Most cats have boundaries and you have to earn their consent. I don't have any academic studies or anything to back this up, but in my 46 years of life I've found that when people hate cats it's usually a red flag that they have boundary and consent issues that extend to their human relationships.
Reposted from
Indige Tea 🦬🧡
I really loathe how "cool" it is to hate cats. Cat haters suck, even the ones who are "just joking".
I don't know if she can understand me!
This morning she wanted her favourite food, walked over to it and looked at me, without a sound, then looked at the food.
That action and look spoke volumes. She got her favourite food immediately.
So, no, allergy =/= hate. Some people are really silly.
Me: Try to stay hydrated in the heat!
Internet: TO BE FAIR some people are assassination targets and their water might be poisoned.
As in there is no tbf with cats. Cats are not interested in fairness, they're gonna get theirs if they can. OGs.
I'd regularly pop an antihistamine before going to see my best friend and her cats.
After too long I'd get watery and need my inhaler but kitty cuddles were worth it.
He was allergic to cats.
She knew what she did, and she helped protect me, in her own way 💜
As if we're not on the internet where people argue for sport 😅
Yes I want to pet them despite being allergic. Like they are cats. Enough said
Kitty is in the "reasons to keep seeing this guy" category for sure haha
The cat is really cute though, so maybe a full body suit?
This is the most factually correct fact EVER
(ask me how I know 😩😢)
One of them makes a special point to sleep on my pillow during the day and under the covers with me at night.
I just take Allegra and deal with it. 😆
Nor is a cat hater an abuser-just a bad person who is not trustworthy.
It comes down to who has had the opportunity to know them, and many allergic people don't.
If the only experience they've ever had is with feral cats in a rural setting (non-US), how would they know that cats are loving?
The phuque is wrong with them?
They also seem to think that as a dog lady, I hate my own cats?
My husband does not trust anyone who hates cats. His jovial extroversion cannot overlook that major flaw.
My husband doesn't do that. He respects any being who expresses the desire to be left the hell alone. He knows that mood.
We have one who loves me and will let me pick her up and carry her like a baby with all trust. Then we have another who will come to you when she wants to be petted but DO NOT touch the base of her tail when stroking her or she gets upset.
Adorable, fluffy, amusing little jerks but jerks all the same. 😼🖤
So if they like dogs, they must dislike cats. If they love dogs, they must HATE cats.
My brother used to be like this until he actually spent time with cats and learned to enjoy them.
Whereas I was allergic to cats for a bit (asthma/allergies) and was and remain a massive fan
if they gettin bitey or scratchy they're tellin you to back up a step and you gotta listen to that, its no different from a human enforcing their personal space
It's not funny. It's not cute. And claiming it's a "joke" doesn't absolve you of anything
You're just disgusting
(also their adorable peets and beans)
And they were like "lol what do you mean" and didn't stop and got bit
Like... we told you
I know plenty of people who are viscerally afraid of cats (and usually most other animals) who I don't think have any control over their fear.
And Luna came to our house after 3 weeks of having Bluey and it was HIS idea.
I love how every cat somehow learns to do the cute wrap-their-tail-around-their-feet dainty sit
I have since had many many more cats, even some asshole ones, but I like cats a lot now. Most cats like me a lot too :D
And I should be more like them.
When my partner's dad comes over the convo normally goes "sneeze, sneeze sneeze". "Do you want us to call the cat over?" "No, she's comfy on my lap, shame to move her now"
“Can’t, you can’t sit there, I won’t be able to breathe!”
“But then, I MUST sit there. Isn’t that wonderful? Purr, purr.”
“………….true.” *sneezing, eyes watering uncontrollably*
Cats are intensely social, but don't like jumpscares or roughhousing. They love you as long as you don't torture them.
Anyone mad that a cat doesn't want to interact has aggression issues and I want none of it.
But an awful-effing-lot? Sadly, yes.
just because a cat is clear about consent and a dog isn't does not mean they do not have it.
(I also feel like there's a relatively harmless subgroup of people who don't like cats because they are allergic and have negative associations from that).
Anyway, here's the babies. ;)
I said something along the lines of No, I don't think so & walked off!
More on the OP, it’s fine to be disinterested, wary or dislike cats but *hate* is such a strong emotion to tie to an animal.
Then one night, my son and his gf arrived at my house with two kittens.1/