Here are the options on the table (which are not mutually exclusive):
1. House Dems bring articles of impeachment*
2. Senate Dems play constitutional hardball and obstruct everything
3. State AGs litigate (and prosecute) everything they can
4. Citizens march en mass
1. House Dems bring articles of impeachment*
2. Senate Dems play constitutional hardball and obstruct everything
3. State AGs litigate (and prosecute) everything they can
4. Citizens march en mass
The point is to document, immediately and in real time, constitutional transgressions and abuse of power.
Immediacy matters: Had Merrick Garland, for ex, appointed a SC on Day 1 to review everything Trump did, things could be different now
Fascism is a Christian thing, according to WWII and the Holocaust.
We don't.
How do you expect people to learn history if it isn't documented? You can't read what was never written.
But if you want us to at least have a chance to learn from this, we have to document it.
And I said the same thing on Impeachment on every transgression. Make the #Regressives go on record supporting every
2 Now!
3 Now!
4 Yes but peaceful.
someone should introduce a new article of impeachment for every impeachable offense
just getting it on the record would be good enough but ALSO it communicates to people that this is an unprecedented crisis they should be paying attention to
He will continue to break our Constitutional Values until he is dragged out of office by the opposition
FIFY, You're welcome.
Trump is on his way to beat him to it.
If Trump simply continues and his no-one refuses to comply, as they did in the first term, then who can unseat him?
Military intervention is the end of the country.
Blame any of 10 Republican Senators who didn't vote to convict him in his second impeachment trial on February 13, 2021.
Had that happened, and had a second vote to permanently bar him from office happened, this mess would not be upon us now.
It's going to take everything and everyone to get it fixed.
Also, the voters said no to Democrats ruling things after November 5th last year, so yeah.
America chose to play another round of Jumanji, and so it must finish what it begun.
Maybe next time it won't, but I'm not so sure...
We are here now because of mostly white, mostly Catholic, mostly male justices.
Our elected officials
Boycotts & strikes are v effective.
But I can boycott.
With age can come wisdom, but it can also come with blindness.
Garland was forced to only because of the Archivist.
Biden, Garland, Congress & SC used 'tradition" not law or the Constitution as an excuse to DO NOTHING about a Traitor.
And, here we are marching toward a dictatorship.
I also want someone to take charge of a pro-democracy movement and campaign. Doesn't seem to be anybody in charge of this.
The Founders designed America as a Constitutional Democratic Republic before there were parties.
I wish someone had started campaigning YESTERDAY.
And I agree, we should fully expect that they will not follow any court’s rulings. And EO’s are only useful if there’s an administrative state to implement them.
Do you mean that we should have had a running commentary from DOJ starting on day 1?
When was day 1?
Should Garland have appointed Smith earlier than Nov 18, 2022, which was 3 days after Trump announced he would run in 2024?
— Dylan Thomas
His actions will be his undoing, noisily there won't be too much damage.
I'm good with the other options.
Not everything has to be a bill. Pressure works and can change outcomes. Dem leadership has acquiesced and I guarantee that was assumed by Project 2025.
Jan 6 pardons, impoundment, mass firing of employees with civil service protections, FBI purges, …?
# 2,3,4 are good.
Is this a joke?
If this is not a joke, please go look up who was Attorney General then.
Study leaders in recent history such as Lech Wałęsa.
It’s complete endangerment as far as I’m concerned!
Best... Republicans take the out and vote in favor.
What do we have to lose by not trying impeachment again?
Here Asha, what you just wrote will not work in an authoritarian state like the USA has become today.
These are the four scenarios that wrote about.
Secession is one of them.
The intellectualist here yesterday
And GOP house and senate members are getting calls too.
Until there's action IDGAF what the GOP/MAGA cult says, it only matters what they do.
Much. You have to speak up and let your elected officials know that this is BS!
We must bring the public pain to elected officials or NOTHING changes.
Shame has no value to Magat elected politicians and appointed judges.
The public pain must become an unavoidable nuisance to every Trump supporter, in office or not.
It was never enough to warn them and certainly facts weren't "facts" if they didn't come from FOX/OANN/Breitbart or their favorite conspiracy jocks & outlets.
Once it hits THEIR families, their jobs, homes...MONEY...there is a hush. It's becoming personal.
We’re on our own. No one is going to save us. And it appears that may include congressional democrats. We have to save ourselves.
We may not have a chance to vote in 2026. The time is now.
We have to find other ways out of this shit, bc the Dems prove hourly they’re not up to the task. They’re part of the problem. A big part.
It’s not about hope; it’s about using all the tools at our disposal.
The mighty Mississippi River is built from the allllllllllll the small tributaries.
And you can do more than one thing.
If Trump follows through on his promises public sentiment will flip so hard against the GOP and combined with pressure from the base that just might give Dems the spine to actually fight dirty like Republicans do.
but getting those 90 million to vote is crucial.
But this mentality will definilty cost us.
We didn't fight for this last one and by letting them cheat US out of it, it gave them permission to continue
Dems will never win another race.
We the People should've ignored the distractions and fought for a new, uncomptoosed election free of fraud and interference.
I created this a few days after seeing number not adding up, votes in person not showing, and he IS a cheater.
it IS possible trump has gone too far even for a big part of the GOP and they need to be shown a massive movement pushing them to do something - if you all sit back and take it they will 100% not do anything.
They are imploding and I'm here for it.
With Musk controlling the money, I'm not even sure Trump is really in charge now.
Peak fox 'news' right here
Assuming they don't get a Night of the Long Knives treatment.
You need to do a njnja style night raid and post a huge sign on their lawn,with a huge red arrow... 'This muppet voted Trump! This is on them'.
Don't let them quietly walk away from what they've done. 😂
Or even the word "woke," which even Ron DeSantis's AG in court had to admit they were lying about when his so-called "Stop Woke Act" was permanently enjoined?
Fascist and collaborationist.
He's a puny little Nazi.
More than 1500 somebodies.
That usually leads to getting the guy at the top... but not this time.
When he realized he couldn't focus on J6 & run the rest of the DoJ, he called in a specialist, who was blocked by the R-controlled Supreme Court at every turn.
Everyone wants a scapegoat.
But here’s the thing about drafting impeachment articles: They must be for something substantial. They can’t just be token resistance. The time will come. Soon.
I recently finished reading “The Wager”. Amidst a true story of shipwreck, mutiny & murder a contemporaneous “log” loomed large. Great read btw.
Does she know something we don’t?
What a great opposition 😡
Right now, it's just feelers to see how much support there is.
Let's rob him of every photo op & have news-stations/publications focused on WE THE PEOPLE & ON WHAT IS ACTUALLY IMPORTANT!
Democracy, Black History Month (February)!!
Things today are different. As they continue to worsen, Congress may begin to turn. Even crazy magas can tell when the ship starts sinking (I know, it's a strech).
Are there any republican members of house or senate who will finally say “ enough is enough”
Did they get arrested?
Agree about Garland. He was an epic failure, beginning to end. He could have dropped the docs appeals for the two co-defendents, released the Smith report.Total dereliction.
But in the end,SC made it all moot.
The previous two backfired terribly, regardless of their appropriateness.
"Direct Action Gets the Goods"
Peter Gelderloos
Why didn’t Biden just order it released?
It’s probably already wiped and shredded.
Un f’n Believable
How do we make our reps do it?
Peaceful protests and sit-ins!
Make noise! Make people watch it!
Sing from the same hymnal! Don’t dilute the message.
Keep the message simple.
Stop the coup!
😂🤣 😆😂🤣 …😁😄😆😂🤣
Supreme Ct would have been hard-pressed to grant the immunity they did even if indictment wasn't airtight
Similarly now
Citizens processed sclerotic DOJ approach to Trump accurately as permission to vote for him again
Safer and more effective.
Shut everything down
Do not let up on this chud for a moment. Make him suffer like he wants to make everyone else suffer.
Turnabout is fair play.
Who cares what his base thinks.
Dems need to hold a press conference daily, as a form of shadow gov't, to keep the public informed. Know trump will gladly KILL ppl (see COVID), & dems must point out the methods he will use. Regrets later won't suffice, they must try to protect the public
I'm more of a tv person than listening to a podcast or watching anything on a tiny screen, but I do enjoy the newsletters I receive from Substack.
Can’t repeat it enough.
Hope someone on your staffs read this and pass it on.
He started a daily list.
This needs to grow into a daily, unified update and plan.
Where the hell ARE they? They need to be front and center!
"Immediately, if not sooner."
They need us a lot more than we need them.
At least some
Especially when huge chunks of the executive orders are borderline (or blatantly) illegal.
What you describe sounds like both a strategy and also just 'how it should play out if the law is applied.'
The autocracy is now consolidated.
The quote is years old, Sarah has been on the case for a decade and the whole story goes back at least as far as Reagan and Iran-Contra.
Like Hitler before him, donald will use protests to declare martial law.
We have to write and call our elected representatives... IN MASS.
Particularly if your reps are Pubs.
I've just written to all of my members of Congress (all Pubs) concerning my distress over elvin having access to my Hispanic protected information.
I'm including a copy of my letter. Feel free to use it to contact your representatives (edit as you like).
Also, I've added copyable text below.
Hispanic = HIPAA
Dear Ms. Murkowski,
Reuters has just posted an article stating that Elon Musk may now have access to my persoSocial Security and Medicare information. Elon Musk has not been elected to his role as the head
of a “department” which has, in turn, not been approved by Congress.
To say this news is frightening would be a huge understatement.
I’m writing to ask you, my elected representative, what you intend to do about it. This situation goes beyond politics.
The President of the United States has ignored HIPAA protections and allowed a noncivil servant (that has sworn no oath to either myself or my country) to access my confidential information.
I urge you not to delay. Please, take immediate action to protect myself and my family.
Thank you
When “essential workers” stay home it gets EVERYONE’S attention
Wait til they run out of toilet paper!!!
For example:
Blue States: require J6rs to file in a registry so we know who and where they are (call it Sedition Registry). Couple that with a repeat of Pritzker and disallow any government employment in the state border.
Strategize protection and attack!
knows DEMs have the money to purchase billboards all over MAGA strongholds, billboards listing checked off Project 2025 items. We need to teach their base.
Play hardball like he does with all the chaos he creates.
Time for chaos from the other side & need plans to counter Billionaires/Heritage Foundation.
It must happen peacefully.
Follow the South Korean model for dealing with a coup leading president.
F'ng Democrat "leaders" don't have an F'ng clue about being real leaders
Do we even have laws that would allow LE to remove them? If we do, is it too late?
Laws and legalities mean NOTHING to Trump and Musk.
What is needed is Law Enforcement loyal to the law and constitution.
What are Congress doing about getting law enforcement to act on the law and the constitution?
Although the Harris campaign wasn't too bad about it. 🤔
Shut everything down
We CAN do this together!
But Senate Dems aren't good at obstructing. Maybe McConnell can secretly give them a playbook.
And they won’t even get an impeachment/indictment in this environment.
Spend that time in the House actively fighting EOs instead. Much better use of time and energy.
Release all the data.
Grind the things he wants to do to a halt, and spend the rest of the time actively fighting the things he’s doing now while there are still mechanisms in place to do so
We did that last time and it meant nothing
(The Obama ones are at Carter's funeral)
Oh, more lawsuits, huh? Like the ones that put Trump in prison five years ago? Oh, wait... that never happened. And it will never happen. When he owns the courts, lawsuits are farts in the wind.
And the protest speeches? What have they actually accomplished?
The Dems are immune to spine.
I would love to be with you, but I am a UK citizen. Please be safe, but fight back. Resist
But I do agree with you that we need more strategic solutions.
But sometimes they can get violent just like the Stonewall Riots (in which Stonewall ushered in the current LGBTQ+ rights movement).
Like Pritzker's denial of state employment to J6'ers & Walz' proposal to lower state sales taxes to offset some of the $$ pain that will come with tariffs.
I'm a squeaky wheel in her ear.
I fear the only thing that will work is a MASS COUNTY WIDE WALKOUT FOR DAYS
They'll do anything to try stop general strike. Thus all the Do Nothing Democrats [DNC] & their army of influencers trying to tell us the same playbook that changed nothing last time will definitely, totally stop fascism this time
I agree mass strikes are our most effective means of Collective fight back. But short of death, have the highest cost.
So, we build alternative solidarity-frastructure in amont of striking.
Ppl need to eat and be housed.🧵1/?
And maybe whole industries not going to work.
These are both less dangerous than street protests.
Besides police, they could use the military, drones and robot war dogs to harm people
Stop them by attacking their money.
Get it out there 2/5/25 - 50 protests 50 states.
All hands on deck!
He pushed through rapist Kavanaugh. Dems were the minority & SCOTUS aided & abetted
He then got ACB through by breaking the rule he imposed on Obama.
I agree Dems are often weak but it's not all their fault.
Personally, I can't envisage any of what you have intelligently outlined, coming to fruition.
I think that this is the beginning of the end for the US as we knew it.
More sorry than you'd ever know.
I'm not a knee jerker & have found that patience is a point.
From the first Dump administration, we learned that nothing was carved in stone, infighting was suppressed, & nothing was accomplished (par for the course with Rethuglicons) for the country, as a whole.
Bigotry and outright stupidity came to the fore, and has assured us what the bottom line is.
The white majority they fear losing, is all that guides them.
2/3 oops
Laws are ignored and cheating of all kinds re voting has occurred.
Why does there seem to be so little recourse?
- Do absolutely nothing
Grind this Criminal Regime to a halt! #GumUpTheWorks
Keep the $$$ in State NY, California & all states that oppose the Autocratic/Billionaire TAKEDOWN OF DEMOCRACY
Im saying keep all Money In State,, by whatever means necessary
Beats bloodshed
Time to END that!!
The least they could do is vote NO on ALL of Trump's cabinet nominees.
The Dem's just don't know how this new game Trump is playing works.
They think it's still 1985.
And, I'm afraid most of them are way too old to learn.
Both chambers are controlled by the R’s.
Work to help us all!
If he does go goon squad?
Then we must all #WorkStopShopStop 1 day then 2 days then ?
We have to use a Strike To save Democracy!
The Billionaires will force Trump to change course or Be Impeached again! This time convict!
The people with jurisdictional power are precisely the people committing the outrages.
Those people need to zip it and stop discouraging the think tank.
WTAF has marching accomplished over the past 40 years?
Then, you have the start of a REAL conversation.
But, hey, we can talk about the pussy hats from a few years ago and how that march worked wonders! Give ourselves a collective pat on the back!
We can not rely on either political party. We've been let down too many times. It's up to us to take charge of our own lives since Biden didn't utilize his powers of immunity. No hero is coming to save us, period.
I'm tired of us getting fecked.
Now everyone demands they perform miracles. And, BTW, we do not know what actions are being taken. I have confidence in most Democratic Representatives and Senators. They are fighting.
I’m not picky. I just want this STOPPED
We. Have. No. Choice. 👊
Totals in Dec. Yes - he has pulled from Congress and yes it is possible if those seats flip ( not given) the gap with narrow but none of those elections have happened yet. But today now- is 220-215
trump took 4...2 were from FL that resigned on Jan 3 before they could be sworn in. Their jobs do not require confirmation.
Get In The Way
All generals need to openly state they will support democracy and uphold the constitution to prevent a coup by Trump, Musk, Thiel, Bannon, Flynn & co, and of course Putin in the background
Biden said so himself.
Given the GOP proclivities over the last four decades, I would say that a lot of people’s oaths are meaningless
Ty for standing 👊🏻😎
The choice is yours.
The Democratic leadership told us repeatedly what Trump would do if he got back in office & the ppl didn't believe
They're not feckless
They're just not running around acting reckless
They're strategically doing all they can
Sometimes ppl need to learn a hard lesson
They need to be obstructing at every turn, not acting as though the house isn't on fire, and it is business as usual. THAT is being reckless.
There is no more altruism
It's all about self 😞
It might be time for new Senators in your state?
This is the truth, but it is not reality. 😕
Surely citizens can outnumber them significantly if well organised?
His private army?
Basically, military coup is my only hope at this point. 😢
Trump has scorned army men by calling soldiers dead in action, "losers".
How could they support him? 😡
I hope they flatten every GOP crook in the country.
Don’t worry, I’m not expecting anyone here to educate me. I’m sure all of this is exhausting enough. I’ll see what I can learn.
5th option -
Just in case anyone out there is still thinking homosexuals are cowards.
General strike!!!
Everyone can participate from the safety of home
Even in the smallest towns
Mass “COVID outbreak”
requires 5 days of isolation
Get momentum
Violence against peaceful protesters has happened before (Kent State) and will happen again. But we will prevail.