What. The. Actual. Fuck.
C'mon, now THAT'S funny!
I had no idea humanities profs made that in salary anywhere.
Because all she'll be doing is babysitting.
But it still may come out the same...I'm aware.
As someone who holds degrees in comparative literature at every level, I’m particularly horrified that they chose to try this in a discipline that is inherently multilingual and multicultural. Fucked up in every way.
Also, how the fuck are you going to ask your students to do their work if you won't?
I realized that I could write the program to run all the games in a few seconds, and let it tell us how much each of us won or lost. We could do the same with the AI course.
What is the role of a teacher in an all-AI course?
They could self-teach just as well from home, in their jammies.
And as for the students: if your entire curriculum is AI generated, then your tuition should also be AI generated.
Credits earned: AI generated
This press release: AI generated
"While that might make it sound like Stahuljak is ceding her wide-ranging expertise to bots, she said the opposite is true."
The course textbook cover:
The number of glaring errors should not be corrected pre retirement / layoff.
Zero faculty = increased profits.
This AI cult is going to get a lot worse before people finally figure out how annoying it is and avoid it as much as possible.
Could this be useful in generating first drafts of materials? Probably. A first pass at grading? Maybe.
But maybe have a human review anything before it goes out in final.
Meaning she has sided with power.
Her mantra is now “ Fck you, I got mine,”
"Why do you students care about me using an AI-generated textbook, but you students think it's okay to submit AI-generated assignments?"
Robust debate ensues...
UCLA has a tool that takes your notes and uses ChatGPT to make a book from them.
I can't imagine the language horrors in this book.
"unlike ChatGPT and other public large-language models, Kudu will draw information only from the resources … uploaded."
I can't believe they won't get some serious pushback on this? College is too expensive - people aren't paying for this bullshit.
Course diplomas: AI generated for everyone who wants one?
This is terrible for the humanities. I find it really hard to believe a literature professor could actually believe this. Is she getting VC funding or something?
I'm guessing profs will still have to sign off on final grades and field complaints from disgruntled students.
UCLA should be embarrassed. Their compsci department needs to explain to the humanities department how these models work.
Students should not stand for this. It will include misinformation disguised as information.
Hell no.
I hope this happens here as well.
We need to emancipate ourselves from those who do not guide us to the knowledge. Many titled "teachers" profanely use their position & technology to obscure knowledge, as many do. Liberate our learning.
That's so idiotic.
And I bet they'll sell that textbook 500$ too
I have read through entire textbooks that were well-written but with that one company producing nearly all textbooks (and what are they doing with AI) it’s not usual.
And again, errors, but also biases and misinterpretation and misinformation as the AI pulls in outside material.
Does sound like her lecture notes might be a bit yellowed, for sure, if this is even possible to consider.
Or those that see an AI course as an easy credit. After all, if the course is AI, the student should be able to use AI as well. Only fair. I guess.
This feels like when I go to the grocery store and them trying to direct me through the self checkout lines without giving me a discount for doing their work for them.