I've been saying this since I heard 'gen alpha'. I swear this was a set-up. And why did the 'generations' start at the end of the alphabet to begin with? I dunno if 'the silent generation' and the rest were retroactive, but first lettered I remember was gen X; why?
Oh I don't doubt that the lettering of the generations is some fortuitous cultural thing that stuck, rather than being by design. I'm saying we should fix that now that it's gotten bigger than we could have hoped back then and design it properly.
I hope so, but I thought we were done with 'cringe' in like 2014 but now it has a stranglehold on multiple generations (if not in common usage, then in how it affects what people do or let themselves express)
I say every generation should just call themselves the Greatest Generation and let the dorks who complain die off. Or let the subsequent generation name them.
Imagination deficient olds just phoning it in now.
We never named generations until my post war double-gen of 'boomers'. That name is often used as a divisive hate term now, so I think its time we stopped partitioning off 'groups to despise/envy. Get back the pueblo mentality where grandmas and grandkids play together because they have equal value!
I think it was around that time, but I think the 'okay boomer' thing was a response to millennials just taking it for seemingly decades. 'Okay boomer' only happened due to the constant berating of millennials, before that, gen X got that name but was able to largely lay-low.
My point exactly. We're all open to division politics. But slinging the weapons of division around for those who benefit from everyone thinking their neighbour is to blame for all our problems, takes the heat off those who really are to blame for inequality. The obscenely wealthy 'overlords'.
As far as I can see, Gen A and B are identical. They didn't see the rise of the Internet or the passing of a millennium to mark them, so why are we naming them already? Can't we just let them characterize themselves and name them in the moment?
These are the kids who will have a real hard time finding employment after AI eliminates most of the need for humans to perform manual or interpretive tasks.
Absolutely. Things are going to sh1t. All the more reason to stop hating our neighbours and to work together to out the real causes of inequality. I'm afraid AI is here to stay so we have to find ways of making sure that there is GREATER and not less social cohesion. The uber-wealthy need division.
Gen X, at the time at least, seemed like it had 'The next big winners' feel to it. I seem to remember some marketing campaign that said 'Generation Next' and that sort of gives me that vibe.
Mind you, I was a teenager at the time, and us Millennials wouldn't have a name for a few years.
Agreed. Generational tribalism is dumb, cringe, and makes no sense. Plus, folks who're born on the cusp of a generation range tend to hate being lumped in with people they only technically share a cohort with (my dad goes mental if you call him a boomer, for example. He was born in 1964… lol).
Yeah, we do enough of that already when judging each other on race, gender, sexuality, nationality, etc. No need to compartmentalise our biases even further by including age brackets in the list of demographics that it's seemingly A-OK to treat people as ambassadors of instead of individuals. 👌
It is! (1957) @11-15yrs high school We were still taught 'home economics' (no economics involved) instead of wood and metalwork which I would have preferred. No childcare support but my gen had to work & are now told we should have saved. It was NOT a walk in the park for a working single parent!
See? Nobody likes this definition. My mum (a year younger than my dad) prefers to identify as "Generation Jones" (the transitory period between "Baby Boomer" and "Gen-X"). I jokingly called her and dad "joomers". 🤣
So we have to find a different way. It's very sad that we've got to this stage. Boomers and every other adult generation since, have allowed division and hate to break down social cohesion. Though we aren't all individually at fault, we are all collectively responsible for the cure.
Right but we’re the ones (the Left) that tagged the “Boomer” generation in all its negativity. Just another example of our identity politics and how we mark those we don’t agree with.
Yes! 100% this! It’s so odd how “boomers” seem to be thought of right now. I’ve always been proud that I was part of the generation who protested in the name of peace, love, human rights, & saving our planet. We marched, wrote letters, held sit-in’s in our high schools. Mattered then, matters now!
The monsters your generation voted into office in the 80s matter too. You guys betrayed that which you protested for,and now the planet can't be saved.
It would if I were individually responsible for all the stupid decisions of my gen. But I'm not. I individually made different decisions. Most of the 'hippie protesters' of my gen are still the socially responsible. Most idiots are still idiots. This comment isn't really showing advanced reasoning.
Simplistic. Generations don’t elect presidents, people do. Do you have demographic data to prove your point? Multiple gens vote in every election. Since Trump was elected when you were of voting age can succeeding gens blame you for his election? See how stupid that is?
2/2 Socialism really threatens Big Money and yet they manage to convince the people that Socialism IS communism or conflate it with any other dictatorial system. Yes Life WAS easier in the 70s and there was more equality. What happened since? Too many voters (of all generations) were hoodwinked.
Doesn’t help a bit. Didn’t vote for Reagan nor Bush but, go ahead, lay soul blame on boomers for those atrocities too, while dismissing everything we worked for.
I believe all these comments have good context, but let's not deny that a large part of the boomers (not all) have selfishly taken everything and then want others to pull themselves up by their boot straps. They retired early, bought houses for $80,000, and then act entitled.
I don't deny there is selfishness in every generation including mine. But to label a generation as selfish, for the selfish part of it, is in itself divisive and lets the very selfish skip off happily into the sunset while the poor of EVERY generation suffer and fight each other.
The 2024 vote for voters 65+ were split 49/49%. While this is mind-blowingly disappointing (to me, personally), blaming boomers for this horrific election, and lumping them all together as selfish) is extreme.
And to me. All it proves is that it is easy to provoke fear, hate and distrust in every generation and we should all strive to be better educated and to help those who struggle with that.
If you look at vote stratification by age group, those under 30 tend to go heavily for democrats.
The other age ranges are for all intents and purposes the same. The myth of the old boomer maga voter is just that, a myth. The biggest growth in republican voters has been 30-55.
I said not all, and I apologize if I sounded extreme. I certainly did not mean to. This has been my experience. I saved and was able to pay cash for college and buy a house at 23 with a Union job. I paid into SS for 38 years. While some boomers paid in 25 years retired in their 50's receiving SS
The generations are divided for statistical analysis and research purposes. Just like people are divided by age, current location, ethnicity. It's not meant to be something the general population uses. We can just go back to "old people" and "kids these days", if you'd prefer.
How is it inconsistent? We have Gen X, Millennials who are occasionally called Gen Y, Gen Z, then we started over with the Greek alphabet and Gen Alpha.
We Millennials started out being called “Generation Y” before we became the Millennials. Give it time, the only reason Gen X stuck is because they got forgotten again & they’re too tired to workshop something (sarcasm)
It is true. There are entire realms of academia & industries like marketing dedicated to studying social generational differences (and even whether or not they exist).
The naming conventions have changed with changes within academia & industry. There's nothing contemptible about them initially.
For Western, industrialised nations;
The Lost gen; those reaching adulthood during WW1 & shortly after.
The Greatest Gen; those coming of age running up to & during WW2.
Silent Gen; post war.
Baby Boomers; part of the post-war pop explosion.
Gen X; another "lost" generation, but to alienation.
Gen y, z, alpha, beta are self explanatory, after X.
These are just labels used for simplifying statistical analysis & social commentary. They've been picked up by society at large & maybe abused, but we've ALWAYS bemoaned the people older or younger than us.
Inconsistent? How is gen X, gen y (aka millennials), gen z, and then starting again with gen alpha being inconsistent? I think you’re overthinking this whole thing. Yeah, that’s right, I’m a boomer, and it’s not the insult y’all seem to think it is.
Yes calling them the "beta" generation shows that whoever is coming up with these terms didn't take any marketing classes. Can we toss that term in the skibidi toilet and pick a new one?
Yeah, but comparing staring at MTV all day to listen to MUSIC in ye olden days vs. Tic Tac addicts with the attention span of a fruit fly who crave attention 24 hrs a day.
Worst is Twatter renamed as X.
A crime.
Also, messing with those vote counting computers like Trump bragged. Another crime.
I'm glad we have at least one congress person who has their finger on the pulse of the nation. Old-ass conservatives would probably call them 'generation bootlick' or something if they could.
As a GenY/MTV Generation/Xennial… I totally feel this. Last century-wise, these babies would be ‘the silent generation 2.0’, 1.0 coming to age in WWII. They believed in some things, they also birthed a new level of propaganda with radio. If we’re gonna go Greek, be Socratic about it. 🧚🤘🧚
They will name themselves. Zoomers developed bc that’s their experience. I hope they end up “beta generation” bc that means things are settled & securely boring. I’m the tail end of Gen X. That’s how my 1st 15yrs went….then the internet & social media got started.
I only agree with the whole Gen Alpha bit because I have two of them and I could not be prouder of my little dragons. They are next level defiant, but oh so polite about it. I’m a GenY Scottish immigrant. How can I NOT respect it?
Respectfully, (in a good way), I forget Gen Y was a thing. Millennials kinda stole ALL the THUNDER and overtook Gen Y. That just means Gen Y had minimal conflict and got to grow up in solidarity with just being weird teenagers.
I just tell people I am more Green Day than Duran Duran. I came to the US in 1990, my ‘80s experience was VERY different. I was in the Navy by ‘98 so my ‘turn of the century’ was VERY different. I had the weird life. It tracks that I’m from the forgotten micro-generation of the overlooked generation
Oh, thanks. No wonder AOC’s reference meant nothing to me! Could not care less about aliens in toilets. 😆 Weird reference, imho, for a Congress member but I suppose I’m in a different demographic. I like inclusive metaphors. Don’t watch YouTube shows, only random YT videos. On to the next mystery!
She’s making a very specific reference that was targeted at people under the age of 30ish. The only reason I know it is because I have a 9yo 😆 she wasn’t intending this one for broad appeal, lol
I think nicknames for generations should include a time span… i.e., “Boomers 1946 – 1964.” I never called my parents’ generation the “Silent Generation” because they were anything but that! I’ve lost track of whom is who or whom or how old they may be… 😆
Gen X irony at its finest:
Gens Z, Alpha and Beta are named in relation to Gen X. The ENTIRE POINT of the “X,” as dubbed by the Douglas Coupland book title (which is where the name comes from), is about being undefined and kind of insignificant. It was never supposed to be alphabetical!
MORE ironical, Gen X ARE BOOMERS. Coupland's book is about younger Boomers, in their late twenties in the '80s. The media kept calling twenty-somethings "gen x" for a decade, and mistakenly attributed Gen X to the twenty-somethings in the 1990s.
Omg you’re right. Sorta, kinda. I’m the first GenX birth year (1965) —26 when Coupland’s book came out (thanks, Google). The characters were roughly my age. However, given how slow publishing is, Coupland probably finished the ms at least 3 years early. So: young Boomers.
Yes, he was writing it a couple years before that, the main characters are pushing 30. Copeland specifically mentions how they are boomers, but they’re the boomers who were too poor to buy houses and her languishing in Mcjobs during the recession of the 80s.
Generation X was a 1964 book about the Mod culture in Britain.
Billy Idol named his first band for it.
Douglas Coupland named his book for Billy Idol’s band.
Marketing dweebs missed *all* the references and here we are…
There is such a book, you are correct. It was not the best seller, like Copeland’s book. It did not inform pop culture the way Copeland’s book did, nor was it addressing the idea of a “generation” the way Copeland’s booked it. I don’t think it as much to do with the way we use the term Gen X today.
The time to do something was election day. 100+ million didn't even bother voting, and 75 million people are perfectly ok with this. Politicians can't fix the deep rot in this country.
In 2025, the year of the Great Undoing, they will only be known as the MEMEBORN.
Born from chaos, creativity, and the meme-stream, they are the children of the digital age. Their legacy is written in pixels and irony.
Two of my three were in this situation. Youngest graduated from elementary and started high school during lockdown, Middle graduated high school and started college.
It was such a significant event for that generation, coming as it did in their formative years. I honestly can't imagine how different their experience was than ours & how that will shake down the tree. That's a generation defining event.
It changed them. Or, rather, it amplified the "normal" teen-angst/emotional turmoil/mental health ride, during a time when mental healthcare was difficult to access. I worry more about my youngest, who is 18 now. She's "okay" but not totally okay, if that makes any sense.
In their formative years, your young watched society's mask slip, not the cloth kind, but that of civility. Fear and tribalism reigned as the weaker were abandoned, betrayed in the name of selfish liberties cloaked as rights. How could they thrive when the world meant to shield them turned away?
No, it really does make sense. My nephew is so much quieter than he used to be, more inside of his own head. He's still trying to figure out how to get back in the swing of school, it definitely disrupted his STEM goals, and he isn't ready for IB yet, but he's getting back to consistent grades
AOC: Encourage your supporters who cannot give money to tell the other 534 in DC what they think about issues you support. It only takes a few minutes and best of all, it doesn’t cost any money.
We don’t need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
'Beta' is *NOT* permanent name it's place holder ie X Y Z Alpha Beta then Gamma Delta etc. Z was the last of the alphabet so greek alphabet follows. Later the generation earn proper name. X seems to stay because of Extreme gen but Y changed to Millennials while Gen Z seems to be going to Zoomer 🤯
This all started with the 1991 study "Generations" by Neil Howe and William Strauss where generations were identified but not yet earned thier name so place holders were used.
It's supposed to be a placeholder until we come up with a name based on what experience pulls together kids born 2025-2039 or so. But the news media is popularizing the placeholder name so they may end up like Gen X or Gen Z with no good name. Millennials were just renamed due to Y2K... from Gen Y
I find it comforting we can joke about a gen-name. All I can think is these kids be growing up without democracy, civility, actual knowledge, or an education system! I’m glad we can laugh about their name. Thank you.
Yeah, the fish is spelled betta with two Ts, even if it's pronounced the same way.
We didn't even run out of letters, it's only because the lettering started with gen X that they went X, Y, Z and then just...uh, started over in Greek? Whoever came up with this needs to stop
Different sites say different things, but this image fits true to what I remember as correct.
Why are the generation increments becoming smaller? My only reasonable guess is due to our technology changing so quickly. Still, alpha only an 11 year increment?
i think its because baby boomers where such a significant generational shift in demographics, culture ect that the phenomenon warranted its own name, then it kinda just became a trend after that
plus all the sectioned off and separately named generations give lazy journalists a way to sound smart
Because some authors came up with Generational Theory in the 90s (80s?) saying there are 4 basic types of generations *in America* that repeat. Later the narcissists on social media made it their personality and subverted it.
It never became a thing until gen x grew up and started complaining about not being able to get a job because their parents were still employed and paying off their kids college loans.
Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo... means we don't fully have to ditch Alpha. I like it but there might be some odd ones later. But then again Generation Upsilon would be odd too.
Yes, go back to decades of birth, like I'm a 1950's person, saves the somewhat complex calculation you do when someone says they are Generation Z (1995-2010).
Not really, but people born in the '50's are more likely to remember the Moon landing and black and white TV than those born in the '60's. Growing-up music was different too. Beatles age.
The song remains the same..and
“ We are the nowhere generation
We are kids that no one wants
We are a credible threat to the rules you set..a cause to be alarmed …
We are not the names that we’ve been given
We speak a language you don’t know..”…. “Talking about my…
“ Hush now baby,baby,don’t you cry…mama’s gonna make all of your nightmares come true.. mama’s gonna put all of her fears into you you… Mama’s gonna keep you right here under her wing..she won let you fly but she might let you sing. Mama’s gonna keep baby cozy and WARM!”oooobaby..ooobaby………..”
"Rise up and take the power back
It's time the fat cats had a heart attack
You know that their time's coming to an end
We have to unify and watch our flag ascend
They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
And we will be victorious"
Gens are normally 15-18 years, in the past, after about 15 or so years the world changes fast enough that you didn't share the same childhood/teenage memories. But, since the 90s, it seems like technology has changed faster. It's about coming of age, and how that effects the rest of your life.
May not fully work since despite what that chart says, A in the NATO phonetic alphabet is actually spelled ‘Alfa,’ so we'd probably have to respell the name of a generation that has existed for 12–15 years (depending on who you ask)
Bravo is one thing, but... generation Mike? Generation Quebec? Generation Whiskey? Quite a few only these are quite stupid and meaningless in relation to a Generation name. Maybe we could pick a name that's, I don't know, meaningful and fitting for its time?
idk I think those go hard. Generation Mike in particular is hilarious to me. Also - meaningful and fitting for its time? That sounds like a lot of work /s
Again, not for the whole world. More than a billion speakers of English rest firmly outside of NATO territories, and many of said English speakers object to the alliance in the first place.
the Whiskey generation in 250 years boutta be full of drunks, which is a shame coming after the "Victor" generation. They're gonna be holding that name over their heads like Alpha's gonna do to Beta
They only started this because of GenX. They couldn’t pigeonhole us or force us to conform to one thing, so they gave us a generic, blank label.
Millennials started out as GenY.
My kids are GenZ.
This was not a thing before GenX. It’s weird and unnecessary.
Yes it was🤦🏽♀️ Before Gen X was Baby Boomers,before that The Silent Generation,before that The greatest generation,before that The Lost Generation and so on.
Yes. There was a name description. The Boomers are from the post-WWII baby boom.
They couldn’t figure out GenX so they tried to devalue us with this generic “unknown” designation.
After that, people just kept the alphabet going.
I'm responding to this:
"They couldn’t pigeonhole us or force us to conform to one thing, so they gave us a generic, blank label."
and this: "They couldn’t figure out GenX so they tried to devalue us with this generic “unknown” designation."
I’ve completely lost track of who is who. Could we come up with some names that actually relate to time or events. I get boomers; post-WW2 baby surge but after that I’m pretty much lost. (New Year res: must pay more attention)
Better idea, let's keep alpha but treat it like a nickname of 'generation A's, then instead of 'beta', those kids can be 'generation B', because I think it's BS that we started from X instead of A to begin with. This way it just loops around.
I feel like these generations are getting too close together, can we just change this to a year naming thing like they do in discworld, can this not be the year of the fruit bat or whatever instead of this arbitrary generational bs
I mean the date ranges (as per pew research) states silent as a 17 yr period, boomer as 18, x as 15, millennial as 15, and gen z as 15, this excludes the greatest which was 26-23 yrs depending on who u ask, like is being born in 1980 so dif than 81? It just feels so contrived, so lets ultracontrive
As an 81 Millennial, they changed it up on us too. I was Gen X most of my life then they were like “oops, you’re actually a millennial.” We have micro generations just for people like us though. I’m the “Oregon Trail Generation” 😂
The initial names are just letters. We got through the English alphabet already and now we're into the Greek alphabet. In time, they'll get their own names, like Gen W (baby boomers) and Gen Y (Millennials) did.
Think we should just skip to that
It would be at least more honest considering the inheritance boomers leaving em
Would that more people
were worried for them
and their planetary ecosystem
Whatever we decide on someone should tell them this:
40 years ago a book came out discussing how the generation that was coming of age was an "unknown" because of different values and expectations in the workplace and life than their parents. Because of this unknown, they called us Generation X. It snowballed from there
They labeled the next generation "Y" and even went back and labeled earlier generations. Eventually "Y" changed to "millennial". But really it all started as just an analysis of different values and expectations based on different life experiences
After making a Sequel, Valve took all the game assets (the stuff that they made that showed up in the game) and dumped it into this new game project called G-mod.
Think of it as a big ass toy box filled with Half-Life toys.
Eventually, players figured out how to add other things as well.
YouTube poops slowed down on the popularity over years but never went away.
One day, YouTube content creator Dafuq!?Boom decided to mess around in Gmod again for some videos. so....45million subscribers later after smacking some Half-Life/Valve assets together, his series got exceedingly popular. 🧵
My (otherwise delightful & articulate) 11 yo just tells me "You can't handle Gen Alpha slang," and storms out of the room, disgusted by my (apparently cringe) attempts to employ it
To my understanding, it's literally just jazz scat that elevated to the level of meme status. Random syllables with no meaning, and somehow it became a word that everyone is pondering over for the meme of it.
Well in my family, our Gen Beta baby has a 2-syllable first name and a 1-syllable middle name. She was born Jan 9th. She is the 1st Gen B with three more on the way this year.
I don’t think so. My name is 2-syllables all through (1st, middle, last). So was my Silent Gen and Greatest Gen grandmother & great-grandmother.
However, my Mom & daughter (Boomer, Millennial) are both 2-syllable first, 3-syllable middle, 2-syllable last.
How about we ditch the generational names as it is even more absurd than differentiating ourselves racially? We divide ourselves enough without coming up with totally imaginary reasons to divide ourselves.
ironically using the word "lulz" is kind of a generational marker in itself. although generally speaking I agree it's not very important to divide generations like that
Purposefully avoiding having an identity is an identity
While it's possible identity barriers can shrink, you'll naturally form an identity with people who share memes, which is naturally banded to age due to _reality_ being temporal
I think generational divides are taken way too seriously; people have been and always will be the same. That said, peers made by similar lived experiences will also continue until society stops changing. "Generations" can def seem stupid, but they have a function in communication if nothing else
Nha, women and blacks not being able to vote was ingrained into the social narrative and functioned as expected until it wasn't. So yeah. Corporate media started it. Time to drop it.
No they aren't real. Are people who were born in 1941 all that different from people born in 1945? What about those born in 1979 vs 1981? Are we supposed to believe they are a different "generation"? No it is completely fictitious and this crap started with Time Magazine circa 1989.
Boomers got their name because there was an actual baby boom. “Gen X” were kids born in a period of declining or lower birth rates. Their identity is that they were born after the boom. Otherwise kids are born; labeling them as a “generation” is arbitrary.
I think it would be better to abandon the whole division of society into arbitrary decade spanning generations, when even the boomers include both Barack Obama and Donald Trump; two men who grew up nearly 20 years apart. Faced different political Americas with different causes in the forefront.
This happened to my older siblings when they had children, boomers booming. There are 3 distinct divisions in that generation. This labeling is insane.
Proposal, nicknames but not alpha
Imagination deficient olds just phoning it in now.
Mind you, I was a teenager at the time, and us Millennials wouldn't have a name for a few years.
You have one group of people deriding an entire group of people that they don't know, often for made-up reasons.
I'm a boomer that helped stop the war, close the ozone hole, brought forth human rights and distrusted The Man.
Hope this helps!
The other age ranges are for all intents and purposes the same. The myth of the old boomer maga voter is just that, a myth. The biggest growth in republican voters has been 30-55.
And no, I’m not a Boomer.
The naming conventions have changed with changes within academia & industry. There's nothing contemptible about them initially.
The Lost gen; those reaching adulthood during WW1 & shortly after.
The Greatest Gen; those coming of age running up to & during WW2.
Silent Gen; post war.
Baby Boomers; part of the post-war pop explosion.
Gen X; another "lost" generation, but to alienation.
These are just labels used for simplifying statistical analysis & social commentary. They've been picked up by society at large & maybe abused, but we've ALWAYS bemoaned the people older or younger than us.
Worst is Twatter renamed as X.
A crime.
Also, messing with those vote counting computers like Trump bragged. Another crime.
This generation would be similar to the Silent where birthrate dropped.
This next generation should be known as The Dearth Generation.
I say pot meet kettle but…
The kiddos take it seriously…
Or just as often in my case, why not?
Im a child of the American 80/90s but am anti Reagan & more Nirvana, Dave Matthews but can appreciate the fun of the pop/R&B boy bands too.
It’s so great meeting new ppl! What brought you here at such a young age?
The first generation under the wicked 🍊💩🤡 and President Musky.
I agree; a little something more apt and descriptive would be nice.
Gens Z, Alpha and Beta are named in relation to Gen X. The ENTIRE POINT of the “X,” as dubbed by the Douglas Coupland book title (which is where the name comes from), is about being undefined and kind of insignificant. It was never supposed to be alphabetical!
Called Gen-Y so I still have hope for the lil Betas
Gen X was sick of titles, and theirs got erased.
Billy Idol named his first band for it.
Douglas Coupland named his book for Billy Idol’s band.
Marketing dweebs missed *all* the references and here we are…
Object through the Count Act on the basis Dump is disqualified under AM14 §3!
You want to fight for us? Start here! DUMP DONNIE! Give us back some faith in our government. #14thNOW
Born from chaos, creativity, and the meme-stream, they are the children of the digital age. Their legacy is written in pixels and irony.
We don’t need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
— Aldous Huxley (sorta)
We didn't even run out of letters, it's only because the lettering started with gen X that they went X, Y, Z and then just...uh, started over in Greek? Whoever came up with this needs to stop
Why are the generation increments becoming smaller? My only reasonable guess is due to our technology changing so quickly. Still, alpha only an 11 year increment?
plus all the sectioned off and separately named generations give lazy journalists a way to sound smart
“ We are the nowhere generation
We are kids that no one wants
We are a credible threat to the rules you set..a cause to be alarmed …
We are not the names that we’ve been given
We speak a language you don’t know..”…. “Talking about my…
While we made love on the beach?
We were the class they couldn't teach
'Cause we knew better"
It's time the fat cats had a heart attack
You know that their time's coming to an end
We have to unify and watch our flag ascend
They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
And we will be victorious"
X - Gen X
Y - Millenials, Gen Y
Z - Gen Z
A - Alpha
B - Beta
I propose following Greek Planets after Gen Z:
A - Gen Hermes (Mercury)
B - Gen Aphro (Venus)
C - Gen Gaia (Earth)
D - Gen Ares (Mars)
E - Gen Zeus (Jupiter)
F - Gen Kronos (Saturn)
Millennials started out as GenY.
My kids are GenZ.
This was not a thing before GenX. It’s weird and unnecessary.
I think the designation was there before the book though.
It will be Gen C.
They couldn’t figure out GenX so they tried to devalue us with this generic “unknown” designation.
After that, people just kept the alphabet going.
What’s your explanation then?
"They couldn’t pigeonhole us or force us to conform to one thing, so they gave us a generic, blank label."
and this: "They couldn’t figure out GenX so they tried to devalue us with this generic “unknown” designation."
The lead hose.
Just the alphabet designation.
Is named
(definitely the screaming)
"In a petersonian sense.."
And are we just going through the Greek alphabet?
by naming any SARS-CoV-2 variant "Pi!"
It would be at least more honest considering the inheritance boomers leaving em
Would that more people
were worried for them
and their planetary ecosystem
Whatever we decide on someone should tell them this:
Skibidi toilet is from a series of videos made by creator Dafuq!?Boom on youtube.
There was a game made by the company Valve called Half-Life. 🧵
Think of it as a big ass toy box filled with Half-Life toys.
Eventually, players figured out how to add other things as well.
This was part of the "YouTube poop" era.
YouTube poops were just EXTRA nonsense videos that were just dumb as fk to watch. Low brow type of humor.🧵
One day, YouTube content creator Dafuq!?Boom decided to mess around in Gmod again for some videos. so....45million subscribers later after smacking some Half-Life/Valve assets together, his series got exceedingly popular. 🧵
Its a new age YouTube Poop made in Gmod.
It also has an underlying story that persists through the videos so at least it isn't ALL Dorito dust and nothing else.
Hope this helps~!
next to op who was beamin
monk was thumpin
suddenly in walked bud
And then they got into somethin
However, my Mom & daughter (Boomer, Millennial) are both 2-syllable first, 3-syllable middle, 2-syllable last.
And nobody did this on purpose. 😄
I am a 3-2-3.
and not this juvenile nonsense?
I don't know a single person who gives a shit about what "generation" I or they are supposed to be labeled with, and I'm older than you.
get back to *work* 🙏
If we are going with alphabet
Generation Benevolence ?
Give em some
Purposefully avoiding having an identity is an identity
While it's possible identity barriers can shrink, you'll naturally form an identity with people who share memes, which is naturally banded to age due to _reality_ being temporal
"Why did we go with this whole Greek Alphabet thing centuries ago?
I know an older boomer who gave birth to a younger boomer.
Did not experience the same world.