just spent 2 minutes trying to see if you mispronounce “immigrant” in a way that gets you to “nig…” and well you can’t
Reposted from
Mykael Wyvern — 🔮🧙🏻♂️🐉
No biggie just Rich Lowery almost dropping the n word on Megan Kelly's show
No defense
Clear what his brain was thinking either way
But it doesn't align with his explanation and also he's Rich Fucking Lowry of the Fucking National Review
He didn’t. This is as clear a case as I’ve seen. No defense
Lowery covering for Vance admitting to the fabrication is the cherry on this turd salad.
My Comanche soul keeps leaving my body over some of your brazen replies, y'all.
It's just the uncharitable explanation is definitely right, considering the context
That is why he is trending on Twitter?
I rarely see what is but I accidentally saw today's list and he is at the top.
He said "mig" (rhymes with big) and it blended with the n sound from the end of Haitian and sounded more like "nig".
Also Rich Lowry is terrible and I don't want to defend him anymore.
Then it does, and worse.
I jumble my kids' names. I don't randomly spout extreme racism.
It's 2024. Lowry was born in '68 in Virginia. It's a choice he's made about who to be.
they pull this shit
Try it. See for yourself.
Lowry needs to resign.
Yet again saying the quiet part out loud.
It’s the thing he wants to say, obviously, he just didn’t know he’d be giving himself a little treat today
Maybe this will work?
(reveals my letter of resignation)
And nobody in the Press ever called him on it . .
The similar sounding words that aren’t *quite* similar enough. The quiet chuckle but no other acknowledgement as he plows on with the original “point.”
He was just saying that the guys who were trying to save money by eating wild geese were very stingy! That's all!
Problem is, he's revealed himself to be a cunning stunt...
It's the same.
"because I figured that behind her initial aggressiveness lurked an easy, perhaps winning, bit of no-frills hookup"
And he closes out by describing himself as a literal lapdog to power
It really does sound like the n-word though. It's a stretch to imagine another possibility.
The only appropriate response is universal shunning and shaming. Do not let him get away with this shit. Do not let her get away with this shit.
Which a lot of these folks do, any time they're on a mic.
Rich Lowry: JD, hold my diet dew.
All that yelling that he didn’t say it, and not even a pretense of any apology
Not EVEN so much as an “IF you were offended I’m sorry” butt-covering non-apology
He said it and he’s not sorry
zero self-reflection.
Them: how dare you say we are racist.
Them: .....
Fact Check: Partly true. He only said "Haitian nig..."
On repeated listening I'm going with "negro"--or if I want to wax nostalgic for media-savvy old-timey racists, "nigrah."
-these motherfuckers, probably
That book he wrote about *wink* nationalism *wink* seems even more on the nose now.
Said it as easy as he breathes
Not even close. Dude fkn said it.
He dropped it.
Are they gonna try to backpedal or are they paving the way for more if it?
the editor-in-chief of the same magazine Buckley founded dropping the hard R is so unsurprising it hurts
You form an initial 'n' with your lips apart and the tongue at the roof of the mouth behind the top teeth.
Try it.
That guy (who I'd never heard of before) is LYING.
He's smiling in white cis male body language speak. Right? Note the upper corner of eyes & the shoulders. There's an energy & poise there. The only thing that gets me is how loudly he's saying it via that. He's so excited for his First Post, Except
clearly these white people with “accidents” are just briefly possessed by the racist demons.