buncha ex nyt could probably strike it rich rn, yet instead they do nothing but ask for more money. Curious
The NYT eliminated the Public Editor role years ago, on purpose.
It’s extremely stupid (or dishonest) to encourage spending money on NYT because someday, maybe, they’ll bring back the Public Editor.
What’s your angle here?
Look at the clean out in the US military...
They only whine when it affects them.
Get real.
This just explains why. The people who work there are garbage.
NYT is just a right wing propaganda rag. Always has been.
caught doing because they took part in the insurrection
The good journos can find jobs elsewhere.
And may you live to understand this and regret carrying water for them, ma'am.
Now go to hell.
Cancel your NYT subscription,